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by MacShayne

  ‘Ayda, you’re up!’, Jeremy yelled as loud as he could.

  At the crash side

  Ayda was waiting next to the road and saw how Jeremy’s plan worked perfectly. It was never his intentions to stop the car by letting the driver hit the brakes. This was indeed far more efficient. Unless, the asshole inside was death. Ayda sighed deeply. ‘Machines don’t bleed..’, she said to herself.

  ‘What?’, she heard Jeremy’s voice in her ear piece.

  Ayda ran towards the bus and climbed on top of it. The top was the left side of the bus in this case, since it was flipped over. She weld open the door and saw both driver and co-driver laying unconscious above each other against the right door. She crumbled inside the bus and saw four more bodies laying against the right side of the bus. ‘Damn, we’re they all death?’, she asked herself. Then it occurred to her that one man was still hanging in the seatbelts. Ayda took a picture and before she could put the phone away, the person cut himself loose and fell on his feet. It was a beast, yet again. Thinner than she remembered, a little older, but, still the same person was hiding behind all that facial hair.

  ‘Isn’t that a surprise’, he said.

  ‘You lost some muscle Mitch. How was your little vacation?’

  Mitch walked towards her which caused her to grab her weapon. Mitch didn’t stop and passed her toward the front of the bus. Ayda was overwhelmed by how he stank. ‘You need a shower, damn you stink!’

  ‘We don’t have much time, move those feet Ayda!’

  ‘Hey! Normal people say thank you. You know?’

  Mitch stopped climbing and looked straight into Ayda’s eyes. Did she meant that? Does she account him normal people? What the f*ck .’Thank you’, he said sarcastically. Then a grin appeared on his face as he climbed further. Ayda followed his example. Mitch offered her a hand to get out faster which she accepted.

  ‘No car?’, Mitch wondered.

  ‘Follow me!’, Ayda insisted.

  Jeremy grinned in his chair as he heard the conversation between Mitch and Ayda. They didn’t like each other. Unless their lives depended on each other. Jeremy lit up the gear that he used and started the vehicle.

  Langley (Virginia), Mr. Home’s office, 6 January 2010

  Mr. Home wasn’t expecting a call from Russia until the meeting regarding the co-op in New Orleans. He was again looking at one of the pictures. It was a way for him to remember where he came from. It was a last sign of gratitude and respect to those that were killed or probably going to be killed for the greater good. Then his phone rang.

  ‘Didn’t expect you to call back’, Mr Home said, ‘Did he escape?’

  ‘Who escaped?’, his Russian colleague asked fierce.

  ‘Haven’t I warned you earlier today?’

  ‘We have bigger issue’s to deal with Richard. Mitch told my agent something.’

  ‘Can you be more specific?’

  ‘Alan Fitch. Does that name ring a bell?’

  ‘You have to take him out Cherikov.’

  ‘He’s one of our best assets. I chose him for the co-operation. How can I possibly allow that?’

  ‘Just do it. Immediately! Before the word goes out!’

  ‘What do I get in return?’

  ‘I want in. On everything. Not negotiable.’

  ‘Let’s talk, in person. But, after you deal with this unpleasant news! Understood?’

  ‘No talk, I said my terms.’

  ‘Before you can get in, you have to understand. I can’t talk over the phone.’

  Chapter 3:

  What We Don’t Know

  Near Penza (Russia), Just after the intersection (direction towards Konstantinovka), 6 January 2010

  Jeremy Clegane was waiting for Ayda and Mitch since his successful drone attack on the bus that transported the later. The sun was slowly disappearing behind a cloud and in a distance, bad weather was approaching him. He looked at his watch and then to the timer which was attached to the front window. According to his data, they had another four minutes before the backup car would be able to alarm authorities.

  Twelve seconds later, Ayda appeared in the rear-view mirror. She wasn’t injured or bleeding which meant she did well. After all, radio contact was lost just after she talked to someone. And that someone was Mitch Crowne in the flesh. He appeared shortly after Ayda from the bushes. Jeremy started the car. He had a last look at Mitch. Mitch used to be more muscled than he appeared now at this moment. Jeremy knew what could be the explanation for his figure change. But, still, Mitch’s appearance showed no sign of body fat, he was thinner, looked fit and dirty at the same time. He may need a shower or five very badly Jeremy thought. He laughed before his view was blocked by Ayda.

  Ayda opened the trunk while Mitch stopped running. Ayda grinned a little while Mitch approached the trunk. Much to Ayda’s dismay, he stepped in without asking a question. Mitch sighed deeply as Ayda was about to close the trunk.

  ‘You always step in so easily?’

  ‘Close the trunk Ayda. Time won’t be on our side.’

  ‘Well, you must like the shadows badly’, Ayda said a little irritated. She liked to tease Mitch a little. Just because he would probably outmatch her at anything. She didn’t like that.

  ‘I call it home’, Mitch whispered before the trunk was closed.

  Jeremy heard what the two said. He grinned a little. Ayda was a kind person. She was perfect for him and he liked to think that he was the perfect fit for her. She understood him and he knew her thoroughly. They spend their lives in one world but, have both accepted the fact that they have their own separate worlds to deal with for the rest of their lives. No questions will be asked about these worlds that they refer to as past. The past will always follow you, no matter how hard you run or how well you hide.

  Mitch Crowne was the living example of that. He was a master in hiding but, never really run away from his past. Just accept your sins and move one. But, be smart, don’t take things for granted, don’t let the unexpected kill you. It’s what Mitch once said. Also, enjoy the road you’re on. You never know when it’s your last. The last part is what Ayda added when they talked about the only figure that played a part in both their deep secret hidden world, the past. But, now, something told Jeremy that Mitch Crowne was written all over their future.

  Ayda got in the car and before she even closed the door, Jeremy hit the gas pedal and the BMW he nicked in Ukraine was speeding away. Ayda looked over her shoulder at the trunk which was filled with their package. Their out way. This time for sure. It was time they dealt with loose ends, to say goodbye to their pasts forever. Would it work? No one knew.

  ‘You did a good job Ayda’, Jeremy complimented her, ‘I mean, you haven’t killed him.’

  ‘Not yet’, she joked. ‘You were wonderful also hun’, she said while kissing him on his right cheek. ‘But, please, keep your eyes on the road’, Ayda said provoking Jeremy.

  Jeremy pushed the pedal a little more and turned on the radio to find out if the "accident" was already reported. Ayda put her left hand on Jeremy’s right hand which was on the gear stick. Jeremy looked at her and she looked at him. Jeremy kept staring at her for a little while. Much alike Paul Walker did in the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious. Then Ayda smiled.

  ‘This means we did our job Jer. Where do we go now?’

  ‘I could do this forever’, he said.

  ‘Really, keep your eyes on the road’, Ayda said seriously, ‘You going to kill us if you keep doing this.’

  Jeremy turned his head so he could look ahead. ‘I love you love’, he said.

  ‘I love you too’, Ayda said.

  Both looked ahead at this moment while a voice from the back interrupted their cosy moment.

  ‘Oh, for god sake, just marry the hell out of each other!’, Mitch said in the trunk to nobody.

  Texel, near Cocksdorp, 28 December 2009

  Raymond Reddington needed leverage against an organization that was known in the "shadow world" as the Cabal. It
wasn’t one of some secret organizations that had strings into more than one government, but, the organization that was able to bring him down. One person was able to expose a lesser important organization back in 2005. But, this less important organization was the key towards the Cabal. And Reddington needed this person to get loose and fulfil his hunger for blood. In other words, he needed Mitch Crowne to be released and hunting. A plan to free Mitch was in the final stages. Good in tell informed him that Mitch was about to be transported. The perfect opportunity to break him out. And he already knew who to hire for the job.

  The thing was, Mitch Crowne was a one man army since there was not a government that supported him. He also had a temper and could be described as an incontrollable asset. His mole within the Dutch government informed him about a special task force that was to be created in order to bring down the secret organization which Hailey Larsson (Perfect Enemy) was part of. The six governments that would work together in this co-op knew about the existence but, not that it was only a key towards the organization Reddington competed against.

  So, a lot of secret organisations and no names. Raymond Reddington needed just one name so he could infiltrate the Cabal and get leverage against them. And Mitch Crowne was going to help him. If he would succeed in his vengeance, he may as well find out about the Cabal. But, not knowingly, but, subconsciously.

  George Dreyfuss was sitting on his veranda when he heard the cracks of footsteps near-by. It almost reminded him of the time that Mitch Crowne surprised him a year ago. Well not this time, he never left his glock locked away ever since. Dreyfuss was now 60 years old and almost completely grey. He had a similar face as Richard Gere, only a little fatter and smaller. He was 1.77 metres long and weighed 90 kilos at this moment. He drew his gun and recognized the person that stood in the doorway immediately.

  ‘Years you’ve been like disappeared. Everybody seems to have unfinished business with you. years I’ve been ignoring everything about you. You know why? Because my department handled assassinations, not catch and release missions. So, Mr. number four on FBI’s most wanted. To what do I owe the pleasure?’

  ‘I’m glad you are direct George. You see, I have a tendency to dislike people that don’t seem to understand that things aren’t accomplished with stupid questions. Straight forward, not out of shape, a shame they retired you. Where’s a country’s dignity? But, let’s drop the metal. We don’t need to kill each other. I just want to know a thing or two. And, let me explain why. You see, there’s this group of high level people...’ (Reddington explained the one and other about the secret organization and how he planned to bring them down).

  ‘You need to lure out his inner hunger for answers. He operates at his own pace and is way too intelligent to let him be used. But, to make things a little more interesting. Make it personal. Like he needs to find out why people want him to take the bait.’

  ‘Could you be more precisely?’

  ‘Well, first give the truth. Like the fact he has a brother. Give him the truth and then some more...’

  I don’t say it will work, but, it’s your best chance. Don’t let the lies lead towards you. He finishes off who he thinks are his enemies.’

  Red Square, Moscow, 8 January 2010

  Ivan Goyetski has planning to retire since he "caught" Mitch Crowne. His job was considered completed. He would spend the rest of his life in the outskirts of Russia where he could enjoy the nature. Something he had looked for since his youth. And he already filled in his papers of resignation when his superior in his last four years made an unexpected call. Somehow, he wanted to meet with Groyetski in person. This always led to a secret mission in the days before he was crippled.

  Groyetski left the taxi and stretched his back as he looked at the red square that was ahead of him. Would he miss this beauty that Moscow has to offer? Probably. The Kremlin, Red Square, the agency. He came forward in a disbanded KGB system and became one of the best field agents in the SVR.

  The Red Square was almost complete empty. There wasn’t much crowd at this moment of the day, it was late in the afternoon an already becoming dark. Something about the night attracted him. Groyetski began to walk as he thought leaving the city in three days. He was old in this line of business, maybe should have quit earlier. But, like always, he was interested in what Cherikov had to share with him. Then he was phoned.

  ‘Yes?’, he asked.

  ‘He escaped Ivan’, the other voice said.

  Groyetski knew immediately who the person mentioned. ‘Mitch?! Escaped?’

  ‘I’m sorry Ivan. This wasn’t my call?’

  ‘What do you mean?’, he asked before he saw a flash in front of him.

  He should have seen it coming would his instructor say to him. You wouldn’t expect betrayal from your own team, would you? He was probably going to say. “Expect everything, be one step ahead. Use the shadows, don’t let them use you, would be the answer.”

  Groyetski saw his life flashing by in one and maybe two seconds. In the middle of the red square, on his way to Cherikov, a new mission? One bullet missed target and entered his stomach. Before he died he thought about what Mitch mentioned. "You’re going to have a short retirement." Groyetski remembered how Mitch sighed afterwards and looked concentrated. He knew this would happen. Then the second bullet ended his life. It cracked his skull and pieces of skull and brain splashed in every direction...

  Semiglavyy (Kazakhstan), Unknown Road, 7 January 2010

  After a three hour drive they stopped to release Mitch from the trunk. Then they switched cars. Mitch hotwired a car and the three drove towards Kazakhstan. Mitch already was informed about who ordered his break out and where they we’re going. As soon as they were in Kazakhstan, they could get Mitch away from Russia within an hour.

  Eventually they passed the border with the three of them disguised as someone else without much trouble. Mitch didn’t say a word at all since he was told about Mr. Raymond until now. He was thinking, the whole time. What were the connections?

  ‘You need to stop the car Jeremy’, Mitch interrupted their conversation about an rogue American agent called Jack Bauer. Some thought he died, some believed he just simply disappeared.

  Both Jeremy and Ayda were surprised by the fact that Mitch began to talk.

  ‘What do you mean? We informed you about what was going to happen. You agreed with it.’

  ‘Don’t you two see where this is going? If we show up at the meeting point, a fire squad while be awaiting us.’

  ‘You talk shit’, Jeremy said.

  ‘No, I think he might be right Jeremy’, Ayda unexpected agreed with Mitch.

  ‘Wow, did you two agree without having a word?’, Jeremy asked sarcastically as he left the main road. They were now heading for a village that was called Semiglavyy.

  ‘You guys have been paid before you delivered anything. That’s not quite standard’, Mitch said sharp. ‘You two are professionals. Didn’t you have the slightest doubts about this thing?’

  ‘I did. I don’t know why, but, in my opinion, our job was just to release you. Mr. Raymond didn’t ask specifically to bring you to him. But, why go through all the trouble?’, Ayda asked.

  ‘Maybe he has to settle a score. Maybe you know something valuable. Mitch?’, Jeremy said.

  ‘We need to take matters into own hands, that is what I think.’

  ‘Uhh, excuse me. We?’, Ayda said irritated.

  ‘Everything is connected. We need to find out what his role in all of this is. I don’t say Raymond is our enemy. But, we have to rule out that possibility.’

  ‘You can do that yourself Mitch’, Ayda answered sharp. ‘We we’re out, you said so yourself Jeremy.’

  ‘Mitch has got a point love. What if something bigger is at stake? We might all be targets.’

  ‘But, we were supposed to be death, no one knows we’re alive.’

  ‘How do you think Raymond found you Ayda. Because your death? You both are already exposed to the world you t
ried to leave behind. I see only one opportunity. You have to help me figure this out.’

  ‘Where do we start Mitch?’, Jeremy said interested.

  ‘You already agree with him? What is wrong with you Jeremy?’

  ‘What if he is full of shit!’

  ‘Right, can you be more convincing. Just a little?’

  ‘When I killed Anastasia back in 2005, I found something in her car. A document that was allocated to Hailey Larsson. Everything in it was about a programme called Larx and its sub-programme Blackbriar. I was mentioned as well. But, there was a link to another person that I was unable to uncover’, Mitch lied.

  ‘You can’t just find a ghost that isn’t even in a system Mitch’, Jeremy concluded.

  ‘No, you can’t. As I said everything is connected.’

  ‘What is your next move Mitch?’, Ayda asked.

  ‘I need to be sure of something. It might be connected, it also may be a decoy. A trap.’

  ‘Is it personal?’

  ‘Listen to me carefully. If we stay together our chances at survival are shortened. I still own a few hide-outs. You can keep a low profile there until I contact you.’

  ‘Where for?’

  ‘To pick me up.’

  ‘Where do you go? Where do we go?’, Ayda asked.

  ‘First of all, give me a phone. Second, get to Iceland. I’ll text you an address. It’s one of my personal hide-outs.’

  ‘Damn Mitch. How many do you own?’

  ‘Enough to disappear in every corner of the globe. It’s an insurance. Property like that doesn’t lose worth.’

  ‘How can we trust you?’, Ayda asked calmly.


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