What the Dog Knows
Page 36
obedience, 102
problems with, 101–2
and scent of death, 21
timing in, 160
for water searches, 201–4, 209–10
Solo, Han (fictional character), 6, 13
Sorg, Marcella, 66
South Carolina: cemetery search in, 243–48
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), 47–52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 64, 65, 222
Sprouse, Sandy, 251–52
Sprouse, Steve, 119–20, 123–30, 251–52, 270–71, 274, 275–76
Stager, Kenneth, 227
Stephanitz, Max von, 273
Strega (sable German shepherd), 198–200, 212–16, 239–40, 249, 259–60
Stubbs, Debra, 197
Suffolk, Ralph D. Jr. “Jim,” 56–59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 107, 273
Suffolk, Sally, 59
Sullenberger, “Sully,” 36
Sunshine, Larry, 31
Super Bowl: Dennis searches at, 172
Supreme Court, Connecticut, 45
Supreme Court, New York State, 56
Supreme Court, U.S.: dog-sniff cases before the, 151
swamp, North Carolina: Solo’s search in, 131–38, 139–43
Syracuse University: Levy body search at, 58
Syrotuck, Bill, 18–19, 34
Taliban, 213–14, 216
Tarn (German shepherd), 277
Taylors Millpond: training for submerged bodies in, 201–4
Temple (Belgian Malinois), 236
Tennessee: search for submerged body in, 205–6
“The Wasp Hound” patent, 219–20, 223
Thomas, Cherita, 159
Thomasville, Georgia: searches in, 233–37
ticks: as detectors, 222, 223
Time magazine: demise of working dogs story in, 218, 219
timing: importance of, 159–60
Tina (bloodhound), 45
Titus, Roger, 40–41, 154, 155, 157, 273
Tolhurst, William D., 59, 233
Tomkins, Lisa, 273–74
Tona (bloodhound), 59
“Too far” command, 246
toxic exposure: of dogs, 255–57
Cat-Solo relationship and, 100
and Cat’s training of Solo, 21
and Cora (great-aunt) as teacher for Solo, 6
as distractions, 165–66
and drive of dogs, 72
fish PVC training tools as, 80, 81
and George’s training program, 76, 77, 78, 79
as rewards, 101, 116, 117, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 152, 153, 209, 248, 253
for Reza’s pups, 275
for Solo, 6, 7, 8–9, 100, 101, 116, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 152, 153, 209, 248, 252, 253
Solo’s paw preference and, 274
tug, 135, 142, 143, 248, 253
See also Kongs
of Abominable Snowman, 48
by bloodhounds, 39–45, 48, 61
court acceptance of evidence gained by, 39–40, 45
gender of dogs and, 272–73
sense of smell and, 33
tiredness of dogs while, 140
training for, 40
See also body dogs
trailing. See tracking
AKC obedience, 12
Cat’s relationships with, 12–13
George’s views about, 77
of handlers, 76–78
and identification of smell of death, 88
See also specific person
aids for, 92–95, 163
blind problems and, 149–50
of body dogs, 54–55, 57, 67
boredom during, 75–82
building expertise and, 73–74
of cadaver dogs, 18–19, 85–86, 92–96
and chocolate smell studies, 32
decomposition and, 85–86, 95–96
at FOREST, 95–96
Fort Lauderdale program for, 118–20
of handlers, 67, 75–82, 95, 118–20, 161–67, 170, 261, 271
importance of, 32, 92
as interesting, 75–79
materials for, 93–95
need for strengthening, 153
odors used for, 60–61
order of, 74–75
of patrol dogs, 166
Rebmann views about, 92
scenarios for, 161–67, 170–74
and sense of smell, 33, 36
shell game and, 75–79
and smell of death, 88–89
for submerged bodies, 201–4
timing importance during, 159–60
for tracking, 40
of vultures, 227
for water searches, 201–4, 208–10, 212
See also specific trainer or dog
treats. See Kongs; rewards
Trowbridge, John, 191
trust your dog, 167, 169, 177
Turin, Luca, 31–32
turkey vultures, 180, 226–28
Turner, Mary Rose: murder of, 55, 56, 58
University of Tennessee: Anthropological Research Facility “body farm” at, 80, 92
Vass, Arpad, 85, 86–87, 88, 89, 92, 164, 184, 228–29, 241, 242, 245
Veterans Health Administration, 259
veterinarians: Solo’s visits with, 12, 257
Vietnam War, 33, 49, 50, 54, 192–97, 199, 258
Vita (German shepherd, Solo’s mother), 1, 2, 4, 6, 218
vocabulary for dogs, 105–8
volatile organic chemicals, 29, 31, 85, 87–88, 89, 92, 228, 242
volunteers, 111, 115, 159, 172, 180
Wag (fictional dog), 265
and recovery of dead soldiers, 191–97
uses for dogs during, 189–90, 259
water searches during, 213–16
wounded in, 190–91
See also specific war
War of 1812, 233
Warren, Cat
ambitions of, 110–11
career background of, 218
and Cat’s views about being a handler, 176–83
childhood of, 4, 11, 203
and comparison of human and dog noses, 28
as defining herself, 112
fiftieth birthday of, 109–10
handler abilities of, 105–6, 116, 117–18, 168, 169–72, 176–77, 268–69
as journalist, 65, 111, 218
media viewing habits of, 180
motivation of, 176
as one-dog wonder, 269
reactions to cadaver work of, 176–80
and relationships with other dog owners, 12–13
retirement of, 254
and selection of Solo’s successor, 267–79
sense of smell of, 84–85
and Solo’s “cancer,” 255, 257
Solo’s relationship with, 12, 97, 100, 116, 135, 168, 169, 253, 267
Solo’s retirement and, 262–63
and training of Solo’s successor, 266
Warren, Charles, 4, 5, 10–11, 25, 97–98, 99, 100–101, 103, 109, 110, 112, 204, 266, 277
Warren, Dan, 204
Warren, Mark, 204, 277
“Warwick nose,” 220
Washington State: and missing-children homicide case study, 173
water searches
alcohol/food role in, 208
alerts and, 211, 212
body float charts and, 208, 216
and characteristics of water, 209–10
dog’s cues during, 211
of Ferguson, 205
handlers and, 209–10
of Higgins, 206–7
land searches compared with, 209–10, 211
in Louisiana, 212
in Ohio River, 210–11
scent and, 209, 210, 212
Solo and, 201–4, 209–10, 211
three-dimensional problems of, 208, 210
training for, 201–4, 208–9, 210, 212
in war zones, 213–16
Weakley-Jones, Barbara, 232
Weimaraners, 39
Weld Square victims (Massachusetts), 186–88
West Virginia: historic human remains searches in, 237–41
Western Carolina University: FOREST program at, 95–96
whippets, 53
Whiskey (East European shepherd), 74, 80, 81, 101
Whitney, Leon, 44
whorls, 273–74
Winfrey, Megan, 157
Winthrop Point scenario, 170–74
Wired magazine: fake nose story in, 221–22
Wolff, Art, 163, 166, 211
Wolfie (German shepherd), 102
Wolfinger, Norman, 155
wolves, 51–52
working dogs
aging of, 252–54
and animals as model for study of human disease, 258
bonding of handlers and, 149, 256
characteristics of good, 34, 72–73
“demise” of, 218–19
exposure to toxins of, 257
gender issues and, 272
identical twin study and, 35–36
imitation and, 176
independence of, 149
jobs for, 34
as leaders, 79
as learning from observing other dogs, 276
physical condition of, 256
research about, 35–38, 276
retirement of, 259
rewards for, 115
See also specific breed or specific dog
working scent
Cat and, 28
dogs as, 27–28
Solo’s nose and, 2
World War I, 190
World War II, 190, 192
yellow-tape scenario, 166–67
Yom Kippur War, 54
Young, Ken, 105
Youssef, Nancy, 225
Zarrella, Matt, 192–97
Zev (German shepherd), 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 16, 21–22, 71
Zinicola, Lorraine, 56, 58
Zodiac (Belgian Malinois), 211
zombie handlers, 168–69, 174
Zoroastrians, 20–21
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Copyright © 2013 by Cat Warren
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Warren, Cat.
What the dog knows : the science and wonder of working dogs / Cat Warren.
pages cm
“A Touchstone book.”
1. Search dogs—Anecdotes. 2. Warren, Cat. I. Title.
SF428.73W37 2013
636.7’0886—dc23 2013012006
ISBN 978-1-4516-6731-8
ISBN 978-1-4516-6733-2 (ebook)