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Page 6

by MacShayne

  Sandra then left her apartment and returned the rental. When she was walking to one of the city busses that would bring her near to her home, she had the feeling that she was being followed. maybe it was the paranoia that she used to have a few years ago that kicked back in. Something wasn’t right, but, what had brought them to her? What did Mitch do that they were interested in her? But, she knew that this meant trouble. She needed to get home as soon as possible and get away immediately afterwards.

  Monteceito heights (Los Angeles), Shelley’s home, 21 January 2010

  Shelley broke in to the security systems of the CIA one year ago. That was just the beginning. The secret files were hidden in a series of encrypted codes. And not the codes you just break by trying. Shelley had to gather some of the most advance technologies in order to stay unnoticed for as long as possible. Like drilling through a thick wall without making too much sound. It took her five months to build a highly advanced decrypting computer that would only work if she had someone cooperating with her from the inside.

  The last part was almost impossible to arrange. So she had to blackmail one high classified technician. She did this by picking the right victim. The person that had something to hide. One of them had ties to a North Korean contact in China which made it easy for Shelley to find her target. She never met the man in person, only via the computer. Before he agreed to cooperate, she had to extinguish his bank account, expose one of his private contacts and she mentioned the name of his contact in China. He was trapped and the technician decided to help her, only once. He created a window in which Shelley was able to decrypt the last password in order to get to the CPU files.

  She never contacted the technician again and began with her investigation into the CPU files. It took her the last two months, almost three, to get through all the files and their passwords. Shelley’s time was running out and she got to know everything about former agents, links to other secret programme’s and eventually, key persons in the web of lies. All of this information was put on two usb sticks that she also protected with the most advanced protection that was available to her knowledge. her own.

  But, then she made one little mistake with one of the last files that may be a direct link to the name Alan Fitch. This file contained information about a certain person that was according to the file mentored by Alan Fitch. This meant that Alan Fitch existed. This meant that whatever Mitch was hunting, was deeply hidden within the world of Criminal Intelligence. Mitch would have to take it up against the best known Criminal Intelligence Agency in the world. But, when she opened the file about this very person, she lost her protection within the CIA system. Which made her visible as a treat to the CIA. That was one day ago...

  Shelley put the two USB sticks in her jacket. One of the USB sticks was made by herself and had a protection layer so that it would be untraceable for metal detection equipment. Shelley found out that the person that assisted her breaking into the defence systems of the CIA was already killed. It was the last thing she was able to find out before she opened the hatch that lead to the sewer system. She saw glimpses of the team that had located her. She also could flee a little earlier, but, then she would be unable to set the files on the USB sticks. Which meant all the work was for nothing. She knew Mitch would’ve never approved her actions, but, she self knew that it was necessary that the truth reached Mitch. Shelley discovered detailed information about the secret organization that included Hailey Larsson. But, that was just the beginning of what she really found out.

  Husavik (Iceland), Mitch safe house, 25 January 2010

  Jeremy was still trying to locate Shelley when he suddenly noticed a false CIA report about a former CTU agent called Jack Bauer. This article itself was declared false but, it was written by an author that used the name Whistler11101977. Normally, it wouldn’t say a thing. But, Jeremy immediately saw the figures in that order and linked it to Mitch’s birth date. This couldn’t be coincidence. The account was made five days ago from an IP address that was in California.

  ‘Mitch, who can possibly know your real birth date?’, Jeremy asked while he found out what the address was of the person that posted the false file.

  ‘Besides the agency, only Reddington and a damn good hacker I think.’

  ‘What do you think of this?’, Jeremy said while showing the false file.

  ‘It’s false. Jack Bauer hah, the man saved numerous life’s. What a way to treat your heroes. The author used my date of birth. I think this is a call for help. Or a damn good trap.’

  ‘Would she be good enough. I mean, did you let her break into the CIA files?’

  ‘The secret files’, Mitch added.

  ‘Impossible...’, Jeremy said. He couldn’t believe somebody from the outside could break into the single most protected online defence system.

  ‘Well, Jeremy, I think you’re not the best hacker. At least not in this world.’

  ‘What will you do?’

  ‘It looks like I’m going home. Do you believe in coincidence?’

  ‘Do you?’, Jeremy counter asked.

  ‘Can you arrange me a flight ticket?’

  ‘You know I can. But, Like me, you must also know it’s a one way ticket.’

  ‘I Have a way out. Get me a ticket to Los Angeles. By the way, where’s Ayda?’

  ‘She keeps talking about making arrangements. Too be honest Mitch. I will guide you in Los Angeles, then you’re on your own.’

  ‘There’s one thing you need to help me with. She probably has a safe house. Whatever she has, she did not hide it in her exposed home base.’

  ‘Did you have that much trust in her?’

  ‘She’s a survivor. I don’t trust her. But, I do trust her capabilities.’

  ‘Mitch, your flight is today. This passport will get you through security. But, I don’t know if you make it to the exit. That’s the risk of the job.’

  ‘Indeed. And you, don’t miss your flight.’

  ‘I won’t.’

  ‘Send my regards to Ayda. We probably won’t see each other ever again.’

  ‘We said that earlier, remember?’

  ‘I hope this time it’s the truth. Your too rusty for this work.’

  ‘You’re not at your best either Mitch.’

  ‘To be honest Jeremy. I never was. I’m reckless. That’s all.’

  Jeremy and Mitch shook each other’s hand before Mitch left the safe house.

  Fredericksburg (Virginia), Former CPU safe house, 28 January 2010

  Eveline Turner, Gustanso Anderson and Robert McEachran arrived at a remote house in a small city called Fredericksburg. This house was a former CPU facility where files about their own personnel was being kept. The house is located outside the city and is surrounded by electricity fences. Almost all the data has been destroyed and put into a computer database. The same database that was hacked by Shelley. The remaining files were just too big to put into the computer efficiently and were still on paper.

  Gustanso stayed behind in what seemed like an old canteen while Eveline while Eveline asked Robert to follow her to the basement. Eveline showed Robert where he could sleep, where he could eat, where he could clean himself up and eventually there was one room locked that she opened for him.

  ‘What is this?’

  ‘We need you to know every detail about Mitch Crowne. You said you liked to read didn’t you?’

  ‘Yes I did. But, how does this help at all?’

  ‘You must look at the files. A new set of eyes, a different wired set of eyes. Maybe you find details that we have missed’, Eveline opened the door and both stepped inside.

  Robert was still carrying his coat in his hands. He was wearing a blue suit with brown leather shoes. He wore a white blouse beneath his jacket and his hair was perfectly done. This room was filled with eight desks put against each other, a few leather seats, two bureau lamps and lots of paper work was spread on the desks. There were also boxes filled with maps laying scattered through the room.

  ‘This is everything we have of Mitch Crowne. From his birth to his last mission.. Is in the maps. ‘

  ‘What is this, all of this’, Robert corrected himself while he picked up a paper.

  ‘This, is everything we have about Mitch Crowne after his last job. And what we think is the most relevant to what we need.’

  ‘Gustanso’s voice could be heard downstairs. ‘Look’, Eveline started. ‘You need to work through this and try to detect anything that could lead us to either Mitch Crowne or the persons he was trying to expose in 2005.’

  ‘You’re not completely honest with me Mrs. Turner. And I don’t like that.’

  ‘We think since he’s broken out of jail, he has continued his hunt for the same people that he went after in 2005. Mitch Crowne is not our priority. But, he may be the key. Or better, do the hard work for us. Do you understand?’

  ‘I better start with maps, shouldn’t I. To get to know the person better.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ll be happy of what you find out. About your estranged brother.’

  ‘I don’t judge him Turner. After all that you have told me, he didn’t quite had the choice to have his own life.’

  ‘Well, don’t get sucked away in it, right? I need to go. And remember, do not leave this place. You can visit the city if you find the time, but, we need you at a place where we can monitor you. Just for precaution.’

  Eveline Turner appeared in the hallway where Gustanso was smoking a cigarette. He was holding his phone and looked up at her when he heard the click clacks of Eveline’s heels coming close.

  ‘A message from your boss Turner. We are expected at this address’, he said while showing the text he received minutes earlier.

  ‘I think we are about to meet our new partners. Great’, She said sarcastically.

  Palmdale (California), Jack in the Box, 25 January 2010

  Shelley made it to her runaway car, a crown vic. She had another safe house that was located in a town called Fawnskin. While it was always warm in California, this time of the year, Fawnskin was covered in white snow. The surroundings made her feel home, like she was still living in Britain. She put her self-made USB stick beneath the floor in her house and left her cat also behind. Within twenty minutes, she had left her second house again and drove away in a North-West direction.

  By now, a cell of highly trained assassins was on her tail with the mission to retain the USB stick with all the information she was able to download. Shelley figured out that she needed to alarm Mitch. There was otherwise a huge possibility that he would never find out where to search. She used her mobile and the USB stick to leak a file about Jack Bauer. It looked false but, it was nothing but, the truth. He almost assassinated the Russian president. She used the author’s name she already created. It included Mitch’s real birth date. It wasn’t much, but, it was the best chance of him picking up the signal without the possibility that Shelley announced his arrival in the United States.

  Eventually it lasted another day before she was tracked down. At the time, she was in Palmdale to order food at Jack in the Box. Shelley was filled with adrenaline when she spotted the two Hummers that came from two different directions. Shelley knew that this could mean her end. She left her car in the drive-in and grabbed the foot that was ready for her. She ran towards another car. A faster car. She had to chance cars, else why, it would be too easy to drive her off the road. And she always liked to try out a real American muscle car. She remembered how Mitch hotwired a car in London. It was a Dodge Charger Daytona R/T. Once the car ignited, she was overwhelmed by the sound the motor made. She smiled. At least, she would go out with delight.

  The co-drivers window broke and a bullet hit her almost. Shelley hit the gas pedal and drove away. A second bullet entered via the front window and hit her left shoulder.

  Apple Valley Airport (California), Apple Valley, 27 January 2010

  Mitch didn’t arrive in Los Angeles. He took a flight to Las Vegas and made it through security. Shortly afterwards, he stepped in a private plan owned by a Hollywood actor. The plain wasn’t reserved for the next few days. Mitch landed at Apple Valley Airport where Jeremy already had arranged a motor. Mitch was back in the United states.

  Chapter 7:

  Down Falls One

  Route 95 to Washington (Virginia), 28 January 2010

  Eveline Turner was dealing with some serious doubts about the whole operation she was involved in. Somehow, she couldn’t understand why Robert McEachran had to be involved. Sure, he was related to Mitch Crowne. But, Mitch Crowne was not the priority of this task force. Gustanso shared a few of her concerns when t came to Robert. He however, told Eveline that it was her own boss that made that decision. He had asked Eveline if she trusted Mr. Home on which she replied with "yes."

  Eveline was dressed in suit pants with a white blouse beneath her leather jacket. As always, she wore safety boots, also black. Gustanso was dressed in a black coat and grey suit pants. He wore brown shoes and a black tie. Gustanso was driving when Eveline received a phone call. She answered the call but, put it on speakerphone. They were both surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice.

  ‘Agent Turner, your speaking with Deputy Director Ronald Feenstra of the AIVD. We are the Dutch intelligence agency that are going to collaborate with you. One of the six agencies the task force exists of.’

  ‘How did you get this number?’, Eveline asked.

  ‘As I said, we are in this ship together, and I have received news that you may find interesting.’

  In the mean time, Gustanso clarified the person as Ronald Feenstra indeed.

  ‘Okay, what do you have?’, Eveline asked.

  ‘One of our intelligence agents recently discovered that a person that has the same description as Mitch Crowne has left Iceland. He went to California according to my agent.’

  ‘That is indeed quite the news Mr. Feenstra. Why did you call me instead of my superior?’

  ‘Well, we are in this together. if he trusts you, I do. And since you already work on this thing for a few weeks with a partner, I suggest one of you goes to California immediately. Only one of you needs to be present at the meeting.’

  ‘That is where you are?’

  ‘I arrive in half an hour agent Turner. You should go now, or agent Anderson. No time should be wasted. My plane is waiting on one of you at Turner field. It should be in your neighbour.’

  ‘Thank you for this intell Mr. Feenstra.’

  ‘No need for thank you’s. Remember, were in this together. A team. Now good luck and find out what he’s doing in the country he’s most likely to be apprehended.’

  ‘We will.’

  Eveline took the next exit that led to Russell Road, Quantico. Gustanso informed his superior by texting about the appearance of Mitch Crowne and the decision that he and Eveline would split up.

  ‘So who’s going to California, you or me?’, Eveline asked him, knowing the answer.

  ‘Thank you for letting me decide, but, you are on home ground, you go and I’ll attain the meeting’, Gustanso said calmly.

  ‘You know, normally I don’t like to have a partner. But, you are okay Anderson.’

  ‘I also appreciate your presence Turner. Call me Gustanso from now on.’

  ‘Okay, you may borrow this car. Let’s say we contact each other once I’m landed. That should be in seven hours.’

  ‘Why would he come to the states? I don’t understand why he takes the risk.’

  ‘You’re right. Normally it wouldn’t make any sense. But, this is an individual that isn’t normal. He’s unpredictable. And him being in California means that he needs to find something that is only here.’

  Turner field, Quantico, 28 January 2010

  Sixteen minutes after her conversation with Ronald Feenstra, her plane took off towards Chino Airport. While she was sitting in a chair, she grabbed her phone and called her superior Mr. Home.

  ‘I’m not going to make it to the meeting. One of our colleague agencies inf
ormed us about Mitch Crowne having arrived in California. probably yesterday. I’m going to find out why and where he could be.’

  ‘Too be honest, I’m a little surprised Turner. But, seen the circumstances, you made the right decision. Keep me up to date.’

  Fawnskin, California, 28 January 2010

  It took Jeremy four hours since Mitch’s arrival in Apple Valley to uncover from which place Shelley published her article. Mitch arrived twenty minutes later on his motorbike in the area covered in show where Fawnskin was located.

  ‘Listen carefully to me Mitch, you have little to almost none time at all. It took me four hours to work my way through her redirections, but, I used an average computer. My guess is that when Langley discovers her identity, they will know about this address within the hour. You need to hurry!’, Jeremy said while Mitch entered Shelley’s second home.

  Mitch had bought a revolver and an earpiece to communicate with Jeremy. Jeremy directed him to this address since Mitch had no map or navigation system on his motor, a modified Honda MLGF 64.

  ‘She knew how to pick her hideouts Jeremy. This place has a perfect view.’

  ‘How do you like your homecoming so far?’, Jeremy joked.

  ‘It’s boring without bullets and a descent street fight. Have you already picked a new home?’

  ‘Ayda does the deciding part when it comes to a new home. I don’t care where we end.’

  ‘How can I find whatever she wants me to find?’, Mitch wondered while he walked through the living room.

  ‘You know her better than me. Do you really think she found something?’

  ‘She disappeared, suddenly. And then the article popped up. This is no coincidence.’

  ‘Maybe she didn’t use a safe Mitch. What would you do? It wouldn’t be a surprise if she looked up to you. Maybe tried to think like you.’

  ‘People should never look up to me.’

  ‘Why not? As long as they don’t copy your hobbies’, Jeremy said sarcastically.


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