by Dotson, P.
“Been ready,” Pam said grabbing a towel. “Look at you wit your hot ass.”
“I saw you.”
“Pam what are you talking about?” Cassidy asked as they walked side by side.
“You exhaled, just like Whitney Houston did in Waiting to Exhale.”
Cassidy looked at Pam sideways and burst out laughing. “Whatever,” she said looking around embarrassed because she knew their conversation could be overheard.
“All you have to do now is make that pussy work for you.”
“What?” Cassidy said apologizing embarrassed by Pam’s choice of words. She grabbed Pam and quickly made a beeline for the exit.
“You know like Missy Elliot said. Pussy don’t fail me now. I gotta turn this brotha out, so he don’t wannnnt nobody else but me and only me.”
Cassidy looked around and nearly died of embarrassment as she literally pushed Pam out the door. She doubt if she could ever show her face in that gym again.
* * *
Cassidy changed her outfit for the third time. She was nervous about her date with Antoine. Her stomach kept doing flips, and her armpits were sweaty. She couldn’t understand where the nervousness and anxiety was coming from. It wasn’t like they didn’t see each other at work.
Knock! Knock!
“Come in,” she yelled putting on her earrings. She stood up and observed her figure in the three-piece Donna Karan suit she was wearing. She scrunched up her face, taking note of just how thick her hips and thighs have gotten. She turned to the side and sucked in her gut even though the spandex body suit she wore underneath took care of that.
“Are you going on an interview or a date?” Pearl asked.
“What’s wrong with it?” Cassidy asked still checking her figure in the mirror. “I think it’s formal yet classy.”
“I think it’s boring.”
“Mommy!” Cassidy frowned looking at Pearl.
“Well, it is.”
“I’m not listening to you. I look good,” she said snaking her neck and fluffing up her hair.
“Yeah you would if you were going to work, but I could have sworn you said you were going out on a date. And why you want him to meet you over here anyway?”
“I do have a date Mother, with a very nice gentleman. And I just thought I would bring him here. I’m not ready for him to know where I lay my head at.”
Pearl just rolled her eyes. “Where is he taking you?”
“I’m not sure,” Cassidy said shrugging her shoulders as she put on some eyeliner.
“Now Cas, I just want you to go out there and have a good time. Ain’t no need for you to go rush into anything. I know how you young girls are these days. Just up and fall head over heels, think you in love when it’s just lust.”
Here we go, Cassidy thought to herself shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
“That’s all it was with Marcus, just lust,” Pearl continued. “He was the first boy to make your little kitty wet and you thought you were in love.”
“Mom! Okay,” Cassidy said feeling she had heard enough. She didn’t feel comfortable discussing her private area with her mother. “I think I’m a little too old for the bird’s and the bee’s speech.”
“And that’s the same attitude that got you Little Marcus. Now don’t get me wrong I love my grandbaby. Bust a cap in a nigga if they mess wit him, it’s just his no good daddy I can’t stand. Oooh, I can’t stand him. What in the world did you see in that boy?”
“Mom puhleese!”
“Okay, okay,” Pearl said throwing up her hands. “I just want you to have fun.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Pumpkin, your date is here, and I don’t like him,” she heard her father yell.
“Daddy, you haven’t even met him yet,” Cassidy said grabbing her purse off the bed.
“Yes, I have he standing right here beside me.”
“Daddy!” she squealed checking her appearance in the mirror before skipping down the steps.
When Cassidy made it to the final step, Antoine was standing awkwardly beside Joe. When her eyes landed on Antoine’s gear she wished she’d listen to her mother. He stood there looking sexy in his red and black plaid button down, black true religion jeans and pair of all black Timberland boots decorated his feet. He held a Miami Heat hat in his hand.
“Joe nobody is studying you,” Pearl said waving him off as she introduced herself. “Hello, my name is Pearl, Cassidy’s mother,” she said extending her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Antoine smiled, kissing the back of her hand.
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” Pearl said nodding her head in approval. “Cassidy he is handsome, reminds of that fella from that movie Baby Boy.”
“Mom what do you know about that movie?” Cassidy laughed shaking her head.
“Humph from what I seen, Jodi. Was that his name?” she wondered out loud. “If he worked me like he did that girl-,”
“Okay Mom,” Cassidy said embarrassed, while Joe gave his wife a sideways glance.
“Well, you asked.”
“Mom, do I have to go over Dad’s house this weekend?” Junior asked entering the living room with his book bag on his shoulder. “Dad and Ciara are depressing. All they do is fight and it’s getting annoying.”
“You missed last weekend,” Cassidy said walking over to him running her fingers through his curly hair. She looked at Antoine nervously. She wasn’t expecting Junior to be there, he was supposed to stay at a friend’s house. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were staying with your friend Jaquan.”
“Ma,” he said frowning as he moved her hand away. “No that’s not until tomorrow,” he replied as he looked at Antoine.”
An awkward silence filled the room as Antoine and Junior had the chance to size each other up. It was definitely awkward for Cassidy but she couldn’t hide Antoine now. “Junior, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. You’ve heard me talk about Antoine?” she asked taking a hold of his hand and walking him over to Antoine.
Junior nodded his head at Antoine, as Antoine held out his fist for some dap, which Junior obliged.
“It’s nice to meet you little man,” Antoine said.
“Likewise,” Junior mumbled. He was old enough to know that Antoine was probably more than just a friend. He wasn’t sure how he felt about his mother dating. He didn’t want to see her get hurt again.
“Well, now that you have met the family, are you ready?” Cassidy asked.
“Yes,” Antoine answered, rubbing his hand over his smooth bald head.
Cassidy kissed her parents and Junior good-bye.
“It was nice meeting you all,” Antoine said. He dapped Junior up once more, and kissed Pearl on the cheek. He extended his hand to Joe for a handshake, but Joe simply played him allowing his hand to hang in the air while looking at it like it was contagious.
“What?” Joe said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know where his hands been.”
Pearl rolled her eyes at her husband. “Honey pay him no mind. Ya’ll two go on and have some fun,” she said seeing them outside.
“Okay mom, we will,” Cassidy yelled over her shoulder. She shook her head and laughed a little because she felt like a teenager all over again going on her first date.
As they walked down the driveway towards the sidewalk, Cassidy looked around for Antoine’s all black chromed out Denali. When he walked up to the 1998 Capris parked in front of her yard instead, she had to smother a laugh. He opened the door for her and she quickly got in. Despite the outer appearance of the sky blue exterior, the inside was nice and smelled like strawberries.
“You ready to ride?” Antoine asked once they were both buckled safely inside of the car.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Cassidy replied shaking her head. She wanted to laugh so bad she never imagined him riding around in a car like this.
“A’ight, so what
you wanna do?”
“It doesn’t matter to me. I’m flexible.”
“A’ight,” Antoine said nodding his head.
“So what do you have in mind?” she asked nervously playing with her hands. She couldn’t believe she actually took this man up on his offer to take her out on a date. As she stared at him she couldn’t get over how fine he was. It took everything within her power not to reach out and rub his bald head.
“Bowling!” Cassidy said looking down at her attire wishing she had opted to wear something else. She could only imagine how comical she would look in her three piece Donna Karen suit and a pair of bowling shoes. She made a mental note to herself to get a makeover; she felt it was time and long over due. It was time for her to get her own identity and become her own person instead of the new identity Marcus created for her.
“You don’t mind do you?”
“Ummm . . . no not at all. I’m down for whatever.”
Antoine chuckled at her choice of words. “Okay, just don’t get mad when I whoop that ass.”
Cassidy jerked her neck and looked at him sideways. “Oh you talkin’ shit already.”
“That’s what it sounds like and I can back it up too,” he said flexing his bicep and giving it a kiss.
Cassidy laughed and rolled her eyes. “Okay then its on playboy.”
The remainder of the ride to the bowling alley they laughed, cut jokes, and continued to talk smack.
* * *
It was hard for Cassidy to accept but Antoine beat her three games to none. She put up a good fight but she was no match for Antoine, he could bowl his behind off.
“You’re good, “Cassidy said putting on her heels.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” he said admiring her blue eyes. “Damn, you’re beautiful,” he said as he continued to stare at her.
Without skipping a beat Cassidy replied, “And you’re so damn sexy.” She didn’t know what it was about this man that had her gone. Once she got over her initial butterflies of this being their first date, she felt so at ease with him. She could be herself and not be reprimanded or criticized for every little thing she did like she was with Marcus. With Marcus she always had to be on her P’s and Q’s. He made her feel so self-conscious about every thing she did.
Once Marcus established his career as a lawyer, he made her change a lot about herself. He wouldn’t allow her to wear jeans or tee shirts. She was only allowed to wear her hair down, he didn’t like for her to wear it up or in ponytails. He said professional women don’t wear ponytails. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she thought back to all the bullshit she allowed Marcus to put in her head.
“So you think I’m sexy, huh?” Antoine asked interrupting her thoughts.
“That’s not the only thing I’m thinking,” Cassidy said seductively licking her lips. It’s been a long time since she felt the touch of a man, and just being in Antoine’s presence had her juices flowing.
Antoine cleared his throat, she took him by surprise with that comment, and the gesture she made with her tongue had his manhood jumping in his pants.
He smiled and shook his head. “Girl, you are something else. Are you ready to go?” he asked handing her, her jacket.
“Ready and willing,” Cassidy replied.
He shook his head and smiled again, advertising his deep dimples. “Girl wild, but you ain’t ready for all that yet,” he said with a wink as he picked up their bowling shoes.
Cassidy watched him walk away with a confident swag, and she could only imagine the kind of swag he had in the bedroom. Damn, he is too sexy, she thought to herself. But it’s too early to be thinking about sex. She shook her head to relieve her herself of her own naughty thoughts. She took a few deep breaths as Antoine made his way back over to her.
“I had a nice time,” Antoine said wrapping his arm around her neck.
“Me too,” she replied wrapping her arm around his waist, getting lost in the scent of his cologne. Just his simple display of affection sent a warm spot to her heart.
They walked out of the bowling alley, looking like the picture perfect couple.
* * *
“So you have a little girl right?” Cassidy asked him as they neared her house.
“Yep, she ‘s ten.”
“And you and the mother aren’t together?”
“Nope, she was something I got into when I was younger,” he laughed shaking his head as he thought about his baby mom.
“Just something you got into?” Cassidy asked arching an eyebrow.
Antoine sighed. “Well, I’m a be honest with you Cassidy. Remember when we first met, and you said we wouldn’t work because I was too thugged out.”
“Yeah,” she said nodding her head.
“Well, I’m not going to lie, I lived that life. I was out there in the streets heavy, but I had a plan also. I wasn’t breaking bricks for nothing. It helped put me through school and kept a roof over me and my mother’s head.”
“I knew it,” Cassidy said laughing. He looked at her and smirked. “Is that how you got that scar on the side of your head?”
Antoine burst out laughing. “No actually my mother did that when she found out I was working the streets,” Antoine laughed at the memory.
“Humph, tough woman.”
“You have no idea,” Antoine said as he pulled up in front of Cassidy’s house.
Antoine walked Cassidy to the door, while she self-consciously played in her hair. She could feel Antoine staring at her. He just couldn’t help himself, it was hard for him to be this close to her and not be able to taste her full lips.
“We definitely have to do this again,” he said breaking the uncomfortable silence that had decided to invade their chemistry.
Cassidy nodded her head yes. “You know it; just remember pay back is a mother.”
They both shared a laugh, followed by an awkward silence. Antoine suddenly found himself feeling nervous and at a loss for words. This was a first, he was usually always in control, but right now he felt like the passenger and Cassidy was the driver.
“I guess this is goodnight,” Cassidy said standing on the step, waiting for Antoine to kiss her. She knew he wanted to, she could see it in his eyes, and she wanted the same thing. But for some reason he was holding back.
“Yeah, I guess it is,” Antoine said stuffing his hands inside of his pockets. Antoine what the fuck is you doin’? he asked himself.
It was April, but a cool breeze calmly blew by as the two stood outside awkwardly. It was the perfect night up until that point. Antoine looked into Cassidy’s eyes, and he couldn’t deny what she was asking for. He took a step closer to her and placed his hand on the back of her neck, drawing her lips to his and kissed her ever so gently. Cassidy allowed a slight moan to escape her lips as their tongues did a slight dance. No one has ever kissed her so passionately before. The passion between them was louder than fireworks on the Fourth of July.
They switched positions as Cassidy wrapped her arms around his neck, and he placed his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Cassidy nearly lost her breath, feeling his manhood pressed firmly against her stomach. She didn’t want this moment to end; she wanted to get lost in the comfort of his strong arms. She thought Antoine was too good to be true, she wanted to exhale and give this man a chance, but she couldn’t shake the doubt that started to creep in the back of her mind. The thought of being hurt again was just too much.
Maybe I’m moving too fast, she thought abruptly pulling out of his embrace.
“Did I do something wrong?” Antoine asked when Cassidy pulled away from him.
“No,” Cassidy said shaking her head. “I just have to get up early tomorrow morning,” she lied. “Ill talk to you later and I really had a nice time,” she said taking a few steps back to put some space between them. She could feel the heartbeat in the center of her pussy as she fumbled around in her purse for her keys. She quickly pulled them out avoiding eye cont
act with Antoine; she unlocked the door and walked in the house.
Antoine stood there, with a hard dick and a look of confusion as Cassidy slammed the door in his face. He was at a loss for words on what just happened. The look in her eyes and the slick comments she said earlier made him believe that it was okay to kiss her good night, and from her initial response when he did he assumed right. But as he stood there with a dumb look on his face apparently he was wrong. He stood there for what seemed like eternity trying to figure out what the hell just happened before calling it a night. He hopped in his car and went home.
Cassidy stood in her bedroom window and watched Antoine leave. She wasn’t sure of what to make of her emotions or actions. One minute she wanted Antoine the next she was pushing him away. She pulled off her clothes and lay down on the bed staring up at the ceiling as she contemplated what her future looked like with Antoine. She had to wonder if she was truly over her husband, and could she fully allow herself to love another man. That kiss alone stirred up emotions that she thought she’d buried. It felt so good to be able to talk to someone, to laugh and have a good time. It felt good to be touched. A long sigh escaped her lips as she rolled over on her side and grabbed her pillow hugging it tightly. She closed her eyes replaying that first kiss over and over in her mind until she finally fell asleep.
Chapter 21
China wasn’t ready to leave Cali, she had so much fun. Clay lived the life of a movie star, and that’s the kind of living she could use to. He down played everything about his lifestyle, including his house down in Cali, which he called his playhouse. It was a beautiful two level, with five bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms. He had an indoor Jacuzzi and outdoor pool. He was living it up, every where they went they were chauffeured and everybody and their mama knew him from famous actors, producers and directors. China had to admit that she was impressed, and of course she acted just like a groupie asking for autographs and pictures.