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Soul Mates. The Beginning.

Page 16

by Christine Wood

  “You’re that alright, I had over two grand in my wallet, how much did we fucking drink?”

  “Enough and you paid for a round of drinks at a bar we went in as a forfeit for failing to pole dance. That is on you-tube, I think? Though I can’t see your face and you had your back to the camera. You got way up to the top, wrapped your legs around the pole, then you sneezed, which unfortunately loosened your grip, and well let’s just say the headache you must have isn’t just alcohol fuelled, you came crashing down hard, and it was out of this world funny.

  Then insisted you could do it, or the room all got a drink, and wow it wasn’t too pretty the second time around either. Then you rode the pole, like you were dry humping it. That is where we picked up the twins it was their pole you were dry humping it, and boy were they disappointed not to get you in the sack. You had a few pairs of panties thrown at you, and phone numbers were taken, and I think a few dollar bills in your jeans, they helped pay the pool table bill. You could make an ace stripper, if you lose your billions Christopher Holland.” Oh hell never again.

  “I don’t remember any of it, nothing after the bar with the fat guy at the door.”

  “That fat guy was a woman, and we didn’t get in that bar, you pissed them off. Too bad really, I’d have loved to see you in a gay bar, we are now banned from Therapy too.” I hugged my head, again.

  “Shit and you want to do this again tonight?”

  “No, we can’t, because I stopped out and pissed off the two most important girls in my life I have to make restitution to them with a few hours of my time. My suck up begins tonight, I am taking Bella to a show, with Mum and then we are having a fancy meal at Alders, my treat for making Mum worry. Oh, you met a woman last night, and were meant to be taking her out, Alysia?” I didn’t, please tell me I didn’t?

  “No, I didn’t do that with her, did I?”

  “You escorted her to her room, she was stopping in the hotel of a bar we were in, and you disappeared for an hour, then came back looking like you’d had some sort of relief and we moved on to the next bar. Shit you had a booty call that you didn’t remember either?”

  “Fuck, did I give her my number? Please say I didn’t?”

  “No, you didn’t take your phone and refused to give her it, telling her to ring Judy to confirm. You are going to, aren’t you?”

  “I am not, no because she is a gold platted money grabber. She practically walked me by Graff’s and wanted to window shop for rings after two dates, she was a little clingy and loose with my wallet. I asked Judy to send her flowers, by way of thanks for the fuck, but I’d pissed Judy off for some reason, and she sent her a fucking five-thousand-dollar handbag, the next time it was a bracelet, so needless to a say after the window shopping for things, I sent her a nice thank you letter. I ended it with a voucher for a spa day, and still she pesters me every damn week. If I went there again I am screwed because fucking hell she will see this as a restart, fuck I’m screwed are you sure we did the dirty?”

  “Oh so I guess telling her you were stopping here was a bad move on your part then?”

  “I did what?”

  “You told her you were in New York for two weeks, on business and were stopping here, so expect a phone call.”

  “I am under Cooper Hayes here, aren’t I?” He nodded.

  “Look Chris, I have to be going I have some work to do in the offices here, and I am in no fit state to do it. So get some rest and I will see you for coffee later, okay?”

  “Fine give me a call, I will be working on the takeover for the Russian guy.” My fucking head hurts really bad now, what has Alysia got to think of last night? She will think that I’m up for it with her again. She’s a good time in the sack, but way too needy for me, will I never learn? Apparently not!



  “These were left in reception for you Bella.” Luis brings me a basket full of meadow flowers and in the middle of them there is a big kangaroo, umm are these from Christopher I wonder?

  “Oh, they are sweet, what’s the kangaroo got in his pouch?” I opened the box and smiled, this was exquisite, tasteful and pretty, the diamonds captured the light from the lamp and sent a glitter ball effect to the ceiling, how pretty is that?

  “There’s a card, read it Bella.” He says.

  “I don’t need to I know these are from Chris he remembered I liked meadow flowers and he’s in Australia, hence the kangaroo, and he’s made sure there’s Emeralds in the jewellery, so I guess the note is his way of apologising for not coming?”

  “Open it and find out he may surprise you?” I opened the card and read it. I was right he wasn’t coming. I sighed and showed it to Luis.

  “See I was right, damn him I wanted him to come too, oh this sucks it really sucks, he’s ruined the day and he’s not even here.” I went to my room and locked the door, damn him, I really thought he’d be here for our birthday. I put the flowers on my dresser and the kangaroo on my bed, and looked at the pretty egg necklace. I stopped in my room sulking like a kid, and caught up on paperwork for the stables and had some face time with Hill’s and asked about the packing and moving. Chocolate had arrived safely, as had the stallions, the boxes were back and the last six were going too, and yes Chocolate was safe and well. The new security cameras would be up and running tomorrow and I could get a look in at her then.

  I needed to grab a shower and to change for my date with my old school friend Jack Lyle, fancy his mum marrying Mr Bayfield, now that made Cameron his step brother, stranger things have happened in my life than old friends now being brothers, I guess both brothers are happy not being the one to grab my attention, and I know they both tried hard to get in my knickers, but my unrequited lover tops their predicament? I need to get myself sorted and get over Chris.

  “Mum, Mum? Where are my new jeans? Oh never mind I’ve got them Dad do I really have to do housekeeping tomorrow?”

  “Yes and where is it that Mr Lyle and Mr Bayfield taking you today?”

  “Umm, to the Cheesecake Factory where else would I go? Derrr, they asked where I wanted to go and that’s where I am going. With I might add, the added security and yes, I agreed to it, so stop moaning Dad I am not being cooped up like a chicken in here all day.”

  “You need to get clothes too, for Germany, warm clothes and books yes?”

  “Yes, clothes and books and who better than to clothes shop with than my gay best friend and his big brother?”

  “Who indeed, you have your cards and things?”

  “I have my cards, my whistle, my panic button, my pepper spray, let’s just check I may have forgotten the kitchen sink, I also have my phone fully charged and Preston has hers. She is a bitch Dad why can I not choose my own security?”

  “No she is not, and she was chosen for a reason and if you want to go to Germany, then suck it up, because if you don’t take her, you don’t go. She is looking forward to taking up her studies again.”

  “One of the perks of guarding the spoilt little rich girl I suppose?”

  “I suppose, be nice Bella, for your mum’s sake, she is worrying all the time now, she wants you here in this room under lock and key.”

  “Alright I get it, thank you Dad. See you in a while, I have pizza and cheesecake to eat and dresses and things to buy.”

  “Keep close to Preston and enjoy yourself.” I would have enjoyed it more if I knew the sexy dress I’d ordered would have been seen by Chris, now I was doing the reveal to Jack, he is now my ‘would-be-gay’ best friend. I swear I didn’t see that coming I always thought he was straight, he chased me at school, perhaps I put him off women? Still it just goes to prove, you really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but heck his book cover was all gay man, I just never realised it, not with his schoolyard female friends, my best friend included. I should have realised really, he spent more time in front of the mirror getting ready than I did, and his room was always spotless and organised and his clothes are always so frickin im
maculate and he never has a hair out of place. I may be thinking a little too stereotypical, but then again, I had as it turns out, wrongly thought he was a womaniser.

  “Are you ready Preston?”

  “As ever Ma’am, please stay within arm’s reach at all times, don’t think of ducking out, this is a serious threat Miss Humphries.”

  “I know. Did you forget that you’re not the first protection officer I have had? Chill Preston, please we have to get along so call me Bella, and don’t bother arguing about it or you go. Besides in Germany you can hardly call me Fräulein Humphries can you or Frau, nor Gnädige Frau, so get used to it, and by the way I’m far from spoilt little rich girl, and should I hear you say that to Bedford again I will ask for another protection officer, and then where would you be? I know I can be a bitch, but only when riled. Do you know what it’s like having a shadow attached to you, night and day? Having your first dance with a boy watched by a protection officer? Your first kiss stopped by said same protection officer, which was the first time, and I think it was the only time I was actually glad to have security?”

  “No, I don’t suppose it is fun being a billionaire’s daughter?” Was she serious, I was being nice too? “Sorry that sounded bad, what I meant was, yes you have money, but having money can be a curse as well as a privilege. Bella, I am sorry, fresh start?”

  “Umm okay fresh start, right let’s meet the best friend and his letch step brother, the first kisser, so watch my back with him please? Tanner stopped the first kiss I ever got from being off him.” She nodded and spoke into her sleeve and told them ‘the baby was in the stroller’. “Really change my handle to the horse, and then she is outta the stable. Bedford, I know your listening and you’re going down too old man.” I swear down her sleeve and Preston smiled as the lift doors opened at reception.

  “Well don’t you look pretty?” Too camp Jack to damn camp, he was checking out those women as the lift doors opened, what’s his game? I will allow the facade to continue, then punish the bastard if I find out what I think he is doing, is in fact what he is doing, he may wish he was gay if that comes to fruition, pretending to be gay to get into the changing rooms with me?

  “These are just old jeans this is just a tank top and the jumpers old too.”

  “Umm, vintage Dior jumper, Armani men’s button ups and an Ed Handy tank top, you have so pulled together the student look, but making it look fab, very ultra-chic, everyday wealthy-wear, too fab Babes.” Oh, he had to have guessed the labels, unless he really is gay, right? I think he could be ambidextrous, or as Luis says greedy and likes Martha and Arthur, umm I will wait and see.

  “Hi Bella, you look nice whatever you have on, not a clothes horse myself. So shopping first and then a meal out?” I smile and swear I see Chris in the car down the road? It’s not him though, I thought I saw him get in the lift yesterday, damn him. I’m seeing him in the shadows again.

  “You both look nice, come on then I need a whole new wardrobe for uni.”

  “Settled on one yet?” I have to remember that Bella is registered in Oxford, which I am and for an online business studies programme. Dad is flying a tutor over when needed, and my course work will be done online through Skype, like I don’t have enough to do?

  “Yes, Oxford Jack and I can’t wait to start.” How I wished it was where I was going to too, near to our London home and my stables there, but it’s not secure enough being in London. Sometimes I wish I was normal, but hell this is the hand I was dealt and the one I have to live with, for now.

  “Great, I’m at Cambridge studying Law, following in my father’s footsteps.”

  “I guess that’s fine, if that’s what you want to do? I know Dad would be ecstatic if I did that and followed him into the hotel game, but I want to be an architect so much more than running a hotel group, designing them, helping build them and watching my dreams rise from paper to fruition, hell yes, but running them? No.” They both laughed.

  We shopped and shopped, the extra security guard was dispatched twice back to the car with my bags. He may only be a pretend gay, but he had great taste in clothes. I picked up my ball gown and we headed for dinner, the jury was still out on Jack actually being gay, but I guess he could be? The dresses and the accessories he chose for me were spot on. Cameron, however, he ditched on us as soon as we hit the mall, he only came for the ride into town and to see Luis on important bachelor business, they argued about the merits of four strippers against five, and whether to use the same nightclubs and bars as the night before, or a new one, ones that he and Cooper were trying out later? They would meet up again afterwards. Surely such research was above and beyond best man’s duty, Brother Dearest? Wow, so much to discuss strippers and strip joints. Yeah, he picked the right best man for the job Luis knew every stripper this side of town and probably the next two towns, sorry cities around, him and his deviant soul.

  “Thanks for today Jack, it has been great, the driver will take you back to your hotel, house or wherever your stopping, I’m sorry but I have to be up with the larks to do housekeeping for the hotel.”

  “You have to work, doesn’t your dad like own the hotel Babes?”

  “He does yes, so?”

  “Well, why not pay the help to do it? I get the maid to do my room and throw an extra few bucks if she makes sure my wardrobes organised and my dry cleaning is collected.” Oh so he had help with his room and appearance.

  “No, Jack I do it because I like doing it, and if it’s good enough for the help as you say, it’s a good enough job for me. I’m not afraid of getting my hands dirty, or sweating whilst changing a bed, cleaning the bedrooms or fluffing a few pillows, I had and have, a lot to learn still about running a hotel, let alone a hotel empire, and I’m learning from the ground floor and slowly making my way up. Try it sometime Jack, you know? Working for a living, hell even I laugh at that! I do the odd day, the odd shift and even I am playing at it. They have to do it day in and day out it’s not a game to them because that’s what they do to live. It’s how they get money to live their lives. I’m the one whose learning, and I am thankful for them teaching me, very thankful that I know how to change my own bed and crap. Yes, I’m spoilt in some ways, and grounded in others. If I take over, I will eventually know what the job entails and appreciate my fellow workers.”

  “Surely you mean staff?”

  “No Jack you idiot, I meant what I said, my fellow workers it takes more than a head honcho to run a hotel like this, without the pot washer there would be no plate for the executive chef to put on food, without the waiters no one would get that food, it couldn’t be put on the nice table, without the clean linens, which are washed down in the laundry, where the dirty sheets are washed and ironed, just so a chambermaid, like me, tomorrow, can make up a bed for someone to rest their weary bones upon.

  So next time you stop in a posh hotel, remember what it takes for your single night’s stay, and that it goes on and on, day in and day out, month after month and year in year out. It takes many cogs to make the watch fingers turn, it’s not just the fingers you see turning that make it work, the most important things are the things you cannot see encased behind the face, and the same applies in that building there, don’t dis the staff. Try making your own bed tomorrow and doing your own washing Jack, it may do you some bloody good. See you at the ball on Saturday.”

  “I am sorry if I upset you Bella, I didn’t think you were that bothered being Hugh Humphries daughter, I thought your every wish was pandered to?”

  “Well, you know what thought did then. I work for the money I have, my horses pay my bills and the money I spent today I earned, through buying and selling horses. I don’t get paid for being a hotel lackey those bags in the boot of the car, see them? Well I paid for every single thing, not my father, me and hard work. See you later Jack, and save the puppy dog eyes, you’re an ass and are way more spoilt than I have ever been. Night and thanks for today.” I rushed off to my rooms followed by Preston.

“Sorry Preston, I have to be up early, and by default so do you, I hate arguing with my friends it makes me feel so crap afterwards.”

  “He was being a spoilt child, and for what it’s worth I admire the fact you are willing to work from the bottom up, but I don’t envy the morning after that night before thing in any hotel room, you have my admiration for doing it unpaid.”

  “Oh I get paid I just throw it in the tip jar, because they need it for putting up with me.” I followed Preston to my room.

  “Your bags will be up presently Ma’am, sorry I mean Bella, and goodnight.”

  “Night Julie, and see you in the morning, it’s not fair you having to do it too, sorry.”

  “We will get it done quicker with the two of us, sleep well.” I waved and walked into the family suite. Mum and Dad were dancing and aww it looked so cute, even at their age. I sneaked past them and went to my room. I did something I haven’t done in two years, I texted Christopher and said thank you for the Kangaroo and the flowers and of course my beautiful egg necklace. Then I went to sleep, hugging my Roo.

  I’m woken at stupid o’clock for my gym work out, my fight lessons and then my 5km jog. Then I went to work, and I started by stripping the rooms that needed doing, and at ten o’clock, I was paged to do suite 401, as a matter of urgency, just when Julie was due her break too.


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