Enough Of The Drama

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Enough Of The Drama Page 12

by Dotson, P.

  “No, have you?”

  “Yeah, I have.”

  There was a brief pause before Cassidy responded. “Well, how is she doing?”

  “Me personally I don’t think she is doing to good. I have a feeling the fairy tale is already over, but if that’s the case she won’t admit it.”

  “Oh, well that’s on her. It goes to show the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.”

  “Come on Cas don’t be like that.”

  “What!” Cassidy said jerking her neck. “You will never understand what it’s like to have your own flesh and blood stab you in the back. She was my sister and she stole my damn husband. So I didn’t make it like that, she made it like that.”

  “Cas, look at it this way she did you a favor. Marcus was just a snake in the damn grass. If it wasn’t Ciara I’m sure he would have found someone else.”

  “That still doesn’t make it right,” Cassidy snapped.

  “I know Cas, but you have to get over Marcus some time.”

  “Girl, please I’m way over Marcus. Matter of fact do you know he called me and tried to get me to take him back.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Cassidy said nodding her head. “He talking bout we could go to counseling, he was sorry and told me to think about Junior and all this other bullshit.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I just told him I needed to think about it.”

  “Damn, Cas I really didn’t think you had it in you,” China admitted as she thought back to when Marcus put her out and Cassidy practically begged him to take her back. “I still don’t think you are completely over him though.”

  “Well, look I have to go my lunch break is almost over. I will talk to you later.”

  “Okay, and don’t think I forgot.”


  “Birthday is coming up.”

  “Oh Lord,” Cassidy said rolling her eyes. “No party this time, please. You and Pam always act a fool whenever y’all two are together.”

  “Who? I came down a notch.”

  Cassidy smacked her lips. “Yeah, whatever you say. Anyway, I will call you later and tell Clay I said hi.”

  “Okay I will.”

  “Alright bye.”


  Cassidy tucked her cell phone in her pocket. China was right, deep down in her heart she was still holding onto a piece of Marcus. At times she even found herself contemplating on taking him up on his offer, but the betrayal was too much, and she knew Pearl would kick her ass. It was definitely time for her to move on.

  * * *

  Cassidy found Antoine sitting at her desk when she returned to the office. For some reason, he felt bad for not properly introducing Cassidy and his sister.

  “Look Cassidy about earlier,” Antoine began.

  Everything that China told her earlier about jumping to conclusions went straight out the window. Her jealous streak decided to rear its ugly head. She sat her purse on her desk and placed her hand on her hip with an obvious attitude. “Yeah who was that chick, with the bad wig? I mean she wasn’t even all that cute.”

  Cassidy what is wrong with you, she asked herself. She couldn’t believe she stepped out of character and took that tone with Antoine.

  Antoine looked at her for a moment, trying his hardest not to laugh. She caught him off guard with that comment, this was a side of Cassidy he’d never seen before, but he kind of liked it.

  Antoine cleared his throat before responding. “If I remember correctly I did tell you I had a sister right.”

  “Oh,” Cassidy said taking her hand off her hip.

  “And two, I think I also told you she has cancer.”

  Cassidy felt like shit. “I’m so sorry,” she said embarrassed covering her face with her hands. She wanted to crawl underneath her desk and hide. She felt like a complete idiot, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.

  Antoine couldn’t contain the smirk on his face; he found the whole situation quite amusing. He was tired of the games with Cassidy. It was obvious they had a connection, and she openly flirted with him at work, but she always refused to go out on a date with him. If it had been any other woman there time would have been up, but he simply couldn’t help himself when it came to Cassidy he was infatuated.

  He smiled and tried to make light of the situation. “You are right, Blonde really isn’t her color.”

  Cassidy smiled and hit him in the arm. “You knew I was jealous.”

  “Who couldn’t tell? It was written all over your face,” he said gently rubbing her chin. “So now are you going to stop giving me the run around?”

  “I wasn’t giving you the run around,” she said with an attitude.

  “Cassidy,” he said arching an eyebrow.

  “Okay maybe I was,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “But I think we’re past that point.”

  “Would you like to go out with me on Friday night?”

  “Oh so you making me wait,” Cassidy teased.

  “Humph, you have it easy compared to what you put me through.”

  “Yeah,” Cassidy laughed, nodding her head in agreement.

  “So is seven good?”


  “Good,” he said giving her wink preparing to walk away.

  “Oh Antoine.”

  “Yeah,” he said turning around.

  “Wear something sexy.”

  He smiled. “You do the same.”

  Chapter 19

  “My sister told me to tell you hi,” China said over her shoulder as she placed the phone back on the hook.

  “Who Cas?”

  “You know it.”

  “That was my girl. I don’t see how she ever got hooked up wit Marcus anyway. That nigga was a straight clown. How is she making out?”

  “She’s doing a lot better. Actually she is handling the situation a lot better than I thought she would.”

  “That’s good,” he said nodding his head.

  It got quiet for a few minutes as China contemplated on asking Clay her next question. “Clay.”

  “Yeah, what’s up?” he asked never taking his eye off the television.

  “I was just wondering why you never talk about your mother or your family?”

  Clay’s jaw got tight. He looked over at China briefly before looking back at the television screen. He took in a few deep breaths and dragged his hands down his face. He hated talking about his family, and the people from his past that caused him nothing but pain.

  “You know I had a rough childhood China. My mother, she really wasn’t a mother. My dad died when I was very young, and not too long after that she married some bum ass nigga,” Clay laughed as he thought about his sorry excuse of a step father who beat him every day of his life and made good on his promises of making his life a living hell. All the while his mother did nothin’ just stood by and watched, as she sipped on her bottle of Jack.

  “Oh,” China said, picking up on Clay’s sudden mood change. The pain in his eyes was deep.

  “Well,” Clay said standing up and stretching. “I’m getting ready to bounce. I have a plane to catch to Cali. They working on a new movie, and I like to drop in every now and then just to make sure shit is kosher,” Clay said shaking off the dark thoughts of his past.

  “How long are you staying down there?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “A couple of weeks.”

  China folded her arms across her chest and turned her head so Clay couldn’t see that she was upset. She’d grown accustomed to Clay being around. He was that extra boost that she needed to move on with her life. He was helping her with her rehab and pushed her to go to her addiction anonymous classes when she didn’t feel like going. She knew she was being selfish with his time, but she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t ready for him to leave.

  Sensing something was wrong; Clay gently grabbed her chin and turned her face towards him. “What’s wrong?”

” she lied shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head.

  Clay curled his lips. “Stop lying, I can tell by your body language. And you’ve been talking my head off all morning, now you all quiet and shit.”

  China laughed and playfully mushed him in the head. “Whatever. It’s just that I hate to see you leave. I like having you around and I kind of got used to you being here.”

  Clay smiled; he had to admit he’d gotten comfortable too. It was just like old times when he used to come over and chill with her and Dre. “I’ve been away for a minute. I mean I have people down there handling business for me but its nothing like being there yourself to make sure things are running smoothly.”

  “I understand.”

  “You are more than welcome to come with me.”

  China frowned, the thought never even entered her mind. “If you don’t mind?”

  Hell nah is what he wanted to say. “I mean it’s up to you but it’s cool with me.”

  “That’s cool, let me hurry up and go pack a bag,” she said jumping up and down. Without realizing it she jumped up and kissed Clay on the lips.

  The kiss took Clay by surprise. He stood there in bit of a daydream, touching his lips. Her lips were so soft and sweet. A warm funny feeling took over his body and settled in his heart, but he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He didn’t want to betray his best friend by getting with his girl, but he couldn’t deny that he was starting to catch feelings for China. But he wasn’t about to act on them, besides he didn’t think China looked at him that way.

  * * *

  China sat cozily on Clay’s private jet sipping on a glass of champagne; it was like flying first glass. She casually sipped from her glass observing her surroundings. Clay must got bank, she thought to herself. It was a forty passenger jet, with black leather seats, wood grain for hand rests and custom made ashtrays. The red velvet carpet was smooth and delicate. She looked around and smiled, she felt like a movie star.

  “You like?” Clay asked.

  “Hmmmm humph,” China said nodding her head. “I didn’t know you had it like that.”

  He laughed. “Are you ready for LA?”

  “No the question is LA ready for me? I can’t wait and it’s free too. I just wish Nene was here.”

  Clay grunted at the mere mention of Nene’s name. She was a lame and he thought China was above her. “On ‘da real China you seriously should consider leaving that chicken head alone. She’s a hater.”

  “What?” China said caught off guard with Clay’s statement. She knew Nene was wild but she was still cool peoples. “Why would you say that? Nene is my girl, we been tight since grade school. That chick has always had my back and been there for me when I needed her.”

  “Oh really,” Clay said taking the tooth pick out of his mouth. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one that introduced you to that shit.”

  “What shit?”

  “Don’t play dumb you know what I’m talkin’ about.”

  China remained silent and took a sip of her champagne because Clay was right. After Dre’s death she was so hurt and distraught she couldn’t think straight. Nene reintroduced her to her first love, “coke”.

  “I’m telling you, that girl is trouble,” Clay said interrupting her thoughts. “If you only knew half the shit I knew,” he said shaking his head as he recounted Dre telling him that China’s home girl Nene tried to get at him.

  “And what is that suppose to mean?” China asked folding her arms across her chest.

  “Nothin,” Clay said shaking his head and licking his full pink lips.

  “No go ahead. You started so now finish.”

  “No that’s alright,” he said throwing his hand in the air and straightening his collar. “I’m not trying to get anything started.”

  “It’s too late for all that, so you might as well tell me because you know I’m not going to let it rest. We gone be down in Cali for two whole weeks and I can make this trip hell for you and you know I will.”

  Clay sighed and ran his hand over his perfect waves. “A’ight. Dre told me your girl was trying to get at him.”

  “Get at him?” China asked confused.

  “Yeah, when you weren’t around she was always trying to push up on him. She used to drop hints and shit.”


  Clay sighed. “Okay he knew that she had a birthmark in the shape of a butterfly on her right ass cheek, she showed him. She has a mole on her inner thigh near her pussy she showed him that too. That’s why Dre didn’t like you and her being friends. Come on now China anybody can see the animosity that girl has towards you.”

  “Ne, wouldn’t do that to me,” China said half-heartedly. She knew Nene use to say slick shit about how fine Dre was but she never thought she would cross that line. Cassidy and Ciara tried to warn her but she always brushed them off.

  She knew Nene could be grimey, but she always thought she was the exception because they were girls. She would have given Nene the shirt off her back, they were like sisters or so she thought. It hurt to hear that Nene had stabbed her in the back like that.

  “You a’ight?” Clay asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” China responded as she sat back in her seat and stared out the window.

  Damn. Its going to be a long two weeks, Clay thought to himself.

  Chapter 20

  “Girl, are you about ready to go?” Pam asked doing her best to keep up with her treadmill. Her hair was sweaty and she was tired.

  Cassidy looked at her sideways. “What? Pam we just got here,” she laughed. “We’ve only been here for five minutes,” she said shaking her head and giving her friend a sideways glance.

  “What!” Pam said, hopping off the treadmill to check her watch. She bent over and took in a few deep breaths. “Girl, I’m out of shape.”

  “I know that’s why I thought it would be a good idea for the both of us to come to the gym.”

  “You go ahead; I need to take a break.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “Girl you ain’t worth ten cents.”

  “I’ll stand over here and be your moral support,” Pam said taking slow steps towards the wall.

  “So guess who I have a date with tomorrow night?”

  “Who?” Pam said sliding down the wall. Another lady in the gym looked at Pam and shook her head. Pam simply rolled her eyes.


  “It’s about damn time,” Pam said.

  “Shhhh,” Cassidy said looking around the gym. “Sorry,” she apologized for Pam’s loud outburst when someone gave her a dirty look.

  “What are you saying sorry for? I paid my money just like everybody else.”

  “Um, actually no you didn’t. You were invited on my guest pass.”

  Pam waved her hand at Cassidy. “Yeah, whatever they don’t know that. But that’s good I’m happy for you. It’s about time you let your hair down. I mean don’t up and rush into anything just have a good time. Have you moved out of your mom’s house yet?”

  “Yep about a week or two ago.”

  “Why didn’t you ask me to come by and help?”

  Cassidy shrugged her shoulders. “Me and Junior made out fine, plus my dad helped out.”

  “Cas, you better than me. If my name was on the deed, I would have made his mother fuckin’ ass move.”

  Cassidy shrugged her shoulders. “I’m over it. I mean I still have my moments, but I refuse to allow him to have that much control over me. I couldn’t even begin to live up in there knowing he had that bitch sleeping in the same bed as me and him.”

  “Whoa Cas, regardless of the situation she still is your sister.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Cassidy said increasing the speed on the treadmill. The thought of Ciara and Marcus sharing a bed that was once hers made her sick to her stomach.

  “Okay my bad.”

  “Hey Cas, I didn’t know you worked out here?”

  Cas looked over her shoulder and temporarily forgot she was on
the treadmill, nearly slipping and busting her ass. “Shit,” she said clearing her throat and regaining her balance. A slight breath escaped her lips as she stared at the beautiful chocolate man before her. She brought her treadmill to a stop. She hopped down and wiped some of the sweat on her neck off with the back of her hand.

  “Humph,” Pam stood up beside her, suddenly coming to life.

  “Oh,” Cassidy said tearing her eyes away from Antoine’s beautifully sculpted body and tight biceps, looking over her shoulder at Pam. “Pam, this is my Antoine, and Antoine this is my friend Pam.”

  “Nice to meet you Pam.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Pam said giving Antoine the once over, nodding her head in approval. “So this is Antoine?”

  “Yes, it is,” Cassidy said giving Pam a warning look. “Don’t embarrass me,” she mouthed.

  “Whatever,” Pam mouthed back.

  Cassidy couldn’t keep her eyes from roaming over Antoine’s body if she tried. She freely allowed her eyes to stroll down to his well-defined calves all the way back up to his bare chest. A slow breath escaped her lips and she could have sworn she exhaled.

  “Since I know you work out here, maybe we can work out together some time.”

  Pam nudged her. Cassidy shook her head. “Ah, yeah that would be fun,” she laughed nervously as she played in her hair, which was now damp with sweat.

  “Cool, we still on for tomorrow night right?”

  “You got it.”

  “Okay see you around beautiful,” he said with a wink. “It was nice meeting you Pam.”

  “You too,” Pam smiled. As soon as he was out of sight Pam looked at Cassidy sideways.

  “What?” Cassidy asked, fanning herself. She’d suddenly become hot, and the moisture she felt between her legs wasn’t from her workout.

  “Girl, you didn’t tell me he was that fine. Humph,” Pam said shaking her head. “You know I love me some dark meat.”

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “You damned near drooled over his ass.”

  “Anyway are you ready to go?” Cassidy asked as she grabbed a towel and wiped the back of her neck. She couldn’t get the definition of Antoine’s muscular physique out of her mind. She was more than ready to go home and take a shower; she needed to cool off.


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