Book Read Free

A Face without a Reflection

Page 14

by Linda Lee Bowen

  The room quieted and then fell silent as we reached for the hands next to us and bowed our heads to pray. Daddy gave thanks to the One Who Provides for the gifts of family, friends, and the beautiful meal set before us. “And thank You for sending the One Who Sits at Your Right Hand. His presence is a blessing to us all.”

  Just before the amen, Micah added, “And if it is Your will, Father, would you please see to it that Peter dries out quickly this time?”

  The room filled with laughter, and the chatter began. It was a magical evening that was unlike anything I’d ever imagined, and I was captivated by the outpouring of love and friendship in the room. The abundance of food quickly dwindled to a few bits, and every delicious bite was followed by a sigh of sheer delight from one or more very satisfied guest. Mum excused me from the table when Micah asked if we could take a walk to the stream. I was happy to go for a walk, but I was so full, I was afraid I might roll down the hill.

  “Could you please save some leftovers for the animals?” I asked as I stood from the table, although the promise of leftovers seemed unlikely.

  “We saved a small plate in the fridge,” Grammy said as she gave me a wink, and I skipped happily out the door after Micah.

  The evening air was cool as the sun had begun to set, casting tones of pink, yellow, and gray against the soft-blue sky. As we walked through the thick, green meadow, the earth seemed to come alive under our feet. The branches of the giant elms bent down as we passed, and Micah smiled.

  “They’re magnificent, don’t you think?”

  I was in awe of the way nature was responding to his presence and I nodded, as I was unable to speak. Birds were singing, crickets were chirping, and I heard the brook babbling even though we were still high on the hill.

  “It’s you! You’re doing this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m doing it. But so are you. The earth responds to those who love and respect Her. She is greeting us as her friends because she trusts us.”

  “But this has never happened before. I’ve been outside every day since I was born, and the branches never bowed to me.”

  Micah laughed. “They bow to you every time they see you. You just never noticed.” He stooped down next to a bed of English ivy, and I watched the vines stretch toward him.

  “Come over here,” he said, and I took one small step closer to him, not wanting to disturb his encounter with the vine. He laughed. “Come on, silly girl! You’ve done this a million times. I just want to show you what you’ve missed.”

  The thick grass tickled my bare ankles as I sat cross-legged next to Micah. Leaning toward the bed of ivy, I invited it to come to me. And…it did! Micah’s face beamed, and so did mine. I reached my hand toward the vines, and they slowly wound around my fingers. I let out a little gasp, but I was afraid to move, for fear they would leave.

  “It’s okay,” Micah said. “Just relax. Talk to them as you always do.”

  I took a deep breath and let myself be what was inside of me.

  “Good evening, lovely ivy. You’ve made me so happy, I’m at a loss for words. To think that you’ve been waiting all this time for me to truly see you. Thank you! I promise…I’ll never not see you again.”

  Micah stood up and gently placed the ivy back on the ground. “Let’s meander on,” he said. “There’s bound to be a few friends waiting down the hill.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning, dear ivy. And I’ll dream of your tender hugs tonight.” Lowering my hand to the ground, the vines unwound from my fingers and slipped back into the thick patch. I sat motionless for a moment, still amazed by what I’d just witnessed. I turned to look at Micah, who was smiling down on me.

  “That was the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me. How did you know?”

  Micah’s smile grew wider, and his brilliant eyes sparkled in the dimming light of day. “It’s a truth taught to me by my Father about loving each other the way we are loved by Him. It applies to all living things. You love nature so well, it is only natural for you to be loved in return.”

  “Your father must be very smart!”

  “He is very wise!” Micah reached out his hand to help me up, and we strolled down the hill toward the stream. It was dusky, and many of the flowers had closed their petals for the coming night. But as we approached, they began opening into full bloom. First the crocus. Then the poppies. The big red-and-white hibiscus were the most magnificent. Their wide, papery petals stretched out to greet us and then opened to their full glory. I cupped my hands over my mouth in awe of their beauty, and once again tears of joy stung my eyes.

  Micah nudged me. “It’s unusual for you to be in the garden at dusk, and they’re very happy to see you. Say hello and thank them for their beautiful offering.”

  “Oh, glorious ones! You honor me with your presence. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you so very much for coming out to greet us.”

  I blew a kiss into the garden, and a single tear fell into the center of a daylily. The open bloom folded its petals as if drinking my tear. It swayed back and forth with graceful fluidity, then burst open once again with its face stretched toward me. I gasped at the wonder of it all as Micah laughed and danced behind me. He grabbed my hands and spun me around as we praised the One Who Provides for His gift of life to all things.

  It was getting dark, and we could see that most of the guests were leaving, although a few were still milling about in the kitchen with Mum and Grammy.

  “Perhaps we should leave our walk to the stream for another day,” Micah suggested. “Let’s be good guests and see if there’s anything left for us to do.”

  I nodded with a smile. I was still overwhelmed by all that had transpired in our short journey and I was not at all certain that my heart could hold another surprise. We turned toward the house and headed slowly up the hill, stepping gently and quietly through the long grass so as not to disturb those who were sleeping. The light that remained of day drifted down through the branches and leaves of the trees, casting shadows that were foggy and gray. Micah began to say something about light and darkness when something caught my eye in the wooded area beyond the house.

  “Micah! Did you see that?”

  “See what? What was it?”

  “I don’t know. Something in the woods.” The figure moved again behind the trees. “There! Did you see it that time? It looks like a person. Who could it be? Are they watching us?”

  Micah wasn’t startled by the shadowy figure, and I was not afraid. I sensed it was in need of something but lacked the courage to come out of the darkness.

  “Ah! That is a Seeker,” he said. “Seekers search for something they cannot find because they look in all the wrong places.”

  “What are they searching for?”


  “The woods seems like a strange place to search for truth.”

  Micah nodded.

  “But where will they find it?” I asked.

  “In the Word, little one. Truth is found in the Word. But they are too afraid to let go of the world, so they search everywhere but where it is. Some never find it. They get as far as the universe or themselves, but the answers can’t be found in the stars or in us. They are found in the One Who Provides. And in His Word.”

  “The secret to a happy life,” I whispered.

  “That’s right, dear heart.” He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. “Grammy has taught you well.”

  We reached the house when all the dishes had been cleared and put away. The table had shrunk once again to accommodate four, and the last visitors waved good-bye as they walked out the door.

  “Well, it looks like our walk was perfectly timed,” Micah joked.

  “That’s right, son. You’ve managed to escape doing dishes again.” Father laughed as Mum and Grammy dried their hands and removed their aprons.

  “We can’t thank you enough for coming, Micah. Your presence is always a blessing but very much appreciated at this time.”
  Micah took Mum and Grammy’s hands and held them in his as he stood in front of the Two. He kissed the tips of their fingers and blessed them as he thanked them for their hospitality and faith. Then he put his arm around Daddy’s shoulder and told him he was doing a good work in our home and his rewards would be many. The two men hugged, and my father’s eye held a tear. Micah was clearly special and very much loved. He turned to me and reached for my hands.

  “And you, young lady, have some truly remarkable gifts! Thank you for the delightful stroll. It’s always a great joy being with you. Let’s do it again soon.”

  I was overjoyed, and I couldn’t wait to see him again. “Oh yes! Please! Thank you, Micah. That was the most wonderful walk I’ve ever had.”

  Everyone smiled down on me, and the warmth of their love was overwhelming. Micah kissed the top of my head and walked toward the door.

  “Sleep in peace, dear ones. I will see you soon.”

  We stood together watching as he walked down the path and then suddenly disappeared into the night.

  “Whoa! Where did he go?” I asked.

  “He knows the Way.” Daddy sighed as he gazed into the darkness. “I’m sure he’ll show it to you one day soon.”

  I was curious as to what he meant, but before I could ask him, Mum took my hand. “Mira darling,” she began, “it’s getting late. Run upstairs and get ready for bed. I’ll be up in a minute to tuck you in.”

  Grammy and Daddy kissed me good-night, and I hurried up the steps. I had no sooner finished brushing my teeth and hair and putting on my pajamas when Mum appeared at my bedroom door. When I climbed into bed, she pulled the covers around me and then sat down next to me.

  “So…it sounds like you and Micah had a very nice time together.”

  “Oh yes, Mum! He’s the most amazing person I’ve ever known. He loves the trees and flowers and animals as much as I do. And they love him.”

  Mum smiled. “He showed you a gift that you hadn’t seen before, right?”

  “Yes! As we walked through the garden, the elms lowered their branches, and the flowers opened their petals in full bloom. And a tendril of ivy stretched toward me and wound itself around my finger.”

  Mum’s eyes glistened.

  “We’ve witnessed that many times when you were among those you dearly love. But if we had told you about it, you might not have fully understood. Micah knew you had to see it for yourself. I am so happy to know you are in tune to this very special part of you. All praise and glory to the One Who Provides.”

  “Amen!” I declared with a huge smile on my face.

  Mum smiled back.

  “Amen!” she echoed and kissed my forehead. “Good night, my darling. Sleep well. Tomorrow waits just for you.”



  A single chirp was heard outside my window, calling me into the day. I bolted out of bed and thrust open the curtains to let in the dim morning light. It was still very early, and the world was soaking in the dew. I got dressed in record time and ran down the stairs, following the delicious aroma into the kitchen.

  “Grammy!” I called out before entering the room. “Something smells sooo good!”

  The beautiful old woman stood by the chopping block, surrounded by mixing bowls, spoons, and batters. Her long-braided hair looked like spun silver that laid down her back, nearly reaching her waist. She turned at the sound of my voice and greeted me with a big smile and her warm brown eyes.

  “Good morning, darling! You’re up nice and early today.”

  “Oh yes, Grammy! A bird was chirping in the tree outside my window, and I’m sure he was inviting me out to play.”

  Grammy laughed. The large book that was always by her side sat open amid the kitchen tools and ingredients.

  “What does the Word have to say this morning, Gram? Is there a recipe for the day ahead?

  “Oh my, yes! The Word is a recipe-for-life book! I’ll tell you what,” she said as she brushed some flour from her hands and took off her apron, “the cobbler won’t be done for some time. Why don’t we sit on the porch for a bit, and I’ll share what I’m reading with you?”

  “That would be wonderful,” I said excitedly, as I’d been looking forward to spending more time with her. I slipped on my shoes and held the door for Grammy as she hugged her favorite recipe book close to her heart.

  “Thank you, dear,” she said. “Your manners are highly polished today!”

  Compliments from Grammy were treasures that I wanted to collect and store in my heart forever. Every one of them sparkled like a diamond but was more valuable than the most precious stone. She was always sincere and mindful of what she spoke, for she knew that words are powerful.

  “A gentle answer turns away wrath,” Grammy once said, “but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

  I thought that was very wise, and I told her so.

  “Wise words, indeed! But not my own. They are written in the book of Proverbs, chapter 15, verse 1. They were penned by the wisest man who ever lived.” Her face was aglow as she spoke about the Word. “It is the only book we’ll ever need, you know, for the secrets to a full and happy life can be found within its pages. If we spend time in the Word and in prayer every day, we will be immeasurably blessed, for we will come to know the book’s Author.”

  And something in my heart said that she was right.

  We sat side by side on the porch swing and looked through the yard that led to the stream. From where we sat, I could see that the leftovers I’d placed under the tree were gone, and it made me happy to know that a few woodland friends had full bellies this morning.

  “I wish I could feed all the creatures in U-R-Here,” I said as we rocked gently on the swing. Grammy’s bright eyes twinkled as she pulled me close to her.

  “There is a plan in place for all living things,” she reminded me. “But I’m quite sure the ones who live in our meadow and woods are very grateful that you remember them each night.”

  “And I’m grateful for them, too,” I said earnestly.

  I felt safe snuggled next to Grammy and perfectly content. Her soft, cotton blouse smelled like lemon snap cookies that were fresh from the oven, and my mouth watered just thinking of the delicious treats that awaited me.

  Grammy placed the open book on her lap.

  “The Word spoke to me this morning about our hearts,” she said. “It says that we are to watch over them with all diligence, for from them flow the springs of life.”

  “What does that mean, Gram? What are the springs of life?”

  “The springs of life are living waters that hold promises of hope and prosperity for those who love Him and follow His Word. Knowing how He sees us keeps us on a steady path toward our destinies and His purpose for creating us. But when we do not know who we are in His eyes, we are like twigs that float aimlessly through the current of life without direction. And we must beware, for we can be easily led astray by those whose perception of us is not in line with the Creator’s. They can set us on a path that we were never intended to travel, and we miss great blessings that He had for us along the way.”

  “How does He see our hearts, Grammy?”

  “He sees our hearts as He created them: whole, pure, filled with compassion, patient, kind, joyful, and loving. The world will tempt us every day, and the Enemy will deceive us with an onslaught of lies and accusations. But if we remember that we have been given a spirit of peace, faith, and love, we will overcome temptation, fear, anger, and sin. And the very best time to start protecting these heavenly qualities is when we’re young—before we become jaded by the world and fooled by the devil.”

  Grammy turned the pages of the Word to Philippians 4:8 and read the verse aloud:

  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

  “That’s beauti
ful, Grammy!” I lifted my head up to find her smile. “I want to do that every day,” I decided. “It seems like there’s always something we can complain about. But why focus on things that are wrong when there’s so much that’s right to dwell on?”

  Grammy didn’t answer, but she gave me a hug, and I sensed that there was a deeper truth waiting to be discovered. I sat in silence and turned my attention to the words she’d read, but the harder I looked for revelation, the farther away it got from me. I was exasperated.

  “You’re relying on your own abilities to get you where you want to go,” Grammy said, as if reading my mind. “You must let go and let Him take you where He already has you. The journey is easy when we shed the burden of self and trust the One who knew us long before we were born.”

  But, how was I to put my self aside and follow Him? I was more than willing! I just didn’t know how. It was puzzling, to say the least. Soon, I found myself trying very hard to figure it out, and once again I was moving further and further away from where I wanted to be.

  Grammy kissed the top of my head and put my hand in hers.

  “Who would you say is the most miraculous person you know?”

  I was about to say “Daddy” when Micah’s face appeared before me. He was, by far, the most remarkable and, yes, the most miraculous person I’d ever met. He was all the things the passage spoke of and so much more. As I thought about him, I began to experience a lightness about me. It started in my belly and then spread to my chest and shoulders. It moved swiftly and purposefully, and when it was done, I was filled with so much lightness that my self just floated away. And in its place was the overwhelming peace that comes when your life is in the hands of the One who knew you before you were born.

  I read the passage from Philippians that lay open on Grammy’s lap, and the voice that was somewhere near my heart said, “Be such things.”

  “Be such things,” I whispered.


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