A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set

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A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set Page 38

by A. D. Ellis

  “Hey there, I didn’t know we were seeing each other tonight. To what do I owe this pleasure?” She walked into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a sweet kiss on his mouth.

  “Can you go put something comfortable on? We need to leave, but you need something you can move a bit in.” Yeah, he knew he was being vague but he didn’t want to give away the surprise.

  “Um, okay, like workout clothes? Or will jeans work?” She seemed suspicious but she was taking it good-naturedly, with that gorgeous smile on her face still.

  “Jeans should be fine. But wear socks.” She was either going to guess what was going on or think he was the biggest dork in the world. Finally, she just shook her head and turned towards her bedroom. He planned on being back here tomorrow night, for her actual birthday, but he wanted tonight to be about her family and friends.

  Once she was dressed in jeans that hugged her ass perfectly and he had adjusted himself when she wasn’t looking, he took her hand and pulled her towards him. “Hiya, Sweets, you look gorgeous. I’ve got a plan for tonight, I hope you like it. No, I hope you LOVE it. You know, LOVE like I love you.” He spoke with a smile on his face, giving her a little bit of a rough time while also letting her know this night was for her and he loved her.

  When they pulled into the skating rink, she looked at him in surprise. “Are we going to skate? Oh my gosh! You remembered! I’m so excited! I hope I don’t fall on my butt; will you hold my hand and catch me if I start to wipe out?” His heart swelled with more emotion than he thought possible in a skating rink parking lot; his beautiful, damaged angel was excited about something as simple as skating. He still didn’t know what or who had hurt her in the past, but he was starting to piece the clues together and had come up with the fact that, in addition to losing her childhood when her mom died, Audrey had lost out on a lot of innocent experiences while growing up.

  She had already jumped out of the Bronco and was waiting for him at the front bumper. She grabbed his hand and pulled him in close, “Thank you, JJ. Thank you for remembering what I said and thank you for loving me enough to give me something so simple yet so special. I’m pretty sure those feelings I’m having are getting a lot stronger.” She smiled as she leaned in and tipped her chin up to meet his lips as they crushed down on hers. If they weren’t in front of the skating rink with a possible audience watching from the inside, he would have taken the kiss deeper. As it was, he growled deep in his throat and tore his mouth from hers.

  “Ok, Sweets, we will continue that another time, I promise you that. But, right now, I have more surprises in store for you.” He kissed her forehead at the curious look on her face.

  “What’s the occasion, J?” He ignored her question and his put his arm around her and escorted her into the rink.

  The scent that accosted them once inside the doors brought back pleasant memories for Jeremiah. He had spent many a night skating with friends while growing up. Heck, he’d even owned his own skates at one time. Bypassing the ticket booth, they headed straight toward the concession area where he trusted that Libby and Nate had everything set up.

  He felt it the moment she realized they were all here. She squeezed his hand and turned questioning eyes towards him. She looked somewhat worried along with slightly amused; like she wanted this to be a good thing but she worried it was bad. He decided to ease her fears by leaning into her and whispering, “Happy birthday, Angel. Tomorrow night is for us, but tonight is for you and I wanted you to share it with those who love you.” Her eyes sparkled with tears and she reached both arms up to hug him.

  “Ok, ok, I get it, you love me. And, as strange as it is to say this for the first time in a skating rink of all places, I love you so much, J.” She buried her face in his neck and sighed with relief as the words left her mouth.

  Smiling bigger than he had since Beckett was born, he pulled back slightly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear all of that. Can you repeat it?”

  Rolling her eyes, she kissed him on the mouth and whispered against his lips, “I. Love. You. Jeremiah Jordan. I’m not sure I love myself unconditionally yet or if I ever will, but I do believe that you love me and I know these feelings I’ve been fighting with are true and real and I love you.”

  Aside from holding his baby and watching him grow up surpassing all challenges, Jeremiah had never felt more emotion than he did now. His sweet angel was finally opening up and letting herself believe that she was loved, in a skating rink. He laughed out loud and hugged her to his side, “Sweets, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that and how funny I think it is that you just professed your love to me in a skating rink. I guess we’ll always have a great story to tell our kids.” Before she could get too freaked out over that statement, he grabbed her hand and led her to the table where all of her family and friends were waiting.

  “Happy birthday, Miss Audrey! Will you skate with me!?” Beckett was practically bouncing with excitement. “I’ve never skated before, is it hard? I don’t want to fall, but it looks so much fun. Grandma already got me skates.” His eyes sparkled with excitement behind his thick glasses. Audrey could tell his hearing aid was turned down because he was talking really loudly. It made her smile; she knew the noise from the rink would have been too much if the aid had been turned up to the normal level.

  Before she could answer, Nicky came over and gave her a big hug. “Happy birthday, Audrey. I’m so glad you stopped being such a mean person and now you’re so good and so happy.” And just like that, Nicky put it all out there, making her smile. Then he continued with his usual blunt honesty turning to Beckett. “Beckett, I’ll skate with you. Audrey probably wants to skate holding your dad’s hand and kiss him. They like to kiss. Remember, we need them to kiss and get married so we can be like brothers.” Everyone around them laughed out loud; Audrey’s cheeks blushed but Jeremiah just leaned in, whispering in her ear, “I think that all sounds like a perfect plan.”

  He had invited everyone. He noticed that Libby was starting to have a couple friends that she spoke about; she hadn’t had the chance at many friendships up until recently because of the constant moves and Audrey’s treatment of her. But, while Libby was making a few friends, Audrey definitely was lacking in that department. He assumed that having a sister was like having a built-in friend, but he knew from talking to the others that Libby and Audrey hadn’t always been close. He knew Audrey and Nicky were friends, but it wasn’t the same as a girl friendship. He counted her as one of his best friends, but theirs was an intimate, romantic friendship. So, he made up for the lack of girlfriends and invited others who would help fill the void. Nate, Libby, Nicky of course. His parents had brought Beckett; he could tell his mom was about to do cartwheels over the developments in their relationship. He’d also invited Captain Decker and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Happy birthday wishes and hellos and hugs were given all around; he sensed that Audrey was overwhelmed with it all. For some reason she didn’t celebrate her birthday and she wasn’t used to all the love and hugs flowing around her. He decided to get the evening started and tugged her along to get her skates.

  The entire night was perfect. Skating, laughing, and holding his girl. He also had the chance to hold Beckett and watch as his little boy held Nicky’s hand while learning to skate. Skating, the baby the doctors weren’t sure would ever walk well, who walked with a limp, was skating. He was awkward and slow, as was Nicky, but they were both stubbornly determined and having a blast. After the cupcakes Libby had brought, Audrey opened gifts from her family and friends. One of her favorites was a coupon from Beckett and Nicky for a day full of video games with them. And, they added to the coupon, she got to take them for pizza too. She smiled, wiping tears, “This is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. Thank you both, I plan on cashing this in very soon.” A kiss on the cheek for both of them brought smiles all around. Jeremiah felt the truth of her statement to his gut; a simple coupon for time with friends was one of the best gifts she had ever received. Again, puzzl
e pieces were fitting together to reveal her past and it wasn’t a pretty picture.

  He handed her an envelope, “Don’t read all of this out loud.” He chuckled; she had been reading every card aloud to her guests. He watched as her eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned red; a smile brightened her already happy face.

  Clearing her throat and skipping over the more naughty parts of his card, she stated, “Jeremiah has given Beth and me a night for a sleepover and a day at the spa tomorrow. Thank you, J, I love it. Beth, are you available?”

  “I am. Jeremiah was sure to clear it all with me so that we can spend tonight and tomorrow together. But, he was also very sure to let me know I only get tonight and tomorrow with you; you’re all his tomorrow night.” Libby’s knowing smile and wink made Jeremiah laugh and Audrey blush again. For a girl who claims to have been “just a fuck” with multiple partners, she sure had gotten bashful about intimacy with him. Maybe because she felt the difference as much as he did?

  Beckett left with his grandparents after many hugs and kisses for Nicky, Audrey, and his daddy. Goodbyes were said from the Morgans and Captain Decker. Nate and Libby stayed to clean up; he would drop her off at Audrey’s shortly. That left Jeremiah and Audrey a little time before the girls’ sleep over. He drove slightly above the speed limit getting back to her place; he knew she needed this time with her sister, but he wasn’t going to give up even a few minutes alone with her.

  “What’s the hurry, JJ?” Her knowing smile made him feel like a horny teenager but he didn’t care.

  “You know what I’m in a hurry for, Sweets.” As they pulled into her parking lot, he practically jumped from the Bronco before it even stopped. Hauling her out and toward the door he laughed, “I hope Nate got the clue when I told him they could take all the time they needed to clean up.”

  Once inside the door, he wasted no time and had her pressed up against the door within seconds. His mouth feathered over hers, his tongue barely tracing her bottom lip. “Tomorrow night, Angel, tomorrow night is all ours. I’m being a selfish bastard tonight because I want as much of you as I can get, even if it’s quick.”

  “Bedroom, quick. Beth has a key but we can lock the bedroom door.” Her suggestion came out desperate and breathless.

  “Not happening, Sweets. I told you, the next time we’re together like that it will be me making love to you, not treating you like some quick fuck and release. But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a little fun before I say good night. However, we’ll stay on the couch so that we can’t get too carried away.” He backed her through the hall to the living room and gently laid her down. Making quick work of her shirt and pants, he gazed longingly down at her. “Ah, Angel, you’re killing me here.”

  “Not my fault here, J. This is your doing; I offered the bedroom for a quickie. You’re just being so darn noble.” This was punctuated with a thrust of her hips against his hand as he moved it farther down, right to where she wanted it. As his mouth found hers, his hand found exactly what he was looking for. She was so hot and ready for him, it took every ounce of strength he had to remind himself that they’d have visitors within about 10 minutes. Hoping to work a little magic with his fingers, he continued kissing her gorgeous mouth as she writhed beneath him. Within seconds she was clenching her legs and shouting his name.

  Knowing he needed to be going, he kissed her and started to stand up.

  “Where do you think you’re going? Not happening, J. You got to see what you wanted to see. Now, I get the same thing. Come here.” She grabbed him by the waist band of his pants and pulled. Taking cues from his earlier actions, she made short work of his pants and groaned when her hands closed around on his obvious desire for her. Swirling her tongue around his tip, she moved her hand up and down his length.

  “Shit, baby, we probably don’t have time for this. You should stop; I don’t need to get off tonight.” He tried to pull away but she put her hands on his ass and pulled him closer.

  “Hush and think about tomorrow night. Just let me do this, I want to own your pleasure the way you owned mine just now.” She took him all the way in. His groan and the thrust of his hips spurred her on and they quickly found a rhythm.

  “Ahhh, Angel, it’s too good, I’m not going to last.” These words only encouraged her and within seconds he, too, was clenching his legs and shouting her name.

  Pulling her up to stand, he kissed her, strangely turned on by the taste of himself still on her lips. “Good Lord, woman, I think that was a world record of some sort. We should contact the record books. Now, I have a feeling I better get going if I don’t want to literally be caught with my pants down. I love you, Angel. I hope you liked your surprise tonight. Tomorrow night, it’s just you and me. I plan on spending the night and 99% of the time in your bed, so be prepared.” He kissed the tip of her nose and righted all of his clothes before heading out the door.

  He laughed when he saw Nate and Libby making out against the Jeep. At least they had something to keep them entertained while they waited. “She’s all yours, Libby.” Libby jumped a mile when she heard her name, then buried her head in Nate’s chest, obviously embarrassed. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find Audrey in about the same condition you’re in. Go on in, she’s waiting. Hey, thank you both for all of your help pulling this off tonight.”

  Driving away, he felt the most at peace that he could remember.

  Chapter 30


  Oh my God! Beth and I stayed up way too late and there may have been way too much wine consumed; I needed the spa day so badly. Now, if I could only get to the kitchen for some coffee without my head exploding and showering pieces of my brain all over the floor. That may sound extreme, but it’s totally accurate I promise.

  The night of Jeremiah’s surprise was probably the best time of my life. I felt a little sad that a surprise party at a skating rink and sleepover with my sister ranked at the top of my list. But, taking a page from the Dr. Xander “Think Positive” handbook, I’m choosing to feel lucky that I have family and friends who would help make my birthday special.

  My body tingled with anticipation of my time with Jeremiah that night; I was still feeling the effects of his touch from the night before. That man is beyond good and I still don’t feel like I deserve him, but I’m going to work my ass off to make sure he’s never disappointed for choosing me. Did I really tell my first actual boyfriend that I love him for the first time in a skating rink? Yep, that actually happened. I had to smile at it; it was sort of just ‘us’. Almost getting thrown out of the party supply store dressed as a gorilla? Check. Confessing my love in a skating rink? Check. No one ever accused me of being too conventional.

  The night with Beth was perfect. We’ve been growing closer ever since therapy started and I started accepting my past, accepting my actions, and looking toward my future. But, that night, we got to just sit around and talk. We of course discussed our men. Beth is head-over-heels in love with Nate and it’s pretty sickeningly cute if you ask me. She laughed at me when I told her that and then pointed her finger at me and said I should look in the mirror because I’m just as in love with Jeremiah. I blushed but didn’t say anything; I didn’t need to say it, she knows it’s true.

  My head had finally stopped spinning and I was dressed in comfy clothes. Our spa day started in an hour but we wanted to stop for a light breakfast first. It was a gorgeous day so we parked in front of the spa and then walked to breakfast. This was already the best birthday I’ve had since my mom died.


  Spa day was perfect. The nap afterwards was just as wonderful. Now I was ready for my evening with Jeremiah. He was coming shortly and I was a bundle of anticipation. I was in comfy clothes and hoping that he dressed down for the night as well. I wanted to do nothing but snuggle in his arms, talk into the late night, and then, well that part doesn’t really need a description.

  When my doorbell rang, I was in his arms within seconds. I barely noticed the cake pan
that he held high above his head trying to avoid dropping it as I tackled him. “Well, hello to you too, Sweets. Did you miss me?” His voice held a satisfied smile as his mouth captured mine and I felt like I could breathe again.

  Moaning into his mouth I muttered, “I missed you so much, but I loved my time with Beth and at the spa. Thank you so much for that. Let’s walk to a Redbox to pick a movie and get carry-out somewhere. I want to get back here soon so we can get all settled in and just chill out together.” He smiled down at me and kissed my nose.

  “Sure thing, Angel, just let me put this down ok?” He maneuvered the cake pan so that it was placed gently on the counter. It was the most beautiful cake I’d ever seen. Not even the Strawberry Shortcake cake I had for my 7th birthday could compare to this cake. Chocolate of course, with some type of topping covering the rich chocolate icing, and smack in the middle of the cake is a picture of the two of us from the skating rink last night. It’s a collage type picture so there’s a posed photo and a couple action shots; one of us skating, one of us laughing, and one of us in a heartwarming embrace. The photo collage looked to be on an edible paper; I absolutely loved the cake, but I sort of wished that the picture could come off the cake; I wanted to have it to save.

  “Did your mom make this? I’ll have to tell her thank you, it’s gorgeous. I love it.” I kissed his cheek and hugged him around the waist.

  He turned to me and feigned shock and disappointment. “I’ll have you know that I made this cake 100% by myself. The recipe is my mom’s, Libby took the pictures, and your friend, Janie, at the bakery printed the picture onto that edible sheet thing. But the actual cake making, baking, and decorating was all me babe, made from scratch chocolate cake and icing and hand-crushed chocolate toffee almonds for the topping, all for my girl on her birthday.” His lips caressed my ear as he finished his description of the cake.


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