Enough Of The Drama
Page 21
“No, but I’m not in a rush to either.”
“I’m not. I mean I’m over the whole Marcus thing, but if we never spoke again it would be no love loss and I’m serious.”
“Cas, don’t talk like that. Despite all that extra bull shit she pulled, we’re still sisters.”
“Well, it’s obvious that chick didn’t get the memo.”
“I’m done with the conversation. I just wanted to call and say hi and that I love you. If you talk to or see Pam before I do tell her to give me a call. I can’t seem to get a hold of her big head.”
“Okay I will. You know Pam she probably found her some young meat, to occupy her time for a little while.”
Cassidy laughed. “You are probably right. That girl has no shame.”
“A’ight chick. Love you.”
“Love you too, bye.”
China ended the call, grabbed the plate, chips and a Pepsi out of the fridge before heading up the stairs.
Clay hit the ignore button on his cell phone once again. Kena was blowing him up non-stop. “What the fuck this bitch want?” he asked himself out loud irritated.
“What does who want?” China asked, handing him the sandwich and chips before placing the Pepsi on the stand beside him.
“Nobody,” he said as he examined his sandwich. “Really?” he asked holding the sandwich up before taking a bite out of it.
“Just be happy,” she smirked, climbing in bed beside him.
His phone began to chime again and he rolled his eyes. He already knew who it was without looking at it. He hit the ignore button and proceeded to eat the rest of his sandwich.
“Humph, is that still nobody blowing up your phone?” China asked cocking her head to the side with a bit of an attitude.
“Yep,” he replied nonchalantly, taking another bite of his sandwich.
“Whatever,” she said sitting back with her arms folded across her chest as she tried to concentrate on the movie they were watching. Think Like A Man featuring Kevin Hart.
“What? You jealous?” Clay asked, poking her in the side.
“Nope,” China lied, shaking her head from side to side with her eyes trained directly on the TV.
Clay sat his empty plate beside him and grabbed China into a bear hug.
“Stop, Clay, I’m trying to watch the movie,” she said with a slight smirk as she attempted to dodge his kisses.
“Come here, and give daddy some suga.”
“No, tell yo’ bitch to give you some suga.”
“Oh you mad,” he asked tickling her under her arms.
“Stop,” she shouted as she burst out laughing. “Clay . . . I . . . ain’t. . . playing,” she laughed as he put her on her stomach and tickled her under her arms and on her sides.
“Whose the boss?”
“Clay, you better stop,” she laughed.
“Whose the boss?”
“Uggggh, you are,” she giggled.
“That’s what I thought,” he said licking the side of her face.
“Ewe, that is so nasty,” she said wiping the side of her face with the back of her hand as she sat up and straightened her clothes. She turned her nose up in disgust.
“You like it,” he said kissing her on the cheek.
“Whatever. No for real we do need to talk. We never really discussed the whole condom situation,” China said getting serious. After their sexual encounter, they learned the condom broke.
“China, if you were so worried about it, you should have handled your business and took the morning after pill. I’m not worried, matter of fact I wouldn’t mind being a daddy,” he smiled rubbing her stomach.
“But I don’t want to be a baby mama Clay.”
He frowned. “Who said you would be. You said you wanted me, and I’m here aren’t I? You pretty much got me ma, as long as you act right and stay away from that shit.”
“Okay Clay,” China said rolling her eyes. She hated when he took her back for a blast from her past. She was through with drugs and wished he would get it through his head. She knew she was being a bug-a-boo about the whole pregnancy scare situation but, they were just starting out. She didn’t want to ruin their relationship with the pressure of possibly having a baby already.
Clay checked his watch and gave China’s thigh a tight squeeze. “I’m a head home, for a bit.”
“Really?” China said lifting an eyebrow. “Why? So you can be with that bitch that’s been blowing up your phone?”
“Look, I’m a need you to handle all that insecurity bullshit. If you must know, yes it was a bitch blowin’ up my phone. Am I checking for the bitch? No. I’m not wit all that who is calling you, where you going bull shit, I’m not that type of nigga. If you think it’s going down like that, you gon’ find your feelings hurt.”
“Fuck you Clay,” China shouted, folding her arms across her chest pissed off that he came at her like that.
“A’ight, I’m out,” he said getting up putting on his clothes. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
“Wait,” China said running up behind him and placing her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry, Clay.”
Clay sighed and looked up at the ceiling. He was feeling China but she was being extra. If it was one thing he couldn’t stand was a clingy woman. She never acted like this with Dre. He was definitely going to have a heart to heart with her about it. He peeled her arms from around his waist, so he could turn around and look at her.
“You need to chill a little bit with all that jealousy bullshit, if we going to make this thing work. A’ight,” he said pinching her chin and giving her a quick peck on the lips.
This man made her heart melt. She couldn’t even begin to understand why she was acting like this. She’d never been the jealous type.
“Okay, I’m sorry,” she said surprised by her actions, because she’d never been one to apologize either.
“Tell you what; I’m a head home pick up a few things. Make sure you’re dressed in something nice and sexy when I come back.”
“Why, where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise,” he said with a wink. He kissed her on the cheek. “Can I take your truck? I don’t feel like stopping to get any gas.”
“Sure, the keys are on the rack in the kitchen,” she said smiling on the inside.
“Aight be good until I get back,” he said kissing her once more and slapping her on the ass.
Clay bounced down the stairs, grabbed the keys from the kitchen and walked outside. He stretched and yawned before he hopped in China’s truck. He started the truck and began to back out of the driveway. His cell phone started to sing again and he rolled his eyes in irritation.
“Hello,” he answered with an obvious attitude.
“Well, dayum hello to you too,” Kena said matching his tone. “You don’t know how to answer your damn phone?”
“I’ve been busy. What you want?”
“We need to talk.”
“I’m listening.”
“In private.”
“I’m listening,” Clay repeated. He was getting slightly annoyed with Kena. She was blowing his phone up non-stop, leaving him unnecessary messages and voicemails on his phone. He wasn’t with all that drama.
“You must’ve found a new bitch to ride yo’ dick,” Kena snapped, jealousy gripping her heart.
“Bye Kena,” Clay said ready to hang up.
“Wait, Clay this is important,” she pleaded.
“I’m listening and you got five seconds starting now,” Clay said looking from his left to right; ready to back out of the driveway.
“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.
Clay slammed on breaks and put the car in park. “What?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Don’t fucking give me that bullshit Kena. It ain’t mine, I always strap up.”
“It’s yours Clay. You’re the only one I’ve been with I swear,” Kena cried fake tears.
“You sound just like one of them Maury bitches. That’s on you ma, just don’t be crying and running off stage when the test reveals I’m not the father.”
“Oh, so it’s like that Clay.”
“It’s like that,” Clay said a little heated. This couldn’t come at a worse time.
“Look I go-,”
Before Clay could end his call the truck was riddled with bullets. Broken glass flew everywhere pieces of it landing on his face. He tried to duck down and take cover, but it was too late. The burning sensation in his chest was all too familiar. He leaned over on his side.
Whitey smirked as he pulled off. “China your next,” he laughed.
“Oh my God!” China yelled as she ran outside, towards her truck that now resembled Swiss cheese. “Please,” she whispered as she managed to pry open the driver side door. Clay spilled out of the truck and onto the pavement. Blood oozed from his open wounds. “Somebody, help me please,” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “Clay, just hold on baby,” she said as she applied pressure to what she hoped was his wound. The blood was coming from everywhere. “Please, not again,” she sniffled as tears lined her face. “Not again.”
To Be Continued
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My Best Friends Man