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Body Heart Soul (Blind Vows #2)

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by J. M. Witt




  Blind Vows

  Volume 2

  By: J.M. Witt

  Copyright 2015 © J.M. Witt

  Cover Artist: J.M. Witt Books

  Photographer: Darren Birks Photography

  Model: Dione Croes

  Editor: Leticia Sidon

  Publisher: J.M. Witt Books

  All Rights Reserved 2015

  This book may not be reproduced in any form; in whole or in part, without written permission by the author.

  All characters and events in this book are fictional. Any similarities to real life people and events are purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 J.M. Witt

  All Rights Reserved 2015

  ISBN: 978-0692511657


  Thank you to everyone who’s read my work and continues to do so.

  Darren Birks: Thank you for being such a pleasure to work with. You’ve been nothing but supportive and your willingness to help has gone above and beyond. Thank you. You’ll always be my Heathcliff and FitzWilliam!

  Dione: You’re gorgeous. Thank you for proving that beauty doesn’t discriminate. Thank you for being my Des!

  Rebecca, Betsy, and Leticia: WOW. You three were bombarded with this secret project and took off running with me. Thank you for your overwhelming support and belief in me. Words will never be enough to express what it means to me.

  Tami, Tracey, and Elaine: Three more of the most supportive fans and friends a girl could ask for. Thank you!

  Stacey and Jaime: Well, what else is there to say, but ‘Give the man some head!’

  Tyf and Skye: There are no words for me to say. Your friendship means the world to me. I never would’ve made it this far without you two. I love you dearly.

  Bloggers: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  To my friends and family: Thank you for your support. You know who you are!

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  More to come


  Other works

  About the Author


  ~ DESiree ~

  ~ Chapter 1 ~

  I stepped out of the bathroom after changing out of my work clothes. The girls teased me and joked about the outfit I wore, especially given the cold temps outside. It’s true, I was on the prowl. I wore heels, a miniskirt, and a flowy top that showed more cleavage than necessary. I was headed out to get laid, not looking for a soulmate. Being a doctor had its own issues. In this outfit, nothing about it said I was a doctor, therefore, I couldn’t intimidate someone insecure and wasn’t likely to attract someone after a sugar momma. Looking to my hands, I realized I’d left my bag with my work clothes in the bathroom. When I re-emerged from the bathroom, head down, I ran smack into someone.

  “Oh, God. I’m sorry.” He managed to keep his balance, and I noticed immediately the prosthetic leg from the way he moved. He was a patient. “Are you alright?”

  As he shifted his weight with one hand on my shoulder, he reluctantly removed it. He made eye contact with me, which impressed me. Most men couldn’t do that, not with what I was wearing and that was the point. His hazel eyes had a permanent sadness about them and I knew he was trouble, I just wasn’t sure what kind. He’d been coming here for therapy for quite some time, though he wasn’t my patient. I’d filled in for another therapist a week earlier and worked with him. I couldn’t work with him again.

  I walked into my session that day, with a patient I hadn’t worked with before. His normal therapist had called in sick. Looking over his chart, I grew familiar with his history. Left leg amputation just over a year ago during service. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I walked in and he far exceeded any expectation I had.

  “Odysseus Kerrigan?”

  “That’s me.”

  I lifted my head and felt like the wind had been knocked from my lungs. He was something else. Then he smiled. Dropping my eyes, I cleared my throat, “Can I call you Odysseus?”

  Grinning, “You can call me anything you want.” I stared back at him dumbfounded as he apologized. “Sorry, you can call me O.”

  He stretched out his hand and I warily placed my hand in his. A spark I hadn’t felt—well I wasn’t sure how long it’d been—ran up my arm and down my back. I reminded myself that I had a set of rules to follow. Never get involved with patients…EVER AGAIN!

  “Are you alright?”

  “I’m good. You?” I just nodded my head in response when he asked, “I thought I’d be seeing you today for my session?”

  “What?” I was at a loss for words, momentarily forgetting that I’d switched my schedule, not wanting to see him. I mean, I wanted to see him, but I couldn’t go there. Get a grip Des! “Yes. Sorry, there was a scheduling conflict.

  “So you’re not avoiding me?”

  “There’s nothing to avoid, Mr. Kerrigan. You’re a patient and that’s all it can ever be.”

  “So, if I’m not your patient then we can be more?”

  I wasn’t sure if he was asking a question or making a statement. The hopeless romantic I’d been as a teenager jumped up and down in my head chanting, ‘Be more, be more!’ “For the love…”

  I must’ve spoken out loud because he inquired, “For the love… You want more or you want me as your patient? Which is it? Both, maybe?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at his brazenness. “I don’t think either is a good idea.”

  He pursed his lips and then asked me more questions. He wasn’t going to give up easily. “Why? You’re a great therapist. Do I smell? You already said you’re single.” Something I’d unintentionally let slip out the prior week. “Are you not attracted to me? Maybe you’re a lesbian?”

  I started laughing and let my mouth talk before I thought about what I was going to say, “I’m not a lesbian, O. I’m attracted to you and that’s the problem.”

  His eyes twinkled and his bright white teeth shone as his face broke into a smile. “Feeling’s mutual.” I stood there in horror realizing what I’d just confessed to him, but I was also a little shook up. He was attracted to me, too. “So, we just need to clear up this name thing of yours and I’ll be able to officially ask you out. Let’s do this again, pretend we just met.”

  “What are you talking about?” I was completely frazzled. His lips were moving, he was talking, but my brain was still processing the knowledge that he was attracted to me. I was old! He was young, maybe too young.

  He stuck his hand out, introducing himself, “I’m O. And who might you be?”

  Ok. He wanted to play this game, I’d gladly play. “O? Your name’s O?” I gave him my hand and there it was again. He didn’t release my hand, just kept talking.

  One corner of his mouth turned up as he confirmed, “It’s Odysseus, but everyone calls me O.”

  “Odysseus? Seriously? I thought I hated my name.”

  His eyes narrowed, knowing I was playing with him, as he clarified, “I didn’t say I hated my name.”

  “Right, sorry. Bad assumption.”

  “So, what’s so horrible about your name…?”

  He was still waiting for me to answer him when one of the receptionists walked by. I pried my hand from his before she saw. “Have a good weekend, Des!” I’d made certain years ago that everyone call me Des, not Dr. Greene.

  “Des. Let me guess.” He rubbed his fingers on his chin and the five o’clock shadow lurking there. “Destiny?” I shook my head. “Desdemona?”

  Giggling, I said, “No. Keep trying.”

  “Hmm. I’m not up to date with female D names, but I have two brothers with them and I can’t imagine it’s one of their names.”

  He’d peaked my curiosity, “What are their names?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Dorian and D’Artagnan.”

  I held in a chuckle as I said, “Dorian isn’t bad, but D’Artagnan? Your mom a fan of literature or something?”

  “Or something. She’s actually a literature professor.”

  Slowly, I nodded my head while thinking his mom must be a complete cuckoo, “Explains a lot. I can only imagine the names your sisters got stuck with.”

  Smiling, “Nope, all boys. There are five of us.”

  “Five! No thank you.” I wanted kids, at least I thought I did, but my time was running out. It was then that I remembered I was almost ten years older than him, though he’d never guess that.

  “Nah, it was nice. We’re all close in age. It has its perks.”

  My cell began to ring and when I pulled it out I realized I was late. How long had I stood there talking to O, completely forgetting my plans? Flashing my phone, I said, “I should get this. Nice chatting with you.” He just stood there as I answered the phone. “Hang on.” I put the phone against my chest as O began speaking again.

  “Des, what do I need to do?” I tilted my head, not sure how to respond. “I promise I’m not crazy.”

  The last guy who turned out to be crazy had promised he wasn’t crazy either. “O, it’s not you. It’s me.”

  “Really? You’re feeding me that line?” He took a step closer and my heart rate picked up. “I think you’re perfect.” He gently pulled a tendril of my hair through his fingers as he said, “Think about it.”

  Think about what? Before I could actually form the words to ask him, he nodded and began walking away and I won’t deny that I watched him do so. Lifting the phone back to my ear, I told my cousin, Stacey, I’d be there soon. It’d been too long since we’d seen one another and she was on the prowl as well. We were meeting for dinner and then from there who knew what the night held.

  After putting on my winter coat, I walked to the parking lot and spotted him climbing into his truck, or maybe he spotted me. “You never told me your full name.” I stopped in my tracks and put my hands on my hips.

  Walking over to him, he closed the door and rolled down the window. “Do you have a piece of paper?” It was against my better judgement, but there was something about him…

  Handing me his phone, he said, “All I have is this.”

  I took it from him and programmed my name Des and my phone number in it before quickly texting myself so I’d have his number as well. “Here you go.”

  He looked at the screen and called after me, “What’s Des short for?”

  “Wait and you may find out!” I climbed into my Challenger and drove off, well aware of him staring after me. Pulling up my text to talk, I sent him a message.

  If you want to know,

  meet me at O’Grady’s.

  Stacey and I enjoyed our dinner, but O never showed up. Just another reason why I didn’t involve myself with patients. Now I just had to hope I didn’t run into him at work. Rejection wasn’t something I handled well and it wasn’t something I was used to, especially with how persistent he’d been today. Stacey had left the bar with a ‘friend’ and I stayed behind hoping to find a ‘friend’ of my own.

  The next morning I rolled over ‘Coyote Ugly’ style. I didn’t even remember his name, only remembered that he was a distraction. I’d followed him to his place where we’d cut right to the chase. Ripped condom packets littered the floor and the ache between my legs was the only other confirmation I needed that I’d accomplished my mission.

  Get laid.


  Now it was time to go.

  Slipping my clothes back on and with my shoes in my hand, I grabbed my purse and slipped out the door. Once I sat down in my car, I exhaled, finally able to breathe again. Turning the engine, I dropped my head back and recalled my convo with O the previous afternoon. I made a mental note to find out when his next appointment was so that we would cross paths very little, if at all, at work.

  Then I got angry. Why did I give a fuck? He clearly wasn’t interested or he would’ve shown up at O’Grady’s. I thought I had spotted him after leaving the restroom, but after fighting through the bar crowd, I couldn’t find him anywhere. Wishful thinking on my part. Then I wondered if something had happened to him. Stop it! I’d gotten the wrong idea when he was pursuing me. It was probably just a game to him. Guys his age were just about the chase. That’s it. Drowning by Banks was playing and I turned it up as I calmed my nerves. Hell, maybe he was married. And flirting with me. Pig!

  ~ DESiree ~

  ~ Chapter 2 ~

  A few weeks passed and I’d seen O on the schedule and kept clear of him. He wasn’t my patient and I made sure I was busy with my own, or took a late lunch to avoid seeing him. No one seemed to be the wiser and I was fine with it that way.

  Thursday of that week I walked into my session and was blindsided. There he stood. He wasn’t on my schedule and I looked at the file I held which clearly wasn’t O’s file. He smiled at me as if no wrongs had ever been done and it was the straw that broke my back.

  I stormed out of the room and marched to the front desk. “You pulled the wrong file. I need Odysseus Kerrigan’s file.” The girls were taken aback by my tone and immediately scrambled to find O’s file. Growing impatient, I snapped, “Bring me the file when you find it.”

  Marching back into the room, I found him pacing the floor. He walked over and asked, “Is everything alright?”

  Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and then said, “No, it’s not. They pulled the wrong file and you’re not supposed to be on my rotation.”

  “So are you mad that I’m here or mad about the file?”

  “God dammit, O!”

  The door opened and the file was dropped on the counter without a word. Walking over, I flipped open the file. My eyes couldn’t even focus on the log sheets. I hung my head and pressed my temples, trying to relieve the pressure that had suddenly built up.

  A hand came down on my shoulder sending an instant calm over me. “Des?” At the sound of my name falling from his lips, I relaxed as he pulled me closer, the warmth of his chest seeping into my back. “I came to O’Grady’s that night.”

  Lies! Realizing that I was in an almost precarious situation with a patient, I leapt away from him, spitting out, “No. You don’t get to do this.”

  “Do what? Pursue a mutual attraction?”

  “No, yes. We can’t pursue this.” I stormed out of the room and told the front desk to reschedule him ASAP, but not with me, stating there was a conflict of interest. I scuttled to my office and locked the door before I collapsed in my chair.

  What was this pull he had over me? I was a fucking grown woman and he had me acting like a giddy teenager. A boy liked me, he really liked me—or so he said. But, like boys do, he played me. Now if I could just get my body to stop reacting to him I could possibly try to move on, like there was anything
to move on from.

  I stepped out of my office long after his appointment should’ve ended and made my way to my car. I wasn’t even paying attention to my surroundings when I opened the car door. Sliding in the driver’s seat, I saw a note under my wiper. Sighing, I climbed out and grabbed it assuming it was some solicitor’s advertisement.

  When I read it I knew immediately who it was from. My skin crawled and my stomach flipped. Like a reflex I locked my car doors right as a tap came to my window. I screamed and looked, seeing O. Putting his hands up, he took a step back. I took a deep breath and rolled down the window.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Relief flooded me at the sight of O as I shook my head and glanced in my side mirrors and rearview mirrors before looking back to O. “You didn’t.” I crumpled the note and threw it to the passenger side floor.

  He didn’t miss a beat. Eyeing the note and then me, he asked, “That’s what scared you?”

  Pressing my lips together in a tight smile, I lied. “It’s nothing. Just an admirer.”

  “An admirer or a stalker?”

  “Really, it’s nothing to worry about.” That was bullshit and I knew it and apparently O knew it, too. I had a PPO out against him and knew I should report the note to the cops.

  “You’re scared.”

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but I trusted O. I didn’t want to, but I did. There was no fighting it. I wanted and needed to trust someone and although my heart often misled my head, both told me I could trust him. “You’re right.”


  I must’ve been out of my mind. “Can you follow me to the police station? I need to report this.”

  He nodded and agreed, “Absolutely. Would you rather I drive you?” He saw the look on my face and added, “Or I can ride with you.”

  “Sorry. Um, can you just follow me?”

  “Yup. You got it.”

  We got to the station a few minutes later. O walked in with me and I went to the desk asking to speak to an officer. O waited with me in the lobby until an officer came to get me.


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