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Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Lane,Lena

  “Sarah.” Frustrated with her, Scott took her plate and placed it on the deck beside his. He moved his face in front of her until their eyes connected again. “What is it that you want?”

  In a panic, she blinked repeatedly. In her mind’s eye, she saw the colonial on Oak Hill. She saw the little blonde girl with the pink ruffles from the beach. What she wanted was their blonde babies running through that house on Oak Hill. She saw them all having breakfast in that kitchen, having barbecues with his family in that backyard. Saw them growing old together, sitting on a glider as their family played in that pool.

  “Sarah,” he repeated, calling her back to the present.

  She blinked quickly again and shook her head.

  Tell him.

  I can’t.

  Tell him!

  I can’t! He’ll laugh.

  Has he ever laughed at you?!

  No… You’re right. He’ll be nice about it. He’ll be nice and say something about how he’s looking for something else.

  Stop putting words in his mouth. Trust him.

  The silence grew, and he raised an eyebrow as he waited patiently for her reply. Sarah could have told him the truth, but her fear of rejection drowned out her words. So she spun a version of the truth. “Oak Hill. That house is beautiful and I’d love to have it.”

  Scott sat back on his heels and frowned. His body slumped, his shoulders sagged. “We’re discussing a future and marriage and all you want is a house?” His voice was flat; the sides of his lips had turned down, any hint of a smile had vanished.

  Was that disappointment? She avoided looking at him and stared over his head at the pretty view. Tell him… Sarah took a deep breath for courage. “Of course I’d like a family to go with that house. It’s a big house just for one.” She blinked rapidly, staring over his head.


  Stargazing Dreams

  “Yeah, it is.” Scott considered pushing the issue, but she’d seemed to withdraw into herself and continuing this discussion was becoming futile. He just hoped that he’d made her understand that he wasn’t just going to marry someone for the sake of a ring and a pretty wife.

  It was ludicrous for her to think of herself as a plain Jane. Even now by the faint light, he could see her deep brown eyes and the delicious lips he loved to kiss. His eyes roamed over her breasts, and even though it was out of his reach right now, he couldn’t wait to grab her bubble butt again later. Just the thought made him hard. And the dress she was wearing tonight certainly showed off her best features. Well, the physical ones, anyway. He hadn’t been lying when he’d called her a siren.

  Why did she entice him like she did? Perhaps it was her shyness. He did get a kick when she blushed, and he loved being the cause of it. And he loved seeing her blossom when she was with him—even if she was being a pain right now. And avoiding his gaze. Again.

  “Come on.” He stood and offered both hands to help her up. She blinked up at him, her nervous tell, and took his hands. She released one to grab the plates but he said, “No, leave them. I’ll get them later.” He guided her toward the steps that led to his backyard.

  As they left the porch, the automatic lights turned on. Not that he needed the extra light, he knew his backyard quite well, but he was sure being able to see would give Sarah some comfort. Still holding her hand, he led her down the stairs to where his hammock was tied up.

  “Nice setup!” Sarah said as soon as she saw it.

  “Yeah, it’s great on nights like this. I can just unwind and have a beer.” He walked straight for it but she stayed a step behind, tugging on his hand and slowing him down. He turned to face her. “Come, sit and relax with me.”

  Instead of getting closer, she eyed it nervously. “That’s a hammock.”

  He smiled. “It is. Very good.”

  Sarah released his hand to cross her arms while making a face at his patronizing tone. “They swing.”

  “Again, very good.” He gave her a nod, forcing his lips to stay neutral, though he really wanted to smile again. “That’s why they’re so relaxing.”

  “I’ve seen videos of people getting into those things,” she said, grim faced. “They’re very funny. Not to mention embarrassing.” She continued severely, “What, do you have a camera set up somewhere loading straight to the internet?”

  He fought back his desire to laugh and instead said soothingly, “It’s easy, watch me.” In one smooth motion, he sat on it and swung his legs in. “Your turn.” She took a hesitant step closer. He beckoned her forward. “It won’t swing as much now that I’m in it, and I’ll help you.”

  Timidly, Sarah walked over and turned sideways. Scott considered spanking her butt but didn’t think she’d really appreciate that right now. He placed his right leg over one edge and held the hammock in place while she gripped the other side and sat down. Immediately, it began to swing, but Scott steadied them by pulling Sarah down on top of him. She shrieked a little before laughing. “At least I’m not on the ground.” Another burst of laughter.

  “It wasn’t so bad, was it?” Her back was resting on his belly, and she was struggling to position herself beside him, each move sending the hammock swinging again. He considered telling her that getting in was the easy part but decided to keep that information to himself. She’d learn soon enough.

  “I’ll let you know when I’m finally in place.” Another shift, another swing, another round of laughter for both of them.

  Scott pulled her up and helped her settle beside him. Eventually, she placed her head on his shoulder, her arm on his chest. “There.” He nuzzled her hair, the smell of her shampoo burrowing its way into his memory.

  For a time, they lay nestled together and watched the last remnants of daylight fade. They chatted about nonsense, laughed about everything, and planned for nothing. When the stars became clear enough to map in the sky, they quieted and just appreciated the night and each other. Scott didn’t know what time it was when she fell asleep, her head still on his shoulder, but he was humbled that she felt so comfortable. He treasured the moment and contemplated the turn his life had taken.

  Oak Hill. Scott wondered how things might have been different had it not been raining those days. Her buyers would’ve come through, they’d have talked about it and walked away without making an offer. They may have still looked at the ranch, who knows? But he and Sarah wouldn’t have gotten together, wouldn’t have felt that instant connection that day, which led them to the bedroom that second showing. And again, a week later. He wouldn’t call it love at first sight, more like lust at first sight. Still, it had been an interesting journey, getting here. Now, she slept in his arms while he watched a shooting star cross the sky.

  Not just one but a full meteor shower. What a pleasant surprise. He hated to wake Sarah up, but how often did these things happen? He woke her gently, shaking her shoulder. “Sarah…?”

  “Hmm, what?” Sleepily, she stretched a bit and rubbed her eyes.

  “Look up,” Scott said simply.

  It took a little bit for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but her eventual look of wow made this beautiful woman even more gorgeous, if that were possible. How she could ever consider herself anything less than stunning was beyond his comprehension. He vowed to himself that he’d show her how magnificent she was, every day, for as long as she’d let him.

  “Did you know about this?” Sarah spoke with awe. “I’ve never seen a meteor shower before.”

  “That makes two of us.” His voice was husky. The meteor shower had caught her attention, but although he didn’t know how long it’d be until he saw one again, was now captivated by the lovely woman staring at the sky above them. “It makes me very happy to be able to share this with you, Sarah.” I’m turning into an emotional sap, what the hell. He cleared his throat.

  Still staring at the stars, she blinked rapidly, the usual three flickers, before she turned to face him. She placed her hand on his cheek and he covered it with his. As she pulle
d herself up to kiss him, she sent the hammock swinging wildly. “Crap!” They both gripped the edge of the hammock trying to steady it, but it didn’t stop moving until he put his foot on the ground. “So much for a sexy kiss under the stars.” She then proceeded to laugh.

  Scott joined in her laughter, but his was slightly muted as he watched her. Damn, she was beautiful. She must have noticed him staring because she returned her gaze to the stars, though he caught her stealing quick looks at him once in a while.

  There were no other attempts at kissing while in the hammock that night, but he wouldn’t have traded those hours for anything, including a climax. He’d never brought anyone out here before and had no intention of changing that in the future. This one, this siren, had lured him into a trance, a snare that he enjoyed, savored even. Every night, he fell asleep thinking of her and woke wishing she were with him. Perhaps tomorrow morning, he’d finally get his wish.


  Breakfast Delight

  The sound of pouring rain woke her. Sarah had no idea what time it was, and the utter darkness of the room didn’t help. She tried to reach for her phone in its usual place but instead, she hit a warm body. Startled and disoriented by sleep, she blinked rapidly into the darkness, trying to make sense of her surroundings. Who is in my bed? It was a silly question since there was only one person who’d be there. Scott.

  It took a moment for Sarah to register where she was. This wasn’t her bedroom, it was his. Everything fell into place and a small smile played on her lips. Jackie had been right, she’d spent the night with Scott. Jackie was always right. She turned onto her side and tried to make out his features as her eyes adjusted to the dark.

  There was something intimate about watching someone sleep. Some would say it was more intimate than having sex, and Sarah had to agree. She snuggled closer, trying to see Scott better. He looked so peaceful, with his features relaxed, and so innocent. Certainly not the player she’d imagined him to be.

  Oh, he’d been so angry with her during dinner last night. Sarah sighed. It wasn’t all her fault, though. He had never given her any indication that he was committed to her, so she’d assumed he was a player having some fun. And she expected him to leave when the fun ended. Could it be? Could it be that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t see her as a fling?

  Dare she dream of a life with him? She loved him, it was true, but did he love her? They could move into Oak Hill and have beautiful little blonde babies… Oh, that would be so perfect… Sarah remembered that day in his office when she’d first realized she loved him. That day, he’d mentioned that she could have his family. Maybe it should have registered then that this relationship might just be serious.

  “It’s not polite to stare.” Scott’s voice was hoarse from sleep, his eyes still closed.

  “What makes you think I’m staring?” She scooted a little closer to him.

  “Because I can feel it.” Without opening his eyes, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him, tucking her head under his chin.

  Sarah relished being so close to him. “I wasn’t staring.” The words were muffled by his chest. She put her hand on it, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin, from head to toe. Especially the midway point that was currently poking her.

  “Do you deny it?” There was a hint of humor in his tone.

  “Yup, you have no proof.” She closed her own eyes and snuggled into his warmth, wiggling a little to get his attention.

  “It’s not polite to lie, Sarah.” His other hand was rubbing her back in delicious circles. “There are consequences to that.”

  “Yeah? And what are those?” Indulging him, she leaned back a little bit, just enough to see his face.

  “Well, first, I will torture a confession out of you.” He was finally looking at her, the corner of his eyes crinkling with humor. “Then, you’ll pay a penalty.”

  “I must admit, torture sounds terrible, but since I wasn’t staring, so you have no grounds for punishment.” Sarah considered turning around so she could wiggle her butt against his half erect member. Maybe then he’d get the hint.

  “And yet another lie. The consequences will just compound.” He pulled her closer still and then rolled over her to straddle her hips, placing his hands on either side of her head. “Speak the truth now and I will be merciful.”

  “Have you ever considered that ‘truth’ is relative to each person?” She placed her hands on his lean waist, loving the feel of muscle beneath the skin. She greedily caressed his flesh, first on his belly, and then upward to his hard pectorals.

  “One last chance to admit it before the torture begins.” He leaned down over her, close enough for her to wrap her hands around his nape.

  Ignoring his words, she tugged him down to her lips and kissed him. Heat exploded within her. Her nipples perked up in anticipation, wanting his touch. His hand moved to the side of her face and held it gently while they kissed. Slowly, he moved it down over her collarbone, then over her breast, causing her to moan, and lower still to the side of her waist. Where he proceeded to tickle her.

  Shocked, she began to laugh and squirm beneath him, trying to knock him off of her. Between gales of laughter, she yelled at him, “Not cool, Scott, not cool!”

  “Admit it and the torture will end.” He said without pausing.

  “Okay! Okay! I was staring!” The words came out quickly. Anything to make him stop.

  “That’s what I thought.” He stopped immediately, resting his hands on her tummy.

  Sarah gasped for breath, her chest heaving, and watched him watch her. More accurately, watch him stare at her breasts. Her gaze turned sultry as she waited for his hands to roam upward, to cup them, squeeze them, pinch them.

  “Now, for the punishment.” Then he got up and walked away.

  “What the…?” Confused, Sarah rose onto her elbows and watched him leave the bedroom. She contemplated going after him. She was quite aroused, after all. Maybe she’d have to resort to seducing him. If he didn’t return in five minutes, she’d follow.

  Probably only a couple had passed when he returned with a cup of ice and an enormous erection. She appreciated the latter but worried over the first.

  “What are you going to do with that ice…?” She shivered just looking at it.

  “Punishment,” he growled.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Scott grabbed a piece and touched it to her left nipple. She hissed at the cold while her skin puckered. “They were already hard.”

  He made little circles over it before he moved the cube to the right one. Again, she hissed. After changing positions so he had better access to her body, he traced the path of the ice with his lips, warming her skin. While still kissing her breasts, he moved the cube between her breasts and lower toward her belly, making a circle around her belly button. She closed her eyes and focused on the path made by the ice cube and his lips as they kissed and licked along the way. Okay, this kind of punishment wasn’t so bad. The cube returned to her nipples, but the heat from her body was melting it, and before long, there was nothing left but a small bit of water that he licked off her body. She groaned.

  Another cube began a similar trail as the one taken before it. It circled her nipples, then the whole of one breast before making its way to the other. Kisses and licks soon followed, warming her puckered skin. The nipples got a little extra attention, nibbles that drove her wild. Her moans filled the air. Soon, the ice was making its way over her ribs and down to her belly button. It too melted away and another cube replaced it. This one traveled farther down, over her hips, over the mound between her legs, and his lips followed. She gripped the sheets, and her body tensed in expectation.

  “Please,” she whispered, opening her legs and urging him closer to her core. She was waiting for the ice to reach her most sensitive spot, but it never did.

  Instead, warm fingers caressed her skin, tracing the lip top to bottom, before sliding inside. And she was ready, oh so ready. In and out he stro
ked, while his thumb rubbed her clit. She arched her back and moaned, then opened her eyes to watch at him. “More,” she demanded breathlessly.

  Scott pulled his hand away. “Nope.”

  Angry, she hissed, “What?!”

  “You’re being punished,” he said with a playful grin. He flipped onto his back, resting his head on his hands.

  Sarah looked at him, annoyed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her gaze roamed over his body. Cleary, he wanted what she wanted; his erection didn’t lie. “You know what?” She told him. “I don’t need you to give me more.” She crawled over his body, straddling his hips. She leaned down until her nipples rubbed against his chest, the feather soft touch making them harden again. She swayed her hips side to side a couple of times causing the head of his hard rod to rub her lower lips.

  His playful grin morphed into a hungry stare. Still, he didn’t move.

  She leaned forward and bit his lower lip gently, then sucked it, before moving to trace his hard jaw with her lips. Breathing deeply, she moved to his neck and nibbled there. Using her tongue, she made her way to his ear, where she whispered, “I’ll take what I want.”

  At that moment, she leaned back and sat on him, forcing his hard shaft into her body. The immediate feeling of fullness made her groan as his own moan escaped him. She rocked above him, sending delicious ripples of pleasure through them both. Slow movements, in and out. She squeezed him tight inside her, clenching his shaft with her body as she moved. He had tortured her by making her wait and she was going to return the favor.

  Or not. Scott gripped her hips and began to pound into her from below. She’d complain if she could think straight, but each hit was bringing her closer to ecstasy. And damn if she didn’t want to explode. To finish the sweet agony of pressure building, the torment of waiting. “Yes, fuck, yes, yes…” She sighed and groaned. Sarah leaned back, the movement causing his body to fill her even more. “Yes!” She cried as the tension grew and pushed her to the brink.


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