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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 2

by Multiple

  No matter how good-looking he was though, she was not shifting in front of him. He was too beautiful and she…well she was just average. Looking at his face she snarled, baring her teeth in a no-nonsense manner before shaking her head.

  His brow furrowed as a scowl formed on his handsome face. Propping his balled up fists on his hips, he widened his stance. He looked like the most delicious, intimidating barrier she had ever seen.

  “No Corrine. You don’t get to run away. I’ve wanted to talk to you since the first day I walked into your shop, but I was never able to get you alone, to put you at ease, loosen up that tongue of yours. I watched every time as you tensed up, then clammed up. At first I didn’t think you were interested, but then I saw the heat in your eyes. Your nostrils would flare when I would get close; I knew you were interested and turned-on. I could smell your arousal over all of those sugary treats. Damn if it didn’t make me try even harder but you stiffened up more and more.

  I figured the only way I could get you to relax and talk to me was to come to your place before closing. See if I could take you out for a coffee or something, but when I got here you had closed up early. There was no way I could turn around and head home though. Not before I saw you.”

  Sure, buddy. Corrine inched a little closer to the water’s edge. The guy was starting to make her question his sanity. Why track her down in the woods? Why didn’t he just come up and ask her out or something? And why did he spend all of his time flirting with Kacie? Did she interpret his interactions with the other woman wrong? There was really only one way to find out but she didn’t know if she had the guts to do it.

  Moving a fraction more towards the lake she figured she could make the leap and be halfway across before he knew what happened. She looked out at the calm water then back to him.

  “Stop! Don’t go.” He sounded panicked, the words rushing from his mouth. “Please. I swear my intentions are good. My name is Jett. I actually know your brother Sam, we’re good friends. We played college ball together. Hell, we even shared an apartment for a while. Surely he’s mentioned me before.”

  Corrine hesitated, waiting for him to go on. Her brother rarely talked about people he went to college with, and she was positive he never mentioned another shifter.

  Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He could have, and there was a good chance she didn’t remember. Her eyes tended to glaze over and her brain went on hiatus when he started talking football, his favorite subject on the planet, and if anything came after that she wouldn’t know it.

  “Back in our college days people called me Murph.” He stuck his hand out to introduce himself then drew it back.

  Corrine wracked her brain searching for a memory. A flash of a conversation flitted by, something about a Murph and some crazy diva. It had nothing to do with her and was preempted by ‘my football buddy’ so she tuned out the rest. She had no way of knowing if he was the same guy, or if he was telling the truth unless she called Sam. If he would just come back tomorrow when Sam got here, all of this could be easily cleared up. Now if she could just tell him that without shifting.

  Chapter Two

  The longer Corrine stood in Tiger form staring at Jett, the more ridiculous she felt. The minutes seemed to grind to a halt. She didn’t know how long she sat battling with her naturally cautious self. Making up her mind really shouldn’t be this difficult. She’d made harder decisions in the past. Besides, she panted after the man every day for the past two weeks, and had erotic filled dreams every night. This was her chance to live out one of those fantasies that plagued her day in and day out.

  Jett took a few tentative steps forward. Oddly, the earlier panic she felt receded, morphing into comfort the closer he got. “I’d really like to talk. Just talk. We can go up to the house, get dressed and maybe have that cup of coffee and get to know each other.” The sincerity in his voice hit her square in the heart. Pushing her into decision mode.

  He would have been able to overpower her within minutes of showing up if he wanted. Imposing his will and want on her. Instead, he took his time, gentled her with his voice, and his gestures. There was no way he meant harm. She instinctively knew that in her heart, still, a part of her resisted. That little voice in the back of her head that constantly tried to talk her out of things wouldn’t shut up.

  She had to be the dumbest female on the planet to get naked in front of a stranger who didn’t feel like a stranger, with no one around to rescue her if she needed it. Not that she would need rescuing. She was more than capable of defending herself. The fact her Tiger didn’t feel threatened and was actually calm and content, went a long way to easing her concerns. It didn’t help that his scent was driving both sides of her crazy.

  It tempted her to go against her reserved nature, to throw caution to the wind and do something wild, be someone wild. A shiver worked its way through her—ending at her tail. Her decision was made. It was time to do the unexpected. Be daring. It was her one weekend off and she was going to enjoy it in a very delicious way.

  Heaving a sigh, she shifted in a matter of seconds. Rising to her feet she clasped her hands in front of her; arms pressing against her breasts, hands in front of her pussy. Hiding her body as much as possible while nervous excitement raced through her.

  She glanced at the water out of the corner of her eye. It called to her like a siren’s song offering escape. It took every ounce of control not to jump in once the transformation was over. Just because she was comfortable with her body in private didn’t mean she didn’t have reservations displaying it to the world, which was exactly what she was doing.

  Looking at Jett, she noticed him perusing her as thoroughly as she had him earlier. Clearing her throat she drew his attention back to her face. “I’m Corrine Hart, but then you already know that don’t you?” She let go of the death grip on her right hand, lifting her left in a tiny little wave before clutching her other hand again. She had no clue what to do now. With no clothes remotely close, she was vulnerable; physically and emotionally, to anything he might have in mind. Her earlier bravado was slowly fading the longer he stood there without saying anything.

  Finally, Jett silently sauntered toward her, not stopping until he was a few inches away. He was so close the heat radiating from his skin caressed her arms and chest. Her eyes locked onto the base of his neck. Towering over her, she reassessed his height. He had to be closer to six-four.

  A finger touched her chin, with light pressure he tipped her head up so she looked into his eyes. “Yeah, I knew that. I feel like I already know you. Your brother talked about you all of the time. I always got an earful when a care package would show up. He would tell me stories about you experimenting in the kitchen when you two were growing up, and how you used him as your guinea pig. He always said you had the biggest heart, and only thought the best of people until they proved you wrong. Then you were hard pressed to let them near you or the people you loved again. He had that digital photo frame filled with pictures of you and your parents. I was mesmerized every time I saw you on the screen. I’m pretty sure a small part of me fell in love with you then.”

  Corrine was held immobile by his words. His husky voice trickled down her body leaving shivers in its wake. Her nipples hardened to points beneath her arms. Thank goodness she had enough sense to cover herself up. If she hadn’t, he would know exactly the effect he had on her. Know that he could ask for anything in that moment, and she’d give it to him freely. He would know how well he was seducing her with mere words.

  “I can’t tell you how guilty I felt when Sam was talking about his adorable little sister, and all I could wonder is if you tasted as sweet as he said you were.” He shifted a fraction closer bending his head until his lips barely touched her left ear. Her eyes closed the minute his hot breath drifted over her skin.

  Jett’s voice dropped to a whisper. “At night, I would dream of licking your creamy body up one side and down the other. I wanted to lap you up like a cat drin
ks cream. I would imagine you moving under my tongue, mewling like a newborn kitten. Moaning my name.”

  Corrine’s breath hitched. Never had a man talked to her this way. Expressed his desire to worship her body and hear his name on her lips. Heat rushed through her straight to her core awakening the sexual needs she stomped into a corner so long ago. The same needs she fought into submission since the first day he walked into the bakery.

  The feel of his lips on the left side of her neck jolted her. She swayed unsteadily on her feet. Her body felt flush and excited. Jett’s hands cupped her shoulders keeping her in place while her hands automatically moved to grip his chest. Her cat instincts kicking in, reflexively kneading his flesh.

  Tilting her head to the side, she gave him better access on his journey over her heated skin. Relishing the feel of his soft lips upon her as he licked and kissed a path across her collarbone. It was better than her fantasies. With a firm grip on her ass he pulled her against him. His thick erection pressed into her stomach she couldn’t stop a moan from escaping.

  His body eclipsed hers. She felt delicate and petite just like she dreamed she would in his arms. It was one of her deepest wishes come true.

  A fleeting thought crossed her mind that if this was a dream, she never wanted to wake. Jett’s voice banished the unwelcome musing before it could take root.

  “It took me a while to connect those cupcakes everyone kept bringing to the office to you. For weeks, I’ve been haunted by sweet memories I couldn’t fully figure out. I knew they tasted familiar, but couldn’t pinpoint when or where I’d had them before. Then one day I caught a glimpse of the pink and white packaging, and remembered them from those care packages you used to send Sam. Sweet Confections.” He chuckled, the sound vibrating her chest.

  Her nipples beaded, tightening even more. She pressed the tips into his chest trying to gain some relief. His legs brushed against hers as he shifted his thigh between her legs, the hair was rough and foreign, sending shocks of sensation straight to her pussy. She was dying in his arms after only a few light caresses, and all she could think was what a wonderful way to go.

  With as much sense as she could gather, Corrine voiced the one thing that hadn’t flitted away the second he’d touched her. She placed soft kisses along his jaw line. “Please say I’m not making a mistake.” Then maybe I won’t feel like a complete and utter idiot later.

  “Definitely not a mistake. This is meant to be,” he grunted.

  He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead followed by light kisses to her eyes, nose, then mouth. He licked the seam and corners of her lips, all the while whispering to be let in.

  Corrine was powerless to ignore him. She opened her mouth surrendering to the need swamping her. Their tongues tangled. Jett dominating as he swept over every inch of her mouth. Gliding his tongue along her teeth, as well as her upper and bottom lip. She skimmed her hands up his chest before wrapping her arms around his neck, arching her back to press further into him. All common sense dissolving as lust filled her pulsing hot and insistent.

  It didn’t matter if she knew him or not, the woman and Tiger in her both agreed they wanted him. Needed him to quench the all-consuming fire he ignited in her days before.

  He devoured her lips and mouth the way she hoped he would devour the rest of her body. Ripping his mouth away, a low growl rolled out of him. “God, you really are as sweet as those damn cupcakes you make. Like the vanilla icing on a moist cupcake. Once I figured out it was you making them, I had to come see you in person. See if the real you and the fantasy you I created in my head, in my dreams, were the same.”

  Before she could comment, he robbed her of speech. Sucking the turgid tip of one breast in before letting it pop free. “I watched you every time I came in the shop.” He blew across the peak before moving to her other breast. “You were flustered and sexy, rushing around trying to ignore me. I could feel my Tiger calling out to yours. You have no idea how hard I fought to keep him in check. How much I wanted to bend you over the counter and fuck you until you paid attention to me. Talked to me.” He flicked her nipple with his tongue before rolling it around his mouth. “You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the same pull. The same internal fight. That your Tiger wasn’t clawing to get out.”

  “Yes,” she moaned as Jett bit her nipple. The quick nip of pain spreading to increase her arousal, rocketing to her swollen clit.

  She wrapped a leg over Jett’s hip, rubbing like a cat in heat, struggling to find relief. Her body already knew nothing less than his thick shaft pumping hard and fast would bring her the ultimate satisfaction.

  “Yes to what Corrine? To feeling the same pull?”

  With his hands still firmly on her ass, he encouraged her other leg to wrap around his waist, picking her up off the ground at the same time. “Or to this?”

  He slowly thrust through her wet pussy lips, bumping her clit with the head of his cock over and over. Small whimpering sounds gusted from her on each upward stroke. She had no idea how he could restrain himself like he was. If it were up to her, she would have him flat on his back while riding him into oblivion.

  “Yes to all of it. Please,” she whimpered. Silently begging him to take her, to move this seduction along.

  Moving to the grassy area a few feet away, he dropped to his knees, carefully bringing her down with him. Laying her in the cool grass before placing his hands next to her head.

  He pumped his hips a few more times before stilling, the head of his penis pressed against her clasping opening. He captured her lips in a heated kiss that curled her toes. Breaking the connection, he put unwanted distance between them. She grabbed at his shoulders to keep him close, but she was no match for his strength. The intensity with which he was looking at her made it hard not to turn her face away. His eyes were filled with an emotion she couldn’t define, and had no desire to figure out. She wanted him in her. Giving her what she needed. Hot sweaty sex.

  “Tell me you want me Corrine. Tell me you want to do this. I’m clean. Haven’t been with anyone in quite a while, I’ll understand though if you want to wait.”

  Corrine could see unknown emotions still clouding his eyes along with the one thing she could define, arousal. It glimmered from the amber hue around his pupils. Glowing brighter and brighter by the second. She knew hers reflected the same. It happened when shifters were intimate with other shifters.

  She nodded, “I’m clean too. And I don’t want to wait. I want you Jett.”

  She barely got his name out of her mouth before he was buried in her to the hilt. “Damn you’re tight,” he breathed before gradually pulling out and thrusting in again. Over and over, until he was slapping his balls against her ass in a steady, easy rhythm. The arousal simmering low in her belly was a slave to his pace. Never going higher than he allowed but never dipping down. He leaned down, nipped at her lips then treated them to an assault of kisses.

  She craved more. Knowing he was holding back; she released her legs from his waist, pulling them up toward her chest lifting her ass slightly off the ground.

  She ran her hands over his shoulders before threading them in his hair. Tugging his head back, she sucked in a breath. His eyes were heavy lidded and glazed, the amber hue glowing brighter than she had ever seen. “More.” It came out as a demand.

  “You want more?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  Jett sat up taking the warmth of his heavy body with him. Grabbing the backs of her thighs he pressed them down and apart, curling her up even more. With the angle of penetration changed, Jett hammered into her from above, grazing her clit with each thrust in.

  “Yes,” Corrine panted. Finally getting the pounding she craved.

  Abruptly Jett let go of her thighs, pulled out and flipped her over onto all fours. Gripping her hips he slammed home, forcing the air from them both.

  Corrine was able to suck in a quick breath before he picked up his pace again. Her arousal spinning high
er and higher. Slipping his hand over her belly, he circled her clit pushing her closer to the edge. It wasn’t until he leaned over her body and bit the soft skin where neck and shoulder met that Corrine flew apart.

  Her violent scream filled the air as stars dotted her vision. The rippling of her sensitive inner tissues pulled Jett along with her into the violence. His hot cum bathed her inner walls, triggering a smaller but more painful orgasm.

  Closing her eyes, she collapsed to the ground, Jett following her down. Both fell silent in the aftermath of their coupling. The only sounds to be heard were their harsh breathing and the slowly returning melodies of the creatures of the night.

  Jett rolled to the side, relieving her body of his weight. A warm breeze kicked up right then, brushing her sensitive skin, calming it as it had done before, chasing away her momentary feelings of abandonment now that he wasn’t touching her.

  Corrine opened her eyes to see Jett’s golden sated stare. The amber hue completely gone. Blinking to clear her foggy brain she began to panic. What was she supposed to do now? Get up casually and say thanks for the fuck? Hop in the lake and invite him for a swim? She just didn’t know. A quickie in the woods was not her usual M.O.

  She couldn’t tell what was going on in his head. Deciding to play the sophisticated, totally not needy female, she spoke up. “We better get cleaned up. Do you have your clothes nearby?”

  Jett brushed a wayward hair out of her face. The feel of his fingers against her cheek sent a wave of need rolling again. “Back at your house. I wasn’t sure where you were until I saw you walking off into the woods. I shucked my clothes and shifted. Your Tiger was too beautiful not to follow.”

  Corrine’s cheeks burned with a blush. Not many people saw her Tiger form, and she was oddly pleased that he liked her brown striped, rusty-reddish coat. “Thank you.”

  “What’s the hurry though? I’m perfectly comfortable right here.” He trailed his hand down her back, resting it on her ass cheek after a quick squeeze. “Besides, the night is just starting — I hope.”


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