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Page 30

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Then, as he nipped at her throat, the hand at her belly sank down, not stopping until it slipped between her thighs. His thumb pressed hard against the crotch of her yoga pants, and though he rubbed over her clit, it wasn’t enough. Only skin to skin contact would ever be enough.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet, Sascha,” he gritted out, sucking down against her shoulder as he panted out the words.

  She wanted to be mortified but found she couldn’t be. He had her exactly where he wanted her, exactly where she wanted to be.

  “Fuck me, Sean,” she whispered on a gasp. “I need you. I need you inside me.”

  He groaned. “Your head…”

  “Is fine,” she repeated, letting her hand come up to scrape along his scalp, holding him in place for a second. “I want this. I want you,” she urged throatily.

  He let out a sigh that was more explosive than a gust of wind, and she wasn’t sure if it was a sound of acquiescence or rejection. She gritted her teeth as the uncertainty overwhelmed her once more. Then, he was helping her off his lap and helping her stand with the desk to the back of her thighs.

  Before she could argue, sure he was about to send her away, his hands were at the waistband of her yoga pants and he was tugging them, and her panties, down. She shuddered with the glory of it, the realization that he needed her as desperately as she craved him.

  When the pants were hooked down by her knees, his thumbs slid along the inner curve of her thighs. They didn’t stop until they were pulling her pussy lips apart, and one thumb slid deeper, coming to a halt only at the entrance.

  The barely-there penetration had her pussy clutching the digit, and she whimpered, her head falling back at the teasing touch.

  “No,” she whimpered, her hands coming up to support her head. “More, more,” she demanded, letting her good hand move down to cup his chin.

  She felt his smile behind her fingers, but didn’t have the wherewithal to chide him, just had to take what he was giving. She loved that about them all. They gave, and she had to take. For the moment. While she was still delicate, they’d get used to this side of her. But when she was back to full working order, they’d get the shock of their lives.

  For the moment, she loved their dominance, their willingness to take charge of her body, and give her what it needed. What she needed.


  Any way they’d let her have them.

  She moaned when he demanded, “Try to widen your stance.”

  She complied, managing to find a scant few inches of give in the taut fabric, and was immediately rewarded with his mouth finding her clit. She tilted her head forward to watch, to see his mouth furling around her lips, to watch his tongue explore the secret crevice of her body.

  She shuddered, staggering back, thankful when the desk caught her in place. The move widened her legs further, and he went in for the kill, not stopping until she was on tiptoes, her stomach caving in on itself as he fucked her with his tongue, nibbled her clit with his lips, then tested the resilience of her pussy lips with his teeth. Two fingers went inside her, they scissored around, pushing her, testing her. She let out soft whimpers that combined both need and wonder as he prepared her for him.

  She whispered, “Come to me,” when he got to his feet, and her hands immediately shot out to his fly. Within seconds, his cock was out, and her mouth watered at the sight of the pre-cum bubbling from the tip.

  “One day, someday soon,” he promised with a growl, knowing her intention, apparently eager for it too as he practically ripped off her yoga pants.

  She sighed, then allowed him to push her against the desk. He staggered the move, supporting her until her head was flat against the surface. Then, his cock was there, right between her legs. A thick, blunt presence that made her want to scream with wonder as he began to work himself inside her.

  She lifted her legs, clutching them to his hips, and held him close with her calves. Her heels burrowed into his pants-covered ass, and though she longed for a bed, she loved this too.

  Having never expected this when she’d walked through the door earlier, she was damn grateful she had. Because Jesus, Sean was finally going to screw her brains out.

  She tilted her chin, so she could stare straight into his eyes, and with each inch he conquered, he seemed to lunge deeper into her very soul.

  The connection that arced between them was more than she could stand. It made her want to close her eyes, made her want to shut him out, yet at the same time, she wouldn’t be happy until all of him was inside all of her.

  Her lips trembled as he filled her with him, and then, he grabbed hold of her shoulders, burrowing his hands underneath her back to grip them from behind, and slowly began to thrust.

  Deep, measured thrusts.

  His hold on her stopped her from moving around too much on the desk, and her head was pretty stationary as he began to fuck her.

  Her hips rocked up every time he thrust all the way back in, and she clung to him with everything she could as he retreated, denying her his fullness before he fed his cock back inside her.

  Endless whimpers escaped her as throughout the delicious torment, his eyes remained glued to hers.

  Words longed to fall from her lips, but this was neither the time nor the place. Not with Katrin down the hall.

  Any of her men could have walked in and she would have loved it, but that bitch?

  No fucking way.

  She had to bite her tongue to stop her emotions from spilling forth, and he seemed to sense that because he dropped his head, letting their mouths connect.

  He fucked her lips with his tongue just as he fucked her pussy. Slowly, surely, resolutely.

  He claimed her at that moment, letting her know exactly who she belonged to.

  The notion should have terrified her, but it didn’t. If anything, it was like a livewire soaring through her veins.

  She let out a hoarse yell, one he swallowed, as that livewire exploded into a dozen fireworks. She pulled her mouth from his to sink her teeth into his shoulder. The pain was his trigger too. She felt him cum, felt the sluggish pelt of his seed spurt inside her.

  It was the piéce de resistance.

  She dug her heels into his butt as her back soared, strung as tightly as piano wire as the delicious whirling sensations powered through her blood.

  He was the leader of this band of not-so-merry-men… and his word was law.

  She was his.


  Sean had just made it so.


  With an unapologetic ‘oops,’ Sascha accidentally knocked the bottle of perfume onto the bathroom floor.

  When it bounced, she glowered at it, picked it up, and hurled it down.

  This time, it smashed, and though she was drowned in two-thousand-dollars-an-ounce tailored scent that smelled like a dying old lady—make that a rich, dying old lady—it was more than worth it.

  Six. Fucking. Nights.


  Putting up with that bitch was grating on her last nerves, and it wasn’t aided by the fact that her doctor’s appointment was looming over her. If anything, it made her mood even shittier.

  Retreating from the downstairs bath that Katrin had made her own, Sascha headed for the living room where she’d been sleeping ever since her arrival. Opening the door without a knock always pissed the bitch off, so she did it this time and watched the older woman stuffing chocolates into her mouth. Whenever the men even suggested taking her to a hotel, she fainted. Honest to God, swooned.

  She’d never seen anything like it in her fucking life, but the woman could collapse on command. Sascha had even squeezed Katrin’s earlobe in the hopes of making her yelp and wake up, but no dice.

  Yet, Swooning Sally was busily and happily eating chocolates like a trooper!

  “I dropped your perfume bottle in the bathroom when I was cleaning it,” she said with no apology to her tone. Well aware what she was doing was mean and petty, she didn’t care. Sascha hated Katrin
with a depth that astonished even her. The bitch had hurt her men. For that, Katrin was lucky Sascha was only being petty. “You’ll have to clean it yourself. The stench is making my head pound.”

  Katrin’s hand hovered halfway between the box and her mouth. It took that long for her to process Sascha’s remark, because from dead silence, a loud shriek formed.

  “Do you have any idea how much that scent cost?” she yelled and jumped to her feet in outrage. Considering the merest suggestion of having to move to a hotel had her dropping into a dead faint, her haste was certainly impressive.

  Jesus, Sascha wished she could move so quickly!

  The bitch shot off like a rocket out of the room, elbowing her out of the way as she stormed over to the bathroom. An enraged yell came from within, and Sascha grinned to herself, satisfied with the racket she’d caused. Not that such an explosion of noise was of any interest in this household, of course, she thought, rolling her eyes. Anywhere else, doors would have slammed open, and a stampede of feet would have come running, seeking the source of the shout.

  Not here.

  A flurry of pissed-off German came next, and she folded her arms against her chest, satisfaction welling in her as she strode out of the living room-cum-patient’s ward and headed for the kitchen.

  As she carefully walked down the steps, she had to grimace. Katrin’s reaction had been so worth the stench, but now, it was kind of fucking with her head.

  Another migraine. Great.

  She’d have rolled her eyes again, but the pain would be too much.

  Hearing footsteps on the stairs as she approached the fridge, she more than expected to see Katrin looming over her, but instead, she saw Sean.

  He cocked a brow at her. “Another accident?”

  Flaring her eyes wide, she murmured, “I’m clumsy. What can I say?” She turned back to the fridge to hide her satisfied grin.

  Call her petty, but if Katrin called her a Yankee one more fucking time, she’d do more than smash the bitch’s bottle of perfume.

  Sean, however, didn’t comment, just snorted, headed for the counter, and perched his ass on a stool.

  When she turned around with a bottle of water in hand, she saw he was studying her with an intent that made her fidget.

  “What?” she asked, passing him the water. He opened the bottle, handed it to her, and she took a sip. Giving it back to him, she watched his throat work as he drank deeply too.

  “It’s amazing how you’ve been having so many accidents of late.”

  She smiled meekly. “I’m concussed.”

  Another snort. “If that was the reason, I’d have taken you to the ER before now,” he grunted. “Next time she pisses you off and you decide to sabotage her shit, don’t use my bathroom to do it in? Please?”

  His plea had her chuckling. “Stinks like a bitch, right? Quite fitting for her.”

  “Yeah. But there’s no way that smell is going away for a lifetime.”

  She hid a grin. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it. She was dabbing it on her throat this morning, and…”

  When she broke off, he cocked a brow at her. “And what?”

  She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Sure, it does.”

  Ducking her head, she sheepishly admitted, “Katrin said Andrei had bought it for her.”


  She eyed him. “Ah.”

  “Have you spoken about this with Andrei?”

  “No. Of course not.” Unease rippled through her. “Why would I? If he did fuck her, that’s between him and Kurt. It’s also in the past and nothing to do with me.”

  “All true, and yet, emotions have a funny way of fucking with the truth. You can’t help how you feel.”

  She cleared her throat. “Nope. Guess not.”

  “I guess I can forgive the stench in my bathroom if she was trying to make you jealous.”

  She grimaced. “And succeeded at it.”

  “Well, you succeeded in pissing her off. I think she’s trying to cover herself in as much as she can. It must have set Andrei back a fortune if her reaction is anything to go by.”

  “Are you trying to improve my mood or make it worse?” she gritted out, hating the irrational emotions that were flying through her, and had been doing so for the past week.

  She was so over these headaches. So over being incapacitated by them. And so fucking bored of being horny when she had five studs who were more than willing to service her out of her funk.

  He grimaced. “Sorry. That was a bit dimwitted of me.”

  “Ya think?”

  He shot her an apologetic look.

  “What the fuck were both of them thinking?” she demanded, the words bursting from her. “Sawyer has it right. She’s not only the wicked witch, it would be like fucking the deep freeze.”

  Sean chuckled. “You don’t have to convince me. I was never attracted to her.”

  She eyed him. “Why not? I thought I was just being bitchy.”

  His chuckle deepened. “She’s…” He seemed to struggle to find the words, until he declared, “You’re warm, open, giving. She’s cold, closed, and a taker. This entire situation sums up Kurt’s marriage.” He grunted. “That was a fucking nightmare. He spent more time with us than he did with her, but he was constantly sulking. The idiot didn’t want her, but he didn’t know why.”

  She blinked. “What did he marry her for? He said it was because of his mom…”

  Sean nodded. “It was. Margritte thought he was gay, and shoved Katrin at him. Hell, just because she’s not my cup of tea doesn’t mean I can’t see she’s beautiful. He thought with his cock and paid for it.”

  “Did he really live here a lot?”

  Sean grimaced. “Yes. There was a lot of angry German muttering going down. On the plus side, it’s how he wrote Black Blood. The artist in him must need to suffer to create. He’s too happy at the moment.”

  His words had her perking up. “He is?”

  Sean reached over and chucked her under the chin with his pointer finger. “Stop looking for compliments,” he teased. Then, shooting her a wink, confessed, “We’re all a lot happier. Can’t you tell?”

  She shrugged. “No comparison. I didn’t see you for the miserable bastards you were before I came and brightened up your days.”


  “I’m like unicorn farts. I bring glitter and sparkles everywhere I go.”

  “Don’t forget cookies,” he added.

  “True. Cookies, too.”

  “Speaking of…?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I only put them in the oven ten minutes ago. And they’re not cookies today. I wanted some blueberry muffins.”

  Sean pouted. “But your cookies are the best.”

  She grinned. “I know. In more ways than one.”

  “Are you talking dirty to me?” he asked, sounding confused.

  She snorted. “Don’t spoil it.”

  “Don’t spoil what?”

  The tap of more footsteps coming down the stairs broke off their conversation. Spying Sawyer, she immediately asked, “Do you know what a cookie is?”

  “Aside from the ones you bake?” he asked, brow quirked. When she nodded, he looked at Sean, huffed. “It’s a pussy, man. How can you know so fucking much about humanity and so fucking little, too?”

  Sean scowled at him. “Why on earth would they call a pussy a cookie?”

  “Because it’s loaded with sugar?” she jibed.

  “I thought you had sparkles and glitter coming out of every orifice?” he rebuked. “You can’t have both.”

  “True,” she conceded with a pout.

  “Sparkles and glitter?” Sawyer asked. “What the hell are you two talking about?”

  “Mostly Katrin,” she replied with a grimace, slipping off her stool to head to the fridge. “You want a protein shake?”

  He blinked, ceased leaning on the counter beside Sean, and stood upright. “I’ll get it, lass. Sit yourself down.”
/>   “I’m not that delicate,” she argued, even though she totally was.

  He snorted. “Liar.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  Unphased, he pointed to the stool. “Sit.”

  “Want me to roll over so you can scratch my belly too?” she demanded, complying with a huff.

  “You’ve other more interesting places to scratch, lass.”

  “Ouch,” she mocked. “No nails.”

  He snorted. “When’s that fucking doctor’s appointment anyway? I’m tired of seeing that bruised look in your eyes. Makes me want to cosset you, and I’m not a man made for cosseting.”

  She blinked at that, then cast a quick look at Sean who looked equally stunned. With a quick gulp, she murmured, “It’s on Friday.”

  “Thank God for that. Maybe he can give you better pain meds now?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I keep thinking I’m getting better then another headache will strike.”

  “I’ll assume the Great Perfume Bottle Break of 2018 hasn’t helped your head any?”

  His glib question had her lips twitching. “I plead the Fifth.”

  “You can’t plead that over here. We don’t have the same constitution,” Sean retorted with a chuckle.

  “Shit. I knew there was a reason the UK totally sucked ass.”

  Sawyer grinned but surprised her by not pulling out the fixings for a protein shake, but some juice.

  He rarely, if ever, ate sugar, following a strict diet that boggled her brain. Although she’d noticed he’d been growing lax of late. Where before, he’d never touched her cakes or cookies, now, he did.

  Sipping straight from the carton, he smacked his lips after.

  She glowered at him. “You know how unhygienic that is, right?”

  “My lips and everyone else’s has been on parts of your body far less hygienic than this juice carton… I think we can deal with germs.”

  She pulled a face. “That’s gross.”

  He grinned. “Good thing we don’t think so.”

  “I know where I can find some stinky perfume… I also know where you keep your underwear.”

  As her eyes narrowed, his widened. “You wouldn’t dare.”


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