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The Ideal of Culture

Page 57

by Joseph Epstein

  Brookhiser, Richard 104

  Brooks, Albert 93

  Brooks, David 105

  Brooks, Mel 89, 97

  Brooks, Van Wyck 11, 203

  Brothers Ashkenazi, The (Singer) 453–456

  Brown, David S. 267

  Brown, E. K. 222

  Brown v. Board of Education 434

  Bruce, Lenny 91, 415

  Bruhn, Bob 141

  Bryce, James 333, 501

  Buber, Martin 439

  Buckley, William F., Jr. 48

  Buddenbrooks (Mann) 489

  Burckhardt, Jacob 457–460, 506, 538

  Burdon-Muller, Rowland 239–241

  Bush, George H. W. 102–103

  Bush, George W. 103

  Butterfield 8 (O’Hara) 262

  Byron, Lord 62, 370


  Caesar, Julius 202, 467, 510

  Callahan, Frankie 424–425

  Camus, Albert 38, 118–120, 123

  Capote, Truman 171, 358–359

  Carlyle, Thomas 312, 375

  Carmichael, Stokely 129, 131, 435

  Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care about Jews, the South, and Civil Rights (Hartnett) 432, 434

  Carolina Israelite 433–434, 436

  Carr, E. H. 1, 243

  Carson, Rachel 279

  Carstensen, Laura 84

  Carter, Jimmy 101

  Carter, Mark Bonham 246

  cartoons 90–91, 93–94, 343

  Castiglione, Baldesar 458, 505–508

  Castle, The (Kafka) 166

  Catch-22 (Heller) 71, 129, 211

  Cather, Willa 7, 16–17, 215–223

  early life of 218–219

  Catholicism 207, 445

  Gibbon and 302

  Powers and 298

  Waugh and 289–294

  Catholic Worker, The 294

  Cavafy, Constantine P. 112

  Cellini, Benvenuto 458, 473

  Cervantes, Miguel de 33, 158–159, 254, 384

  Chagall, Marc 392

  Chandler, Robert 495

  Chang, Ruth 248

  Chanson de Roland 157, 194

  Chaplin, Charlie 388, 407, 411

  Character and Opinion in the United States (Santayana) 501

  Charlie Hebdo 114

  Charnwood, Lord 501–504

  Chase, Salmon P. 502

  Chast, Roz 94

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 297

  Cheever, John 260, 280

  Chekhov, Anton 230, 356, 375, 381, 469, 493

  “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” (The Christmas Song) 447

  Chicago, University of 9–11, 15–16, 50, 74, 132, 137–147, 336, 404, 533, 541

  Chisholm, Hugh 335

  Chomsky, Noam 246

  Christie, Agatha 287, 359

  Christmas 443–450

  Churchill, Randolph 283

  Churchill, Winston 59, 237

  anti-Semitism of 242

  death of 19

  wit of 50–51, 54

  Cicero 18, 314, 366–368, 459, 462, 477, 510–511, 530

  Cicero and His Friends (Boissier) 367

  Cicerone (Burckhardt) 457

  Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud) 143

  Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, The (Burckhardt) 457, 460, 506

  civil-rights 73, 432–435

  Civil War 7, 19, 71–72, 184, 366, 502, 502–503

  Civil War, Spanish 7, 19, 184, 366

  Claremont Review of Books 3, 199

  Clarissa (Richardson) 360

  Claudius 18, 323, 329, 467, 485, 499

  clichés 2, 49, 347–353, 412, 436

  Clinton, Bill 101, 104–105

  Clinton, Hillary 106–107

  Clooney, George 124

  Coach: A Story of New York Cool (Dinerstein) 117

  Cocoanuts, The 410–412

  Coetzee, J. M. 38

  Colbert, Stephen 96

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 63, 199, 358

  Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell (Orwell) 173

  Collins, Gail 51

  Colum, Mary 294

  Colum, Padraic 294

  Commentary 42, 357, 392, 434, 438

  Commonweal 294, 296

  Communism 99, 138, 179, 180, 233, 245, 361

  Company She Keeps, The (McCarthy) 356

  Complete Plain Words, The (Gowers) 481

  Compulsion (Levin) 517

  Concise Oxford Dictionary (Fowler) 481

  Congreve, William 47

  Connolly, Cyril 359

  on Orwell 173–174, 177–178

  Conquest, Robert 213

  Conrad, Joseph 7, 196, 204, 267, 269–270, 292

  Conroy, Jack 297

  Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline (Montesquieu) 461

  Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boethius) 305

  Cooke, Alistair 241, 242

  cool 3, 117–125

  Cooper, Diana

  on Gardner 288

  Shaw-Stewart on 247

  Waugh and 284, 286

  Corvick, George 369

  Costigliola, Frank 227, 229

  Country of the Pointed Firs, The (Jewett) 220

  Cousins, Norman 100

  cowardice 3, 67–75, 211, 244, 245, 328, 541

  Cowardice: A Brief History (Walsh) 70

  Coward, Noël 193, 292, 529

  wit of 50–51

  Cowley, Malcolm 269

  Cowling, Dale 446

  Cowling, Sam 446

  Crack-Up, The (Fitzgerald) 268

  Craft, Robert 242

  Crane, Stephen 71, 334

  Crawford, Joan 109

  Crawford, Robert 201, 205, 208

  Crick, Bernard 181

  Croesus 31, 39, 316–317, 320, 527–528

  Crosby, Bing 375, 445–446

  Cross, Leach 424

  Crossman, R. H. S. 235

  Cuchord, Suzanne 301

  “Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions” (Kroeber, Kluckhohn) 8

  Curb Your Enthusiasm 98

  Cymbeline (Shakespeare) 71


  d’Alembert, Jean 331

  Dali, Salvador 412

  Dangerfield, Rodney 91, 403

  Dante 59, 208, 458, 540

  Auerbach on 153–154, 156, 158–159

  on cowardice 71

  Dante: Poet of the Secular World (Auerbach) 153, 158

  D’Arcy, Brian 294

  D’Arcy, Martin 289

  Darwin, Charles 15, 59, 64, 375, 502

  Dauber, Jeremy 381, 383, 385, 387–388, 392–393

  Davenport, Guy 260

  David, Larry 98

  Davies, Christie 98

  Da Vinci, Leonardo 59

  Davis, Jefferson 503

  Davis, Miles 118

  Davis, Rennie 124

  Day, Doris 53

  Dead Souls (Gogol) 469–472

  Dean, James 118, 122–123

  death 33–45, 78, 100, 109, 395–396, 498, 529, 530, 538–540

  Auden on 34

  Brombert on 39–40

  Cather on 41

  cowardice and 68–70

  Epictetus on 479

  Epicurus on 35

  Farber on 42

  in warrior societies 84

  Johnson on 86

  Larkin on 37–38

  Mann on 38

  Montaigne on 36–37, 538

  Plato on 43

  Proust on 532

er on 35

  Seneca’s 538

  Stoics on 462

  Tolstoy on 39

  Turgenev on 34

  Death Comes for the Archbishop (Cather) 17, 215–216, 219

  Death in Venice (Mann) 38, 489

  Death of Ivan Ilych, The (Tolstoy) 39

  De Beauvoir, Simone 118, 120–121

  Decline of Bismarck’s European Order: Franco-Russian Relations, The (Kennan) 231

  Defense, The (Nabokov) 475

  Descartes, René 59, 62, 249, 254

  De Stael, Madame 20, 301

  Devils, The (Dostoyevsky) 356

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association) 72

  Dialogues and a Diary (Craft) 242

  Dialogus (Tacitus) 323

  DiCaprio, Leonardo 58

  Dickens, Charles 39, 59, 172, 332, 384

  Orwell on 181–182

  rivalry with Thackeray 359–360

  Dictionary of Modern English Usage, A (Fowler) 481–482

  Diderot, Denis 331

  Die Laughing: Killer Jokes for Newly Old Folks (Novak) 399

  Dinerstein, Joel 117–125

  Discourses on Livy (Machiavelli) 465, 529

  Disraeli, Benjamin 54, 176, 375

  Divine Comedy (Dante) 158–159

  Divine Fury, A History of Genius (McMahon) 60–61

  Dodick, John 425

  Don McNeill’s The Breakfast Club 446

  Don Quixote (Cervantes) 158, 177, 389

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 16, 59, 228, 230, 356, 381, 469, 493

  Berlin on 246

  Douglas, Norman 193

  Down and Out in Paris and London (Orwell) 174

  Drabble, Margaret 248

  “Drefuss in Kasrilevke” (Aleichem) 391

  Dreiser, Theodore 156, 358, 519

  Drummond, William 13

  Dryden, John 57

  Duchamp, Marcel 15

  Duck Soup 410–411

  Dudley, Donald R. 323, 328

  Duffy, “Oakland” Jimmy 425

  Dulles, Allen 103

  Dulles, John Foster 103, 226

  Dumont, Margaret 410, 412

  Dunbar, William 256

  Durante, Jimmy 317, 407

  Dylan, Bob 123, 129


  Eade, Philip 284–285, 287, 289

  Eagleton, Terry 172, 248

  Eastwood, Clint 118

  Easy Rider 129

  Eddy, Mary Baker 219

  Edel, Leon 16, 230, 369–371

  Edinburgh Review 54

  Edison, Thomas 61, 375

  Egoist 206

  Eichmann, Adolf 495

  trial of 431, 438

  Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt) 243, 278

  “Eighteen from Pereshchepena” (Aleichem) 382

  Einstein, Albert

  as genius 60, 240

  Eisenhower, Dwight David 97, 226

  Elements of Wit (Errett) 48, 50–51, 54–55

  Eliade, Mircea 10

  Eliot, George 20, 375

  Eliot, T. S. 16, 17, 151, 176, 194, 199–208, 240, 254, 265, 289, 342, 374, 385

  childhood of 200–201

  first hint of poetic talent 202

  Groucho Marx and 409, 416

  marriage 205–206

  on the failure of Hamlet 199–200

  rejecting Animal Farm 170

  Ellis, Havelock 60, 100

  Ellison, Ralph 118, 120

  Rampersad biography and 372–373

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo 63

  Eminent Victorians (Strachey) 375

  Encounter 249

  Encyclopaedia Britannica 131, 146, 331–337, 527

  Engels, Friedrich 254

  Enjoy! Enjoy! (Golden) 434

  Ephron, Nora 51–52

  Epictetus 477–479

  Epicureanism 395

  Epicurus 35, 477

  four-step method for achieving serenity 395–396

  Errett, Benjamin 50–54

  definition of wit 48

  Esquire 58, 123, 280, 357

  “Essay on Criticism, An” (Pope) 47

  Euclid 59, 168, 486, 503

  Eugene Onegin 361

  Evans, Bergen 85–86

  Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited (Eade) 284

  Everything Explained That Is Explainable (Boyles) 332

  Experience and Its Modes (Oakeshott) 251


  Faery Queen, The (Spenser) 144

  Fairlie, Henry 50

  Falstaff (fictional character) 47, 71, 389

  Farber, Leslie 42–43

  Far Side of Paradise, The (Fitzgerald) 267

  Fateful Alliance: France, Russia, and the Coming of the First World War, The (Kennan) 231

  Fathers and Sons: Autobiography of a Family, The (Turgenev) 244, 286, 359

  “Fatimas and Kisses” (O’Hara) 266

  Faubus, Orval 97, 137

  Faulkner, William 16, 216, 259, 297

  Fault Lines (Pryce-Jones) 243

  Fermi, Enrico 10, 145

  Fey, Tina 52

  Ficherelli, Felice 398

  Fiddler on the Roof 388, 391–393, 434

  Fielding, Henry 305

  rivalry with Richardson 359–360

  Fields, Jackie 425

  Fields, W. C. 51, 80, 95, 407, 411, 530

  “Figura” (Auerbach) 153

  “Figure in the Carpet, The” (James) 369

  Fillmore, Millard 502

  “Fire Next Time, The” (Baldwin) 278

  Fisher, Art 408

  Fitzgerald, Barry 445

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott 16, 102, 143, 196, 241, 259, 260, 267–272, 358

  marriage 268–269

  on depression 37, 84

  Fitzgerald, Robert 191

  Fitzlyon, Kyril 246

  Flanner, Janet 274

  Flaubert, Gustave 16, 159

  Fleming, Anne 286

  Fleming, Erin 410

  Fonda, Jane 129

  For 2¢ Plain (Golden) 434

  Ford, Ford Madox 453

  Ford, Henry 62

  Ford, Tom 58

  Foreign Affairs (Kennan) 225

  Foreman, Yuri 429

  Forster, E. M. 2, 108, 145, 193, 241

  Fort Hood, Texas 137, 144, 533

  Foster, William Z. 366

  Fowler, H. W. 340, 481–483

  on cowardice 71

  “vogue words” of 34, 352

  Franck, César 188

  Frankfurter, Felix 237, 239, 241

  Frankfurter, Marion 240, 245

  Franklin, Benjamin 473

  Franz Kafka, The Poet of Guilt and Shame (Friedlander) 162

  Freedom Riders 434

  Fremantle, Anne 294

  French Revolution 62, 250, 301, 312

  Freud, Sigmund 26, 59, 90, 143, 165, 166, 169, 237, 267, 370, 398

  on humor 404–405, 417

  Frick, Grace 497

  Friedlander, Saule 162–165

  Frishberg, Dave 117

  From Berlin to Jerusalem (Scholem) 439

  From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present (Barzun) 15

  From the Fair (Aleichem) 383, 385

  Frost, Robert 17, 194, 344

  Fry, Roger 196, 205

  Fry, Stephen 55

  Fuhrman, Manfred 366

  Furet, François 300

  Fusari, Charley 421


  Gabbana, Stefano 112–113

  Galileo 59

  Galton, Francis 64

  Garden o
f the Finzi-Continis, The (Bassani) 38

  Gardner, Evelyn 288

  Gardner, Howard 65–66

  Gates of Fire (Pressfield) 485

  Gavilan, “Kid” 421

  Genet, Jean 123

  genius 55, 57–66, 158–159, 177, 185, 208, 213, 240, 247, 292, 297, 301, 305, 322, 334, 360, 384, 412, 440, 457, 458, 462, 463, 469, 471, 498–499, 502

  definition of 58

  Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and 64–65

  misuse of term 58

  redefinition of in the eighteenth century 62–63

  Schopenhauer on 66

  scientific measurment of 63–64

  secondary 59

  strangeness of 60

  talent and 59

  Germania (Tacitus) 323

  Gershwin, George 407, 528

  Gershwin, Ira 47, 528

  Ghandi, Mahatma 59, 73, 115

  Gibbon, Edward 48, 230, 255, 299–312, 462, 473, 510, 523

  anti-religious views of 306–308

  as bachelor 301–302

  critical reception to 310–312

  on the loss of Roman literature 305

  on the negative constantancy of human nature 303–305

  on the virtues of Julian the Apostate 306

  praise of Tacitus 322

  shortfalls of scholarship 300–301

  Gibbs, Wolcott 263, 273–281

  Giddins, Gary 375

  Gill, Brendan 265, 274–275

  Ginsberg, Allen 121, 129, 404

  Glee 113

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 14, 62, 63, 199, 254

  last words of 45, 540

  Gogol, Nikolai 384, 469–472, 493

  Going My Way 445

  Goldberg, Arthur J. 536

  Golden, Harry 431–436

  Golden Treasury (Palgrave) 202

  Gold, Herman 425

  Goncharov, Ivan 469

  Gonzaga, Francesco 505

  Goodman, Paul 129

  Good Soldier, The (Ford) 453

  Gorky, Maxim 384

  Gottlieb, Robert 280

  Gowers, Ernest 481, 483

  Graetz, Heinrich 439

  Graham, Alistair 288

  Graham, Robert K. 64

  Graham, Sheilah 270

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck) 24

  Graves, Robert 194, 485

  Great Books of the Western World (Hutchins) 278

  Greatest Generation, The (Brokaw) 69

  Greeley, Horace 502

  Greenbaum, Samuel 379

  Greene, Donald 521

  Greene, Graham 145, 290, 294, 297

  Green, Peter 315, 319, 368

  Greenslet, Ferris 218

  Gregory, Maundy 515

  Gregory of Tours 157, 308

  Grene, David 191, 527

  Gross, Jack 77

  Gross, John 536

  Grossman, Vasily 493–495

  Gross, Miriam 212

  Groucho Marx: The Comedy of Existence (Siegel) 410, 413

  Guerrillas (Naipaul) 20

  Gwynne, Neville Martin 340–344

  Gwynne’s Grammar (Gwynne) 340, 342, 543


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