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To Love and Obey

Page 8

by Vera Roberts

  Did Zerrin want to stop? She was physically exhausted and they haven’t even started the mental and emotional training. There was so much more for her to learn. The intense training reminded her of Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest.” “I just have to get used to it, that’s all.”

  “This is the easy part,” Stacey commented.

  Stacey’s last comment woke up Zerrin. “It is?”

  “Wait until He has you do tasks and poses,” Stacey warned. “You’ll be wishing you were doing a five-hour pole dancing class instead.”

  “So what will I be doing?”

  “Did he tell you about the written assignments?” Stacey asked and Zerrin nodded. “There is one more questionnaire you’re going have to answer by the end of the weekend. It’s health-related; he wants to know you’re in the best shape possible. He wants to know any potential problems. I’m also going to teach you proper etiquette and how you’re supposed to conduct yourself around Master. He has specific requirements.”

  Zerrin remembered how fashion-forward Stacey and Whitney were. They both looked like they stepped off the runaway. She had a feeling what requirement Nick had. “Does this mean I have to change my clothing?”

  “No. He actually likes your dress style.”

  The comment lit up Zerrin’s face. “He said that?”

  “He’s very fond of you, Zerrin,” Stacey insisted.

  Zerrin didn’t want to read too much into what Stacey said. In what way was her Master fond of her? Was He fond of her in the same way he was fond of His other two submissives? There went her mind again going a mile a minute, over-analyzing a simple compliment when it was just exactly that. She felt like a girl in middle school, wondering if a guy liked her and asking her friend to go find out for her. “I’m fond of Him, too,” she replied.

  “He knows.” Stacey grinned.

  The question was on the tip of Zerrin’s tongue and it had been bugging her the moment she met her sub sisters. “Are you two still sleeping with Him?”

  “No.” Stacey smiled. “He only wants you.”

  A zap of energy found Zerrin and her body straightened out into the sitting position. She firmly pressed her butt into the chair to keep it from bouncing. “He does?” Her voice came out a few octaves higher.

  “Zerrin, Whitney and I know our roles with Master. I take care of Master’s household affairs while Whitney handles His business items. We also know your role with Master. There’s no jealousy or bad blood here. We have the utmost respect for you,” Stacey soothed her. “He specifically wants us to prepare you because once you get started with Him, it’s going to be intense. Think of what we’re doing like training for the Olympics. Athletes spend months, sometimes years, preparing for that one moment in front of the world. That’s what we’re doing here.”

  Zerrin seemed to relax a little. “Am I going to get a gold medal?” she joked.

  “You just might.”


  Zerrin barely made it upstairs to her guest bedroom at Nick’s home. Every step she took seemed to be a mile long. Her body was sore and her mind still hadn’t calmed down from what she learned at lunch. He’s fond of you. The thought made Zerrin smile. Nick was fond of her. It meant he liked her and probably not just as His submissive.

  She sensed it already. When they kissed, it wasn’t just the kiss of two people who had a mutual lust for one another. It was passionate. It was exquisite. It was animalistic. They probably would’ve made love that night had Nick not suggested she slept in the guest room instead.

  Why did I sleep in the guest room? Nick told her she was the first to spend the night in long while, hinting Stacey and Whitney hadn’t. She had masturbated on his bed and her scent was all over his sheets. Was that not allowed? Was that a part of the obedience she had to realize? Or was that one of Nick’s quirks she had to get used to?

  There were so many questions and Zerrin was too tired to ponder the answers. She was going to rest and wonder about them in a few hours.


  Zerrin woke up to what sounded like large furniture being moved around. A heavy thud startled her and she shot out of bed. She raced downstairs and saw Nick moving furniture around and placing several slender wooden blocks together on the floor to make a large plank.

  Zerrin watched Nick from upstairs and admired his physique. He was wearing jeans and a black tank top. She could see how muscular he was and how he filled out his simple attire. She wondered when she would be able to see what was beneath it. She then wondered if he liked what he had seen when she was naked the night prior. She shook her head to relieve such silly notions. Of course he did; I spent the night.

  “Tesoro,” Nick called out, not looking behind him, “come down here, please?”

  “Yes, Master,” Zerrin carefully walked down the stairs. Going downstairs was much easier than going upstairs. She walked over to Nick and stood beside him. “Yes, Master?”

  “I hope you had a fun day with Whitney and Stacey,” He spoke.

  “It was a lot to take in but I managed,” Zerrin was honest.

  “Good, good. Stacey and Whitney are great women and they have a lot of knowledge to assist you. Ask them anything. You can even complain about me to them. They won’t share.” Nick smiled.

  “I will keep that in mind,” Zerrin nodded before she looked down at the plank. “What is this, Master?”

  “This is for you. This is one of your tasks tonight.”

  “My tasks?” Zerrin remembered Stacey’s warnings about Nick’s tasks.

  “Your tasks. You’re going to walk that plank back and forth until I’m ready for you to do something else.”

  Zerrin examined the plank. The task seemed simple enough. “Yes, Master.”

  “But you’re going to walk that plank with modifications. You’re going to wear these,” Nick handed Zerrin a pair of high heels, “and you’re going to have this on your head.” He handed her an egg. “If that egg falls, you start over. If you stumble, you start over. If the egg falls and you stumble, you will get flogged, and I’m pretty certain you don’t want that. You’ll be wearing nothing but your bra and panties for this task. Go upstairs and change. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Zerrin glanced down at the stilettos and egg, then back at the plank. She was going to walk that plank until Nick was tired of it and there was no telling how long Zerrin would be walking. Stacey was right; that five-hour pole dancing class was sounding mighty good right about now.


  Dear Diary,

  I’m so fucking exhausted.

  Today was the first day of my submissive training with Master. I met my submissive sisters, Stacey and Whitney, and they’re great girls. Women, I mean, they’re great women. Whitney is a professional pole-dancer and she showed me some moves. Stacey is a nurse. She gave me a health questionnaire over lunch and had me fill it out. I had to answer questions like how much do I drink, when’s the last time I had sex, how many sexual partners I’ve had, if I had any mental disorders like depression or bi-polar, if I’ve been physically abused or have abused someone.

  The questionnaire was to see if I was in the best possible shape for Master. I won’t lie; I thought it was an invasion of privacy, but I finally understood why He wanted to know all of that. If I was dating someone, I would want to know the same things about them.

  Master gave me the first of many tasks tonight. I had to balance an egg on my head while walking straight in high heels. I normally don’t wear stilettos so it was a challenge for me. I dropped six eggs and each time I dropped an egg, He flogged me. Let me tell you, flogging fucking hurts. At least the way He did it. But He made it clear He wasn’t punishing me, and I believe Him. He wanted me to be aware of what I was doing and correct myself before He did. The term is discipline. The next time I do the egg task, I’m going to make sure I drop no eggs. Mark my words.

  But that wasn’t all. I had to hold steady in the plank position until He told me to release. He told the position was to st
rengthen my core and make my middle more solid. The plank position was to also teach me discipline and focus. I can honestly say I have worked out more within the past 16 hours than I have in the past 16 years.

  After the tasks, we had dinner and kissed some more. Master is such a great kisser and I believe I’m falling for Him already. But I’m not allowed to sleep with Him in His bed yet. He says I have to earn the privilege of doing so. I’m determined to earn that privilege before the end of the weekend.

  It was really enlightening. There is so much more to being a submissive than just whips and chains. I guess I was naïve to think that was all to it. Even on the second day, I feel like a part of me has been opened and explored that I never knew existed. I can’t wait to see what happens next!


  Zerrin closed her journal book and turned on the computer in Nick’s office. She typed an e-mail listing the five things she was grateful for and five good things about her day. She then sent the e-mail to Nick and walked over to her bedroom. Her Master requested her to always sleep nude and she shed her clothing. She couldn’t wait what was going to happen the next day.



  Per Your request, here is an e-mail detailing the highs of my day and what I’m grateful for.

  The highlights:

  Watching Whitney pole-dance.

  Having lunch with Stacey.

  Being worthy enough for You to show me Your portfolio.

  Having dinner with You.

  Kissing You.

  What I’m grateful for:

  Having You as my mentor, personally and professionally.

  Having sub sisters, Stacey and Whitney.

  My life.

  The privilege of serving You.

  My health.

  At Your will,


  Nick read over Zerrin’s email and was pleased by what he read. Already on Day Two and she picked up a lot, as he suspected she would.

  It was time to reward her.


  Zerrin heard the bedroom door open and she opened her eyes to see her Master had walked in. “Get dressed and meet Me downstairs,” He ordered.

  Zerrin got out of bed and hurriedly put on her clothing. She stood at the top of the staircase and saw her Master was sitting on the sofa. “May I enter the room, Master?” Zerrin asked.

  “You may,” Nick answered as he pressed a remote control and a silver pole came down from the ceiling.

  Zerrin watched as the pole slowly moved down and firmly planted itself on the hardwood floor. It made sense that with Whitney being a professional pole dancer, there would be a pole installed. She hadn’t noticed it before and it briefly made her wonder what other hidden compartments were in Nick’s home. “Master?”

  “Whitney told me you picked up a lot when she taught you this afternoon,” Nick made himself comfortable on the sofa. He grabbed another remote and pointed to the stereo system behind Zerrin. Janet Jackson’s “Discipline” played from the speakers. “I’m curious to see what you learned. It’s time to give your Master a show.”

  Zerrin had never given a strip tease to anyone before and wasn’t sure where to start. Was he expecting her to go full monty? Was she only allowed to reveal just a little? Too many questions and the music kept playing. Nick was expecting a show.

  Zerrin grabbed the pole. She briefly wondered how many of Nick’s other submissives gave Him a “show” as he requested. She quickly put the thoughts aside once she caught His eyes. They were studious and eagerly waiting to see what she was going to do next.

  Zerrin walked around the pole, dragging one foot behind the other. She found herself moving smoothly and fluidly. If her Master wanted a show, she damn sure was going to give him one. She put her back up against the pole and mouthed the lyrics, closing her eyes and licking her lips as she slowly gyrated. Her hands crawled up to her blouse and she ripped it open, exposing her ample breasts and causing Nick to quickly grab the sofa cushion beneath him.

  “Daddy, make me cry…” Zerrin mouthed as her hands made their way to the beginning of her jeans. She let go of the horrible incidents. She put away the snobby remarks from her peers and the disapproving glances of the students.

  Instead, Zerrin concentrated on the music, her breathing, her pounding heartbeat, and the erotic lyrics. She kept gyrating to the pounding bass line as her fingers unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pulled down the zipper. She forgot where she was and even that Nick was in the room across from her, studying her every move. She turned around and shoved her hands inside her jeans, pulling the jeans over her hips and down her legs while exposing the soft pink G-string her apple-shaped ass swallowed.

  Nick may have had a calm demeanor but was anything but inside. He had thought about Zerrin’s body ever since that night at the Dungeon, seeing how she filled out the tight corset and skirt. He would have been lying if he’d said the thought of feeling her wrap her legs around his back as he slid inside her hadn’t occurred to him often since that night.

  Zerrin’s body was incredible, and he already imagined what he was going to do to her. Doggie-style. Cowgirl. He was going to flog her ass until she had little pink stripes across it. He was going to pour hot wax on her body and paint her. He was going to tie her hands behind her back and spank her across His knee. He was going to make her cum on His tongue, His cock, and His fingers.

  He was going to make her cum by the end of the song.

  Zerrin removed her blouse and undid her bra, revealing her full breasts. They softly bounced with every movement she made. They were a perfect C cup, Nick estimated. Her dark cherry nipples made him stand to attention and he quickly reached over to the end table to get a condom. He was going to use it soon.

  He continued to watch Zerrin dance for him. Her eyes were closed, her body rolled off the pole, and he could smell her desire. Her hands cupped her breasts before moving down to her panties, where she rubbed the fabric covering her sex. She licked her lips and continued to mouth the lyrics, begging her Master to punish her for being such a bad girl.

  When Zerrin opened her eyes, she saw Nick was still fully dressed on the sofa, except now his thick hard cock was out and he carefully stroked it. Zerrin paid close attention to Nick’s cock and wondered how big it actually was. She briefly wondered how it was going to fit but she already knew the answer. He’ll make it fit. A slow smile crept on her face a she continued to dance for him, watching her Master tear open the condom and roll it over His cock. He beckoned her to join Him on the couch and she straddled His lap. With a quick movement, He was inside Zerrin.

  They both moaned and took a sharp breath upon the friction. Zerrin’s tight channel swallowed His cock and she murmured in pleasure. “Look at me, Zerrin,” He quietly ordered as He guided her on His cock, “fuck me.”

  Zerrin moved faster on Nick’s cock, her walls wrapped tightly around him as she slid up and down on him. It seemed as if the earth stood still as they moved together in unison, their bodies becoming one again and again as Zerrin moved faster toward her orgasm. When she finally climaxed, her body shuddered, and she collapsed on her boyfriend, her body still as the climax coursed through her body, curling her toes and holding down her arms.

  “Was that a good cum, baby?” He asked.

  “Yes, Master,” Zerrin laid on his chest.

  “Good,” He caressed her back, “that will be the first of many, tonight. Now get off Me,” He ordered.

  Zerrin eased off her Master and stood before Him. His eyes darkened and He lowered His hand, signaling to Zerrin to kneel and she immediately obeyed. Nick stood up and retrieved some rope from a drawer. He then walked behind Zerrin and tied her wrists behind her back. He grabbed a pillow from the sofa and placed it under Zerrin’s knees.

  “Eyes down,” He ordered before He left for the kitchen.

  Zerrin refocused her attention on the floor. She heard shuffling in the kitchen followed by water running in the sink. She didn’t know what her Master w
as up to, other than she needed to do whatever He wanted. Her mind briefly wondered if Nick was going to harm her in some way; thoughts of her former Dom still buried deep in her mind. She decided to toss aside those thoughts and still her mind. Nick wanted her sole attention and focus on Him; anything else would simply be unacceptable.

  She soon heard Nick’s footsteps walk closer to her and Zerrin remained still. She felt her chin slightly lifted up and she met her Master’s eyes. “What’s your safe word?” He asked.

  “Ophelia,” she answered meekly.

  Nick’s lips curved into a proud smile. “You’re a nerd just like I am,” He commented, “good to know.” He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his still-hard cock. “Tell Me to fuck your mouth.”

  “Master, please fuck my mouth,” she replied.

  Nick steadied himself on Zerrin’s shoulders as He moved His cock in and out of her mouth. He loved seeing how her full lips wrapped around His cock as it hardened in her hot mouth. He loved feeling her tongue around His shaft, twirling and twisting around.

  He thrust harder inside her willing mouth, not wanting to prolong His orgasm. When He finally came, the orgasm stiffened His body and He let out a soft groan of acquiescence. He pulled out His shaft and wiped the mushroom tip on Zerrin’s lips. “Swallow,” He ordered her and she quickly did it. “You always swallow.”

  “Yes, Master,” she nodded.

  Nick straightened up His clothing and helped Zerrin stand up. He walked her over to a dining room chair and bound her to it as she sat down, tying her wrists behind it and forcing her legs apart.

  “You can only cum when I allow you to,” He ordered. “Understand?”


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