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Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Lane,Lena

  There it is! That glorious explosion that sent her senses reeling. Her body clenched his and she gripped the sides of his ribs, her nails digging into his flesh. Wave after wave of sensation washed over her. Still, he didn’t stop. Each hit extended her climax, making it last, until he finally joined her in bliss.

  Spent, Sarah collapsed onto him. She couldn’t move. It seemed Scott didn’t want her to, because he wrapped his arms around her, forcing her to stay where she was.

  Beneath her, Sarah could hear his heart thumping wildly. It made her smile. Would it be too much to ask that they stay like this? Forever?

  Yup, she thought as the most annoying sound on the planet interrupted her musings, cutting through her joy like a chainsaw. Scott reached over to grab his phone and she watched as he answered without looking at the ID. “Scott Sampson,” he said, his voice flat, controlled. How he could manage calm speech right now was beyond her; she was still quite breathless. She leaned up and adjusted her position but didn’t get off of him. As he looked at her still atop him, he gave her a small smile. Sarah got the impression that he didn’t mind her weight on him.

  “Oak Hill?” He asked the caller. After a pause, he continued, “Yes, I can be there in an hour, sure.”

  Inside, Sarah felt disappointment. Not only was he leaving her, but he was going to show her house to someone else. A sarcastic sound escaped her. Her house. She laid back down atop of him, listening to his strong heartbeat. When he hung up, she joked with him. “Nope, you can’t go.” She forced the corner of her lip to lift in a half smile. Not that it’d matter, he couldn’t see her face. “Besides, Oak Hill is mine. No one else can have it.”

  “Hmm, I believe I remember you saying that the house was too big for you.” She heard a question in his tone. “Change your mind?” He soothingly rubbed her bare back, sending warmth through her body; it’d go straight into her soul if she’d let it. The question opened the proverbial door to a future that she wasn’t ready for, not even prepared to contemplate.

  What could she say? She forced a light laugh. “Nah, I’m just kidding with you.” She got up and called over her shoulder, “Good luck.”


  The Wake-up

  The property on Oak Hill was shown to the potential buyers just like any other. Only, it wasn’t just like any other. As Scott walked through the house, it somehow became more than just another place for sale. Several times, Sarah had mentioned how much she liked it, and as he took the buyers through it, he saw it as she might see it. It was a beautiful house that could become a perfect home. The perfect place to host family gatherings. The perfect place to raise a few brats. Before meeting Sarah, this house would have been perfect for someone else’s family. Now, she’d somehow left an imprint on the place and he really couldn’t imagine anyone else living there. Even now, he felt like these potential buyers were intruding on her home.

  Each time they walked to another part of the house, he reminisced about his time there with Sarah. Somehow, he saw her in the house. The memories started when he showed the buyers the pool, but he didn’t just see her in the places where they’d been together. It was everywhere else, too.

  As the buyers walked by the fireplace, Scott remembered what he and Sarah had done, there, on the couch. He remembered how wonderful she’d looked above him, how amazing she’d been. But he also imagined her reading there, or using her laptop. When he and the buyers walked through the kitchen, he saw her cooking something, probably burnt toast. In the dining room, he pictured her setting the table for a Thanksgiving dinner, one that he’d made, of course. After all, there was no need to send the entire family to the hospital with food poisoning. The memory of their first kiss in the laundry room brought a smile to his face. When he got to the master bedroom suite, he recalled their time in the bed, and in the shower, and grinned. But he also saw her resting there after a long day, or reading a bedtime story to one of their kids.

  By the time the showing had finished, Scott was hoping these buyers didn’t like the place, because if they made an offer, he was going to counter it and buy it for himself. It was difficult for him not to put a negative spin on the house, to point out whatever small flaw it might have, to say anything and everything that might turn the buyers away. But he was a professional and this was his family’s business, so instead, he listened for an opportunity to sell them a different property. And it worked when they agreed to see another listing nearby.

  At that point, Scott sent Sharon a text asking her to pull the house off the market and put it under agreement. He had an idea for an offer that Sarah might agree to. The thought made him grin and he couldn’t wait to share it with her, but first, he had a few things to take care of.


  The Plan

  It was a circle cut, one carat diamond ring with scrolling ribbons of smaller diamonds crisscrossing around the band. Traditional yet elegant. Quite perfect for his little siren, he thought. Scott pulled the engagement ring out of the box and added it to a snap keychain. Already attached to the chain were the key to the house on Oak Hill and a simple tag, engraved in his handwriting that read ‘say yes’. With the ring now nestled between them, he placed the keychain in a small black velvet box.

  Not usually one to pray, today he called to whichever deity was around and asked that his instincts be proven correct. Very rarely had they been wrong, but rare is not the same as never. Fighting against the angst that was making him want to pace, he forced himself to sit calmly. Or at least to pretend he was calm. With his arm around the back of the leather couch, he remembered the last time they had used it and smiled. That had been a good day.

  Getting antsy, he stood and walked to the front door, the one he’d opened for her that first day, and peered out through the foyer window. The rain was coming down in torrents, and he laughed at the irony. They’d come full circle. And here she was now, pulling her car up beside his. Scott waited for her umbrella to be ripped out from her grasp, but she was lucky, the wind wasn’t strong enough this time.

  That first day, he’d found her very attractive and he hadn’t been able to wait to meet her. Today, he found her addictive and couldn’t wait to make her officially his, to claim her like a caveman, ‘Sarah,’ grunt, ‘mine.’ He’d laugh at himself if the idea weren’t so ludicrous and scary. Because it was true. She was his, and God help any man who tried to steal her away.

  Just then, she stepped onto the stairs leading to the door. In an echo of their first meeting, he opened it before she had a chance to knock. “Forget it, come inside,” Scott told her as she struggled to close her umbrella. She looked up and blinked rapidly, then left it open on the step.

  “At least it’s not inside out,” Sarah joked as she stepped into the house, careful not to slip. She shrugged her jacket off, and this time, the silk white top she wore underneath was still perfectly dry. “And I’m not soaked!” She grinned at him.

  He laughed softly and eyed her, top to bottom. “Pity.”

  A wicked look crossed her face as she tilted her head sideways a bit. “Mr. Sampson, are you complaining that I’m not wet?” With a playful frown, she placed her hands on her hips and gave him a sly look. “Are you trying to get me out of my clothes? Again?”

  Had there ever been a time that he hadn’t wanted her naked? Nope. And there probably wouldn’t be, not in this lifetime. “Guilty,” he stated simply. “Is that a problem?”

  A small smile tugged at her full lips as she bit the bottom one and blinked rapidly. “Nah,” she admitted.

  An innocent siren, luring him, and he was her willing prey. “Soon,” he told her. “Come on,” he said as he placed his hand on her lower back and guided her into the living room.

  They headed straight for the fireplace. She put the jacket on one of the chairs by the table and turned to face the fire. “Mm, this is nice,” she said, holding her hands out to warm them. Sending him a sideways glance, she said, “You’re looking especially good today
, Mr. Sampson. Almost edible.”

  If she kept this up, he might never get a chance to do what he’d planned. Then again, they did have plenty of time. Screw it. He kissed her, first her lips, then her neck, pausing to nibble there. He felt her shudder, and it sent one through his own body, making him harden. “You are such a siren, distracting me from what I came here to do.” He spoke the words into her neck as he nuzzled it. She raised her chin, silently asking for more. With skilled fingers, he began to undo the buttons of her blouse.

  “You’re accusing me of being a distraction, Mr. Sampson?” Still leaning back to give him full access, she said, “Seems to me that you’re the one currently pulling at my clothes while I’m trying to warm up by the fire.”

  “I had it all planned until you got here.” The tops of her breasts were now bare for him. He kissed the mounds, tracing the top of the bra with his lips. “We were going to sit on the couch, there.” The bra was getting in his way, so he scooped a breast up and out, revealing one of the delightful dark nipples he loved so much. He licked it, felt her shudder again, and smiled. “Then, I was going to pull out the box.” Scott would have continued speaking but the nipple was right there, taunting him. He sucked it, nibbled it.

  Sarah groaned. Her fingers were on his head, holding him in place while he worshiped her. “Box…?” The word came out faint, breathless. She was having just as hard a time staying focused as he was. He grinned in satisfaction.

  He made a sound of agreement, more like a grunt. He couldn’t really speak right now; his mouth was full. But one beautiful nipple was not enough. Scott tugged and pulled at her clothes. If he couldn’t get his mouth onto the other nipple—the poor thing was being completely neglected right now—he was going to rip this shirt open, screw the buttons. Annoyed, he asked her, “Why must you insist on wearing blouses with so many damn buttons?” The memory of her once saying something similar made him smile.

  Sarah shrugged. “They look professional.”

  He growled in frustration.

  Laughing, she stepped back long enough to pull the top up and over her head. “Better?”

  “Much.” One layer down. The bra was next. Unhooking it quickly, he flung it over his shoulder as soon as he could. He proceeded to relish her breasts, both of them. He licked, sucked, nibbled at them gently before moving lower. He knelt to get better access, showering her with kisses along her rib cage, and lower over her tummy. He began to unzip her slacks while his lips still kissed the flesh he could reach. “Box?” Sarah said again. It seemed she was processing what he had said a little more slowly than usual but still processing. He’d have to fix that.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab it later.” Right now, he had more pressing concerns, like how his trousers had become far too tight for his comfort.

  The unzipped slacks rested on her rounded hips and a hint of cloth played peekaboo with him. Pink lace covered what he wanted most. The stupid pants had to go, now. Scott pushed them down and bit her through the lace, a gentle nip that sent her gasping for breath. Sarah gripped his shoulders to keep her balance as he tugged the lace down to join the slacks and pulled both off. Still kneeling, he looked up at her, all of her, and smiled. Perfection. He stood and took off his own clothes, flinging them carelessly onto the floor behind him, letting them land where they may. Finally, no barriers to keep them apart.

  Scott kissed, licked, caressed, and nibbled every inch of her body, listening to each gasp, each breathless pant, each swear that escaped her lips as if they were valuable secrets to note and file away in his memory. Each and every small detail of this moment would be engraved into his soul. And when her cry of climax came, he quickly joined her. A perfect union.

  Breathless, they lay on the rug in front of the fire, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “Mr. Sampson,” Sarah whispered into the quiet after some time, “you’ve turned me into such a wanton woman.” She sighed with contentment. “I used to be such a professional.” Her leg moved to cover his upper thighs and she began to draw small circles around his nipples with her forefinger.

  Caressing the smooth skin of her legs, he grunted softly. “Maybe I should make an honest woman out of you.” The words were out without thought but now that he’d said them, he realized he really liked the idea. Granted he’d already made the plans but laying here with her solidified the notion. He wanted her, not just during the passion filled moments, but all the time. He liked having her with him. No, he loved having her with him. He loved her. All of her.

  Scott noticed that the small movements she’d been making on his chest had stopped. He looked at her but she was staring at his nipple and blinking rapidly.

  “What is it?” He asked her quietly.

  Long lashes swept up and down quickly, three times, before she met his eyes.


  Silenced Dragon

  Sarah opened her mouth then closed it again. The anxious dragon in her belly was making it difficult to speak but she told it to settle. She opened her mouth again and the words came out, “I love you, Scott.”

  The smile he gave her contained enough light to burn out any dark corners of doubt, erasing them from existence. “That’s good because I love you, too.” He told her calmly. With his free hand, he reached for something above them and settled back holding a small, black velvet box. “And I think love is a key ingredient for a successful marriage.”

  Stunned, she bounced up. Sarah took several steps backwards until the couch prevented her from going any further. She lost her balance and fell onto the seat with a thud. “Is that… is that…” She blinked rapidly.

  Amusement filled his blue eyes, making his sexy laugh lines more pronounced. “This?” He lifted the box. “This is an offer.” His calm demeanor was driving her crazy. The pounding of her heart, the excited dragon in her belly, and her suddenly sweaty palms all felt very unpleasant. Her shallow breathing and wide, terrified eyes should have been indication enough of how nervous she was, but they didn’t seem to bother him any. He was still lying on his side, his head resting on one hand, while he held the box in his other. “Would you care to see what’s inside?” He asked, the tone of his voice hinting at the humor he felt. “It’s not that scary, I promise.”

  “Not… not that scary?” The rapid blinking continued. “Scott Sampson. My heart is pounding in my chest, and the dragon in my tummy keeps doing somersaults. If you don’t show me what’s in that box, right now, I’m going to throw your clothes out in the rain.”

  “You have a dragon in your tummy?” An amused eyebrow shot up. “Have you seen a doctor about that?”

  She growled at him.

  He laughed, his usual deep, sexy rumble. Still wearing nothing but a smile, he made his way to her and knelt. “Fine, fine.” He said, placating her. “This is a package offer.” He opened the box, and she saw a stunning diamond ring with a key and a small tag. “This house and me.” Scott pulled the keychain out of the box and held the ring up, the key and tag dangling beneath it.

  Emotions overwhelmed her. Shock, and amazement, and wonder, but most of all, love. Sarah stared at the ring with reverence. This man offered her an entire future with a ring and a key. A family. A home. Of her own. He could have had anyone he wanted but he wanted her. She loved him all the more for it.

  “Well, Sarah? Will you marry me?” With his other hand, he spun the tag so she could read what it said: say yes.

  She took a deep, calming breath. Of course she would say yes, but since he had tortured her a little bit… “If I say yes, I’ll get the house, too?” She teased him.

  The corner of his mouth curled with mirth. “Yup.”

  Sarah pursed her lips thoughtfully. “A dog. I also want a dog. A Chihuahua.” She looked at the ring, noting all the small diamonds on the band. It was stunning, and her hand itched to grab it from him. She reconsidered her teasing. The sooner she said yes, the sooner that piece of art would be on her finger. She looked at him. And the sooner she c
ould claim this blond god as hers.

  Scott pulled the ring back. “No, not a Chihuahua. The dog needs to be at least…” He paused to ponder. “At least twenty five pounds.”

  “Deal!” She said quickly. At this point, she would have agreed to a bullmastiff, anything to keep him from pulling the ring away again. She reached for his hand, but he shifted it out of her reach.

  “Per the terms of the offer, do you agree to accept the colonial as your home, to a dog of at least twenty five pounds, and to marry me?” His blue eyes were laughing again, the crinkles reappearing at the corners. “Yes?”

  “Yes!” She said, laughing. “Yes, I agree to those terms.” She flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips. Hugging him as tightly as she could, she laughed again. He pulled back just enough so he could separate the ring from the keychain, and, sitting back on his heels, he slipped it onto her finger.

  She marveled at it. Wow, I’m engaged! Jackie was going to flip! She started to pat the couch next to her, beckoning him to sit with her, but then got up to get her phone instead. If she didn’t call Jackie now, she’d end up skinned.

  “Hey, sugarplum,” Jackie said in greeting, her voice heavy with sleep. “What time is it?”

  Sarah ignored the question. “Accept my video chat,” she said without preamble.

  “You know I work until seven in the morning. Why are you waking me up?” Jackie mumbled. “Is somebody dying? Somebody better be dying.”

  “Nobody is dying,” Sarah said, laughing. “But it’s something you want to see. Trust me.”

  “Haven’t even had coffee, yet. You do not want to see this mess.” Jackie grumbled.

  “Okay,” Sarah told her. “But you can’t yell at me when you’re not the first to know. I’ll talk to you later.” Then she waited, knowing the hint of something big would be enough to tempt her roommate.


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