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Cocked And Loaded

Page 12

by Desiree Holt

  Zane turned his glare on Kit. “Jamie's too stubborn and pissed off to take good advice, but I had you figured for someone with more sense."

  Kit had the good grace to blush. “You're right and I apologize. It won't happen again."

  "Did you just drop by to chew me out?” Jamie asked.

  "Actually, smart mouth, I brought dinner for us. Barbecue from The Branding Iron."

  Jamie couldn't help the smile that spread over her face. The food at The Branding Iron was one of her few pleasant memories of Amen. “Well. Maybe I'll have to be nice to you after all,” she teased, suddenly relaxing.

  Zane bent his head and put his lips to her ear. “You'll be amazed at how nice you're going to be to me a little later on."

  "I heard that,” Kit laughed. “I'll be sure to wear my earplugs to bed tonight."

  They were only partially finished with their meal when the cell phone on Zane's belt rang. As he listened to the voice on the other end his face hardened.

  "All right. Give me about thirty minutes to get there. String tape around the scene and call in a couple of off duty guys to keep folks away if you have to.” He snapped the phone shut. “I have to go. I'm sorry."

  "Sheriff business?” Jamie asked.

  "I'd say so. Two dead bodies on the other side of Red Canyon Ranch.” He shoved back his chair. “Jamie, have you got an extra key to this place?"

  She was confused by the sudden change in her feelings for him. Her willingness to give him open access to her house, knowing why he wanted it. The sudden tumbling of her heart when she looked at him. Was it really possible they could bury the past and move forward?

  "Well?” he prompted.

  Jamie nodded. “In the drawer next to the sink. It opens the deadbolt, too."

  "We need to change that tomorrow.” Zane fished the key out and stuck it in his pocket. “Lock every door, ladies, and don't open them for anyone. No matter what. I'll let myself in when I get back."

  He leaned down and placed a hard kiss on Jamie's mouth, and then he was gone.

  She stared after him, stunned.

  "I'd say there's been a major shift in things with the hot sheriff,” Kit commented. “And personally speaking, and you can thumb your nose if you want to,” Kit rose from her chair, “but I'm taking the sheriff's advice."

  Jamie sat frozen in place. Two dead bodies? No way could they be connected to what was happening to her, yet Diablo County didn't have a high murder rate. The barbecue she'd eaten suddenly congealed in her stomach.

  "Thanks.” She finally made herself get up from the table. “I'll clean up and put this stuff away. Maybe Zane will want something to eat when he gets back."

  "Yeah, maybe,” Kit grinned. “But I don't think barbecue will be on his mind."

  Jamie was about to toss a comeback at her when the phone rang. Startling them both.

  "Don't answer it,” Kit told her.

  "Don't be ridiculous. What if it's Zane?"

  "Jamie, he just left here."

  But she shook her head and picked up on the third ring.

  "Miss Randall?"

  She had become familiar enough with Gray Ballou's voice to recognize it. Kit was right. She should have let the damn thing ring.

  "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling me. We really have nothing to discuss."

  "I understand you've had a little misfortune befall you. I wanted to let you know I'm still prepared to make you a good offer for your property. You might want to reconsider."

  Anger shot through her. “Did you have something to do with what went on here today?"

  "Please. I'm a business man, not a thug. Just letting you know you have an opportunity here."

  "Like I said, don't call here again.” She slammed the phone down, her stomach churning.

  "Ballou, right?” Kit guessed. “Tell him next time he calls you'll meet him and gut him with a hunting knife."

  Jamie laughed, a release from the tension of the phone call. “What a bloodthirsty person you are."

  "I just wish we could figure out why he's so hot to buy this property."

  "One thing I haven't done is look at any part of this place except the house. I don't really have any way to get around because the weeds and prairie grass are so high."

  "Let's talk to Zane about it,” Kit suggested. “Maybe he'll have some ideas."

  Jamie snorted. “Zane Cameron already has too big a grip on my life. Let's see if we can figure this out ourselves."

  Kit shrugged. “Suit yourself, but if it were me..."

  "It's not you,” Jamie snapped.

  Kit threw up her hands. “Okay, okay. In that case, when he shows up here later, you can tell him to crawl into my bed instead of yours."

  Jamie finished putting away the leftovers, ignoring her friend. When the counters were wiped, she tossed the sponge into the sink and pushed her hair off her face.

  "Let's sit out back for a while. It's cooler at night, and I get a nice breeze from all those oak trees."

  "Okay. How about finishing that wine we opened earlier??"

  "Sounds good to me."

  Neither woman was much in the mood for conversation. The events of the day were finally overwhelming Jamie, raising her stress factor higher than it already was. And Kit seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. Finally, when the bottle was empty, Jamie pulled herself out of the lounge chair and stretched.

  "I'm going to take a shower. I don't know if Zane was serious about coming back here—"

  "Oh, trust me,” Kit interrupted. “He was dead serious."

  "If he's hungry, I'll get up and fix him something. Otherwise, I'm getting into bed."

  "Have fun,” Kit winked.

  "You coming?"

  "No. I think I'll just sit here for a while before I try out that brand new bed in your guest room."

  "There's not much here to entertain yourself with. I'm sorry. I should have thought about buying a television set today."

  "Not to worry. If I get bored, I have a book to read. I'm just grateful your air conditioning works."

  Everything in the bedroom smelled brand new, a fact Jamie was grateful for. She hadn't wanted to move into her father's old room, but it was the biggest and Kit finally convinced her she was stupid not to take it for herself. They'd made the bathroom shine and decked it out with new accessories. Maybe they'd washed away the memories of the miserable old man, too.

  The hot water felt good on her tired body. She poured a liberal amount of lavender body wash into her palm and began smoothing it onto her skin, eyes closed, mind wandering. She almost screamed when the shower curtain was jerked aside and Zane grinned at her through the steam.

  "You almost gave me a heart attack,” she told him.

  "I plan on giving you something else in a minute. Don't get too far ahead of me."

  He let the curtain drop back into place, and Jamie heard the thunk of his boots coming off, his gun placed on the vanity, the rustle of his clothing. Common sense told her she was heading down a path of self-destruction. No good could come of this. Even if she wanted a relationship, Zane didn't. In her heart she knew he just wanted to take what he thought was his, fuck her brains out, then leave her in the dust as she'd done to him.

  But the sexual heat that pulled them together was stronger than ever, no matter what she thought. She was already shaking at his nearness and the images of what he had in mind.

  Then he was inside the enclosure with her, the steam surrounding them both, his body a huge presence. His hands cupped her cheeks in a newly-familiar gesture, and he kissed her with incredible fierceness.

  "I need to get rid of the stench of death,” he said when he lifted his head. “Don't push me away, Jamie. I need you. I need your body to make me clean."

  Whatever he'd found on the highway tonight had obviously upset him. No matter what resentments she might harbor against him, no matter how confused her thinking where he was concerned, she could help him forget. At least for a little while.

; He took one of her hands and placed it on his cock. “Feel what happens to me just by looking at you.” His voice was as hot as the water.

  Jamie looked down and sucked in her breath. His cock was so swollen she could hardly get her fingers around it. The head was a deep plum color, and the slit at the top winked at her like a hungry eye. Water was already streaming over his bronzed skin, dripping onto his dusky nipples and his navel.

  "Suck me, Jamie.” His voice was so thick and husky she almost didn't recognize it. “I've been thinking about your mouth on me all day long. Suck me, darlin', and I'll give you a shower you'll never forget."

  He didn't have to bribe her. She could hardly wait to wrap her lips around that huge shaft. Kneeling in the tub, she took him in both hands and slid her lips slowly over the head, swirling her tongue over the velvet skin, probing the slit with the tip of her tongue. He tensed and braced himself against the tiled wall.

  She worked him into her mouth slowly, a little at a time, her lips stretched wide and her teeth grazing the skin covering that hard steel. The solid shaft jumped in her mouth, pressing against her tongue. Sliding her hands up and down the soft covering, she worked it in a millimeter at a time, sucking deeply at each forward thrust, then releasing the pressure.

  She found a rhythm that allowed her to move her mouth and hands in the same cadence, each time taking in just a little more of his cock. When the soft head hit the roof of her mouth, she tilted her head backwards, out of the stream of the shower, to take him deeper. One of his hands came up to cup the side of her head and help her adjust the angle of penetration.

  When she'd finally taken as much of him as she could, she slipped one hand beneath his thighs and cupped the heavy sac of his balls, lightly drawing her fingernails over the wrinkled skin, then reaching to scrape the tender skin leading to his anus. His groan vibrated through his body so she did it again, a slow, teasing move. His thigh muscles tightened, and his hips jerked forward.

  Her hands worked in a steady, coordinated rhythm, one sliding up and down the rigid shaft, the other squeezing and tormenting his balls, while her mouth continued to pull on him, drawing him ever deeper.

  She couldn't miss the signs when his orgasm began to rise. His body tensed, his balls tightened, his cock grew heavier in her mouth. Then it grabbed him, ripping through his body as spurt after spurt of thick semen hit her tongue and the back of her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could, determined not to lose a drop.

  Zane braced himself against the tile wall with one hand while the other gripped her head and held it tight to his groin.

  "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” he chanted as spasm after spasm rocked him.

  At last she'd sucked him dry. Easing him from her mouth, she held him in her hand as the shower spray washed his cock, and he stood there trying to steady his breathing. She rose when the water began to run cold and turned it off, shoving the shower curtain aside, and grabbing two towels from the stack on the vanity. Brand new large fluffy towels she'd bought during the day's shopping spree.

  Handing one to Zane, she stepped out of the tub and began to dry off.

  She jerked when his big hands gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him.

  "I didn't get to take care of you like I promised.” His warm breath fanned her face. “But I'm going to now."

  Tossing the towels aside, he bent to retrieve something from his jeans, then lifted her in his arms and strode into the bedroom with her, laying her down on the bed crosswise, her buttocks on the edge of the mattress. Just like the other day, he knelt between her outspread thighs, lifted her legs over his shoulders, and bent his head to devour her.

  She hadn't known there were so many nerves in her pussy, so many places his tongue could touch and ignite. Her juices were running, and already tiny flutters rippled through the walls of her vagina.

  He was taking his time, slowly licking every surface, sucking at her clit and nibbling it with short nips, then thrusting his tongue deep inside her. The puckered ring of her anus tingled as she remembered when he'd slipped his fingers in there the other day. What would he think if she asked him to do it again?

  But she could barely get enough thoughts together to form words as his assault on her cunt took her higher and higher. Every time he brought her to the edge, ready to tumble over, he backed off and left her panting until she didn't even know her own name.

  He never said a word, just worked at her and worked at her until she didn't know if she could stand it anymore. She dug her heels into his neck, signaling her need, panting as she fought for her climax, but he was the devil himself, holding her off again and again.

  "Please,” she cried. “God, Zane, please let me come."

  "You want to come, Jamie?” His voice was heavy and hoarse.

  She nodded, unable to say more.

  "All right, darlin'. I'm going to give you the orgasm of your life."

  Without warning, he flipped her over and pulled her to her knees, spreading them wide. His tongue blazed a trail over every inch of her buttocks while one hand reached beneath her to squeeze and rub her clit. His fingers plundered her vagina, gathering her cream then painting it on the tight ring of her anus.

  She heard the rip of foil and knew he was sheathing himself. Her stomach muscles clenched in a mixture of anticipation and dread. He was so damned big she didn't think she could take him, but the darkness of the thrill beckoned to her.

  He leaned over her and feathered a line of kisses the length of her spine, even as his large hands spread the cheeks of her ass.

  "I need this, Jamie. I won't hurt you, I promise. But tonight, I need this."

  She wet her lips with the tip of her tongue and managed to say, “It's all right, Zane. It's okay. I want you to."

  He licked the top part of the cleft of her buttocks, then she felt the sheathed head of his cock pressing against that tight hole. One thought flashed through her mind. In none of her relationships since Zane had she ever allowed her partners anal sex. Somehow it hadn't appealed to her with them. But with Zane, her body craved every pleasure he could give her. That would make twice she'd given her virginity to him.

  Then she couldn't think at all, as he pressed, pressed, pressed, crooning to her all the time, as that broad, flat head finally breached the virgin hole and he was inside that hot, dark tunnel.

  "I'll go slow,” he panted. “I swear to you, if it hurts, you can tell me to stop."

  "Don't stop,” she ground out. “Don't. Stop."

  But he did for the briefest of moments. “You've never done this before, have you.” It was a statement, not a question. “Jesus god, Jamie. Christ, darlin'.” She heard the rasping sound of his breath as he struggled to slow himself down. “Okay, listen to me. Breathe, Jamie. It makes it easier. Do what I tell you. Breathe in and let it out slowly."

  Don't go slowly. Do it hard and fast.

  Where had that come from? She'd never enjoyed this kind of sex. At least, she hadn't thought so. Or maybe it just took Zane to wake something inside her that she'd been hiding for a long time.

  But she knew tonight was no time to do anything but comply. Be pliant. And maybe that was what she wanted, too. So she did as he told her, drawing in the deepest breath she could then letting it out. As she did, he pushed in a little further.

  "Keep doing it, darlin'.” His voice was so tight with control she hardly recognized it. “Again. Breathe in, then out."

  With his hands holding her hips and guiding her, she took one deep breath after another. As she exhaled each one, that fat, thick cock invaded her just a little further, until, wonder of wonders, he was completed seated inside her. She was so full, so stretched, she didn't know if she could breathe again.

  He stopped moving, giving her time to adjust to him. One hand stole around to her pussy and found her clit, stroking it even as he pulled her up against him. Spears of pleasure drove through her, heating her blood and making her nipples harden and ache. Reflexively she pushed back, and the head of his cock
hit the hot spot in her rectum.

  Zane's hands stilled her. “Jesus, Jamie. Don't do that. Not yet. God, I'll lose it."

  He was working her clit, rubbing and tweaking it and cream poured from her as the muscles in her vagina pulsed and throbbed. Her blood was racing in her veins, and her body was so full of Zane she couldn't think.

  His hands tightened on her hips. “Okay, Jamie?"

  She nodded, the high state of arousal in her body preventing her from uttering a word.

  "Good. Here we go, darlin'."

  Rolling and thrusting his hips, he began a steady in and out stroke, hard and deep. Jamie grabbed a handful of coverlet and jammed it into her mouth, stifling her cries. As he increased the pace, he moved his hand faster on her clit. She could feel the tension in his body, the pulsing of his cock and knew his climax was near. Pushing back, she took him deeper, feeling her own orgasm rushing through her, her body nearing its peak.

  "Now, Jamie.” The words burst from him. “Damn it, now."

  "Yes,” she cried, and then it caught her, like the riptide in the ocean, tossing her and turning her as spasm after spasm ripped through her. She shook like a leaf in the wind, still thrusting back at Zane, still riding his cock, her cunt flexing and quivering. Inside her rectum, his cock pulsed and pulsed as he emptied himself into the latex.

  It seemed to go on forever, yet eventually the shudders were reduced to shivers, the spasms to ripples. Zane's fingers on her hips were like branding irons, searing her body with heat.

  When she fell forward, Zane's big body on top of hers, she could barely draw air into her lungs and the pounding of her heart echoed in her ears. Her entire body felt torn apart and barely reassembled. Zane kissed her shoulder, then slowly withdrew from her.

  She heard him in the bathroom, disposing of the condom and running water. Then he was back, gently lifting her into place on the bed, soothing her anus and vagina with a warm washcloth.


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