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by MacShayne

  Mitch was dreaming, he never dreamed. It was about a programme he signed for back in the training days. It was a substance that they injected in him. He wasn’t even strapped in a chair. He let them inject the substance willingly. First it was his nerves system that changed. His pain level increased so much that he couldn’t feel anything unless it was a broken bone. After his first two years of service he received the opportunity to be selected for a new programme. He took it. This time they injected him with other types of substances. In his dream it was a sixty year old male that was looking at the progress. They called it LARX experiments. Mitch was informed about a rogue assassin that he was going to eliminate. The doctor, who’s face happened to be scrambled in Mitch’s dream was mentioning behaviour modification. Then the room was filled with water, lots of cold water. Then it seemed like the water was also electrifying. To Mitch it felt like a massage. That was, until a light began to burn. His eyes began to hurt and that was when he woke up...

  ‘Good morning mister Crowne. Enjoying your stay for now?’, A Russian guard said.

  Mitch looked up. He could see his half long brown hair for his eyes. He spit on the ground.

  The guard was not pleased at all by this action and moved forwards. It was his colleague that told him to get away from Mitch. ‘You could get yourself killed Gustav!’, his partner joked.

  ‘Gustav, a 1.87 metres long former soldier followed this order but, kept looking at the person in front of him. Mitch Crowne was 1.88 metres long and when he came in, he was a muscled machine. Everybody was impressed. Now, Mitch had still an impressive build. He almost didn’t eat or drink, but, he trained as a robot in his short cell.

  ‘Are you team pussy?’, Mitch said with a grin.

  ‘Shut up scum!’, Gustav said. Laughter could be heard from his partner.

  After a minute Mitch spat on his back. ‘There was a bug’, he said with another grin.

  ‘For f*ck sake. Mads, I won’t tolerate this!’

  ‘You sound like a little sissy bitch!’, Mitch said. Making him more angry.

  Gustav walked towards Mitch and punched him in his stomach. With fulfilment he began to grin. Mitch also laughed. ‘Was that it?’

  Gustav punched a few more times until Mads calmed him down. Gustav turned around while Mads came forward out of the corner. Mitch didn’t’t hesitate and grabbed the chains. Within seconds he had his legs curled around Gustav’s neck and broke it within three seconds. Mads attacked Mitch but, was too late to safe Gustav. Before he himself got killed, the room was filled with eight armoured guards.

  Langley (Virginia), Mr. Home’s office, 6 January 2010

  Mr. Home had been working for the CIA since 1983. There were a lot of background stories circulating around about him. Like everybody thought Mr. Home was a code name because he was working at the CIA headquarters. His full name was Richard B. Home. Mr. Home. He was 67 years old as of now and not likely to retire very soon. Especially now that he was overseeing a secret co-op with multiple other foreign colleague agencies. He was dying his hair black to look younger, but, his forehead was covered in wrinkles. He looked like he was almost eighty and his voice was so deep after years of smoking, that even Joe Cocker had a far less raspy voice. His office was almost complete empty and spotless clean. He liked it that way. It was in his eyes a sign of professionalism.

  He was sitting behind his desk and opened one of the locked drawers. It was only filled with a huge book. A photo album. He opened it and looked up a few persons. One of them was George Dreyfuss, former colleague and war buddy of his who was now retired. The last thing Dreyfuss did was arranging the trade between Eveline Turner and Mitch Crowne. Both person’s were also in his album. Mitch Crowne was a person he highly respected, maybe even envied for his talent set. But, he ultimately became an enemy of the state. A shame. Mitch wasn’t only very gifted with skills, he is also very intelligent with an IQ estimated at 134 before his training began.

  Richard Home put the book away and watched at a video. The American agent he chose to be part of the co-op was Eveline Turner. She was going to be introduced to the operation by George Dreyfuss who acted like a father for her ever since she was brought in the CIA to replace enfant terrible Mitch Crowne.

  The task force existed out of six agents, two field agents, four highly skilled operatives. But, somehow he thought that this would become a disappointment. This task force needed people with a different type of mindset to really become a danger for the secret organization they wanted to expose. Maybe it wasn’t such bad news after all.. Richard dialled a number while sighing deeply. He called his Russian equal to inform him about his pick.

  ‘We’ve chosen Eveline Turner. She will have to work together with Gustanso from our British colleagues in the field. I already informed the other’s. I also heard rumours that you decided to pick Ivan Groyetski?’

  ‘Yes we have. Will that be a problem?’

  ‘Of course not. If you have your best trust in an older agent, it’s fine with me.’

  ‘Was that all?’

  ‘No, we have reasons to belief that the enemy is preparing an attack to free and kill Mitch Crowne.’

  ‘Wouldn’t that be a shame.’

  ‘I also have deeper intell.’

  ‘Is that so?’

  ‘It happens today.. Don’t lose him’

  Moscow, Unknown Prison, 5 January 2010

  Ivan Groyetski walked towards one of the five inmates that was going to be transported. Four of them were just regular agents that posed as an inmate. Ivan knew it was to ensure Mitch arrival at the end destiny. But, he had to have some final words with the man who had so much answers.

  ‘You know where this is going, right?’

  ‘‘Guess we both know I don’t get to enjoy Siberia.’

  ‘Well, it’s all too late anyway. I thought you might want to know you have a brother.’

  ‘I don’t have family.’

  ‘Yes you have. His name is Robert McEachran. Thought you deserved to know before you go out.’

  ‘There’s a mole. Keep your eyes open Ivan. Nobody can be trusted.’

  ‘What!?’, Groyetski asked mesmerized as Mitch entered the bus. He turned around and managed to say one last thing before he was taken further into the bus. ‘Alan Fitch!’

  Penza (Russia), Near the Main road, 6 January 2010

  After their meeting with Raymond Reddington, they had to step in their car and race towards a town called Penza. This would be the only place the information was sure about where the criminal transport would pass.

  When they opened the document, they found a picture of Mitch Crowne. Where they first thought the mission would include him, it really was about him. The mission was to free Mitch Crowne out of a protected criminal transport convoy and to take him out of the country.

  Jeremy and Ayda arrived at the address that was given in the instructions also. Of course they did not take any risk in order to prevent running into an ambush. After all, the pair only trusted each other. There were a lot of questions such as why Mitch Crowne had to be freed. If a man like Reddington wanted Mitch out prison, it meant that it was more bad outside than inside. Normally. But, both Jeremy and Ayda knew a little more about this case. That was probably the only reason why Reddington hired them.

  ‘So, you think Reddington wants Mitch out to go after the secret organization. That’s what I had in my head’, Jeremy said.

  ‘I think that if he wants to release Mitch, he’s becoming real desperate or has a huge plan behind it what we don’t know.’

  ‘We do this job, I mean I checked, we have the money already.’

  ‘Have you transferred it already?’

  ‘To the last penny. Un f*cking traceable now.’

  ‘What are we going to do next?’, Ayda asked.

  ‘We already found out the last couple of years that you need money to survive a disappearance. Now that is covered, there are no strings anymore to leave it all behind’, Jeremy said.

p; ‘And what about missing the action? Like you mentioned in Colombia..’

  ‘A pack of lies. I don’t miss it at all. I enjoy life far too much to miss blood, bullets and death bodies. And we both now that you either die or life long enough to turn bad in this world were in.’

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you to Ayda’, Jeremy said before they made out.

  Ayda ended their passionate moment after two seconds. She put a finger on his lips and looked him in his eyes. ‘First, we have to finish this one babe.’

  ‘You’re right. We need to focus. Then we settle the score with him’

  ‘Huh, what do you mean by that? You already helped him out a few times. Remember Hungary?’

  ‘Well, it wasn’t for him at all. It was the first time the lad showed some emotions. He saved a young mother and her daughter. That’s not settling a score where he saved our lives and gave us a free ticket out.’

  ‘Fucked up this. We owe a madman. But, really, what will we do after this?’

  ‘I don’t know. Maybe a place further down south, where the sun shines more brightly, cool drinks are served.. I don’t know the names and players...’, Jeremy answered.

  Chapter 2:

  The Little Yellow House

  Near Penza (Russia), Just before the intersection, 6 January 2010

  Mitch Crowne was thinking about the moment he last saw Sandra and Mia. He left them permanently in one of his apartments in Santa Domingo and promised Sandra he would never return. It was likely that he simply wouldn’t make it. But,, he hadn’t foreseen his end as it now appeared to be. Simply, by being tortured once again. Mitch now had a brother, his nemesis Groyetski mentioned. Robert McEachran. Did that mean his mother was alive also? The mother he never had?

  Mitch was looking through the bars. This area was completely remote. He hadn’t seen one simple house for a few minutes or so. The surroundings made him think about his journey in Denmark and the Netherlands. The only difference were the road conditions. This road wasn’t even marked on the sides. It was just one huge line of tarmac. The look of despair, a novelist might describe it.

  However, Mitch liked that at both sides of the roads, were lines of trees. Like this was a gate towards a different world. Which it was. Mitch sighed deeply as he closed his eyes. He knew that his time wasn’t up. But, he pretended it was. It made him think about his last few conversations. Especially his conversation with Edward Stiles (Manhunt).

  Flashback: Gozo, Stiles’ mansion, Mai 16 2009

  ‘Didn’t think I could shoot Mitch?’

  ‘Like father, like son Stiles.’

  Mitch walked towards the lethally wounded man that once betrayed his father. The look of defeat was a look Edward already was accustomed to. Mitch would be the person that ended his glory. Mitch’s knife appeared in his right hand while Edward, feeling his survivor’s instinct once again, said his last words.

  ‘Mitch, we’re just the beginning’, he said before Mitch dropped to his knees in front of him. ‘You, you have.. a sister... brother..’, he said while his eyes grew ad Mitch’s knife slit his throat.

  Mitch opened his eyes again and saw from a distance a traffic sign. Camapa, was 428 kilometres away from this intersection. It was a town or city that he would never see. Mitch suddenly reminded himself of a few things. He had still this fire left inside of him. He had clues. Robert McEachran could be the brother Stiles’ spoke about. But, he also mentioned there was a sister. Mitch would never become a family man, but, now it finally grabbed his curiosity. Like he still felt the need to expose a group of liars that he got close to in 2005. His business was finished just yet. He could still do what he does best.

  He saw how the bus left the main road. This was the third time. Precaution he thought. But, Mitch also knew that the person that needed him out, was not joking around either. Everything is connected and it all leads back to one organisation he does know. The C.I.A. The place here it all began... And he had a name, Alan Fitch.. But, to get the name, he had to pay a price. That price might be the death of one of his former associates whom he met in London.

  Mitch watched a seagull in the sky flying over. It looked like one. But, as it came closer to the bus, it became clear that this wasn’t an innocent bird. Mitch began to laugh, he broke into laughter which irritated one of the guards that were posed as inmates. Before the guard could hit him, Mitch seemed to have un cuffed himself. Then he hit the guard on his Adam’s apple, killing the man instantly. The other guards left there seat but, Mitch took cover behind the guard’s corpse that he just killed. Now, he was the only person who hadn’t unbuckled himself.

  Near Penza (Russia), Just after the intersection (direction towards Konstantinovka), 6 January 2010

  Jeremy Clegane and Ayda Houser drove to a nearby community in a car, which they found at the address the file handed to them by Reddington led them to. Jeremy was a fan of a few videogames. But, to fly a real drone was something new. There was a risk attached that this thing could kill everyone inside the bus. He had to trust on his own instincts as on his wife’s as Mitch’s.

  They arrived at a little yellow house near the main road which was described in a new document. This document was also found in the house in Penza. The yellow house was almost completely empty. There was only a desk and a new document. The third document showed a map, a route and three possible timelines. But, it was certain that the bus would pass this house.

  Jeremy opened his suitcase and attached a joystick and a usb device. The usb device was needed to pilot the drone. The joystick, how simple it sounds, was to plot it manual. Since the target was moving at a speed above 120 kilometres an hour, manual was the only option. Since the object was a bus with almost no weaknesses, bullets and weapons just wouldn’t do the job efficient enough.

  Ayda prepared herself by combat training. She used bags filled with hay to practise her skills. Not to use them for this mission, but, to stay focussed. Ayda always needed to empty her mind before the action would start. It made her weightless as she described it. Like she would enter a state where she could do the impossible. A few times she looked at her partner. Jeremy was outside making the drone operative. Jeremy looked in shape, which didn’t matter to her in anyway. She liked him more for who he was than what he was. And it was likely the same for him.

  Ayda punched the bag so hard that it tore apart. Jeremy stood up and looked at the window. He must have heard it. He shook his head and smiled. Ayda lifted her shoulders and grinned. Jeremy kneeled again while Ayda went to "their " suitcases. One was filled with bottles of water. She took two bottles and went outside. She threw one to Jeremy who was able to catch it without looking behind him. With his left hand!

  ‘Nice catch darling’, Ayda said before she began to drink.

  ‘You know, I think I would be hell for lots of pitchers.’

  Ayda almost choked in her water. She laughed while shaking her head. ‘You wouldn’t stand a chance.’

  ‘Aahhw, why so negative love? That doesn’t suit you’, he said while standing up. Then he walked towards her. He stood still about half a metre away from her. ‘Doesn’t suit you at all’, he said before he kissed her on her lips.

  ‘Ready for the party?’, she asked after he broke their kiss.


  Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic), Downtown 19 January 2010

  He was 1.65 metres long, an immigrant from China that was monitoring this operation. He worked for a special and, you guessed it, secret department within the CIA. At least, that is what his background information said. He was not older than 25 years and has been working in the field for quite some years now. He already became the supervisor of a highly skilled team of youngsters. They were one by one selected from all over the world to work for an agency that said to be working with the C.I.A.

  His Mexican colleague was send to this city to trace a couple. To trace two persons in special. Her name was Sandra Barros and her daughter was called Mia Crowne since 2006. Th
ere were reasons to believe within the agency called: Cell 0080, that these two individuals were in contact with an extremely dangerous and wanted fugitive that was known as Raymond Reddington. It was believed that these two were like family for him. They could be used as leverage.

  Both females left the country with a French immigrate two days ago towards Czech and wouldn’t be home for quite some time. The Chinese, as his codename simply was, had a German name. His name was Karl Oberhausen while his Mexican partner’s name was Carlos Juan. Their cell was completed by a female from Africa and another male from Iceland. Karl was their leader.

  They were in the house owned by Frederic Lauverré. Carlos Juan bugged the house with best devices possible while the other two filled the place with explosives that could be detonated at distance. Sometimes, Karl had his doubts by the work they performed. But, those times ended two years ago when they were all injected by a substance that would decrease the hurt they experienced. The hurt that was perfectly human as their superior said.

  Near Penza (Russia), Just after the intersection (direction towards Konstantinovka), 6 January 2010

  The drone was flying circles above the intersection when the transport bus that carried Mitch Crowne appeared in a distance. The bus was on its one to prevent attracting to much attention. There were however, a few security cars driven by secret service agents five minutes behind and in front of the bus. So, Jeremy and Ayda had to act efficiently and perfectly.

  Jeremy behind his monitor, could see the flashes of a few gunshots. Which meant that Mitch made a move at the same moment the escape was planned. Did this mean that Mitch was aware of the plan from the beginning. Jeremy knew exactly what Mitch was doing. He probably unlocked his cuffs and began to attack the guards. Not specifically to kill them, but, so that they unbuttoned their seatbelts. Which meant both Mitch and Jeremy still had lots of trust in each other’s capabilities. Jeremy made a long circle with the drone that must have looked like a seagull from a distance and went right for the side window of the bus. Just at the same moment it collapsed against the armoured window, it exploded. The bus tilted from its left wheels and slid a couple of ten metres further before it stopped.


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