Book Read Free


Page 18

by Lisa Marie

  “So how is the guest list coming?” He asks keeping his distance.

  “Well, I only have a handful of people I care about…so I’m done.” I squint at him as he’s avoiding my gaze. “What’s going on, Kasen? Why are you acting so weird?”

  “Weird? How so?” He stiffens and crosses the porch to lean down and kiss the top of my head.

  “I don’t know…just weird,” I reply, unsure of myself.

  “I promise, babe, nothing is weird.” He downs his tea and sighs. I know he is thinking of Mama because of how quiet and distant he is at the moment. Shaking off whatever memory he just had, he looks at me and smiles.

  “Good tea, babe. Just like Mama’s.”

  “She taught me.” I nod speculatively. He’s up to something I know it.

  “Hey, babe. I’ve gotta run to Raleigh. Need anything?”

  I shoot him a piercing gaze, and instead of being threatening I make him laugh. “Seriously, babe, nothing weird.” He snickers. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours, okay?”

  “I have to work anyways. See you in a while.” I walk him to the steps, when he hits the bottom one, he turns and wraps his arms around me.

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  “Never forget that, Kasen Everett Wells.”

  “Never. Farrow. Dawn. Connoley.”

  He steps onto the grass and disappears around the side of the house. Turning around, I go back into the house and straight to my office. Sitting at my chair, I feel the cross breeze through the windows on two out of the four walls. Tucking my sweater around my body, I open my computer and begin to type about my recent read.




  I’m an actor.

  I shouldn’t have to run away to keep from confessing to her.

  I wish she hadn’t caught me on the phone.

  Now I have to bring something back from Raleigh.

  Dammit. I’m going to be busted. I know it.

  Chapter 37


  Go-ing to the Chap-el and we’re Gonna get Ma-a-aried

  After weeks of planning…literally only a few weeks. I would like to announce that tomorrow is the day that I marry the love of my life. In less than twenty four hours, I will be Mrs. Kasen Wells.


  In through the nose.

  Out through the mouth.

  Okay. So, yes, I am getting married tomorrow. Who would’ve thought that not only did blogging lead me to the set of the hottest movie this year, but it led me to Kasen Wells. The man I figured I could be friends with. The man who was kind enough to take me under his wing and make me comfortable where I didn’t belong. He also made me feel loved and continues to do so on an hourly basis.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen afterward. Will I continue reading and blogging? Will I be a housewife? Honestly, I haven’t thought too much about it. However, I do know that I will be married tomorrow and that’s all I want right now.

  Maybe after the honeymoon, I’ll come back and share some pictures with you.


  XO Farrow


  “You are not going to sleep in the house, Kasen! You need to go somewhere else.” I hear Sierra telling him at the bottom of the stairs. It’s 11:30 and Sierra is pretty strict about him seeing me before the ceremony tomorrow.

  “It’s my house, Sierra. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Kasen laughs.

  “No, Kasen. I am the Maid of Honour. There is no way I trust you and your hormones to stay away from your fiancée overnight. LEAVE.”

  Kasen is trying to argue with her, but he should know that she won’t back down. I open the bedroom door a crack and call out to him.


  “Yes, Farrow?” I think he starts up the stairs because Sierra tells him to step back.

  “I left you something in the treehouse.”

  “FORT?” He snickers.

  “HOUSE, Kasen.”

  I lean my head against the wall, smiling to myself.

  “So I’m sleeping in the treefort tonight?” He asks in disbelief.

  “Yes, babe, you are.”

  “Fine, but tomorrow can I have my pants back? I’m the man. I should be wearing the pants in this family!” He whines and stomps away. I hear the screen door open in the kitchen. “Goodnight, babe. I love you.” Kasen calls out before he walks away from the kitchen, allowing the door to slam.

  I open the door wide and walk toward the staircase. Sierra stands there with her hands crossed in front of her chest.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” She questions with a knowing smile and a tapping foot.

  “I WAS going to get some water, but apparently I’m not thirsty and I should get some sleep.” I fake a yawn and laugh at her. “Way too serious, Sierra.”

  “This is a BIG day and I don’t want it ruined!” She replies. “Even though it’s not a traditional wedding, you need to practice at least a couple of the traditions.” Sierra shrugs. I know she’s right.

  “Sierra. Thank you.

  “For what dahling?”

  “Just for turning into such an amazing friend,” I state honestly.

  “Love you, Farrow.”

  “Love you, Sierra. Goodnight.” I retreat to my room and wonder if Sierra will sleep in the guest bedroom, or if she is going to sleep at the bottom of the stairs to ensure no one passes.

  My cell phone rings, and I know instantly it’s Kasen. This means only one thing…

  “Hello, handsome,” I say softly.

  “You are AMAZING, Farrow.” He gushes into the phone.

  “Am I? Go on. Tell me how amazing I am.” I tease.

  “You sure it will reach?” He asks.

  “Mmm hmm… I tried today.”

  “I’m holding it, are you holding yours?”

  “Let me get comfortable…hang on.” I take off my slippers and lie down on the bed. “You’re going down, Wells.” I mock.

  “Turn it on…let’s go!”

  Nothing beats dual system video gaming the night before a wedding. I linked us both through the internet and now we can duke it out before the big day. We play for a couple of hours before we are both yawning into the microphones.


  “Yes, Kasen?”

  “We need to sleep.”

  “Okay. See you at ten. I love you,” I yawn.

  “Goodnight, beautiful.”


  The morning comes far too quickly, and before I know it, the time has come to put my dress on. It’s a simple strapless dress, with a long layered veil that is clipped into my French twist. I look out the bedroom window and see cars pulling up, and people begin to mill about. We’ve invited about fifty people, as neither of us have many in our lives. It’s a brisk morning, but we have a heated tent set up around our tree and in a half an hour we say ‘I DO’.

  I’m surprisingly calm as I wait by the window for my cue from Sierra. I hear music playing from the yard as I wait. The crowd thins and I know it’ almost go time. We are a little ahead of schedule and that’s alright with me.

  “Farrow?” Sierra calls from the hall.

  “Come in,” I reply.

  Sierra enters and tears begin to form in both of our eyes.

  “You look beautiful.” she chokes out. She looks beautiful herself wearing an emerald green slip dress, her hair in curls around her shoulders.

  “Shut up. You’re making me cry.” I laugh.

  “It’s time.” She nods and does bitty little jumps in the doorway.

  “Let’s do this.” I stand and walk toward Sierra, who helps position my veil and my train. Walking in front of me, we reach the stairs and descend together.

  We reach the kitchen together and Sierra signals the arrival. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri begins to play over the sound system. Our minister walks to the podium and
is joined shortly after by Kasen and Bob MacMillan. They both look dashing in their simple black three piece suits. Kasen looks nervous as he smiles at the guests and towards the porch.

  Sierra takes her cue and slowly walks down the aisle towards the altar. On her way she stops at every row of guests showing the pace of the ceremony. Bob leaves Kasen and approaches Farrow, offering his hand to lead her to her place at the front. Kasen fidgets on his spot and his eyes are fixed on the door. Thankfully, he can’t see me yet because of the drapery.

  “Please rise,” I hear our Minister request.

  Everyone is on their feet and turning to face the door. An usher opens the door for me, and I step onto the porch. Kasen’s eyes light up and his mouth drops open. I slowly take the three steps down and am stopped by the guests at the first row. One by one, the guests from the far side pass down one wildflower each. I am handed a small bunch by the guest closest to me. First, on the right side, then the left. Each row it’s the same, and I am having a hard time holding back the tears. I didn’t have a bouquet. I didn’t think it would be necessary with our small ceremony. Obviously, someone else thought differently. I look at Kasen and he shrugs. By the time I reach the last row, my bouquet is more beautiful than I could imagine, and I am once again in awe of the amazing man before me.

  Kasen saunters toward me and offers his hand. Gracefully, for the first time ever, I take his hand as he leads me to the podium. Looking into his handsome face he mouths, “You are beautiful.” I bow my head and smile.

  “Who gives this woman to this man today?” the minister requests. I’m just about to correct him when I hear a deep voice say, “I do!”

  Turning in shock, I see my father. The last person I thought I would ever see. Dressed in a gray suit that matches Kasen and Bob’s and wiping away a tear. I know exactly who did this but I can’t stop staring at my dad. I can’t believe he’s here, standing up for me. Maybe there’s hope yet. His mouth forms the words, “I love you” and I nod at him, knowing that we will work this out. We might get fixed.

  Pulling me out of my daze, Kasen takes my hands in his as the minister begins the ceremony. He speaks on the blessing of love, trust and companionship. He speaks of strengths and weakness, compassion and praise.

  “At this time, Farrow and Kasen would like to exchange vows that they have written for each other.” He nods in my direction, and I turn to claim my vows from Sierra, in exchange for my beautiful bouquet.

  “Kasen. Your Mama would be so proud of the man you are, standing before me with your heart on your sleeve. You honour and worship me like a princess, offering me everything you’ve got every minute of every day. When we came home for Easter and she taught me how to make your tea, she said to me:

  ‘Farrow. I see your love. You both are so passionate about each other. Wells men are a different breed. Playful and pig headed. Sometimes, they can make you so angry. Don’t you give up. Every day look at him. REALLY look at him. Watch him work. Watch him sleep. Watch him play. And fall in love with him again. Every day, fall in love. Dance together when there’s no music, and always end the day with I love you. Never go to bed mad.’

  So today, I look at you, with goosebumps and butterflies. I promise to fall in love with you every day from now, until forever.”




  “Kasen.” the minister urges. I take a deep breath and clear my throat as I remove my vows from my pocket.

  “Farrow. My heart. My light. I look at you and can’t believe just how lucky I am to have you in my life. Some people search their whole lives to find someone that makes them feel special, feel loved. I stopped searching when I found the one who made me feel, period. I feel special, loved and so unworthy every time I get lost in your eyes.

  From the moment I kissed you, I knew this was more. I knew I would work hard every day to make you feel as cherished as I feel when I’m with you. I want to give you tomorrow, baby. I promise, every day to give you the gift of tomorrow.”

  She looks at me with adoration. Like I am the only man in the world. I’ve seen this look before, and I need to see it every day.

  “May I have the rings please?” Sierra and Bob place the rings in our minister’s hand and step back into place. “These rings signify the love you feel for each other. A ring has no end, and no beginning. It simply continues until the end of time. It may get tarnished and scratched, but every beautiful story has a few hiccups. Farrow, please place Kasen’s ring on his finger.”

  Farrow takes my hand and slides the band into place. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you.”

  “Kasen, please place Farrow’s ring on her finger.”

  I lift her beautiful hand and slide her band into place. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you.”

  “In front of all of these witnesses and by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Everyone stands and begins to clap. “You may now kiss the bride!”

  Instead of lifting Farrow’s veil, I duck under it and touch my forehead to hers. She wraps her arms around my neck and we begin to rock. I lean in and kiss my bride. Taking everything to heart as we sway and dance together. Witnessed by all of our friends and Farrow’s father as the world slips away and we are the only two people left.


  DIRTY girl Book Blog – It was Magic

  December 4

  Friends. I need to tell you about my big day…OUR big day.

  Kasen really outdid himself. He put a splint on my broken relationship with my father. A relationship I didn’t think could be saved. Apparently, being the stand-up guy that he is, he called my father to ask for my hand in marriage, and they talked a lot. Kasen told my father how I made it on my own. How tough it was for me. My father listened and finally realized the mistake he made. My daddy gave me away at my wedding. The man that used to bounce me on his knee is back. My father and I are working it out. We have a lot to work on and it will be tough. If he wants it as bad as I do, we can do it.

  Kasen is the most amazing person. He loves me. Unconditionally. With his whole heart. With every thread of his being. He loves me. He wants nothing in return but my happiness, and he’s very thankful that I didn’t kick his ass and walk out of our wedding when my father stood to give me away. Honestly, I was too stunned to even think about that.

  I think I am done with book blogging. I don’t have much desire anymore. I already won the best book boyfriend ever. No one will ever top Tate, except Kasen. And since they are one and the same to many, MANY women, I am the luckiest woman in the world. I’ve decided to continue this blog on a personal level. Fill you in on the stuff we are willing to share, so you know the truth versus the fabricated. When you ask us, you may find the story to be much more interesting than in those tabloids anyways.

  Our story is just beginning, and I thank each and every one of you for being a part of our journey.

  XO Farrow Wells



  First and foremost I need to acknowledge Glenn Cowling Pain. Thank you. Thank you for your kindness, your generosity and your support. Thank you for being Kasen, but mostly thank you for being a part of this strange journey. Your kindness is amazing, and I can only hope to be as kind as you when I grow up – ya bastard.

  Lori Cicchini. Thank you for the inspiration! You are mahvelous dahling! Love you!

  My fabulous Beta girls. Julie Deaton, Amy Malek Concepcion, Stacy Bono, Danielle Bolme, Reneishia Turner, Karen Falkenberg. LOVE YOU! Thank you for the push. The encouragement. The support. Love you more than Skittles and ladyporn.

  T.H. Snyder… thank you for telling me to grow a pair, and laughing at my schoolgirl nerves.

  Debra Anas
tasia, Michelle Leighton and Barbara Wolfe. Love your faces. Thank you for being there as my cheerleaders. We will make Glitter Tshirts and bake cookies one day soon.

  BTB...all 40 of you. I’ve never been a part of such an amazing river of support. The encouragement, praise and love we have in our own little commune is unbeatable. Without you, this past 10 years would not have been as bearable. I love you.

  Finally, I want to shout out to Angie Merriam, KM Krick and the whole Entertwine family. We are small but mighty, and we grow everyday like the tree in the logo. So glad to be a part of the little family that could.




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