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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 3

by Multiple

  Corrine rolled her eyes. It figured. He had gotten sex fairly easy from her and thought she’d roll around more without anything more than a corny line. With a grunt she pushed up from the ground. Bits of grass clung to her skin. Avoiding his stare, she brushed off what she could, taking as little time as possible, then offered her hand to Jett. He took it and once on his feet, pulled her against him wrapping his arms around her. She tilted her head up to tell him to stop when she was blindsided by a soft lingering kiss. She couldn’t help how her heart tripped over the unexpected tenderness.

  “So can I stay a little longer?” he rumbled out. “I meant what I said about getting to know you. I didn’t come here looking to just hook up. Not that I minded that part.” His hands were making delightful circles over her flesh, working his way back down to her ass. He sure did seem to like that part of her body.

  “Sure,” she groaned, “but let’s go to the house.” The words slipping out without thought.

  He stopped rubbing, his head jerking back.

  Uh oh, maybe he didn’t expect her to say yes. Her insecurities were swift to set in. Maybe he really didn’t want to go to the house. It might make it more personal, not that sex wasn’t personal to begin with, but guys did seem to be able to separate sex and emotions easier than women. He might think she wanted more–relationship wise. Sure her Tiger was trying to tell her something about him, but the truth was she didn’t know what she wanted. Corrine bit her lip, unsure of what was going through his mind. The longer he stood there staring at her, the more uncomfortable she became.

  Before she could stop her overactive brain; a nasty, wicked thought entered her mind. “You regret it already don’t you?” she gasped. “You’re really not interested in heading to the house are you? You were just scratching an itch, so you want to stay here in case you need a quick getaway. It’s not like anyone would raise an eyebrow at a Tiger prowling into town.”

  Damn. She didn’t know how she got attached to him so quickly, but the idea that he regretted what they’d done hurt. This was why she didn’t do one-night stands. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. She would not cry in front of him. She struggled trying to get him to loosen his arms and let her go. Instead, his arms tightened and his brow furrowed. He looked about as confused as she felt at the moment.

  She wasn’t ready to shove him out the door, but he didn’t look happy about staying. The first good—no, great—sex she’d had in years, and she wasn’t quite ready to pass up on more. But she didn’t want a guy staying around when he didn’t want to. When he regretted it.

  “Hold on Corrine. I just told you I didn’t come here to have sex.” His hands moved over her back again. Long soothing sweeps meant to calm her down. “The only thing I regret is not taking it slow like I planned. But once I saw you, touched you, I just couldn’t stop. You drive me crazy. I was just surprised by the offer. I didn’t expect it. I know I asked but,” he paused and seemed to take the time to figure out what he wanted to say. “I want to stay, and not just for sex. I’ve been tempted with pictures and stories about you for too long to just hit it and run. I want to get to know you firsthand through my own experiences with you, not based on what your brother said. I think we might have a chance at something special. I want to see where it takes us. I’m not promising forever. Not right now. But ever since I saw your picture back in college, you’ve called to me. I’ve told you that much already. Hell, even when I was in a relationship with someone else, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Now that I have you within reach, I’m not letting go without a damn good reason. That okay with you?”

  Corrine searched his face for the truth. The only thing she saw was definite interest and arousal mixed with determination. She was okay with getting to know him better. She wasn’t looking for forever either. Didn’t think she would ever really find it anyway. “Okay Jett. You just freaked me out a little when you got that panicked look on your face. Let’s head back to the house, warm up a bit and grab a bite to eat. I’m starving for some reason.” Smiling, she reached back to grab his wrist, pealing it off her back before tugging him toward the house.

  “What was your plan for tonight anyway? You said things went faster than you were thinking.” She slipped her hand into his, threading their fingers together. The rightness of being connected to him in this simple way settled in her bones.

  “No real plan actually. I just couldn’t go through the weekend without seeing you. I saw the note posted that the bakery would be closed for the weekend, and figured if I saw you, we could make plans together. Spend the whole weekend with each other—hopefully.”

  Corrine snorted. “Great non-plan there. What would you have done if I already had something lined up for tonight? Or been on a date even?”

  Chuckling, Jett pulled her against his side draping his arm across her shoulders, her hand landed on his rock solid chest as he laughed and squeezed her tight. “When I mentioned I was interested in you, your friend Kacie let me in on a few things. She told me you never go out, especially on dates. She thought it was terrible you planned on staying cooped up in the house with no one around. She thought you should be out having fun.”

  “That’s what you two were talking about? I got the impression you were flirting with her, that you were interested in her, and were going to ask her out. That’s what most of the guys who come into the shop do.”

  He placed a finger on her mouth to stop her from talking then planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Never kitten. She isn’t my type. Too skinny and fragile looking. I prefer women with curves I can explore and one who is strong in mind and body.”

  “Sure you do,” she said a little too sarcastically. “What’s wrong with hanging out at home and relaxing. I’m not some crazy cat lady you know. Plus, it isn’t like I was going to be alone the whole weekend anyway.”

  He chuckled softly. “I know. I’m here now.”

  “Ha! Ha! Funny man. I wasn’t talking about you. Sam called this morning to let me know he was popping in for a visit. I’m surprised you didn’t know being that you’re good friends. But it was a last minute decision I guess. He said he would be here later… well later this morning.”

  Corrine leaned in for one more kiss then forced herself to lean away from all of his tempting flesh. She had an urge to bite and mark, which was not good considering those urges fell in the mating category.

  When he didn’t respond, she looked at his face. Lips clamped shut and turned down at the corners, his jaw clenched and unclenched. The once tight grip on her loosened, and his back stiffened. The muscles bulging in his arms and chest turned rigid with tension.

  Damn, I guess this isn’t going to end well.

  Chapter Three

  Jett was shocked to the core hearing Sam was going to be there soon. He thought he’d have a little time to really figure out if Corrine was the one for him. Or at least if he wanted to really pursue her. His Tiger was positive she was worth the effort, especially after seeing her feline half, the human-side though was still a bit gun shy. Being severely burned once by a woman was definitely enough. And he wasn’t prepared to deal with the friend/sister issue unless Corrine really was his mate.

  If she wasn’t, then no one needed to know they hooked up. It was a cold and probably callous thought; nevertheless it was how he felt. At least that was what he was trying to convince himself was true.

  Dropping his arm from her shoulders, he adopted a calm, relaxed look. Hoping his voice would follow. “Later today?” he asked as casually as possible.

  Corrine cocked her head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly. “Yeah. Later. He’ll probably show up in time for breakfast like he usually does, hoping I’ll make a huge meal just for him. Is that a problem?”

  He could hear the challenge in her voice. Felt the pressure to make a choice he wasn’t ready to make. Acid formed in the pit of his stomach and he felt sick. Just thinking about committing before he knew for sure she was the one, made his head hurt.r />
  Without thought, he took a step to the side, putting distance between them. He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to spend more time with her, and not just having sex. Though that was pretty damn phenomenal. He just wasn’t going to be able to pledge his undying love, as Sam was no doubt going to demand when he saw Jett and Corrine together.

  Memory after memory rolled through his head of Sam complaining about the guys Corrine dated, not that there were many guys in her life according to him. None of them were good enough for his sister though, and each and every one of them was like a dog in heat. At the time, Jett laughed and commiserated with him since he had two younger sisters of his own. Right now though, he wanted to bash every one of them in the face. He loathed the idea that some other man touched Corrine. He sucked in a quick breath. The jealousy he was feeling was not welcome at all.

  Now he was the guy in heat, and though he and Sam were friends, Jett wasn’t too sure Sam would find him good enough for his sister either. Sam knew all of the crazy things he’d done and the women he’d messed around with. Hell, Sam had joined him a few times with a woman or two, all in the name of having a good time. The women knew the score. Some hot and heavy sexin’, no commitment involved.

  Fuck no! Having Sam all over his ass about his intentions wasn’t something he was ready for. Not this early into a barely there relationship he wasn’t sure was going to work.

  It didn’t help that past experience had him on the run from the idea of settling down with one of his kind, and no mind-blowing romp in the woods was going to instantly change that. With time, yeah, maybe.

  His ex-girlfriend, Macy, did a great job fucking him up in the commitment department. Her obsession and stalking after they broke up left him cold. After her, he could only bring himself to casually date non-shifter women. They were safe choices. Another lie he told himself. A human could just as easily be his mate as a shifter. Still, he made sure they knew he wasn’t looking for long term, and he didn’t have to worry about his Tiger popping his head up to check them out, at least he didn’t think so.

  Corrine was the first shifter since Macy he’d had any interest in. When he walked into the little bakery, he planned on finding out if it was Sam’s sister tempting his sweet tooth. Then, day after day he was compelled to stop in, his Tiger taking more of a notice on each visit. Craving more. Wanting to get to know her—to get close to her. His Tiger made it clear he wanted out and wanted Corrine. Which was damn difficult since his Tiger-side was his dominant half.

  It took him a week to even decide to come out here and take a chance. It was an usual position to be in. He could always count on his confidence to get him what he wanted. That wasn’t the case with Corrine. His issue with her being his friend’s little sister aside, the fact she was a shifter and he and his Tiger were attracted to her was harder to deal with. He had to warm up to the idea. Tell himself it was okay and that it was time to move on, grow up a little. Remind himself that all female shifters weren’t crazy like Macy. His mother and sisters were proof of that, for the most part.

  With Sam coming, he felt boxed in. Panic reared its ugly head. If he pursued Corrine and Sam found out, things would go much quicker than he thought he was prepared for. He just couldn’t do it.

  “Jett?” she asked grabbing his attention.

  “Yeah?” He focused on her face.

  A sad half smile curved the corner of her mouth. A flash of disappointment lit her eyes before she blinked it away. “I guess it is a problem. Listen, don’t worry about it, I understand. You thought you’d say a few sweet words, we’d have some fun, and then you could move on. I didn’t think knowing my brother was going to be here would put a damper on our evening. Let’s just head back to the house and you can grab your stuff and take off. No harm, no foul.”

  Corrine turned and walked away leaving him rooted to his spot. He watched her lush ass swish from side to side. His hands ached to grip her hips again, to feel her soft, supple skin beneath his fingertips. All he could do though was swallow the bile rising in his throat and follow her with his gaze until she disappeared in the thick trees.

  She was slipping on a robe by the time he caught up to her. He had taken his time heading back to the house. His mind conflicted with what to do. Stay and discover who Corrine was for himself, suffering the consequences when her brother showed up, as there was no doubt in his mind he would be staying the night. Or leave and miss out on getting to know the woman who very well could be his mate.

  It wasn’t a decision he could make. Not right now. His mind was stuck, frozen in his past and overcoming sheer hell. Silently, he mounted the steps heading to the bench where his clothes sat. He pulled on his jeans and t-shirt before glancing at Corrine. She stood waiting, arms wrapped around her middle, ready to walk through the open slider door at a moment’s notice.

  The light from the kitchen glowed behind her, highlighting her shoulder length auburn hair and the curves hidden beneath the short ivory-colored silk robe. Nervous, sickly sweet energy rolled off her, the scent unmistakable to his naturally heightened senses.

  “Um, I’m not sure what you’re supposed to say in a situation like this, but thanks for the good time. It was a fantasy come true.”

  Jett moved toward her wanting to pull her back into his arms, to feel her soft curves against him again and maybe provide a little comfort. Before he could, she stepped inside shutting the door behind her. The snick of the lock telling him he’d missed his chance. The light in the kitchen went out leaving him cloaked in darkness.

  What in the hell am I supposed to do now?

  Visions of what could have been bounced through his head. Taking Corrine back to the house, laying her down on her bed while he explored her body with his lips and tongue. Molding his hands to her curves, finding every sensitive spot to exploit.

  His body came alive at his thoughts, pulling a frustrated groan from his throat. He pounded on the glass door. “Corrine!”

  Jett was met with silence as realization hit him. She wasn’t going to let him in and he didn’t blame her. He’d fucked her. Told her he wanted more, and then froze at the mention of her brother and the ghost of Macy whispering through his head. He had no one to blame for his current situation but himself.

  Slipping on his shoes, Jett trudged to the front of the house and started his walk down the long curving driveway. He’d parked down by the bakery thinking he would find her there. Before he rounded the bend in the drive he stopped, glancing back at the impressive two-story home.

  His gaze couldn’t help but be drawn to the light shining in a room upstairs. His heart stuttered to a halt when Corrine paused in the window. Her hand pressed against the glass for a few seconds before dropping. She turned away, dowsing the light and any hope he’d had of her running after him. He had screwed up.

  Letting out a slow breath, he struggled for control while his Tiger clamored to get out and go to her. He needed time to get his head on straight and giving in to the Tiger would only lead to someone getting hurt. And the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Corrine again.

  Thirty minutes later, Jett was back at his condo in town kicking off his shoes and nursing a cold beer in his favorite recliner.

  The entire drive home his brain refused to work. It was clouded with the past, mixing with the present. His commitment issues running roughshod over everything. Now that he was away from the situation, his head was finally clearing.

  Damn Sam for visiting unexpectedly and ruining everything.

  He slammed the bottle down on the coffee table, spilling the amber liquid and not caring.

  Shit. It wasn’t his friend’s fault. Jett just wasn’t ready to take the blame.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face, rubbing away ill thoughts of his friend. It was too late at night to think straight or rationally. Another thing he could lay at his own feet.

  The impulse to go to Corrine’s had been too strong. It wasn’t until he parked that he noticed no
one was around. It took five minutes to walk up the drive. And he spent another five minutes standing in front of her door waiting for her to answer.

  It wasn’t until he saw her Tiger sauntering into the woods that he even knew she was home. Running around the back of the house, he stripped and shifted. Following a good ways back, he watched as she swam and dove in the water until exhausted. Entranced by her grace and beauty, he wanted to join her so badly he ached. When she finally pulled herself out, his restraint snapped.

  The jasmine musk he’d become familiar with lifted off her body luring him in. He couldn’t stay away a minute longer. The rest of what followed was inevitable—until he’d messed it all up.

  Jett released a pent up breath before inhaling deeply. Jasmine rose through his nostrils triggering a visceral reaction. His heart sped up, breathing shortened, and his cock twitched in his pants. His body instantly recognized the scent of its mate, even if his mind hadn’t accepted it.

  “Fuck,” he roared, jumping up from the recliner. He bumped into the coffee table, knocking over the forgotten beer. The liquid spilled over the custom built table onto the hardwood floor.

  Stomping off to the kitchen, he grabbed some paper towels. This was the perfect ending to the night. Cleaning up beer stains, alone. This never would have happened if he left well enough alone and stayed away. Which is what he should do now that he’d bungled things.

  The errant thought was ridiculous. He would never be able to stay away from her now. Not after having such a small potent taste. He had no idea how to overcome his fear of commitment at this point. As much as he wanted to lie to himself and say it wasn’t true, getting involved with a shifter meant more than just hooking up.

  Dealing with the mess that was Macy though, made him never want to get serious with anyone again. He couldn’t believe how stupid he had been.


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