Book Read Free

Reining in Riley

Page 7

by Claire Britain

  Riley extended a hand to the jovial women behind the desk. “Nice to meet you, Rosa.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Riley, welcome to New York. Anything you-a-need, you ask me, okay? I take-a-care of you,” Rosa replied in a thick Italian accent.

  “It’s true, Riley, Rosa can hook you up with just about anything!” Joanna said, smiling. “Rosa, I’m going to leave my bag here while we check Riley in next door. Then she’ll be coming up after she gets settled in, okay?”

  “Si, si, Meez Armstrong, eez no problem.”

  Just as Joanna had told Riley, the hotel was next door to the apartment building. From the looks of the lobby Riley could see that it was upscale and the five stars on the many accolade plaques that hung around the check-in desk confirmed it.

  “Yes, Riley Carrington for seven nights,” Joanna confirmed as she handed the clerk her credit card.

  “Very good, Ms. Armstrong. And it looks like we have the room overlooking the park, thirty-seven twenty-four. The elevators are around the corner,” the clerk informed them as the bellhop took Riley’s bag.

  “Okay, Riley, let’s say about an hour? Come on up next door and we’ll go to dinner with Kate and Helen. That sound okay?” Joanna asked.

  “Yes, that’s great, Ms. Armstrong, but I don’t want to put you out. If you have plans I’ll be fine,” Riley replied timidly.

  “Nonsense, you are my plans this week and Kate wants us to go to this great little Irish bistro for dinner. Oh, and nothing fancy, jeans are good, okay?” Joanna said reassuringly.

  “Okay,” Riley smiled. “See you in an hour. Oh, what apartment number?” she asked quizzically.

  “Penthouse A, and bring your coat; we’re going to walk,” Joanna replied.

  Riley felt a little giddy as she took in the magnificent view of the city and Central Park from her thirty-seventh-floor hotel room. She flopped onto the king bed and called Rae and Tracy.

  “I’m here!” she said excitedly to Tracy. “It’s amazing, I’m on the friggin’ thirty-seventh floor and we flew first class!”

  Riley chatted with Tracy and then Rae before she hung up after Rae’s numerous admonishments for Riley to behave herself this week. She unpacked her bag and grinned when she saw her new suit. She decided she would wear it on Tuesday when she met the new clients. Riley freshened up and changed into a sweater, her jeans, and a pair of black boots. She gave herself a once-over in the mirror approvingly, tucking a few strands of her dark hair away from her face.

  * * *

  Joanna nervously dialed Helen’s number as she walked back to the apartment building. “Hi, Helen, we’re here, I just checked Riley in next door. She’ll be up in an hour.”

  “Good, that gives us plenty of time to have our little chat before dinner,” Helen answered dryly on the other end of the phone.

  “Please, Helen, can we wait until after dinner? I don’t want to go out tonight with…”

  “Joanna!” Helen snapped back on the phone, making her girlfriend jump across the room. “I’ll be there in two minutes and you better be ready!”

  “Damn, are you really going to wallop her before dinner with Riley being here?” Kate asked her determined girlfriend.

  “You mind your business young, lady, just be glad it’s not you on the receiving end!” Helen said as she exited the apartment and walked across the hallway to Penthouse A.

  * * *

  Riley saw her breath in the frosty New York air as she headed next door to meet Joanna.

  “She on the top-a-floor, Riley, she and Meez Klein have Penthouses A and B, elevators over there,” Rosa said cheerfully.

  “Thanks, Rosa!” Riley said, heading for the penthouse elevators.

  Riley knocked on Joanna’s door, excited for the evening ahead. “Hi, Riley,” Joanna greeted her pleasantly. “Come on in!”

  “Hi!” Riley said as she looked around at the penthouse in appreciation. “God, this is fabulous and the view is amazing!” Riley said, looking out through one side of the room that was all glass walls leading out to a huge balcony.

  “Thanks, Riley; yes, I like it and this one I had the designer decorate!” Joanna said, laughing as she undid the enormous glass door to the outside living area. “Spa over there and barbeque, there’s also a community greenhouse that has fresh herbs, not that I cook! We are having Thanksgiving here though, I think we are catering in from the deli down the street. It will only be Helen, Kate, you and me and my dad and Andrea.”

  “And you are catering in for six people?” Riley asked sarcastically

  “Yes,” Joanna said, raising her eyebrows. “Okay, let’s go; Kate and Helen are waiting for us!”

  Joanna grabbed her coat and led Riley across the hall to Penthouse B.

  “Helen and Kate’s place,” Joanna, said nodding to the door as she knocked and let herself in.

  Joanna ushered Riley inside the penthouse, which was just as impressive as the one they’d just left.

  “Riley, lovely to see you!” Helen said warmly, giving Riley a hug.

  “Good to see you too, Ms. Klein—” Riley started before Helen cut her off.

  “Riley, not Ms. Klein, makes me sound old and stuffy, call me Helen. I insist. This is Katherine,” Helen said, turning toward her girlfriend.

  Riley had met Helen a couple of times before and she always seemed intimidating. At five foot eleven, Helen was an imposing woman with her elegant long legs and athletic stature. Her shoulder-length blond hair was swept back from her face, framing high cheekbones below her blue/green eyes. Kate on the other hand looked younger than her thirty-three years with her freckled face, turned-up nose, and light blue eyes. She was slender at five foot seven like Riley and she wore her short, dirty blond hair spiky in a messy pixie cut. Nine years separated the two women and although very different, they were a perfect match.

  “Call me Kate. Nice to finally meet you, Riley.”

  “You too, Kate,” Riley said, smiling as she shook Kate’s hand. “Joanna tells me you’re quite the runner?”

  “Yes, you run too, right? I can show you some trails through the park and around the city. It will be fun to have a running buddy!”

  “Hi, Kate,” Joanna greeted her with a hug and a kiss to her cheek. “How’s the thesis coming along?”

  “Slow, I’m afraid, but I’ll catch up after the holidays,” Kate said in a pouty tone.

  “You just need a little motivation, darling,” Helen said to Kate as she kissed Joanna on the cheek and handed her a glass of red wine. “How are you feeling? I was easy on you, you know,” Helen whispered into her friend’s ear. “Not that easy!” Joanna whispered back, red-faced.

  “Yeah, not the kind of motivation you dish out though!” Kate directed at Helen.

  “Riley, what can I get you? We have wine, beer, and a stocked wet bar.”

  “Wine is great, thank you,” Riley replied.

  “Pinot?” Helen asked, holding up the bottle.

  “Yes, perfect, my favorite, Central Coast makes the best Pinots! It’s the microclimate and acid in the soil.”

  “Well, I’m inclined to agree with you there,” Helen said.

  “So, a wine connoisseur too, Riley?” Joanna asked.

  “No, not really, but on special occasions like today I may indulge in a glass of a sixty-buck chuck!”

  “Hey, I paid sixty-seven!” Helen said indignantly in jest.

  “Well, there is a distributor in Westlake Village that has it for fifty-nine and they ship for free if your order is over a hundred, even to New York! They have another one too that you may like around the same price. I’ll give you the website,” Riley said with a smile.

  “Well, in that case I’d better open another bottle!” Helen announced, amused. “Cheers and welcome to New York, Riley!”

  The four women toasted and sipped on their wine. “Riley, is this your first time in New York?” Kate inquired.

  “I guess this is pretty much my first trip anywhere out of California, unless you c
ount the road trips to Tijuana in college!” Riley said with a grin.

  “No way, we are going to have a lot of fun, Riley!” Kate announced as she and Riley clinked glasses again and Kate took another big swallow of wine.

  Marveling at Riley, Joanna just smiled and shook her head. Riley’s naïve sophistication was endearing, and it continued to surprise her as she got to know her better.

  “She’s charming, you know, Jo,” Helen said quietly to her friend as they watched Kate and Riley enthusiastically engaged in conversation.

  “Yes, I know, and I knew she and Kate would hit it off, they’re a lot alike!” Joanna said, smiling.

  “So are you going to be able to sit through dinner, my friend?” Helen asked in an amused tone.

  “Not comfortably, I’m sure!” Joanna replied, a little irritated.

  “Well, just remember we’re not done with that conversation. Although Riley doesn’t look much the worse for wear if it was only two days ago. You probably were not as hard on her as you thought,” Helen said thoughtfully.

  Joanna just looked at Helen with sad eyes and an over-exaggerated pouty lip.

  “Oh, okay, you’re off the hook, but consider that a warning! Now are we ready for dinner, ladies?” Helen asked.

  “You bet!” Joanna replied, relieved. “This is going to be a good week!”

  The women sipped on more wine through dinner at the quaint Irish restaurant Kate had picked out.

  “You’d better slow down if you are taking Riley running in the morning, Kate,” Helen smiled at her girlfriend.

  “Oh, I know, but we don’t have to go early and we will still have plenty of time to take Riley sightseeing and be back in time for the game!” Kate replied as she hungrily worked on her large portion of authentic Irish fare.

  “Who’s your team, Kate, Giants?” Riley asked as she worked on her own large plate of food.

  “Yes, and I hope yours is 49ers because they play each other tomorrow!” Kate said with a grin.



  “We’ve created a monster with these two; you know that, don’t you, Hel?” Joanna said in a dismayed tone.

  “Yes, I believe we have, and where do they put all that and stay in such good shape?”

  “They are young and they run, Helen!”

  Kate and Riley chatted and giggled walking back from the restaurant. The wine they had consumed fended off the chill from the cold night air that was beginning to dip below freezing. Joanna and Helen walked arm in arm as they caught up and planned the week ahead.

  “Okay, Riley, see you in the lobby at seven. We’ll do the Eastside loop; it’s about six miles, okay?” Kate informed Riley as they walked her to the hotel entrance.

  “Yes, great, thank you all for a lovely evening!” Riley replied and she hugged the women goodnight. “See you tomorrow.”

  Chapter Seven

  Riley stepped out of the hotel lobby and shivered in the cold New York morning. Six o’clock had come early since Riley was still on West Coast time.

  “Riley, are you crazy?” Kate exclaimed as she stepped out of the elevator and saw Riley wearing shorts and a t-shirt. “Don’t you have a long t-shirt and pants?”

  “No. I guess I forgot about the weather for running,” Riley shivered.

  “C’mon, I can hook you up, we’re about the same size. It’s only twenty-three degrees out here, you know; you can’t run in shorts!” Kate scolded.

  Riley followed Kate to the elevators up to the apartment.

  “You back already, hon?” Helen said, yawning as Kate entered the bedroom.

  “No, knucklehead. Riley showed up shivering in shorts and a t-shirt. Guess she forgot cold weather running gear. I’m lending her some of mine, we’re about the same size.”

  “What?” Helen exclaimed, getting out of bed and grabbing her robe as she exited the bedroom to the living room. “Riley, you will catch your death, what are you thinking? This isn’t California; it’s below freezing out there!”

  “I know, I forgot to pack warm workout gear but I’d warm up after I start running; it’s not a big deal,” Riley replied as Kate handed her the running gear.

  “Miss, you put on those now!” Helen said sternly.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley replied, blushing.

  “Oh, leave her alone,” Kate said, smiling and rolling her eyes. “Don’t you have some yoga to do or something?”

  “Watch it, miss!” Helen said, smiling. “I don’t know why you don’t just run on the treadmills downstairs, it’s freezing out there!”

  “Boring! K, ready, Riley?”

  “Yep!” Riley said, emerging from the bathroom in new attire.

  “Okay, have a good run, girls. Maybe we’ll meet you on the back loop with coffee,” Helen said, kissing Kate on the cheek.

  The two girls kept up a brisk pace through Central Park. They chatted away, Kate pointing out various landmarks and Riley taking it all in.

  “What are you studying in school, Kate?” Riley asked.

  “Well, it was law at first. Then I started studying combat journalism. I had an opportunity to intern in the Middle East, to which Helen told me would be over her dead body or over her knee, whatever came first!” Kate laughed.

  “Well, you can’t blame her, Kate, with everything going on over there right now. So what are you doing now?”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m trying to finish my PhD in law and economics but it’s kind of been a drag lately, and studying for the bar!”

  “I know what you mean. I barely made it through grad school!” Riley sympathized.

  “Yeah, well, turns out one of my law professors is a good friend of Helen’s. Bitch gave me a D and sent an e-mail to Helen telling her I wasn’t motivated and my papers were substandard.” Kate grimaced.

  “Ouch! What happened?”

  “Well, let’s just say that Helen gave me plenty of motivation for multiple days! Damn professor knew it too. She was so smug the rest of the semester. I did end up with an A though. If there is one thing I can tell you about Helen and Joanna, it’s that they are very well connected on both sides of the country! C’mon, last half mile, I’ll race you to the fountain at the end!” Kate challenged as she sped up past Riley.

  Riley accelerated into a sprint to try to catch Kate and the two girls reached the fountain neck and neck, collapsing onto the grass, trying to catch their breath.

  “You’re fast!” Kate panted, staring up at the New York sky.

  “Well, I could barely catch you!” Riley replied.

  The two girls lay on the grass until their breathing returned to normal.

  “How long have you and Helen been together, Kate?” Riley asked.

  “Gosh, I guess it’s going on ten years! What about you, Riley, anyone special?” Kate inquired with a grin.

  “Nah, not really, Helen’s great though; you two are good together,” Riley replied.

  “What do you think of Joanna?” Kate asked playfully.

  “What do you mean? She’s my boss and she has that bitch of a bimbo girlfriend…” Riley stopped mid-sentence when she realized what she was saying, looking nervously over at Kate.

  Kate tried to look stoic and demure but only succeeded in bursting out laughing. “Oh, that’s great, ‘bout time someone called it for what it is. I only met Cheryl a couple of times but I never really had the warm fuzzies for her. Helen obviously supports Joanna but I think she feels the same too.”

  Riley was relieved she hadn’t offended Kate. “Oh, thank goodness, she’s caused me enough trouble the last few days!” Riley winced.

  “Yes, I heard, you okay?”

  “I am now, but what’s with all this spanking?” Riley flushed.

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, Helen blistered Joanna’s backside before dinner last night because she dealt with you when she was so angry! But you can’t say anything; Helen would be furious and I’ve managed to keep my butt out of her hairbrush’s radar for about a month
now!” Kate giggled.

  “What? Helen spanked Joanna? Oh, my God! But now that you mention it, Joanna was squirming a little through dinner. But isn’t that a little weird? I mean how do you feel about that, Kate?” Riley asked, a little perplexed.

  “It’s always been that way,” Kate laughed. “Helen and Joanna grew up together. Helen assumed the big sister role long before I met her. From what Helen’s told me, Joanna strayed a little while they were in college. Let’s just say she needed a little motivation and guidance to get her back on track. They were never involved, I guess it was just punitive, but it sort of stuck. Helen is definitely still in charge!”

  “Shit, now I feel bad I got her in trouble, I mean I deserved what I got I guess but… God, Kate, you have to know this is all new to me, I mean I never considered…” Riley stumbled awkwardly for the right words.

  “It’s okay, Riley. I know what you’re feeling, but you didn’t answer my question about Joanna!” Kate persisted with a grin.

  Riley grinned back at Kate. “Well, damn, she’s hot! I mean I wouldn’t kick her out of bed, but alas, she’s my boss and has a girlfriend!”

  Riley turned back up to the sky in deep thought as Kate giggled next to her.

  “She is great though, isn’t she? Intelligent, funny, definitely gorgeous, commanding yet gentle. Sometimes I feel she would do anything for me. Sounds dumb… but I feel a connection to her. But she’s way out of my league, and I know better,” Riley said dismissively.

  “What do you know better?” Joanna asked, startling Riley and Kate, who jumped to their feet at the arrival of Helen and Joanna.

  “Oh, nothing, we were just talking,” Riley replied, a little flustered.

  “Coffee?” Helen announced as she held up the cup holder.

  “Put these on,” Joanna directed, handing Riley and Kate a warm-up jacket each. “I got you a skinny latte, Riley. I think that’s what you like, right?”

  “Oh, yeah, thank you!” Riley said gratefully. “Perfect!”

  Joanna smiled at Riley. “Good run, girls?”


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