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Enough Of The Drama

Page 20

by Dotson, P.

  Clay grunted and smothered the scream he had lodged in his throat, as he rotated his hips clock wise, reaching and touching every last inch of her inner walls. “You like that?” he asked licking her neck.

  “Yes,” China whimpered, in sexual heaven as her pussy jumped for joy.

  “This mine right?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, Clay!” China moaned, as she dug her nails into his back releasing another orgasm. Her sticky juices ran down her legs, while her body shuttered in pleasure.

  “That’s right baby,” Clay whispered as he picked up his speed. He grunted, until he finally exploded full force. “Shit,” he moaned placing his face in her neck. He slowly thrust in and out of her until his dick was fully satisfied.

  He collapsed down on the bed next to her. He grabbed her and wrapped her in his arms, with her head on his chest, her leg loosely placed over his, until they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 31

  “I’m glad you came with me today?” Cassidy said, reaching over and gently squeezing Antoine’s knee.

  “No problem, I enjoyed myself. I think your father is starting to warm up to me,” Antoine laughed.

  Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “Don’t pay him any mind. I think he will eventually come around.”

  “Yeah, I think he is. He actually shook my hand today.”

  Cassidy burst out laughing as she recalled their first date. “You know what you did look dumb standing there holding your hand out,” she said laughing.

  “Oh, I see you got jokes huh?”

  “I’m just sayin’.”

  “So, when can I bring you over to meet my mother?”

  Cassidy shrugged her shoulders. “That’s up to you.”

  “Well, we usually have a Fourth of July picnic every year. So you and your family are more than welcomed to come. My daughter will be there as well.”

  The mention of his daughter, made Cassidy’s stomach do flip flops. She was more worried about his daughter’s disapproval than his mothers. She didn’t want to think about the baby mama drama. Antoine has never said anything negative about his daughter’s mother but females liked to show their asses sometimes whenever they find out another woman is involved. She just hoped Antoine hadn’t hooked up with a chick from the ghetto whose middle name was drama.

  “Cas, did you hear me?”

  “Oh yeah,” Cassidy said shaking her head a little. “That’s fine.”

  “You’re not nervous are you?” Antoine smirked picking up on her sudden mood change.

  “Nope,” Cassidy lied as she swallowed the huge lump in her throat.

  “Yeah, yeah. But how are you really feeling Cas?”

  “I feel fine, why?” she asked her face turning into a frown.

  “Well, you know. I just wanted to make sure you are okay after seeing your ex and your sister this evening.”

  Cassidy hadn’t given Ciara and Marcus a second thought after their brief encounter. China filled them in on what went down and why they left so early. She could only shake her head, because Ciara should have known better than that.

  “I’m fine. I’ll admit it was kind of weird, but I really think I’m over it now. I’ve moved on. You helped a lot with that,” she looked over at him and smiled. “You and my little sister China made me see things a lot differently. He didn’t deserve me,” she said as she shook her head. She couldn’t believe she wasted so many years of her life on trash.

  “I’m glad I could help,” he said. “Let me ask you a question.”

  Cassidy laughed and shook her head. She automatically knew what that meant. “Oh, Lord here we go.”


  “You know what!”

  “A’ight if you had to choose to spend one night with either Michael Jackson or Prince who would it be?”

  Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “I don’t know. Michael Jackson has passed. Lord bless the dead, so I can’t really answer that one.”

  “Okay, how about either Prince or Dennis Rodman.”

  “You are a damn fool,” Cassidy laughed shaking her head.

  “That’s why you like me,” he smiled showing off his pearly white teeth. “Now answer the question.”

  “It would definitely have to be Prince. I’ m sorry someone should have slapped Carmen Elecktra’s crazy ass for allowing his big ass to wear a damn wedding dress.”

  “What you saying, you wouldn’t pose with me in drag?”

  Cassidy looked at him sideways. “Hell naw.” They both shared a laugh. “What?” she asked once she took notice of Antoine starring at her.

  ‘You’re just so damn beautiful.”

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. “You always say that.”

  “It’s true.”

  “Well, thank you Mr. Jackson. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  As he continued to stare at her, taking in her full breast and thick thighs he could no longer deny the strong sexual urges that stirred in his groin. He was trying to be a gentleman and patiently wait. He wanted to make sure Cassidy was ready to take that step in their relationship. As he continued to stare at her he prayed that she was ready now. He placed his hand on her thigh and gently began to massage it. Cassidy looked over at him and smiled, but got locked in the look of lust that danced in his eyes.

  She cleared her throat and tore her eyes away from his long enough to concentrate on the road. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation of finally being touched. A slow breath escaped her lips once she felt his hand in between her thighs. He aggressively massaged her swollen clit through her tight Seven jeans. He leaned over and began to suck on her neck, causing her to temporarily close her eyes, before popping them back open. A slight moan escaped her lips, as she gripped the stirring wheel tighter. Her body was on fire, and bothered with sexual excitement. The look that lingered in his eyes, she knew he wouldn’t deny her tonight.

  Cassidy pulled into her driveway at full speed, nearly hitting her curb. She raced into the house with Antoine following closely behind her. Once inside they didn’t make it up the stairs. They slammed the front door and he roughly pinned her against the door with her arms pinned up over her head. They kissed each other like there was no tomorrow.

  They went at it like caged animals that had just been unleashed, tearing off each other’s clothes with no remorse. Antoine picked Cassidy up off the floor cupping both her ass cheeks in his huge hands. Cassidy held on for dear life as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Shit,” Cassidy moaned as he entered the mound of wetness between her legs. She could feel her insides stretching as he greedily filled her inner walls with his dick. “Yes, yes,” she moaned, squeezing her tight pussy muscles around his dick. She wanted to savor this moment. It hurt so good she didn’t want him to stop.

  The sound of his balls slapping against her ass, bounced off the walls and harmonized with their own sexual moans of pleasure. Antoine felt his knees getting weak, as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the river that flowed on his dick. They grunted, they moaned, and screamed until they both finally reached their climax.

  Antoine placed Cassidy down on the floor barely able to get himself together. The sexual tension between them has finally been broken. He stood over her and looked down at her with love in his eyes, before engaging her in a passionate kiss. Cassidy couldn’t contain the excitement that traveled through her body. Her heart beat wildly against her chest, and her pussy continued to throb and leak with joy. She’d never gone buck wild like that before, but she liked it.

  Taking a break from their enchanted kiss, they stared each other down with naughty grins plastered on their faces. Cassidy grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. She was ready for round two.

  Chapter 32

  Ciara sat on the toilet, applying lotion and oil to her body. She’d just taken a nice, long hot bath in hopes of clearing her thoughts. She wiped the tears that stained her eyes and placed the lotion back on the sink. Her insecurities had finally gotten the best of her.
  She kept replaying the look in Marcus’ eyes when they bumped into Cassidy with her new boyfriend, Antoine. The lust in his eyes was a hard pill for her to swallow. She thought all doubt about she and Marcus relationship had been fried the night of Cassidy’s birthday when he cooked for her and gave her the best dick she’d had in a long time.

  An inner battle began to brew as she contemplated her relationship with Marcus. It seemed things kept going from bad to worse. First Rayna, now Cassidy. She should just pack her bags and leave, but she couldn’t. It was something about this man that held her captive. She wanted and needed to be loved by him. In her own insecure mind, she thought Marcus was the best thing that’s happened to her in a long time.

  “There are certain things you have to do Ciara, if you want to keep your man. You have to show Marcus, that you’re not like Cassidy. Cassidy was too weak,” she coaxed herself as she stood up and put on her robe.

  She walked out into the bedroom, where Marcus lay on the bed in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. She walked over to him and sat down beside him on the bed. He didn’t acknowledge her but continued to watch The Walking Dead on Netflix. She hated that show. Some of the scenes were so gory, and she couldn’t understand how people could watch it.

  “Marcus,” Ciara said, gently touching his arm.

  “Yes, babe,” he said never taking his eyes off the screen.

  “Do you love me?” The irritated look on his face didn’t go unnoticed by Ciara. She put her head down and closed her eyes. “Never mind,” she said lying down on her side with her back facing him.

  Marcus dragged his hands down the side of his face. He thought things would be different with Ciara, but lately she was sounding more like Cassidy. If he’d known things would have turned out like this he would have gladly kept Cassidy as his wife and Ciara would still be the side chick. As he thought about Cassidy, he couldn’t’ get the image of how good she looked earlier that evening out of his head. His manhood stiffened, causing a slight bulge to form in his boxers. He never thought he would miss his wife or her pussy. As he looked over at Ciara and thought about his wife, he realized he looked like a damn fool. In a lack of better words he traded his wife for a hoe.

  “Marcus,” Ciara said sitting up touching his arm parading in on his thoughts. She knew she sounded desperate, but he still hadn’t answered her question and her insecurities continued to break down her self-esteem.

  “What Ciara,” Marcus frowned. “I’m sorry, baby,” he sighed, gently caressing the side of her cheek. “Yes, I love you. You complete me, you are willing to do things for me no other woman would, just to prove how much I mean to you,” he smiled laying it on thick.

  “Do you still love Cassidy?”

  “What?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m not blind Marcus. I saw the way you looked at her,” Ciara snapped, as she held back her tears.

  “I was just shocked to see her that’s all. Ever since me and you have been together, she has been avoiding me. We don’t talk unless it’s about Junior, and we don’t even see each other. It wasn’t anything like that. Besides she has clearly moved on, I’m happy for her,” he lied.

  The thought of Antoine touching Cassidy made his skin boil. He was passed the point of pissed that Cassidy has already moved on. The fact she didn’t continue to try and get back with him after he left her for Ciara fucked with him even more. His ego was bruised, because he was Cassidy’s first everything. He knew she loved him more than the air she breathed, and now that she appeared to have moved on so easily made his heart beat with jealousy. As he looked at Ciara he realized he made a mistake, he wanted his wife back. Maybe I could have them both, he thought to himself.

  “Have you started the divorce proceedings?” Ciara asked, looking down at him.

  “Yeah,” Marcus lied through his teeth. He hadn’t spoken to his own lawyer in the past few months. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to proceed.

  “What did he say?” Ciara asked, having her doubts.

  “Ciara, these things take time. Just give it a few more months. Just let me handle it, okay babe,” he said gently rubbing her stomach. “I don’t want you to get little mama all upset.”

  That put a smile on Ciara’s face. “Okay,” she sniffled.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Ciara placed her head on his chest and draped her arm over his stomach. “I love you Marcus,” she smiled feeling a little better about their conversation.

  “How much?” he asked, playing in her hair.

  “You have my heart,” she said as she looked up at him with sincerity in her eyes.

  The air became filled with an awkward silence. Marcus stared straight ahead pondering how to put his next question. He knew what he was about to ask, was fucked up, but the sexual demon that lingered on the inside of him needed to be unleashed.

  “Have you thought about what I asked you?” Marcus finally said after a long moment of silence.

  Ciara sighed, a single tear traveling down her cheek. “Yes, Marcus I’ll do it.”

  Chapter 33

  “Ms. Ross.”

  “I’m coming,” Pam said as she hopped up and threw the magazine she was reading down on the table. She nervously took a deep breath as she made her way to the back.

  “My name is Becky and I’m going to get your weight.”

  “Okay,” Pam said smiling at the tall blonde, with stunning blue eyes. She was beautiful, and could easily be a model. “Just don’t tell me what it is,” Pam laughed as she stepped up on the scale. She looked the other way.

  “Okay, follow me,” Becky said, leading her to a room. “You can have seat in the chair or on the bed it’s up to you.” Pam chose to sit in the chair. “Let me get the rest of your vitals.” Pam remained quiet as Becky took her pulse and blood pressure. “Are you nervous?” Becky asked after taking her blood pressure.

  “Yeah, a little. Why?”

  “Your blood pressure is a little higher than usual, but it’s not too bad. Dr. Delaney will probably check it again. Just take a couple of deep breaths and relax.”

  Pam smiled and simply said. “Okay,” although she wanted to scream on the inside.

  Nervous butterflies occupied a space in her stomach as she patiently waited the doctor’s arrival. She knew the news he had to tell her was bad. The urgency in the nurse’s voice when she called and demanded she make an appointment was proof in the pudding. She held back tears as she nervously waited for the doctor to come in and tell her, her fate.

  She looked at the ceiling and began to shake her head. She thought all of this had been put behind her. She was only thirty-four years old, and she hasn’t fully lived her life yet. There were still so many things she wanted to do. She wanted to do some traveling, and maybe one day have a child of her own.

  There was a slight knock on the door, relieving her of her thoughts, before Dr. Delaney entered the room. He was a short stubby man, with a round protruding belly. His salt and pepper hair was full and thick thanks to his toupee.

  “Good Afternoon Ms. Ross.”

  “Please, call me Pam.”

  The look on his face said it all. He tried to hide the bad news she knew he was about to give her in his bright smile, but she could feel the negative chemistry that lingered in the air. He walked in and grabbed the stool that stood in the middle of the room and sat down beside her.

  “How are you feeling today?” he asked wheeling over to the hand sanitizer and squirting some in his hands.

  ‘I’m fine,” she said swallowing the lump in her throat.

  “That’s good. I’m just going to recheck your blood pressure again. It’s still about the same,” he said placing the cuff back in it’s place, and putting his stethoscopes back around his neck. Pam said nothing but smiled. “Well, I called you into today, because I regretfully have some bad news for you.”

  Without much effort the tears began to spill from her eyes. “Just say it,” she snapped, tired of the suspense that hung in the air.
r />   “Did you bring anyone with you?” he asked. Pam shook her head no. He sighed, wishing that she would have followed his instructions and brought someone along for moral support. “I regret telling you this, but the cancer is back.”

  Chapter 34

  “Hey sis,” China said as she slapped a slab of meat on the sandwich she was preparing for Clay. “What you been up to? I haven’t heard from you in a couple days.” She put her blue tooth in her ear and placed her phone in her pocket.

  “Nothing much, I could say the same about you. So what have you been up too?” Cassidy asked.

  “Nothing, just chillin’ with my boo.”

  “Your boo?”

  “Yes, Clay and me. Well, I don’t know if we are officially a couple, but we made it to third base.”

  “Slut,” Cassidy laughed. “When did all this happen?”

  “Mother’s Day.”

  “Dayum, that must have been the night everything went down, because me and my boo got it in too.”

  “Cassidy, you finally gave him the cookies.”

  “It wasn’t me, it was him. He was holding out on me all this time.”

  “So is it official?”

  “I don’t want to put a title on things just yet. He does want me to meet his mother and his daughter.”

  “So, how do you feel about it?”

  “China, I’m not going to lie. I’m nervous as hell. I’m more scared of meeting his daughter versus his mom. And I just hope he doesn’t have a ghetto ass baby mama. Girl, you know I don’t have time for that drama.”

  “Who you tellin’. I feel you on that one.”

  “I meant to tell you I like that tennis bracelet you were rocking. Where did you get it from?”

  “Antoine got it for me, for Mother’s Day.”

  “He is in love with your ass,” China said taking a bite of Clay’s sandwich. She placed it on a plate, before walking to her cupboard to grab a bag of chips.


  “Have you talked to Ciara?”


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