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Page 7

by MacShayne

  ‘I would hide it, somewhere a decent person would think about hiding something valuable. But, not valuable like it’s expensive. An item you don’t want to be found because it could harm your image.’

  ‘I would dug a hole and keep it away from surface.’

  ‘This is not the right area to dig a hole and hide something in the ground. It’s freezing outside. There’s snow.’

  Mitch stepped into the bedroom and heard the wooden floor cracking. But, also something from outside. Mitch drew his gun and loaded it. He stood still for minutes but, nothing entered the house. It probably was a deer.. Then suddenly pooped into Mitch’s head. Shelley didn’t dug a hole. But, what if she had hidden something beneath the floor? That was made of wood?

  ‘She may have hidden it under the floor’, Mitch said.

  Mitch began to investigate the living room and found eventually a letter beneath the couch. It was a tax claim. Mitch turned it around and the other side was blank. He put the letter on the kitchen and pour it over with milk. A question appeared that only he could know. Where did they burry Heather. The answer was simple. It was a code. Mitch changed the letters for figures and eventually he typed the combination in Google. A colour appeared on screen. A colour wood. There was a door in this house that had such a colour. Beneath the door, Mitch was able to pull away a piece of the floor and found an USB stick. One he had never seen earlier.

  ‘Found it’, Mitch said to himself.

  Husavik (Iceland), Mitch safe house, 28 January 2010

  Jeremy lost contact with Mitch since Ayda returned to the safe house. Jeremy let her inside and the two went to the almost empty living room. Ayda was shivering a little of the cold weather. Jeremy walked towards her and the two cuddled and kissed.

  ‘We need to pack our stuff Jer’, she said afterwards.

  ‘I can’t, I need a few minutes, maybe an hour. Then I’m ready.’

  ‘Our plane leaves in an hour. I don’t intend to miss it.’

  ‘We won’t.’

  ‘I’m going Jeremy. You may stay as long as you want, but, if you’re not with me in time. I go without you.’

  ‘Why do you act so childish?’

  ‘It’s just that I don’t feel comfortable here. What if they are on to us? We have been here for almost a month now. People have seen us, with Mitch!’

  Jeremy sighed. ‘We will get out of here. Where do we go?’

  ‘I have two tickets. To be honest, I just came here to leave immediately. I need to pick something up in the village. We won’t make it if we wait here.’

  ‘Why do you need to go there?’

  ‘We need passports, this is a legal flight remember.’

  ‘How do you suppose to find passports in this god forsaken place then?’

  ‘While you and Mitch were playing with fire, I made all the arrangements for us to get away.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me, I can’t leave now. Can’t we go tomorrow?’

  ‘Jeremy, we have to go now! Today. Or else were stuck for another four days.’

  Maybe we can arrange something with Reddington.’

  ‘Than someone will know where we went. Really, you trust me, right? This is the way out. I didn’t want to spoil everything you and Mitch had going, but, now you have to do what is right for you.’

  ‘I can’t leave him just yet, go. I will make it in time.’

  ‘You better be. I’ll take it as a promise.’

  ‘Go get those passports. I see you at the airport.’

  Palmdale (California), Jack in the Box, 25 January 2010

  Shelley was driving 195 km / hour while the two hummers were following her on a short distance. Eventually she made it to Interstate 138 in Lancaster’s direction. Shelley took her phone and made a picture of her wound. Then she saw that she was indeed hit and that the bullet entered her shoulder. It may still be in her. The pain was hard to ignore, but, she didn’t want to give up without a little fight.

  While Lancaster came closer and closer in her view, it looked like the road appeared to be less filled with traffic. She looked in her rear-window view as she dodged another car. Shelley smiled as she thought about what Mitch would say when he found out that she didn’t made it. He would probably be disappointed. But, then again, she didn’t care that much what he would think. Her life was short but, she spend every day like it could be her last. As soon as she found out that the CIA was compromised, she knew that this would follow her to the grave. Mitch wasn’t going to make it out of this mess either she thought. He was good in what he does, but, even he can’t take on the CIA.

  After five minutes, Shelley saw what might become her end. There was a roadblock installed in the middle of the interstate. She turned up the radio and decided to take a giant leap of faith. She steered the wheel to her right and went off road. At this point she was already passed Lancaster. She didn’t know how but, she managed to make it to the dirt road that was located next the interstate.

  This cost her time but, also enabled her to get passed the roadblock. The hummers won a little distance since the tires of those cars were far more efficient on this road than hers. She also heard the sound of police cars coming closer and closer on the interstate.

  Then shots were fired and Shelley had to cover herself more than one time. She wasn’t hit but, she had decreased in speed since she couldn’t see clearly what was ahead of her. This wasn’t going to end well for her. If she already thought to have a chance of getting away, that chance was now over. The sound of a helicopter could be heard while more shots were fired. While the song "It’s not my time", began to play on the radio, one of the hummers bumped her Daytona.

  Just before the refrain of the song kicked in, one of the hummers got beside her. She hit the brakes immediately which caused the second hummer to clash against the stolen Daytona. The other Hummer hit the brakes while a police car coming from the left side hit the Daytona as well causing it to flip over. Shelley survived the crash and made it out of her car only to be welcomed by a team of skilled mercenaries and a man in suit. He was wearing a black suit and had a short hairdo. A former soldier of course.

  ‘It took you a god damn army to take me down? I’m flattered’, Shelley mocked them.

  ‘From my point of view, it didn’t end well. Make it us easier. Tell us who you are?’

  ‘Go f*ck yourself’, Shelley stammered with a grin.

  ‘You are going to die miss, that’s for sure. How do you want to die?’

  ‘Let’s have a one to one piece of shit.’

  ‘You have a filthy mouth’, the suited man said as he drew his gun.

  ‘He come get you. That’s what I promise you.’

  ‘Whom? Tell me. Give me at least something.’

  ‘I give you hell. Now pull the damn trigger.’

  ‘So far for showing off to my wife.’

  ‘Do you even have one? You look like a pussy in that suit.’

  ‘I don’t have time for this’, the man said before he fired a shot.

  The man dialled a number after eight minutes. ‘We found an USB. It’s not The Fulcrum.’

  Fawnskin, California, 28 January 2010

  Mitch plugged in the USB in her computer. A video opened automatically. It was Shelley. Five years older but, still looking the same. It was not a welcome’s video. It was a warning..

  ‘Mitch, If you made it all the way to this moment, it means you’re still alive and found somehow my little hints. I know you hate to play that game. This USB is filled with information that you need to know. The world needs to know. Everything on the right time of course. I was too late to make it out and you are probably too late to save my ass. Just don’t stare too long. As of now, the CIA has been informed about a security breach. They discover your position very soon. Do something good with this.. this... I don’t even have words for it. Everything is connected, you were right. Again. I wish you all the best, and don’t blame yourself for my death. It’s not your fold. You couldn’t have seen this coming.
This is me logging off.’

  Then a program opened and a lot of files were available to look into. It was filled with programmes, projects, names. Everything was the best word to describe it. Mitch knew he had not enough time to sort this all out. He just searched through the names and called Jeremy via his earpiece.

  ‘Did you find what you were looking for?’, Jeremy asked immediately. But, Mitch didn’t respond ‘Mitch! What happened?’

  ‘Everything was connected’, he simply responded.

  ‘Be more precisely friend. I’m on a tight schedule.’

  ‘Listen, everything will fall apart ones this comes out. Get Ayda and disappear Jeremy. You don’t want to be around once this finds its way to the light’, Mitch said as he looked at the list of names.

  Cherikov was on it, Hailey Larsson, Edward Stiles and even Edouard Russel(!). The list of names included a lot of people that were assassinated or had disappeared. There was also a file about Harvey Crowne and Raymond Reddington. All of their involvements were described to a secret organization that was described as Section Y. Names of people all over the world. It was created in the early nineties according to the documents. There were three names left of persons that were still alive. Reddington, Fitch and Cherikov.

  Section Y was the umbrella organization for people that worked in different countries, in different agencies that had only one goal. To play for god.. It wasn’t until 2005 when Section Y was exposed, a member was killed and that was also the reason to disband Section Y. Not because it was about to become public known that it existed, but, because it was just one piece of an even larger organization. In the article it’s called the Cabal.

  Section Y was just one end of an even bigger thing. This was also the entry this bigger organization tried to keep close. Mitch knew that at least one member was still alive. Which meant he had to go back to Russia. Cherikov could inform him about Fitch and then he would hunt down Reddington and Fitch.

  ‘Mitch, it was once again a pleasure to have worked with you man. But, like you said, I need to leave this mess before it turns into madness.’

  ‘I hope you find peace Jeremy. It’s required to bring up a child.’

  ‘Nice joke.’

  ‘Didn’t you know? Why would think Ayda changed? She sure as hell isn’t that hardened like in 2005.’

  ‘She helped you out of that bus!’

  ‘Because I think she only got to know once you both arrived in Iceland.’

  ‘How did you know it?’

  Wait for it. You’ll find out that I’m right later. Like always.’

  ‘F*ck off’, Jeremy said with a deep sigh.

  ‘You need to get moving. You have a plane to catch.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s right. And Mitch, do one thing for me.. Burn them people to the ground.’

  ‘I’m going at it with everything I have!’

  ‘I believe you will. Good luck!’

  Langley (Virginia), Mr. Home’s office, 28 January 2010

  Now he officially became a real threat. Mitch Crowne possibly knew everything about section Y. Or soon. Which eventually meant that Mitch had a target. Home just received the information that the hacker, which turned out to be a female, has been executed and that her identity was Shelley Loraine. It didn’t last long before they found out she owned a second home in Fawnskin. Home also became aware that it was Shelley that probably alarmed Mitch Crowne to come visit her second home. Which meant that the USB that contained everything about Section Y was in that house. Of course, Mitch had to find either Reddington or Cherikov and needed to get to Cherikov before he would find out that the man was just a patchy. A patchy that Home was about to recruit for the Cabal. A patsy that was on his way to the States after a little delay. Home just gave Crowne an opportunity. A slime one, but, now it was time to take measures. He made two phone calls.

  ‘Turner, Crowne has been located in a township called Fawnskin. How far are you away?’

  ‘When has he arrived?’

  ‘Not yet, but, we believe he could be there every moment.’

  ‘I’m sixty miles away from Fawnskin. Could be there in about seventy minutes.’

  ‘You have permission for shoot to kill Turner. He’s armed and dangerous. You know he is.’

  ‘Copy that sir.’

  Home then called Karl Oberhausen. The leader of one of his cells that were operative in the Dominican Republic. He send them to keep an eye at Sandra and Mia Barros. These two people could be used as leverage against Mitch. He may be used to say that he had no feelings, but, why safe them? Mitch wouldn’t let them die, because Mitch became sentimental. Which also meant he became weak.

  ‘Initiate operation Turnout, now!’

  ‘Copy that sir’, Karl Oberhausen answered clearly.

  Chapter 8:

  Damsel In Distress

  Husavik Airport(Iceland), Landing strip, 28 January 2010

  It was a small airplane that was waiting for only five passengers. These passengers would be flown towards Reykjavik. From there, each of them would go on an international flight. Four of them were already in the plane. The fifth person was a little late. But, he belonged to one of the other passengers. She was the beautiful woman that had taken her seat at the back of the plane. With her long brown hair and brown eyes, she made enough impression on the pilot that he would wait another five minutes. That, appeared to be just long enough for the fifth passenger to get on board.

  Ayda never doubted that Jeremy wouldn’t make it. Even though, she had to use her good looks to keep the pilot "warm", she knew that Jeremy would be with her before the plane took off. One car hit the brakes in a distance. It was a cab. One man left the cab. It was the 1.97 metres long Jeremy Clegane himself. He smiled and ran towards the plane. He didn’t carry any luggage. He almost bumped his head against the roof of the plane which cause Ayda to grin.

  ‘You made it. For a moment back there I thought I’d lost you Jer.’

  ‘When a gentleman says he’ll be there, he’ll be there’, Jeremy said as he took place next to her.

  ‘Did you guys found what you were looking for?’, she asked interested.

  ‘Of course we did, love. Now what do you say, shall we retire this time?’

  ‘You mean never getting back in the line of fire?’

  ‘Don’t you have something to tell me Ayda?’, Jeremy frowned. ‘Perhaps, a baby?’

  ‘Ayda was mesmerized. ‘How, how did you find out?’

  ‘Doesn’t matter, when were you going to tell me?’

  ‘Just’, Ayda looked at her watch, ‘in about three minutes. You must believe me’

  ‘Of course I do, but, you know what?’

  ‘Tell me’, she said.

  ‘I really want you to kiss me’, he said with a smile.

  ‘I could do that’, Ayda said. She put her arms around Jeremy’s neck and the two made out for a half minute. Then Ayda asked once more, ‘How did you find out?’

  ‘I didn’t.’

  Ayda’s eyes grew, she was surprised again. ‘No shit.’

  ‘Come on love, give me another kiss’, Jeremy said. When they kissed again the plane finally took off...

  Fredericksburg (Virginia), Former CPU safe house, 28 January 2010

  Robert stumbled over a box that contained files about Mitch’s whereabouts when he was in Italy. There were reasons to believe that Mitch had been in Italy in the summer of 2007. According to this information, he had one contact during his stay in Italy. Her name was later revealed to be Sandra Barros. Former girlfriend of a mob boss’ son. She disappeared around the same time that Mitch seemed to have left Italy.

  Robert used the summary of the Mitch Crowne timeline to find out that Mitch probably went to the Dominican Republic in the months thereafter. It was even discussed that Mitch had been living there for a few months together with a female and her daughter. This made Robert questioning himself why no one ever looked into this. Unless, they did. If Mitch was a person of interest, than this could not be ig
nored. That would be rubbish desk research for an agency like the CIA. Robert went upstairs to get himself a coffee. He couldn’t believe that there were so many files of on certain individual. About his brother. Mitch was an assassin. But, he didn’t sound like a bad person at all over the phone.

  When Robert returned, he opened the only laptop in the basement and picked up the file that contained the information about Sandra Barros. He tried to find out more about the person but, didn’t find much more than a few arrests in Croatia and Italy. She was born and raised in Croatia and her current status was deceased. He also couldn’t find a Sandra Barros in the register of the Dominican Republic. This was not odd at all of course.

  But, she must have been a damsel in distress that somehow must have met Mitch along the way. He helped her out of her shit and offered her and her then five year old daughter a new life abroad. Robert was almost disappointed when he found out that there was a Sandra Crowne living in Santa Domingo. This Sandra, according to her background was a national and grew up in Santa Domingo as well. But, why would her first passport been registered in 2009? Robert did not believe in coincidence, much like his brother. If he could find out her existence and possible link to Mitch Crowne in half a day, then there was no possibility that this agency didn’t already found this out themselves. So why wouldn’t they share this information with him. They weren’t playing open book with him and Robert immediately distrusted everyone involved. What did he get himself get involved with?

  Fawnskin, California, 28 January 2010

  Mitch put the USB in his pocket and crashed the laptop. The next thing he did was preparing his getaway. He was not sure if he would have company by now. And he sure as hell wouldn’t want to be surprised. But, while he broke the laptop, Someone else sneaked inside the house. It was coincidence, some would say.

  Eveline Turner was within 67 minutes in Fawnskin. She drove 210 km/hour until she reached the snow covered roads. She was prepared for her next encounter with Mitch. She didn’t even ask herself if she would shoot or not. She couldn’t trust Mitch after all. She parked her car a few streets away. It all ready became dark, so she had to move fast and efficient to apprehend Mitch before night kicked in. And boxing a shadow in the dark is a lot harder than in daylight.


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