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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

Page 25

by Jessie Courts

  “Think about it and get back to me. I won’t take a knee jerk reaction as your final answer.” To Ryan’s surprise, Leo slapped him around the face. It wasn’t hard but it was shocking.

  “How dare you ruin this incredible gesture by suggesting we would leave you out of any arrangement. You should know by now that we would never agree to that Ryan Marshall. Take it back right now.” Leo was fuming and Ryan was totally shocked that his sweet, shy boy was suddenly so sternly opinionated.

  “I’m with Leo on this Ryan. No amount of thinking time will change our minds. Number two is NOT an option.” George looked as cross as Ryan had ever seen him and it made his heart thump wildly in his chest. His eyes welled up again and he nodded his head.

  “I love you so much. Come here.” Another group hug sealed the deal and as Ryan ushered them into the restaurant to celebrate with their nearest and dearest, George was already bleating out ideas for their wedding. Leo and Ryan looked at each other and rolled their eyes – their fiancé was going to be an intolerable diva as usual.

  Six weeks later among their family and friends in New York, Ryan, George and Leo were married. The boys changed their name legally to Marshall and all their assets were pooled thanks to a watertight contract drawn up by Joe with their approval. It was an emotional ceremony and a fantastic party and the three men were on cloud nine the whole day.


  Christmas morning and Luc woke early. He laughed quietly as he lay in bed at the irony that it should be Maisy and Mikey waking him and Olivia up with their excited little selves begging to open presents, but bless his perfect children for sleeping soundly and allowing him and their mother a decent lie in. Luc contemplated his life in the quiet of the early hour and shifted carefully so he could look at Olivia in the dim morning light. She was still so beautiful and Luc counted his blessings every day she was with him. He’d certainly put her through some shit what with the whole Rachel ‘affair’ and then that awful fight with Joe at his wedding. And since then he’d tried to be the perfect husband and father but naturally he’d cocked up a few times along the way. In the beginning he’d worked long hours and gotten pissed a bit too often with his mates; spent too many hours in the gym with Ethan and forgotten anniversaries and birthdays, but with the help of a good PA and some reminders and guidance from his parents-in-law Luc had amended his ways and done ok by Livvy and his kids. They’d stopped at two because Livvy wanted to go back to work and that was fine by Luc. He wanted her to be happy and fulfilled and Maisy and Michael were more than enough to be grateful for.

  Luc stretched and scratched at his tummy just as Livvy sighed and wriggled back towards him. They both slept naked and taking full advantage, Luc grabbed her around the waist and hauled her close so he could feel her bottom against his ever-ready cock. Not sure if she was awake he nudged her arse a couple of times. “You awake Livs?” He palmed her tits and she moaned.

  “No.” She protested raising her head off the pillow to look at the clock by the side of her bed. “Fuck no. Too early.”

  “I’m feeling a bit horny.”

  “Clearly - but now’s not the time Britboy.” Livvy grumbled but pushed her arse back against his groin contradicting her words with her actions. She sighed. “Do I have to move?” Luc laughed and positioned his cock between her legs and thrust in hard.

  “No dear; not if you don’t want to.” Luc kissed her ear and she groaned. He knew she’d be all over him in a heartbeat despite her objections. One thing that hadn’t diminished in ten years of marriage was their insatiable desire for each other. “No need to move at all.” Luc thrust again at the same time as tweaking a hardened nipple. Livvy gasped and grabbed his arse digging her fingernails into the firm flesh of his cheek. She covered his hand with hers and ground it against her chest loving the friction across the sensitive nubs.

  “Oh God Luc – Merry fucking Christmas babe.” Livvy twisted her neck straining for her husband’s lips to meet her and they kissed passionately as if it were the first kiss they’d shared. It was always like this between them. Luc broke free panting hard.

  “You know that Christmas only comes once a year; don’t you Mrs Vincent?” Luc grinned at her unleashing the dimples and Olivia shuddered. “Good job I’m not Santa!” Olivia groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “Worst joke ever. Now just shut up; the kids are gonna be up any minute and I want to be made love to on Christmas morning if you don’t mind now that you’ve got me going!” Luc flipped them so he was hovering over his wife on all fours; he pinned her hands above her head and just smiled at her, his baby blues sparkling.

  “I’m the luckiest man in the whole wide world. To me it’s Christmas every day with you in my life Livvy. I hope you know how much I love you.” Luc kissed his wife deeply. “Thank you for this life baby. Thank you for our beautiful children and for always seeing the best in me.” He kissed her again pouring all his emotion into in and then the blond BoyManGod made love to his wife in the most spectacularly Vincent fashion.

  “They’ll be here any minute Joe – get your arse in the kitchen. I need you!” Rachel was bustling about checking on the food and making sure everything was ready for her guests. She was super excited as this was the first year for ages that they would all be together and their nearest and dearest had somewhat expanded over the years. Rachel and Joe still lived in the same house but had made further modifications so that their dining area could accommodate their burgeoning family. They also spent more time abroad than ever before and had bought an apartment in Manhattan close to Ryan and the boys. Luc and Livvy still had their bolthole there too and once in a while the stars aligned and made it possible for them all to be together. Ethan had long since returned to the States to live; his fling with Angela had been just that and he was now settled with a lovely girl who Rachel suspected would soon become his fiancé. Ryan had let on that Ethan had found someone with similar sexual traits and that they managed to incorporate their eclectic tastes into their relationship. From what Rachel could discern it was working well because he seemed very happy. Ryan and George and Leo were still solid and the three of them were still so besotted with one another and clearly very much in love.

  Both Rachel’s twins were in long-term relationships. Jess was married to Mark and had a little girl she’d named Natalie Josephine after her father and step-father respectively and she was just adorable. At two she was already chatty and Rachel loved looking after her. Lucy was also pregnant with twins no less and was planning to tie the knot with her fiancé Tom in a few weeks. Rachel was a little disappointed Lucy didn’t want a big wedding, especially as Jess had gotten married on a beach in Ibiza without telling anyone, but was still excited to be planning the small affair that was being held at hers and Joe’s house.

  Karen and Rory were the same as ever, and Angela had finally found herself a nice young man to settle down with; ‘young’ being the operative word. Benjamin Pierce had sadly died last year but Gyles Bishop was now one of the most revered and reputable firms in the world. Rachel, Luc and Joe were still at the helm but using his rather unique persuasive skills, Joe had managed to get Ethan to set up a branch in New York where Ryan now worked and had also procured his other sons-in-law, Tom and Mark to work within the business. That way Joe could relax and feel secure that everyone had been taken care of. His father had long since retired and it was a bittersweet moment when Joe heard his brother had run the family firm into the ground and had to sell out. What no one in the Mason family was aware of however is that Joe secretly bought the company to keep it within the family and had hired exceptional staff to run it for him. Rachel was cross with him for wanting to remain anonymous but would never defy his wish and expose him.

  “Hey Ma!” Maisy ran into the kitchen and launched herself at Rachel as if she hadn’t seen her in forever when in fact they saw each other several times a week.

  “Hey gorgeous girl.” She kissed her granddaughter on the head. “Where’s you
r brother?” As if on cue a five-year-old mini-me of his father ran into the room. With his blond mop and baby blue eyes and just one dimple, there was no denying he was Luc Vincent’s boy. Rachel hoisted Michael up to her hip and he took her face in his pudgy hands and planted a wet sloppy kiss on her cheek.

  “Hello Ma. Pwesents now?” Rachel laughed as Mikey wriggled his way down to the floor and took off no doubt to harass Joe. With a squeal, Maisy shot off behind him and Rachel heard them thump up the stairs on their search for their Grandpa. After a moment’s silence it was broken by shrieks of hysterical laughter and a rumble of distinctly masculine amusement and Rachel could only surmise the children had accosted Joe who was getting his own back. She smiled and her heart gave a little leap of joy.

  The house began to fill up and a couple of waitresses arrived so Rachel wouldn’t be holed up in the kitchen the entire afternoon and then everyone sat at the enormous dining room table with Joe at the head. He sat there feeling like a king and looking every inch the master of his universe. His hair had turned a little greyer as he embraced middle age but his physique was no less imposing with the years. His steely grey eyes took in every person at his table and each guest sat quietly waiting for their host to welcome them. Joe cleared his throat and a few people shifted in their chairs; fiddled with their napkins; settled the children. Then he began; this brash American whose arrogance had mellowed a tad but not enough to damage his reputation for being a fierce lawyer and businessman, but as far as the family were concerned, their mighty Joe was now a man they loved and adored and frequently teased.

  “Ten years ago to the day, I sat at this table and announced I was getting married to the most beautiful, intelligent and loving woman in the world and today I want you all to know that I have never regretted that decision for a second. Rachel is the love of my life and more so with each passing day.” Joe turned to his wife who was seated by his side. “I love you Mrs Mason – more than ever. And I have to say you are by far the sexiest Grandmother I have ever met!” The guests all laughed and Rachel blushed, flattered and delighted by her husband’s compliments. “And the rest of you; family and friends alike – it’s been an honour to have you in my life these past years. I shudder to think what my existence would have been like if fate hadn’t stepped in and literally thrown this woman in my path – or should I say on to my treadmill.”

  Joe threw an arm around Rachel who groaned at the mortifying memory of that day in the gym when she’d literally floored the hunk on the treadmill with a misplaced errant hoodie lace. Joe coughed ‘steam room‘ into his hand for her ears only and she jabbed him in the ribs. Typically he didn’t even flinch so she pinched his inner thigh and he yelped. Luc cleared his throat and they both looked up to see his raised eyebrows and expression, which implied they might be behaving inappropriately in front of their guests and especially their grand children. Joe sat up and Rachel let go of his leg.

  “As I was saying and I know Thanksgiving has passed, but I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your love and support. You are all so very special to Rachel and I and we’re glad to have you in our home on this special day. As our gift to you all – we’ve arranged a group vacation…”

  “Holiday.” Rachel interrupted with a roll of her eyes and a giggle. Joe scowled at her.

  “Group holiday over the Easter break on an Hawaiian cruise. Angela will sort all the details and she’ll email you the information shortly. She’s coming with to oversee everything – it was the only way I could get her to agree!” Joe paused long enough for everyone to chatter excitedly about the trip and thank him and Rachel, and then he tapped his glass for silence.

  “So now a toast is in order before we start eating the fantastic meal Rachel has prepared for us. At the last count there was a turkey; salt beef and three tons of sausages for us to tuck in to. Please raise your glasses everyone – the toast is to our continued good health and success.” Everyone reiterated the sentiment and chatter resumed. Joe turned towards Rachel and just looked at her. She melted under his gaze as usual then started to heat up as his grey eyes shone and he winked at her. “Come with me baby.” Joe grabbed Rachel’s hand and pulled her away from the table. Luc nudged Olivia and they grinned as their parents snuck out.

  “No guesses where they’re going. The man’s nearly an oap for fuck’s sake!” Luc downed a glass of wine then filled up his glass shaking his head.

  “Oh you have nothing to worry about Luc baby. I’m quite certain you’ll be no different.” Livvy chuckled and held out her glass for a refill. “You’re driving by the way!” Luc ran his hand through his hair leaving his mop messy and Livvy sighed at the vision she’d never tired of seeing. “Sexy Brit boy. We could disappear for a bit too you know…” Luc choked on his wine as his wife’s hand palmed his cock under the table.

  “I can’t bloody get up now Livs,” he hissed at her under his breath and she giggled.

  “Laters baby – I’ll make it up to you later.” Then with a wink she turned to Jess on her left and launched into a conversation about the latest fashionista she was promoting. Luc sat there willing his hard on to deflate before one of his kids landed on his lap. Being a parent was not easy. Across the table Ryan observed Luc and Livvy with a wry expression. It made his heart sing to see them still so much in love and left him feeling especially blessed considering his own situation remained immeasurably blissful. George and Leo had fulfilled him in a way he could never have imagined and he cherished their devotion with a passion. He could never do enough for them and if sometimes he got a little too over bearing they would tease him and call him Daddy which he hated, but it was their way of telling him to ease up a bit. The sex was incredible; sometimes adventurous and dirty and other times loving but always passionate and rewarding.

  “Earth to Ry.” George waved a hand in front of his face. “Where did you go old man?” Leo chuckled as George teased their lover. Ryan twisted his head to look at them and his breath hitched. They were holding hands as usual and he placed his own over theirs so that he could see all their commitment rings at the same time.

  “No worries boys. I was just thinking how lucky I am and how much I love you.” He smiled at them and they both leaned over to kiss him.

  “We love you too Ryan.” They said in unison and kissed him again. Damn Joe for turning the occasion so sentimental – Ryan was getting emotional in his old age and being surrounded by his nearest and dearest only heightened his sense of gratitude. “And we think you’re the sexiest one here.” Leo whispered turning red. It amazed Ryan how shy the young man was in public when he was such a spitfire in the bedroom but that was what he loved about him. Leo was beautiful on the inside and out – a gracious spirit who humbled everyone he came into contact with. Ryan called him ‘Angel’ a lot of the time because to him Leo had an ethereal presence. George on the other hand was a terror. Always sassy and exuberant, exaggerating everything in his life and keeping them on their toes. He loved to try new things and go to different places and Ryan and Leo just trailed behind caught up in George’s cloud of rainbows and fairy dust. Life was never dull. “Can’t wait to get you both alone.” Ryan declared quietly; his voice low and gravelly and his boys’ breathing sped up and they squirmed in their seats. They knew what that tone meant and now they would have to spend the entire rest of the day in a state of heightened anticipation. George huffed and Leo sighed and Ryan grinned.

  The volume in the room just escalated while they waited for their lunch and the return of their hosts but no one seemed to mind and the wine and conversation flowed freely. Meanwhile Joe had bustled Rachel into the garage and sat her on his Harley that was by now a classic. He still adored riding it and even more so with Rachel plastered to his back. It was his dream to take it back to the States and tour the country’s highways and freeways; just him, Rachel and the open roads, however he had yet to convince her. “Joe, we can’t just duck out on our guests. You’re crazy – we’re not fucking on your bike in the middle of C
hristmas lunch.” Rachel shook her hand at him and Joe caught her fingers mid waggle and sucked them into his mouth. “Oh God…maybe just a quickie.”

  Joe chuckled. “You’re too easy Mrs Mason.”

  “You’re too sexy Bossman.”

  “Still got it Rach!” Joe snapped his hips and threw his head back and roared at his own joke and Rachel couldn’t help laughing along with him. “So – anyway – there will be no quickie. The next time we make love on my bike I’m going to make it last –who knows how long we’re going to be flexible enough!” Joe sniggered and raised his eyebrows and Rachel smacked him on the chest.

  “So what are we doing here then?” Rachel looked around suspiciously. She was waiting for the day Joe surprised her with her own Harley and she dreaded having to disappoint him but the only way she’d get on a bike was if he was driving it. Joe edged nearer to her and took each of her hands in his own.

  “Ten years ago today you took my ring and agreed to be my wife. It’s true what I said before in front of our family – you’re my life Rach and I love you so much.” He kissed each of her knuckles in turn and Rachel’s heart rate sped up and her pulse fluttered erratically. “I want to renew our vows when we go to Hawaii and I promise this time not to fuck up the day.” He looked at her sheepishly remembering the fiasco that was their wedding day and kissed the tip of her nose. Rachel’s eyes welled up and she swallowed hard. Joe reached in to his pocket and placed a small velvet ring box in the palm of Rachel’s hand then he lowered his massive frame to the ground and balanced on one knee asked his wife, “Rachel be mine for eternity just as I am yours.” Rachel tentatively opened the box and gasped. Inside was a band of diamonds set in platinum to match her engagement and wedding rings and it was exquisite. Joe took it out the box and placed it on the third finger of her right hand.

  “It’s beautiful Joe.” Rachel’s voice was breathy and she was battling not to sob and ruin the moment. Joe wasn’t an overtly romantic man but when he decided to make the gesture, boy did he get it right. “I love you so much and I’m so proud to be your wife. I’m already yours, body and soul you know that.” She linked her arms around his neck and nuzzled their noses together, and then she licked across the seam of his mouth until he opened so she could taste him properly. After long intimate minutes of kissing they broke apart panting reluctantly, knowing they had to go back to their guests or lunch would be ruined. “Go on you go in – just give me a minute to check on the food and catch my breath.”


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