Book Read Free


Page 17

by Lisa Marie

  “Thank you.” I lean in and kiss my fiancée. Her lips taste like peaches, and I am REALLY looking forward to leaving the theatre tonight.

  We break apart when we hear a knock on the door. I walk over and open it just a crack just in case it’s a fan. It’s my security team, and that means the car is here. I turn to Farrow and extend my hand. “Showtime, baby. Let’s get this over with so we can go home.” She smiles and crosses the room to be with me.

  Leaving the suite, we are surrounded by security and lead to the back door to the waiting limo. I help Farrow in first and climb in behind her. Two bodyguards join us, and the driver takes us to the premiere.



  I’m holding his hand and his palms are so sweaty. I can see the anxiety in his face, he is dreading this. I rub his thumb with mine, in an attempt to soothe his nerves. I can hear them as we get closer to the theatre. The screams are going to be deafening, so I open my clutch and take out two sets of foam earplugs. I place a set in Kasen’s hand and when he sees them he smiles that smile of relief. Squishing mine up, I secure them in place and Kasen follows suit. Mouthing, “Thank you” he leans in and kisses me.

  The car stops and we both take a deep breath. Bodyguard number one gets out first, followed by bodyguard number two. They stand on either side of the open door as Kasen takes a deep breath and leaves the vehicle. He’s waving. The screams are loud and threatening. He turns to help me out of the car and women begin screaming my name.

  Cameras are everywhere, people are yelling like he is their puppet.




  They begin to turn on me, and Kasen tightens his grip on my hand as we walk down the red carpet.




  I stop dead in my tracks. How do they know that? Those vultures dig up everything. I am biting my tongue as my fiancée leans in and tells me a couple of the naughty things he wants to do to me when we get home. I look up at the man I love with flushed cheeks. He has an eyebrow cocked and that look makes me want to jump him right here and now. The paparazzi are taking picture after picture of our personal exchange. I hope I don’t look like I’m in heat.

  We wave at the crowd and enter the building. Tucking our earplugs away for later, we walk further into the building and the first person I see is Sierra, who comes rushing straight over to offer compliments and hugs to the both of us. Kasen and Sierra step outside to pose for a couple pictures together, leaving me to watch from just inside. I stay back far enough so the cameras don’t catch me in the background. I can just imagine the hayday they would have as I watched Kasen and Sierra on the red carpet.

  We rub elbows with the other celebrities who have joined us this evening, and although I am trying not to be star struck, I find it very difficult not to fangirl over some of the attendees. Waiters are making their rounds with trays of champagne and teeny little appetizers. We make our way through the maze of people offering their congratulations to Kasen and introducing themselves to me until we come across Bob.

  He looks jubilant. Smiling and sipping on a beer, while talking with other celebrities who have joined him. He notices us and stops mid-sentence. “My my my… Is that Ms. Farrow Connoley?” His boisterous voice carries over the sea of people to us. I smile and wave to him as the seas part.

  “Farrow, you look absolutely stunning.” He gives me a small hug and kisses my cheek. “Wells, you’d better keep your eye on this one. She’s a showstopper.”

  “I’ll do that, Bob. Let’s get this show on the road. I have some plans with my fiancée when this is done.” Kasen nods. This is the first time he has told Bob about our engagement. Bob realizes what he says and he looks at my finger.

  “Attention everyone, I want to thank you all for coming. I would like to turn the floor over to the author behind the scenes Camryn Flynn. Camryn, please join us!” There’s a roar of applause. I am about to lose my mind. I might get a chance to meet her. This is almost as exciting as meeting Kasen. Oh my God!

  He must be able to sense how nervous I am because he leans in closer and gives my shoulders a squeeze. “Breathe, baby,” he suggests and kisses my temple as Camryn gives Bob a hug.

  “Thank you so much for being here tonight! Never in my life did I ever expect my book to be published, nevermind made into a movie! This has been quite the roller coaster ride, and I am in awe of each and every one of you. Sierra, you brought Jess to life with your grace and beauty. I can’t wait until tomorrow, when we can be normal and have that lunch together! Kasen…holy hell! You owned it! I will never be able to think of Tate without thinking of you and let me tell you…I think of Tate often.” She winks and everyone laughs. “I am not going to speak another word as I want to see my movie! Let’s go inside!”

  I link my arm through Kasen’s, and we enter the auditorium together. My stomach is flip flopping, and I can barely contain myself. The usher leads us to our seats, and I am a bundle of sheer excitement. Sierra is on my left and Kasen is on my right. I have the best seat in the house. The lights dim and I take both of their hands in mine. I am so happy to be a part of this.

  Chapter 35

  The house lights come up and a loud round of applause fills the auditorium. Hoots and hollers. I’m crying. I am so happy to see that the movie has been made as accurately as possible. That the characters on screen are true to the characters in the book. I cry because I am so proud of Kasen.

  “Are you alright, baby?” He tips my chin toward him with his finger. Concern covers his face, and he wipes away a tear. The crowd melts away and all I can see is him, the only thing that matters.

  I smile and nod at him as trying to speak now is pointless with the whistles and cheering. Kasen leans in and kisses my forehead, before he stands and helps Sierra to her feet. They both take a bow. He bows to her and she curtsies to him. Bob comes over and hugs them both. Smiling at me, Sierra leans down and squeezes me tight. Leaning into my ear, she tells me, “Wait until you see what’s next!”

  Everyone stands and leaves the auditorium. Kasen has his hand on my lower back, ushering me forward away from the crowds toward the door. Fishing out our earplugs we put them in, wave one last time to the cast and crew and walk out to the fans, who are screaming even louder now than before.

  A little girl comes forward, obviously here with her mother or sister. Probably around eight years old. She hands me a daisy and walks away. Another girl comes forward with a blue bell, while another comes forward with baby’s breath. This continues for five minutes until I have a bunch of wildflowers in my hand. Tears start again. I smile and wave to everyone behind the ropes. I feel like a princess.

  I start walking toward the waiting car, when Kasen stops me. I know he doesn’t want me to pose for pictures. HE doesn’t want to pose for pictures so I am just a little confused. He’s smiling pretty damned hard, when we are handed helmets and a Harley pulls up on to the sidewalk. Climbing on, he shrugs and mouths, “I know a guy” reaching his hand out to me. I take it, hike my flowing dress above my knees and climb on behind him. Kasen removes his suit jacket and puts it around me. As I smell the bunch one last time, Kasen revs the bike signaling me to hold on. I wrap my arms tightly around him. The cheers are almost as loud as the bike when the fans move aside and Kasen pulls onto the road that will take us away from the chaos.

  Pulling up to the back door of the hotel, the security team opens the door of a waiting SUV. Climbing off the bike and readjusting my dress, I look at the scene before me with curiosity wondering what he had done now. Climbing off after me, Kasen takes my helmet and locks his fingers with mine, leading me to the waiting vehicle. I look between him and the security team and they appear to be communicating with their eyes. Nodding back and forth. It feels l
ike a tennis match, but no one even grunts.

  We reach the car door and Kasen helps me inside before climbing in behind me and closing the door. “Where are we going, Kasen?” I eye him with suspicion.

  He says nothing but accepts an envelope from the driver before we pull into traffic. Smirking that sexy devilish grin, he opens the envelope and hands me a folded piece of paper. I take it from him and watch him lean back against the door, brushing his bottom lip with his thumb. “Open it,” he says expectantly.

  Slowly, I lift one flap and then the other. It’s an airline ticket. To Raleigh, North Carolina. I look up at him with wide eyes and he bites his bottom lip. He points to the trunk area of the SUV, just over our shoulder and all of my luggage is there along with a couple of boxes labeled “momentos”. I look back at Kasen and shake my head in disbelief.

  “Let’s go home, Kasen.”

  “Let’s go home, Farrow,” he replies, and I tuck into his side right where I belong.



  I’m nervous.

  Farrow thinks we are going to Mama’s house, when in fact we are going to our own. Our newly renovated Farmhouse.

  Our HOME.


  That word scares the shit out of me. Farrow is going to kill me.

  We are nearing the turn-off to Mama’s house, and I know I have to distract her. If someone else was driving that would be easy. With it being just the two of us, I have to think fast.

  “Babe?” I break the silence and hope my voice doesn’t crack under pressure. Why am I so nervous?

  She turns her head toward me and shifts in her seat to give me all of her attention. I take her hand in mine, and she squeezes lightly. “Yes, Kasen?”

  I know full well that she has only been here a couple of times, but I showed her the landmarks. The rusted old pickup truck in the field just over the hill, means take your next left. She’s never been further on this road, so as long as I can distract her temporarily…

  “I have a plan,” I state.

  “You have a plan? What kind of plan?” She grins. “Is it kinky?”

  “It might be,” I reply, but in all honesty, I have no plan and I am trying to save my own ass here.

  “Does it involve us…naked?” she asks as she releases her hand and lowers it to my lap. Her fingers brushing the top of my thigh, her fingers dancing closer to my freshly awakened semi…

  Things just got interesting.

  I clear my throat and swallow hard. “It might,” I croak out. Dammit. Cracking voice, growing boner…

  She reaches up and opens both the button and the fly on my jeans. This definitely was not the plan. I think I want to see where this is going. What a happy turn of events.

  Her hand reaches in and releases me. Her fingers wrap around my shaft and begin a torturous stroke from base to tip. “Farrow,” I squeak “This wasn’t part of the plan.”

  Undoing her seatbelt, she scoots over, looks me in the eye and licks her lips. “Sometimes plans change.” she purrs. “Put the seat back more and lift the steering wheel.”

  How can I deny her when she asked so nicely, and to top it off, she is distracting herself? I pull the seat back and raise the wheel just as her head lowers and her tongue circles my tip.

  Road head.


  Gripping the wheel tightly, we pass the rusted pickup truck and I want to pat myself on the back for successfully distracting Farrow, but she might just have my balls when we get home. I breathe through my teeth as I near my release and pray that I can keep the car on the road when I come. Pray that I don’t convulse as crazily here in the car as I do in a bed. Pray that there aren’t any state troopers nearby.

  I need to pull over.

  Farrow’s mouth is magic as I pull onto the shoulder and throw the car into park. Farrow quickly sits up, clumsily removes her pants and climbs onto my lap. We laugh as she hits the horn and the wipers. Our mouths lock and it does not take long for me to finish. Reaching between us, I circle her clit with my thumb while she continues to grind into me. It won’t take her long. Using my free hand, I release her breast and gently tease it with my tongue. Pulling back, I blow on her wet nipple and watch it pucker into a tight bud as Farrow kneads my shoulders frantically with her hands.

  Farrow begins to flutter around my shaft, and I grit my teeth in an attempt to prolong my release. She’s so close! “I can’t hold on much longer, babe.” I growl in frustration as her sounds become louder and closer together. Suddenly, she tightens and massages me as she bites her lip and releases a sexy as hell moan of pleasure. There is no way I can hold on after that and I groan out my own release.

  I reach over and turn up the A/C. It’s suddenly very humid in here. Farrow leans back and smiles. “That…was…”

  “A pleasant deviation to my plan.” I cut her off and wink at her. She smiles and shakes her head. Beautiful red hair drapes her shoulders, and I reach out to play with a curl.

  Climbing off, she kisses me quickly and picks up her tangled mess of pants and panties from the floor. They are twisted together, like a pretzel. This is going to be entertaining. Using her very capable hands, she twists and pulls until the panties are free and she can put them on with very little grace.

  “What was your plan then? I will bet you dollars to donuts that my little deviation was more fun,” she states while climbing into her jeans with the grace of a newborn giraffe.

  Shit. I had no plan.

  “I wanted to play I Spy.” I pout and start the car. Pulling back onto the road, my heart begins to hammer in my chest. We are only about a mile away and any second now she is going to realize we aren’t going to Mama’s house. I can already see the thoughts processing while she squints out the window, looking for the pickup truck that we passed two miles ago.

  “Hey! Did they finally move that rusty old truck?” She asks looking out her window and back where we came from.

  I take the next gravel driveway and wait for her reaction. This is obviously not the drive she knows. This one turns to the right and curves toward the newly remodeled farmhouse. I slow down as we approach the front of the house, watching Farrow’s expression change from confusion to acceptance.

  My heart slows and relief washes over me. I park the car and step out. Farrow’s gaze follows me around the car to stand in front of her. Lifting the door handle, I pull the door and crouch down so I am eye level with her. Her glassy eyes dance around while she looks at me.

  “So, um…” I bite my lip. “Welcome home.”

  Farrow steps out of the car, and I stand to give her space. I pull nervously on my bottom lip and watch her as she eyes the building.

  Chapter 36


  He kept it. He kept the house that almost destroyed us. No. He kept the house that I made out to be something it wasn’t.

  I say nothing as Kasen stands there quietly waiting for a response. The gravel crunches below my feet as I walk toward the steps that lead to the front door. Kasen follows and opens the door for me as I stand on the porch and attempt to absorb the beauty around me.

  Smiling weakly, I take a deep breath and step into the building. To the right is a sitting room, already furnished with an overstuffed sofa, armchair and television. To the left is a small office library filled with books. A new laptop sits upon the simple desk in the middle of the room. Six windows flood the room with daylight, and a fireplace sits against the far wall.

  “Your office. You can do your ladyporn blogging from here.” He smiles at me.

  “Wow,” I whisper, stunned into silence. Turning around, I brush past Kasen in the doorway as I leave the room. Squeezing his fingers, I join our hands and we explore the rest of the house together.

  “There’s one more thing I need to show you,” Kasen announces as we walk to the screen door in the kitchen. Stepping out onto the porch we stop and Kasen turns to me.

  “I r
ented out Mama’s house. It was a beautiful home to grow up in. It was filled with so many memories, both good and sad.” He looks at me and I offer him a weak smile. My hand reaches up to his cheek, and he presses his cheek into my palm.


  “Mama would have wanted me to move forward and not stay in the past. I couldn’t sleep there with the sad memories that haunted me after her funeral. I remembered that we had the deed on this property and I decided to do exactly what Mama wanted me to do when she helped me pick it out.” I see confusion cross her face. “I was shooting a movie, Farrow…who else would have found the perfect property for the woman I planned to marry?”

  We walk toward the edge of the porch where the steps lead to the old magnolia tree. I look across the lawn and let out a laugh. “It’s the treehouse! Kasen, you brought the treehouse!”

  “FORT, Farrow… it’s a FORT,” Kasen scolds, and we walk together towards the tire swing. I slide my feet through, and he pushes me gently. I look from him to the house to the beautiful grove of trees to the side of the house.

  “It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life here with you.” He slows the swing, tilts me back and kisses me upside down.

  “November 29th,” I tell him against his lips. Pulling away, he eyes me curiously.

  “November 29th, what?”

  “That’s the day I want to marry you.” I grin.


  “Right here, under this tree.”

  “Anything for you, babe… it’s just over a month away. We had better get to planning.” I groan as Kasen helps me off the swing, then tosses me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal as he slaps my ass. “But first, we have a house to christen…EVERY. SINGLE. ROOM.”


  “No, she has no clue.” I hear Kasen say into the phone. He’s pacing the porch, and I don’t think he’s noticed me standing here at the screen door. I’m holding a freshly brewed glass of Mama’s tea as I push open the squeaky screen door. Kasen startles and turns to face me. He puts up his finger to say ‘just a minute’ and he turns his back again walking to the edge of the porch. His conversation is quiet while I sit on the rocking chair admiring our amazing backyard. Once his conversation ends he smiles in my direction and slides his phone in his pocket.


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