What the Dog Knows
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Lackland Airforce Base: Military Working Dog Center at, 259
Lady (German shepherd), 63, 64, 186. See also Dupa (German shepherd)
L’Ambiance Plaza disaster, 64–65
Lancashire Constabulary (England): body dogs for, 54, 60
Land Warfare Laboratory, U.S. Army, 37–38, 49, 54
language, 105–8
law enforcement
bloodhounds in, 40–41
Cat’s ambitions and, 111
fake nose and, 221
gender issues and, 115
lack of resources for, 114–15
Morganza Spillway search and, 207
Solo’s certification and, 111
Suffolk’s contribution to, 67
as suspicious of volunteers, 111, 159
training of body dogs for, 61
See also patrol dogs; police dogs; specific person
Lee, Henry, 63
Lepsch, Lisa, 238, 240
Levy, Karen, 58
Lhasa Apsos, 53
lift-slab construction, 64–65
Limited War Laboratory, U.S. Army, 222
Lit, Lisa, 73, 151–52, 153, 279
Little Bit (German shepherd), 275, 277, 278, 279. See also Coda
Long, Lessel, 235
“Look for it” command, 107
Lopez, Dave, 120, 126, 127, 128
Louisiana: water searches in, 206–7, 212
Lowry, Doug, 157
Lubow, Robert E., 60–61
Lughar (sable shepherd), 120, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129
MacCallum, May, 244, 246, 247, 248
Macy (Labrador), 245–46, 247
Maggie (Australian shepherd), 170, 207, 236
magic: as motivation for dogs, 76–79
Malinois, 39, 41, 90–91, 114, 116, 225, 236, 259, 271. See also specific dog
Mangus (working dog), 214
Marion, Francis, 243–44
Martin, Paul, 95, 96, 169, 243–47
Maximus (shepherd), 192–93, 195, 196, 197
Mayhew, Lisa, 111–12, 267
Mazda, Ahura, 19
McCain, John, 193
McConnell, Debbie, 187
McConnell, Patricia, 5–6, 272
McDonald, Kha, 235, 236, 237
McDougall, Duncan, 89
Medeiros, Debra, 185
Medford, June, 224
body dogs and, 62–63
and Cat’s viewing habits, 180
and false claims about dogs, 150
See also popular culture
Megan (Irish setter), 4, 7, 8, 9–10, 12, 71, 97, 98, 100, 102, 180, 265–67, 275, 279
Menache, Sophia, 23
Mendes, Dawn, 187
“mercy dogs,” 190
Mesloh, Charlie, 121, 122
military, U.S.
and animals as model for study of human disease, 258–59
body dog program for, 60, 61
detection dogs for, 33, 49
detection study by, 47–51
exposure to toxins of dogs in, 257
fake nose and, 221
first cadaver-dog project of, 192–97
and killing of dogs and handlers in Afghanistan, 212–13
and replacements for detection dogs, 221, 225
retirement of working dogs from, 259
training of dogs for, 33, 61
See also Army, U.S.; Montanarelli, Nick
Military Working Dog Center (Lackland Airforce Base), 259
Minamata, Japan: sentinel animals in, 258
Miss Marple (vulture), 227
missing persons searches, 232
missing-toddler scenario, 162, 163–64
Mississippi Delta
Cat as handler on search in, 169–72
Higgins training of handlers in, 169–74
Solo’s historic human remains search in, 242
Mitchell, Daniel S., 49
Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, U.S. Army, 49
Molli (Labrador), 170
Montanarelli, Nicholas, 37–38, 49, 50, 52, 54–55, 59, 222
Morgan, Nancy, 101–2
Morganza Spillway (Louisiana): water searches along, 206–7
Muir, John, 131, 197–98
Mullikin, V.G., 44
multipurpose dogs, 41
multitasking, 74
murders: body dogs and, 55–56
Murphy, Marcia, 244
mutts, 39, 52, 190
Myers, Larry, 30–31, 36–37, 153, 254
names: for Solo’s successor, 267–68
narcotics dogs, 72
NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Agency), 48
national cemeteries, 191
National Institute of Justice, 37, 228
National Police Bloodhound Association, 40–41, 154, 157
National Search Dog Alliance, 163
negative searches, 152–53, 163, 164–65
Nero (Belgian Malinois), 260–61
Neuharth, Allen H., 218
New Bedford, Massachusetts: body searches in, 185–88
New York State Police: Hatch murders and, 55–56
New York Times, 150, 151, 155, 156
Nick Carter (bloodhound), 44
Nikki (German shepherd), 210–11
North Carolina
animals in, 183
appearance of bodies in, 181–82
Cat-Solo walks in Piedmont woods of, 231–32
Cat’s training with handlers in foothills of, 105–6
military canine training base in, 225
murder rate in, 180
Solo’s search of swamp in, 131–38, 139–43
time frame for searches in, 184
See also Durham Police Department
and aging of dogs, 254
artificial/fake, 218–19, 220–22, 226
biotechnology and, 217–22, 226
comparison among species of, 29–30, 36–37
dogs as trusting their, 160
electronic, 218–19, 220–21, 226
history of, 28–29
human noses compared with dogs, 28, 36–37
research on human, 31–32
size of, 28
of Solo (German shepherd), 2, 6–7, 37
See also smell, sense of; specific breed
nursing home dogs, 23
Oakland Park, Florida: Sprouse training program in, 125–30
Oates, Michael, 225
obedience handlers, 7
obedience trainers, 12, 115
odor. See scent; smell, sense of
Oesterhelweg, Lars, 91–92
Ohio River water search, 210–11
Old Spanish Trail: historic human remains on, 241–42
olfactory system. See nose; scent; smell, sense of
Ollie (golden retriever), 24
Oneida County, New York: Suffolk body dogs search in, 57–59
Oppel, Kent, 62
Oppel, Robin, 62
Ortiz, Benjamen, 162, 163–64
other dogs
Solo’s relationship with, 12–13, 16, 18, 102–3, 118
working dogs as learning from, 276
O’Toole, Peter, 265
Otto, Cynthia, 256
owners, dog: Cat’s relationship with other, 12–13
Paiva, Nancy, 185–86
Palman, Deborah, 40, 138–39
Panama Canal: bugs as detectors test in, 223
Panzer (shepherd), 192–93, 194–96, 197
Patent Office, U.S., 64
patrol dogs, 61, 76, 114, 119–20, 121–23, 166, 250, 254, 272, 274, 275. See also law enforcement; police dogs; specific dog
paw preferences, 273–74
Pearl (Labrador), 57, 58
Pegues family plantation, 243–45
Penn Vet Working Dog Center, 256
pet dogs, 35, 79, 87, 121, 256–57
Peterson, Michael, 258–59
Pfungst, Oskar, 146
Phillips, David, 195–96, 197<
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Piedmont woods (North Carolina): Solo-Cat walks in, 231–32
pigs, 50–51, 54, 60, 88–89
Pikett, Keith, 154, 155–57, 158
Pip (Chihuahua), 37
Plott hounds, 39
Pluto (Disney dog), 43
police dogs (K9 units)
bite sleeves and, 123–25
bites of, 121–23
bloodhounds as, 41, 44
development of programs for, 33
in Durham, 114–15
German shepherds as, 3
handlers for, 261
misuse of, 121–23
public image of, 121
retirement of, 250, 251, 252
sense of smell and, 33
Polonis, Jim, 50–51, 53
popular culture
bloodhounds in, 42–43
dogs in, 23–25
Preston, John, 155
prison bloodhounds, 42, 44
privacy: dog-sniff cases and, 151
Puffin (Maltese puppy), 53
as imitators, 275–76
paw preferences of, 273–74
and Solo as puppy, 6–11
PVC pipe training, 80–81, 277
Pyle, Ernie, 192
Quando (German shepherd, Solo’s father), 7
Quinn (German shepherd), 138
raccoons/possums, 51, 52, 183
Radimir (Belgian Malinois), 211
Rains, Glen, 219–20
Rands-Warren, Anges, 10
raptors, 51
Ray, James Earl, 44
Rebmann, Andy
and Cat as handler, 168
commands of, 106–7
Crafts case and, 63–64
and gender of dogs, 273
L’Ambiance Plaza disaster and, 64–65
and negative searches, 163
New Bedford murder search of, 186–88
Oppel case and, 61–63
Pikett case and, 157
professional background of, 45, 115
reputation of, 59
retirement of, 67, 188
and self-deployment of volunteers, 181
seminars of, 214
Suffolk’s relationship with, 60, 63, 107
training of body/cadaver dogs by, 60–63, 67, 92, 107
training of handlers by, 67, 169, 181
writings by, 18–19, 66, 210
Zarrella’s relationship with, 195
Reese, Richard, 194
Reichl, Ruth, 109
religion: dogs’ connections with, 19–20, 22–23
Renzo (German shepherd), 240
retirement: of dogs, 250–52
Revolutionary War, 233, 243–48
accidental, 94–95
Baker’s training program and, 117
for bees, 48
for bloodhounds, 41–42
false alerts and, 147, 148
food as, 166, 219
“go out” and, 149
and Hook’s training of Solo, 70, 71, 72
importance of, 115
for lack of fear, 96
negative searches and, 152, 153
and personality of dogs, 186
self-, 253
for Solo, 70, 71, 72, 101, 116, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 147, 148, 152, 153, 209, 247, 248, 253
toys as, 101, 116, 117, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 152, 153, 165–66, 209, 248
for “Wasp Hound,” 219
weaning dogs off, 165
for working dogs, 115
Reza (German shepherd), 275
Rhodes, Robin, 187–88
Rick (German shepherd), 123–24, 125
Rin (German shepherd), 250
Robby’s Law, 259
Rocco (shepherd), 240
Rotter, Ephraim, 236
Rufus (German shepherd), 61, 62, 186
sagdid (Zoroastrian rite), 20–21
Sagebiel, John, 89
“sanitary dogs,” 190
Sanson, Greg, 199, 214
Sassoon, Siegfried, 189, 190
Scamp (schnauzer), 23
scavengers, 20, 24
scenarios, 161–67, 170–74
of animals, 61
artificial nose and, 220–21
of buried bodies, 87
comparison of human with dog, 169
of death/decomposition, 18, 21, 61, 80–82, 83, 84–89, 96, 200
dispersal of, 138–39
of historic human remains, 236, 240, 242
human body, 60–61
human remains versus live human, 138
ingested chemicals and, 87
longevity of, 185
and role of scent evidence in court system, 154–55
submerged bodies and, 202
training and, 60–61
“The Wasp Hound” patent and, 219–20
water searches and, 209, 210, 212
See also working scent
scent drive: of Solo, 10
scent lineup, Pikett’s, 155–56, 157
Schatzie (German shepherd), 166–67, 205
Schutzhund (ring sport), 3, 123–24
Search & Rescue Dog training packages, 93
search patterns, 103–4, 116
search-and-rescue dogs, 17–18, 34, 44, 54, 115, 195, 257
and animals in search areas, 183
blind, 152–53
Cat’s reactions to, 176–80
comparison of land and water, 209–10, 211
in difficult terrain, 182
dogs’ unwillingness to stay within confines of, 166–67
handlers’ preparation for, 181–83
learning from, 177–78
negative, 152–53, 177
options for outcomes of, 176–77
reality of, 178–79
time frame for, 184
types of areas for, 183–85
unreasonable, 151
See also specific search or type of search
second-dog syndrome, 268
Seminole Indian Wars, 191
sentinel animals, 257–58
Sepot, Peter, 119, 128–29
September 11, 2001, 193, 256
Shakespeare, William, 39, 161, 164
sheep: scent of dead, 86
shell game, 75–79
Shepard, Paul, 15, 25
shepherds, 52–53, 59, 267. See also type of shepherd or specific dog
Sherlock (vulture), 227
Shiraz (Belgian Malinois), 107, 236
Shubin, Lester, 37–38, 49
Sinai War (1972), 192
singleton dog(s), 3, 5–6, 13, 102
skunks, 51
slave searches, 43–44, 235, 237–41, 245, 246
Sledge, Michael, 191
Slick, Tom Jr., 48, 65
Smalley, Barb, 7–8, 279
smell, sense of
and aging of dogs, 254
bears and, 30–31
bloodhounds and, 30, 37, 38–39, 40
brain and, 84, 87
of Cat, 84–85
chocolate studies about, 32
cognition and, 35–37
comparative studies about, 28, 29–31, 36–37
of hunting dogs, 33
identical twin study and, 35–36
importance of, 29
lack of knowledge about dogs, 28
medical importance of, 31
number of receptors and, 37
police dogs and, 33
research about, 29–30, 34–38
tracking and, 33
and training of dogs, 32, 36, 88
See also nose; scent
snakes, 51, 52
sniffer dogs, 33, 140
Solo (German shepherd)
aging of, 252–54, 265
alert of, 72, 95, 101, 104, 116, 146–47, 148–50, 185, 211, 247, 263
appearance of, 6–7, 21, 70, 100
Baker’s critique of, 117
biotechnology revolution and,
birth of, 1–2, 218
body language of, 148
“cancer” of, 255, 256, 257
Cat’s expectations for, 4, 7, 8, 16–17
Cat’s initial feelings about, 7, 8, 13
and Cat’s lifestyle, 180
and Cat’s reactions to cadaver work, 176
Cat’s relationship with, 97, 100, 116, 135, 168, 169, 253, 267
and Cat’s views about being a handler, 180
certification of, 111, 204
cleverness of, 146–47
Coda’s relationship with, 279–80
command for, 105, 135–36, 147, 153, 246
“commit” of, 160
and comparison of human and dog noses, 28
Cora’s (great-aunt) relationship with, 6
David’s relationship with, 12, 100, 137, 280
disciplining of, 12
“drive mode” of, 71–72, 209
and exposure to whole bodies, 96–97
false alerts and, 146–47, 148–50
homecoming for, 7–8
Hook’s views about, 71–72, 269
intelligence of, 9
job selection for, 17–18, 25
and longevity of scents, 185
Megan’s relationship with, 8, 9–10, 12, 100, 102, 266, 275
motivation of, 79–82
naming of, 5
neutering of, 102
nickname for, 6
nose of, 2, 6–7, 37, 82, 227
and other dogs, 12–13, 16, 17–18, 102–3, 118
pain and, 70
paw preference of, 274
personality of, 8–9, 12, 13, 17–18, 81, 100, 102, 103, 108, 118, 134, 148, 168, 252–53, 273
Piedmont woods walk in, 231–32
as a puppy, 6–13
reputation of, 12
retirement of, 254, 262–63
rewards for, 70, 71, 72, 101, 116, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 147, 148, 152, 153, 209, 247, 248, 253
scent drive of, 10, 69–72
and selection of Solo’s successor, 268, 273, 274–79
as singleton dog, 3, 6, 9, 13, 102
talents of, 270
as teacher for new puppy, 275, 276–77
teaching “ouch” to, 9
toys for, 6, 7, 8–9, 100, 101, 116, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 152, 153, 209, 248, 252, 253
veterinarians’ visits with, 12, 257
Vita’s mothering of, 6
Warren (Charles) and, 10–11, 103
Solo (German shepherd)—searches of
cemetery, 245, 246–48
difficult, 182
and first track of Solo, 10
historic human remains, 242, 245, 246–48
negative, 152–53
obedience during, 253
and reality of searching, 178–79
swamp, 131–38, 139–43
water, 201–4, 209–10, 211
Solo (German shepherd)—training of
Baker’s, 112–18, 159
for blind searches, 152–53
as cadaver dog, 69–72, 93–95, 96–98
Cat’s, 8, 21, 74, 101–4, 176
Clever Hans affair influence on training of, 146
Hook’s, 17, 69–72, 73, 74, 75, 79–82, 93, 97, 100–104, 137–38, 149–50, 219, 253