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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

Page 24

by Jessie Courts

  “Rachel go and put some fucking clothes on!”

  Joe hissed at her and she gasped at the harshness of his tone but when he flicked his hand in the general direction of her tits she giggled and apologised and darted out the kitchen slightly flushed.

  “Do not say a word.” Joe told the other two who were trying to smother their chuckles by attacking their food. “You Vincent – aren’t you supposed to be home helping with the baby and preparing for your lunch guests?” there was an accusation in there somewhere that irked Luc but he just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Lunch is being catered and they have waitresses and shit to do everything and I offered to help with Maisy and Michael but Livs told me to piss off as the nurse would attend to Michael and she needed to have some girly time with Maisy and I’d only get in the way.”

  “Oh ok then; fair enough.” As long as Livvy was happy; Joe was happy. He wolfed down his last mouthful then pushed his plate away smiling as Rachel returned now suitably attired in a t-shirt and leggings. She made another round of coffees as they sat around re-hashing some of the more memorable parts of the previous evening.

  “I’m pretty sure I know what Luc will be thinking of when he looks back at last night.” Ethan remarked and Luc leaned over the counter and clipped him around the ear. Ethan snorted and wagged his finger at this brother-in-law. “Guys I need to go. It’s getting near to lunch time and I need to do a few things first.” Ethan pushed his place away in exactly the same way as his father had done and stood also. Side by side they were like a solid wall of man and it was clear as day that Joe and Ethan were father and son they looked so much alike. Rachel drank in the sight of them and smiled hoping Ethan would find himself a nice girl, or boy, to settle down with. It seemed such a waste for him to be on his own. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Ethan’s phone ringing in his pocket. He took it out and looked at the number and a decidedly sexy grin spread across his face. “Gotta take this – laters everyone.” Ethan strode out of the kitchen and down the hall and just before the front door slammed they all heard him laugh and say, “Fuck that’s hot. Give me fifteen minutes…” Three sets of raised eyebrows later and Joe chuckled sounding inappropriately proud.

  “Just what did Ethan mean Luc – I’m not sure I follow?” Rachel smiled sweetly at her son-in-law and former object of lust. “Did something memorable happen to you last night?”

  Luc cleared his throat loudly as his cheeks coloured a little; then he stood and carried his plate to the sink. “I have no clue what Ethan’s on about; anyway that was delicious Rach – thanks. I’ll see you both soon at mine.” Luc effectively diverted the conversation away from his antics the previous evening. Although he and Livvy were well and truly married, he suspected her father still wouldn’t appreciate hearing about his daughter’s attempts to be adorably slutty at his office and his stomach flipped at the prospect of Joe ever finding out. Thanking them for their hospitality Luc made a hasty exit leaving Rachel and Joe looking mildly bewildered at his weird behaviour.

  “Dadddddy!” As soon as Luc walked through his front door, Maisy came charging towards him and he caught her easily and swung he up in the air loving the giggles of glee she freely let out.

  “Wow you look gorgeous baby girl. What did Mummy do to you?”

  “She made me into a pwincess.” Maisy waved her wand and flexed her fairly wings and nodded her head so her tiara sparkled in the sunlight.

  “So pretty. Come let’s find Mum.” But Maisy had already run back to her toys so Luc headed upstairs to find Livvy who he guessed was feeding the baby. Stopping a the door of the nursery, Luc’s heart swelled so much he thought it might burst out of his chest. There he found his beautiful wife tending to his new son and Luc was suddenly so grateful for everything he had that he grew unusually emotional and found himself welling up. Livvy looked up and chuckled.

  “Hey – I’m supposed to be the one with baby blues not you!” Luc grinned and his long legs closed the distance between them in a few easy strides. Kissing his wife on the lips he murmured ‘hello’ while relishing the comforting familiarity of her scent and taste.

  “Look at our boy; he’s perfect. Like you.” Luc kissed her again and stroked his son’s head. “I’ve so much to be grateful for.” Olivia frowned and placed Michael carefully in his bassinet in order not to wake him. She fiddled with the baby monitor then led Luc out of the nursery and into their bedroom sitting him down on the bed next to her.

  “Can I have a cuddle from my husband?” She held out her arms and Luc fell into them willingly nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. Livvy giggled and toppled them both backwards so Luc was practically on top of her.

  “Be careful Livvy – aren’t you a bit tender?” Luc shifted to move his weight off her. “And I must be a bit rank from my work out.”

  “I like you a bit ruffled. And not too sore to get close to you Luc. I miss the feel of your body next to mine.” Livvy wriggled into him and he hugged her closer.

  “I love you so much Mrs Vincent. These past five years have been nothing short of wonderful.” Luc kissed his wife trying to convey through his actions the true depth of his words, and she kissed him back like she believed him. Panting for air and horny as hell, the pair broke apart.

  “Well hello Mr Perky!” Livvy teased Luc and nudged his hardness that was presently prodding her in the side. He groaned and shifted away. “No where are you going? Come back here; I love to feel how much you want me.” Luc bucked his hips and groaned as the head of his cock rubbed against the fabric of his underwear against Livvy’s body. “Do you want me to help you with that Luc?” Livvy ran a hand between their bodies over his hardness and back again.

  “Jesus I’m so hard I’m gonna come in my shorts if you do that again.” Luc huffed a hot breath against the side of Livvy’s face. “Working out with Ethan and Joe has got me all hot and horny.” Olivia barked out a laugh and Luc frowned then realised what he’d implied and groaned. “Not quite what I meant…”

  “Oh I know what you meant but it was cute watching you figure it out! So my brother and my dad turn you on eh?” Livvy ran her hands under the legs of his shorts and brushed her fingertips over Luc’s balls making him jerk.

  “That’s not funny and any more suggestions like that are going to have quite the opposite effect actually Mrs.” Luc tugged at the elasticated waistband and shoved his shorts down to his thighs. Stroking his hard length he leaned back into the mattress and sighed. Livvy sat up and went to close their door. Maisy was with the nurse and Michael was asleep and she felt right now that it was her frisky husband who needed her more than her children.

  “Wow the caterers did a great job.” Luc stepped into the dining room where Livvy was just rearranging a few of the dishes on the heaving table. He plucked little Mikey out of her arms and she smiled at him gratefully. “You look beautiful babe.” Luc kissed his wife on the cheek not wanting any of the sticky pink gloss on her lips to transfer to his own mouth. She was wearing a pair of three quarter navy pants and flat tan loafers with a pale blue shirt – very preppy as was her style but it suited her perfectly. Her figure was almost back to normal despite her grumbles last night and Luc marvelled once again at her ability to be so well put together just a few days after giving birth. “I think you need to rest up a bit more though Livs. Let the staff do all this; that’s what we’re paying them for. You just had a baby for God’s sake.”

  Livvy rolled her eyes at her over protective husband. “I’m not fragile Luc – or ill. I didn’t hear your misgivings last night when I was down on my knees under your desk. And the caterers did everything – I’m just adding the finishing touches. But your concern is duly noted so you can do the night feed.” Luc huffed at her nonsense. Firstly they had a nurse and secondly Livvy was breast-feeding – not something he was capable of doing even if he wanted to. The doorbell went and he strode off with his son to answer it.

  “Omg – he’s so cute!” Lucy and Jess cooed over
the baby and Luc handed him over. Michael was a good boy and didn’t seem to mind whose arms held him as long as they were warm and secure. Luc knew that the twins would take good care of him.

  “Come on in and have a drink.” Luc guided them into the lounge where a bar had been set up and a waiter was at the ready to serve them. Before he had a chance to chat though the door went again and Ryan, George and Leo arrived followed closely behind by Ethan. And Angela? With Ethan? Luc shook his head not wanting to go down that route of thinking at all. Finally, Rachel and Joe turned up with his own parents who they’d picked up at the station. Luc’s Mum and dad were staying with them for a few days and Luc fetched their bags and took them straight upstairs. Last to arrive as usual was Karen and Rory who had become as close as the rest of the family and were always superb company.

  Lunch was a long drawn out affair. Drink flowed freely and the food proved to be most agreeable with everyone. Maisy and Michael commanded the most attention and Rachel and Joe sat back and basked in the incredible atmosphere created by the closeness of their family and friends. Joe pondered on the last five years or so of his life and how Rachel had changed everything for him and his heart tightened and fluttered with joy. Maisy jumped on to his lap crashing through his musings with a vengeance. Standing with one small foot on either of his thighs, the little girl held fistfuls of beard in her tiny hands. “Mummy got you a cake – it’s a surpwise in the shape of a Harley bike. When it goes dark and we sing Happy Birfday you have to blow out the candles and make a wish. I’ll help you Gwamps ok?” Joe nodded seriously and his granddaughter kissed him on the cheek then jumped off his lap in search of her mother no doubt to get things going.

  “She’s so adorable isn’t she? Reminds me a bit of Livvy at that age.” Ryan plonked himself down on the couch next to his friend. They looked hilarious shoved into such a small space together but no one took any notice anymore. Invariably Ryan and Joe were the biggest people in whatever room they were in at the time.

  “Yeah – cheeky as all hell with the ability to wrap me around her little finger in a heart beat.” Joe rolled his eyes. “I’m such a pushover for a pretty face.” Ryan sniggered and cleared his throat and Joe shoulder bumped him. “Not yours arsehole.”


  “Jesus don’t you fucking start Ry.” He rolled his eyes. “So what are your plans?” Joe nodded over to George and Leo who were chatting with Rachel and Karen. Ryan’s expression softened immediately and he inhaled deeply.

  “I’m so in love with them it’s a joke. It just gets better and better what can I tell you? They’re both amazing and I’m so proud of them for doing so well with their business.” George and Leo had become quite renowned in their interior design business and were branching out into hotels and clubs and businesses nowadays. “I’d love to be able to marry them properly but the most we can hope for is a commitment ceremony. Do you think that’s silly?”

  Joe regarded his friend for a moment before answering. “Not at all Ry. As far as any of us are concerned it would be a real marriage - you don’t need a piece of paper to verify that; however, I can draw up a legally binding contract between the three of you if you want. Or maybe consider letting the boys get married…” Ryan tensed at the suggestion but rolled the ideas around in his head. He was considerably older than his boyfriends and being brutally honest it was likely he was going to die first; the thought that they would be married made him feel more secure for their future.

  “I think I might ask them. I’ll ask them to marry me then we can discuss the options. Oh my God what if they say no?” Ryan swallowed hard and gripped his knees, but the big man next to him just chuckled.

  “Of course they’re not going to say no. Those boys worship the ground you walk on my friend. The three of you were made for each other anyone can see that.” Joe shoulder bumped him again and Ryan released a long hiss of air.

  “I can’t believe how nervous I feel - I mean it’s not like we don’t already live together and shit, but I like the idea of George and Leo being properly married to each other.” Joe went to reply but then the lights went out and Livvy and Maisy came in with his Harley shaped cake and Maisy helped him blow out all fifty candles and his guests all sang ‘Happy Birthday to Joe” and by the time the cake was cut and speeches were made, Ryan and Joe’s conversation was forgotten. At least by Joe momentarily, but Ryan had already started plotting. He and the boys were headed back to New York in two days time and Ryan, having made up his mind that he was definitely going to propose wanted to do it in London where George and Leo grew up.

  The next morning Ryan disappeared for several hours and returned back to the hotel where the boys were making full use of the spa, having accomplished his mission. He’d had to ask Joe to help with a couple of things, but by and large his plans had worked out and now he was keen to set them in motion. Seeking out his boyfriends who were currently playing in the hot tub, Ryan slipped in beside them and told them he’d booked somewhere really nice for dinner on their last night but it was a surprise and his treat.

  “Oh Ryan – you really spoil us. You don’t have to anymore you know – we earn decent money now babe.” George leaned over and kissed Ryan on the cheek. “But it is nice to be wined and dined for sure.” Leo nodded and floated over to where Ryan was seated and deposited himself on the bigger man’s lap winding his arms around his neck. Ryan’s arms came up around his back and they cuddled quietly letting the hot bubbling water relax them. They agreed a short nap before they went out would be a great idea as the combination of jet lag and hard partying had knackered them out completely.

  “Wow – this is nice.” George nudged Leo as they stood in a quiet mews in Notting Hill outside a small but obviously exclusive restaurant. “I’ve never even heard of this place.” George went to go in but Ryan’s hand on his arm stopped him.

  “Wait up sunshine; there’s something I want to ask you both before we go in.” Ryan cleared his throat but his serious expression had a worried looking Leo edge nearer to George and grasp for his hand. “Don’t worry Lee Lee it’s nothing bad.” Ryan tugged on his sleeves and began humming their favourite song, “Truly, Madly, Deeply” by Savage garden. George frowned at Leo in confusion at their boyfriend’s weird behaviour but then the humming got louder as if there were several people joining in and both boys spun around at the sound. There behind them was a huge group of young men who suddenly broke out into song. Clearly they were some sort of choir and George and Leo just gaped at them their jaws dropping as Ryan went to join the group leading them from the front. The restaurant door opened and Rachel, Joe, the twins, Luc, Livvy and Ethan and all their friends spilled out on to the pavement as George and Leo continued to be serenaded. The choir sounded incredible right to the last note when everyone fell completely silent. The only sound was that of traffic on the main road. George put his arm around a trembling Leo and squeezed and they both gasped when Ryan dropped to one knee in front of them.

  “George; Leo. You boys have made my life complete and like the words of the song we just heard, I'll be your dream I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, Be everything that you need, I'll love you more with every breath.” Ryan’s voice wobbled and his eyes watered. “Quite simply I want to spend the rest of my life with you both. Will you marry me?”

  It seemed to Ryan that the whole world was holding its breath. He realised that he certainly was until his boyfriends let out a mutual shriek and shouted ‘yes, yes, yes’ before descending on him showering him with kisses. The choir cheered and their friends clapped and George, Leo and Ryan hugged each other and cried their eyes out.

  “Oh my God – that was the best proposal ever!” Cried George. He turned to the choir. “Who are you guys – you absolutely have to sing at our wedding!” Turns out that the group of young male singers was a gay choir that Rachel had done some pro bono work for through her Genesis project. They were only too happy to help out at short notice with a flas
h mob style proposal especially as it was for a gay wedding. Ryan thanked them profusely and gave them a way too generous fee for their time and the choir departed with an upbeat rendition of the same song and lots of laughter. Rachel shooed everyone back inside leaving Ryan alone with his now fiancés.

  “Ryan; thank you – that was wonderful.” Leo’s softly spoken but emotional words drew the three men into another hug and as they huddled together their bond was further sealed. “I’m honoured to be your husband.”

  “And me too Ry. I always hoped we’d be married but thought it wouldn’t be possible.” George added. Ryan sighed.

  “Listen to me now carefully.” He stood up and the boys noted the serious tone accordingly. “We can’t actually be married to each other as you know – there is no law on earth yet that allows three people to legally wed; however there are two options that I want you to think about carefully and discuss together. When you’ve decided which situation suits you best then we’ll make plans.” George shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned. Leo slid his arm through George’s and leaned into him. “We either hold a ceremony and sign a legally binding commitment contract, or my preferred option is for the two of you to legally marry each other and at least on paper you’ll be properly wed.”

  “No.” Leo shook his head.

  “No way, Ry. No.” George stomped his foot on the pavement. Ryan held his hands up at them.


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