Book Read Free

One Step At A Time

Page 2

by Brenda Adcock

  “That’s it, baby!” Courtney called out as she began to lose control. “Take me now!”

  Maddie looked down at Courtney, the sides of her mouth curving into a smile. She sucked in Courtney’s clit and whipped it with her tongue until she knew pain and pleasure had become one. Moments before Courtney’s orgasm took control, Maddie released her and plunged two fingers inside her, eliciting a deep moan as Courtney reached out and grabbed Maddie’s hand, shoving it faster and deeper.

  When Maddie felt Courtney’s muscle walls tighten around her fingers and the flow of hot liquid, she withdrew her fingers and lapped the heat up, sucking it from Courtney’s body. Somehow Courtney managed to roll over and get Maddie beneath her, still draining the sweet, hot nectar from her body. Courtney moved her hips to give Maddie access to every inch of her sex. By the time they were both too exhausted to continue, Maddie’s face was coated with the sticky proof of Courtney’s pleasure.

  Courtney leaned down and consumed Maddie’s mouth with long, devouring kisses, before biting painfully along her neck. “Let’s get out of here, baby,” Courtney said. “I need more of that.”

  “I’m tired, Court,” Maddie said drowsily.

  “But I still need you,” Courtney whined.

  Maddie smiled and rubbed her face against Courtney’s expensive blouse. “You always need me.” She laughed. “You’re a very needy girl.” She sat up and nuzzled against Courtney’s breasts. They were young and firm, and incredibly sensitive. Maddie knew Courtney wasn’t wearing any undergarments and the thought of that soft, pulsing skin against her mouth aroused her again.

  “Let’s go home,” Courtney whispered as she tongued Maddie’s ear and sucked it into her mouth. “I want you to take me in the shower and then in bed until I won’t be able to move.”

  “I can barely move now,” Maddie grinned crookedly.

  Maddie rested her forehead against Courtney’s chest. Courtney reached to the table next to the chaise and picked up a glass tile. She cut a line of cocaine and lay a tightly rolled twenty next to it. “Take this, baby. It’ll make you feel better.”

  Maddie shook her head. She was just coming down from her last hit. “No more, Court. I need to rest first.”

  Courtney picked up the rolled twenty. “Just a short one, baby.”

  Maddie took the bill and snorted the line of coke. It hit her system hard and her eyes rolled back in her head. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she whispered, “Take me home, baby, so I can fuck you like you ain’t never been fucked before.”

  Courtney pushed her body up and straightened her clothing as Maddie watched her. “I want you all the fuckin’ time,” Maddie muttered. “I wanna fuck you all the fuckin’ time. Does that make me weird?”

  “Not to me, stud, because I want it all the fuckin’ time.” Courtney took Maddie’s hand and pulled her up. Maddie washed her face and straightened her clothing.

  There were still a couple dozen fans, mostly teenage girls, waiting outside the theater door that opened into an alley behind the auditorium when Maddie and Courtney left the building. Maddie had her arm draped over Courtney’s shoulder. Her signature sunglasses covered her eyes. She grinned when she saw the young girls as they surged toward them. Courtney pulled Maddie closer. “Don’t get any ideas,” she whispered as her lips covered Maddie’s.

  “This is where I found you,” Maddie said with a wink. “Afraid I’ll find someone to replace you?”

  Courtney poked her hard in the ribs. “You’ll never find anyone as hot as me and you know it.”


  “Remember that, bitch.”

  Maddie leaned back and stared incredulously at her companion. “Bitch?” she asked the young woman she fucked just minutes earlier.

  Courtney drew Maddie into a sweltering kiss for their audience. She grinned when the kiss ended as she clamped Maddie’s bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re my bitch, Maddie James, and no one else’s.”

  Maddie released her and pulled her car keys from her pocket. “I’m nobody’s bitch,” she seethed. She stalked away, stopping halfway to her car, to stare at a girl. “How old are you, honey?” she asked as her lips curled into a killer grin.

  Maddie could see the excitement run down the girl’s body as she stammered, “Eight...eighteen.”

  Maddie placed her finger in the girl’s belt loop and jerked her closer. “Got a name, sweetheart?”

  “Danielle,” the girl answered, her body trembling.

  “Cool,” Maddie breathed as she glanced at Courtney before she delivered a deep, probing kiss. Afterward she took the girl’s hand and led her toward her deep purple and silver Dodge Challenger, revving the powerful engine while the girl got hesitantly into the passenger seat. Maddie flipped a switch and motioned the girl closer.

  Danielle waved at someone who had apparently accompanied her to the concert and sank into the seat next to Maddie. Maddie slung an arm around her and drew her into another demanding kiss before peeling out of the parking area.

  “What about your friend?” Danielle asked, her eyes widening as they drove away, tires squealing as they accelerated.

  “You’re my new friend, baby,” Maddie said with a grin.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place,” Maddie smiled as she slid her hand up Danielle’s leg and squeezed it. “We can get much better acquainted there, without any distractions.”

  Danielle acted nervous as she readjusted her clothes. Maddie quickly pulled to the shoulder of the road and turned to look at her passenger. “You ever drive a car like this?” she asked, her fingers playing with Danielle’s hair. She could see the nervousness in the girl’s eyes.

  “No, but it’s awesome.”

  “Trade seats with me for a while.” Maddie unbuckled her seat belt and raised the steering wheel. “Crawl over me,” she whispered and then laughed. “I want you to crawl all over me, baby.”

  Danielle raised her butt and tried not to let it touch Maddie. Maddie grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down, growling in her ear, “You afraid of me, baby?”

  “A little,” Danielle admitted. “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

  “Just relax, baby. I can take you back if you want. I promise I don’t bite...much,” Maddie laughed as she pulled the girl against her and kissed along the back of her neck while her hands moved up to cover and knead her young breasts. Maddie could feel the first twitches of her body’s arousal thrumming through her pelvis.

  Maddie released Danielle and let her get behind the wheel. She sat next to the girl and stroked her long brown hair. It was soft and fell between her fingers like water. “Take the next ramp onto the highway and open her up.” She leaned over and nibbled along the side of Danielle’s neck. “She’s built for speed, just like you.”

  Danielle gained confidence the longer she drove and she accelerated onto the ramp. It was nearly two in the morning and traffic wasn’t heavy as she wove in and out of the lanes. She yelped when Maddie’s hand slid under her skirt and along the inside of her thigh.

  “Your skin is so smooth. Like a baby’s butt,” Maddie muttered softly. The taste of the girl’s skin was intoxicating and Maddie pressed herself closer, her hand creeping closer toward its goal. When her fingers reached Danielle’s panties, they were damp. She smiled as she carefully pulled them to the side and stroked her clitoris.

  “Stop it,” Danielle said, trying to push the probing fingers away.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good. God! You’re so wet.” With each statement Maddie increased the pressure of her fingers against Danielle’s sex. The vehicle continued to accelerate as Danielle tried to fight off Maddie’s advances. She shoved Maddie away and the car swerved. Maddie glanced up and her eyes widened.

  “Brakes!” she yelled.

  Danielle looked up and slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. She turned the steering wheel. The left front of the Challeng
er struck the right rear quarter panel of a much smaller Toyota and it spun out of control. Maddie saw a blur fly out of the car and land in front of the Challenger. Before either of them could do anything, the thump-thump under the wheels made it obvious they’d run over something. Maddie stretched her long leg out and pressed the brake pedal until the muscle car slid to a stop.

  “Let me under the wheel,” Maddie snapped. “When the cops arrive tell them you were asleep. It’ll be fine. Just stay calm.”

  Danielle crawled over Maddie and Maddie waited a minute before she opened the driver’s door and stepped out. Traffic was streaming around the site, some barely seeing it in time to avoid it. She pulled Danielle out.

  “Go stand on the shoulder so you don’t get hit,” she ordered before she turned to approach the second car. She checked the front of the Challenger and only saw minor damage. She trotted toward the second car, but didn’t see anyone in the driver’s seat. Other cars were slowing and stopping to render assistance. Maddie looked toward the shoulder of the highway, but only saw Danielle with her arms wrapped around her middle, crying. She reached the Toyota and looked inside. She saw no one. She heard sirens rapidly approaching the scene and walked back to join Danielle.

  As soon as she was standing next to the trembling girl, she said, “Just stay calm. Don’t offer any information unless asked,” she continued. “We didn’t do anything wrong.” She looked around and chuckled. “Probably a stolen car anyway. The driver’s nowhere around. If anyone asks, I was driving. Got it?”

  When Danielle didn’t say anything, Maddie nudged her shoulder. “Got it!” she hissed.

  Danielle nodded. “ mother is going to kill me.”

  “Shit happens,” Maddie shrugged and stuck her hands in the pockets of her tight leather pants. “It’s your fault anyway for being so fuckin’ hot.” She leaned down closer and ran the tip of her tongue over Danielle’s ear.

  Danielle pushed her away and glared at her. She lowered her voice and said, “I’m sixteen.”

  “What?” Maddie asked, as if she hadn’t heard the girl.

  “I said I’m sixteen.”

  “I asked you how old you were before we left.”

  “I lied so I would have a chance to get closer to you.” Her eyes drifted up and down Maddie’s thin body. “I thought you’d be so cool. Instead all you wanted was grope me.” Danielle looked back at the wreck. “If this hadn’t happened you’d probably have raped me, you sick fuck.” Danielle’s voice grew louder with each sentence.

  Maddie grabbed Danielle by the arm and pulled her closer. “Calm the fuck down,” she cautioned in a low voice. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Danielle jerked her arm away. “I bet you will. I could have you arrested for statutory rape.”

  “Shut up!” Maddie ordered. “Twenty people heard me ask your age and heard your lyin’ answer. Don’t worry, kid, I’ll make sure you get a few bucks for keepin’ your yap shut.” Maddie smiled. “Besides, you’re kinda cute and almost worth the money.”

  A motorcycle officer approached the two women. He glanced at Danielle before asking Maddie, “Were you the driver of the Challenger?”

  “That’s right, officer.” Maddie pulled her California driver’s license from her wallet and handed it to him. “My insurance and registration are in the car.”

  “Can you tell me your version of what happened?”

  “I finished a concert and was on my way to my hotel. I was givin’ Danielle here a lift after her friends left without her. Guess I was a little more tired than I thought. I don’t remember what my speed was. After I entered the highway everything seemed to be fine until that car was suddenly in front of me. The taillights were really weak. I tried to swerve out of the way to avoid an accident, but clipped the rear panel.” Maddie looked around. “I went to check on the other driver, but couldn’t find him. Guess he ran away or somethin’.” She smiled. “Probably didn’t have any insurance anyway.”

  “Well, you’d be wrong about that, Miss James. He’s still on the scene.”

  Maddie looked at him. “Apparently he’s under your vehicle,” the officer continued with a frown. “We’re waiting for someone to remove the body now.”

  “What?” Danielle exclaimed. “We ran over him!” she accused.

  “No, I didn’t! I never even saw him!” Maddie said firmly.

  “And who are you, ma’am?” the officer asked Danielle.

  “Danielle Hunter. I was in the car with Maddie. I felt us bump over something, but didn’t know what it was.”

  Maddie secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Danielle hadn’t known, how could she have? She watched as the officer wrote down information from Danielle’s driver’s license and asked her more questions. Then he turned to Maddie.

  “You admit you were the driver?”

  “Yeah,” Maddie answered. She looked around and saw other officers questioning witnesses. A couple pointed in her direction and said something. She frowned. She rubbed her hand over her short, spiky blonde hair and took a deep breath. She was coming down from her last hit and was exhausted.

  “Have you had anything to drink or used any drugs, prescription or street, tonight?”

  “Nope,” she answered.

  He flashed a penlight across her eyes and the light felt like a knife stabbing into her eyeballs.

  “I’ll need to take you in for a blood sample,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “To prove you weren’t under the influence when the accident occurred.”

  But she had been. She couldn’t remember how many lines Courtney had given her before the concert, during breaks, and after she left the stage. She remembered a couple of short pick-me-up lines after she’d fucked Courtney. How long ago had that been?

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to turn that kind offer down, officer,” she said.

  “Then I’ll have to place you under arrest and take you to a local hospital for a blood test after I secure a warrant.”

  “You can’t do that without my permission and I’m not givin’ it, so knock yourself out, bubba.”

  The officer pulled his handcuffs from his belt. “Turn around,” he said.

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled it behind her as he recited her Miranda rights. She acknowledged she understood them and asked that her attorney be contacted. He motioned for another officer to handcuff Danielle.

  “You don’t need to arrest her,” Maddie said. “She’s just a kid. I was the one drivin’.”

  “Call her parents to meet you at the station,” the officer said. “We can get her if we need her later.”

  He held Maddie’s arm as he led her to a cruiser. He pushed her against the side of the vehicle a little rougher than he needed to and the front door handle mashed into her lower back.

  “Cool it, Dudley,” she said.

  “What did you say?” he asked, placing his hand in the middle of her chest.

  “Nothin’,” she answered, refusing to look at him.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “I answered it, so back off, man,” she snapped defiantly.

  He opened the back door and guided her inside. Maddie watched as a wrecker backed up to her Challenger and slowly lifted it off the ground. She closed her eyes when she saw the bloody, broken body of a man beneath. She turned away because he seemed to be staring at her. Then something clicked in her fuzzy mind and she forced herself to look as forensic technicians turned the body onto its side, shaking their heads. The man was wearing what appeared to be a uniform, but she couldn’t identify it.

  Despite the best efforts of her attorneys at trial, Maddie knew she would be found guilty of the charges against her. Vehicular manslaughter while under the influence of cocaine. The forensic experts had found drug paraphernalia in the Challenger and witnesses, especially Courtney, that bitch, testified she had inhaled a number of lines in the hours leading up to the death of the victim, who tur
ned out to be a deputy with the local sheriff’s department.

  He was a pillar of the community, leaving behind a wife and two young children. She listened to what the prosecutor said about her emotionlessly for three long days. She was a popular music figure who was out of control the night Deputy Bryan Melendez was killed. She had endangered the life of a young, under-age girl by speeding until she struck the back of the deputy’s car. His seat belt malfunctioned and he was ejected from his vehicle. Because of Maddie’s impaired judgment, she was unable to stop and drove over the deputy, dragging his helpless body beneath her car for several feet.

  Periodically, during the closing argument, Maddie rubbed her forehead between her thumb and forefinger to shut out what was being said about her. No one felt sorry for her. She was just another instant celebrity who’d acquired too much money too fast and threw it away. She had a way out, but refused to take it. Danielle was driving when the accident occurred and she was a minor. Maddie would rather be known as a murderer than a child molester.

  She had already decided what she would do when she was found guilty. She needed to cleanse herself of what had quickly become an addiction to drugs, alcohol, and a desire for the fast life. And she would. Her lawyers were certain she would receive a probated sentence. The day she stood to hear the sentence imposed by the judge she hadn’t been as ready as she thought. But a man lost his life because of the decisions she’d made.

  Ten years in the Sand Ridge Women’s Correctional Facility was the price.

  She placidly stood and waited to be handcuffed and taken away while her lawyer pledged to appeal her conviction and demand a new trial. A sheriff’s deputy began to lead her out of the courtroom. Even that cunt, Courtney, tearfully promised to visit her often. As she stepped from behind the table to be led away, the victim’s widow moved in front of her and, with tears in her eyes, slapped Maddie with every ounce of strength she possessed. Only the sheriff’s hand on her arm prevented her from falling.


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