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Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Xavier Neal

  Before he has a chance to fight back, Knox and Drew enter the apartment, both carrying bags. Their small laughter stops at the sight of my brooding big brother who hates the vision in front of him.

  Do you think it's because they're laughing or because he hates any one making Knox smile that's not him.

  Madden smugly remarks. “Care to share with the class?”

  “Nope,” Knoxie snips. Instantly she turns her attention to me. “Got your wardrobe.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And I've got the shit to make you the silicone add on pieces. I've still got spare prints. This shits gonna take a few, so I'm gonna get started. Everyone out of the kitchen.”

  “Yeah.” I nod and head towards my bedroom. “I've got a few calls to make anyway.”

  “Merrick,” Madden calls out to me, but I ignore him.

  Now's not the time. I can't fight that battle any more. I can only fight the one ahead. It's the only fight I have left in me.


  Buttoning the last button on my officer shirt, I let out a deep breath while staring at my reflection.

  I look like a cop. This is...fucking weird.

  “You look ridiculous,” Knoxie's voice joins my thoughts. I look over to see her leaning against the door frame sporting a pair of leather shorts and a black tank top. “You look more like a stripper cop.”

  I chuckle and adjust my collar. “I will take the compliment.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Of course you will.”

  With a smirk, I ask, “Drew ready for me?”

  “Yup,” she answers a little quieter than before, clearly nervous. After a short beat she sighs, “Are you sure about all this? I mean-”

  “Knox.” The minute she looks into my eyes, I nod. “I'm sure. But I do need a favor from you.”

  “Name it.”

  “Madden's problem is, he feels he has to fall on the sword for everyone. That none of this is anyone else's fault. He acts like he's the only one who makes mistakes and can fix them. But this isn't his wrong to undo. It's mine. I have to be the one that falls on the blade, so when Madden tries, and he misses, he's still gonna fall. I need you to promise me no matter how many times he falls, you'll keep picking him back up. You're the only one who can Knox. Trust me.”

  With a trembling jaw she nods before embracing me in a tight hug. “You're totally my favorite.”

  I laugh lightly. “I know.”

  Our moment is short lived by Madden who appears as unpleasantly as ever. Seeing us together in this way forces him to growl. “Am I interrupting something?”

  All that jealousy with no where to go. Sad isn't it?

  “Relax Mad Man.” I pull away from her. “She's all yours.” Preparing to walk past him I drop my voice to a whisper, “Maybe you should let her know that occasionally.”

  Not waiting for a response I enter the kitchen where Drew is ready to layer on prosthetics. On the table is a false nose. False goatee. A pair of false eyebrows and even fake ears.

  He's like a weird sculpting genius. He should quit this shit and go to Hollywood. Live a life style out there. Could you imagine Triple D in Hollywood? Who knows...maybe I'll get to see his movies during T.V. time outside of my cell. Don't look at me like that. You know this is the right thing to do. You know as much as I do, I belong behind bars.

  “Sit down. This is gonna take a minute,” Drew demands.

  I follow the request looking around the living room behind him at Destin who has his computers and tablets in motion, video feed from inside the precinct running on the T.V. screen. “Where's Daniel?”

  “Dropping Hayli off at Vinnie's.”

  “Good,” I reply as he prepares to attach the nose first.

  Drew doesn't say anything else as he attaches the false pieces to my body. Everything is cold and itchy, making it harder to stay still. But I try even harder. No point in having a crooked nose if I don't have too.

  Did you ever get your face painted when you were a kid? It reminds me of that except instead of something I can rinse off in the bath, I'm gonna have to yank it off and it's gonna hurt like a bitch. Speaking of face paint, Drew always got an attitude when I wanted to get it done. I think he knew even then he could do something better.

  Once the false pieces are added, Drew starts replacing my fingerprints. “You can shed everything but the ears. They have your earwigs attached.”

  “Damn it,” I gripe. “You know how much I hate those things.”

  “You're such a fucking pussy,” Drew grumbles.

  “The wedge in my ear is large enough to make a rat family fat and full for a decade.”

  Drew shakes his head and leans back in his seat. “You're such a pain in the ass.”

  I smile widely and stand tall. “How do I look?”

  “Like you're gonna fit in,” he sighs. “And that scares the fuck out of me.”

  “Ditto,” Destin agrees.

  With a short shoulder shrug I say, “I need to do this.”

  “We know,” Destin replies. “Doesn't mean we have to like it.”

  “You sure you don't want more McCoys on deck?” Drew questions. “I can hop on my bike and-”

  “Destin needs you here,” I state sternly. “I need eyes everywhere. If I'm gonna steal this shit right from underneath their noses, I'm gonna need you at his side. Daniel and Madden have my back out there. Besides Vinnie's a lot handier than you think.”

  “I'm better on a computer,” Destin states.

  “Which is why you're in charge of all this shit and he has a different task. Now can you make the call to The Devil. It's time to go.”

  Destin hesitates, but uses his phone to make the call. Within the first couple of rings, he appears on the screen splitting it in half. To no surprise I see Jovi passed out at his side.

  Honestly? I'd rather have her passed out than about to witness my biggest criminal act yet.

  “You look entertaining,” The Devil snidely remarks.

  “Destin's gonna patch you through. You wanted front row seats to see what I'm doing. You're gonna have 'em.”

  It also helps us keep his attention where we want it versus what we've got going on behind the scenes.

  “I'm not impressed yet. Change that.”

  “I plan on it.” Putting on my officer hat that has a camera in it, I state coldly. “I'm delivering your package and I want mine. Alive and untouched.”

  Cockily he waves a hand. “You first Ghost.”

  Without another word, I turn and head out of the room for the cop car downstairs that I had Daniel borrow earlier.

  We're gonna return it. Technically I am! I'm doing that right now...and about to steal another car. Don't get caught up in the details. Focus on the goal here. Bringing Jovi home.

  After a quick drive across town, I arrive close to the precinct, parking the car a few blocks down, leaving the keys inside under the seat for when the cops actually find it again. Strolling down the city street, I keep my head down making the least amount of eye contact as possible. Upon entering the front door of the red brick building I'm immediately surrounded by men who wouldn't hesitate to lock me up if they could see the real me.

  It was Ben's idea of fun to walk into the Lion's Den. Hell, that's how I met Jovi. That's how my whole fucking life changed. Of course I don't regret it. I could never regret what lead me to the love of my life. That's not what I regret at all. I regret not quitting this shit sooner.

  An officer greets me sharply demanding to know how he can direct me to the proper area. I present him with proper paperwork to get me set up. He grumbles something at me about never being kept in the loop, but begins to show me around as expected.

  Yes. The Commissioner may or may not have clued me into how this would play out. If you must know he may have pointed out the proper paperwork that Destin needed to make counterfeit copies of.

  We walk around the building, most cops actually busy behind the desk. Apparently the opposite direction of where we are he
aded is where there are detective desks, along with vending machines and the route to the gym.

  The officer escorting me around questions, “How long have you wanted to be a cop?”

  About two days now.

  “All my life,” I answer observing the cameras that I know Destin will be tampering with, erasing my face the minute I'm out of here. “You?”

  “Since I was in high school.” He shrugs. “When you get the calling. You get the calling, ya know?”


  “Stay away from Amanda unless you absolutely have to talk to her. She's kind of a bitch, but she is the Commissioner's right hand. Speaking of, his office is down there.”

  He prepares to pass us by without an introduction. Quickly I stop in front of the hallway. “Can we go meet him?”

  “You don't just go in there without an invitation.”

  “But I really wanna meet him. It's one of the reasons I was thrilled I got assigned here.”

  “Maybe another time,” the cop tries to keep us going.

  “Damn. Too bad I didn't get to meet The Commissioner,” I say the code phrase loudly.

  Thankfully as planned it grabs his attention and Nick calls out, “Officer Bradley is that a rookie?”

  Without moving us any further he replies, “Yes sir.”

  “Bring him in,” The Commissioner insists.

  Bradley, who now that I've stared at him long enough reminds me of Bradley Cooper, mumbles under his breath, “Looks like it's your lucky day, rookie.”

  God I hope so.

  The two of us walk down the hall and into his office. Jovi's father, who is intimidating as shit in the comfort of his own home, is twice as fucking terrifying in his oversized office.

  “Commissioner Carter, this is Vincent Smith. Vincent Smith this is Commissioner Carter.”

  “Pleasure to meet you sir,” I enthusiastically say and extend my hand. Shaking it firmly, I eagerly say, “It's an honor. A privilege. You're the entire reason I wanted to work here in this district. This precinct.”

  He shakes back and pulls his hand away slowly. “Good to hear. We need men with fresh attitude and enthusiasm for their jobs.”

  I slide my hands into my pockets. “Thank you for your kind words, sir.”

  He nods and looks at Officer Bradley. “Make sure you keep a good eye on him. I want him to learn from the best.”

  “Yes sir,” Bradley replies with a head nod.

  “Finish your paperwork and we'll see about getting you in the field,” he says sitting back down. Dismissing us with a nod he states. “Men.”

  “Commissioner,” we reply back in unison.

  Once we're out of the room and headed back towards the main hall he says, “I'm gonna get you set up to finish some paperwork then you can ride along with me and Wayne.”

  He leads me to an empty room, I wonder if they use for interrogation, and insists I wait while he grabs the last of the necessary forms. As soon as I'm alone, I whisper, “Set Fires 1 and 2.”

  Breathe. I'm not having anyone actually set fire to anything. Vinnie's setting up distractions all around town to pull as many cops away from the building as possible.

  Moments later, Bradley returns with stacks for me to go through. “Sucks. But we all have to.”

  With a shrug I sigh, “Of course.”

  He opens his mouth to say something else when someone appears in the doorway behind him. The man says in a hurried voice, “We gotta go.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yeah.” The man glances at me and rolls his eyes. “Rookie will be fine. They requested back up and we're supposed to be patrolling in the next hour anyway.”


  “Commissioner wants us out there,” he argues.

  “Damn,” Bradley groans and looks at me. “If you need help with anything, Regina's right around the corner. Got it?”

  “Just a quick question?” I put down the pen. “Where's the bathroom?”

  “End of the hall, take a right, fourth door on your left.”

  “You gotta piss already?” The guy in the doorway sneers. “You are a fucking rookie.”

  Remind me I'm not here to make him pay for being a dick. However, on record, I could come up with a few clever ways. Yeah, yeah, I won't get distracted. No need to worry. Getting Jovi out is the only thing on my mind.

  The two of them leave me alone once more. Quietly I whisper, “Fires 3 and 4.”

  I open the paperwork and flip a few pages clearly not actually reading anything. Moments later Destin states in my ear, “C and L.”

  He's cut the feed in the room and is looping video footage from when it was an empty room. Time to exit. Hold onto your seat folks. This is where shit gets sticky.

  Casually I exit the room, just as there seems to be a slight panic going on in the squad room. Following the directions to the bathroom, I keep my head down and tilted away from as many cameras I can, trying to minimize the extra effort Destin is going to have to put in to delete me. I slip into the occupied bathroom and head for a stall to wait for the other two people to leave. I listen for their exits before peeking my head outside the stall I'm hiding in. After giving the bathroom one more survey, I use the trashcan to prop up against the door, and hustle back to the largest stall, which has the vent hovering above it. I stand on the toilet, pop the vent screen and prepare to hoist myself up.

  Good thing that shit was easy. Hate unscrewing shit in a time crunch.

  Like some sort of acrobat, I weasel myself into the vent making sure to put the screen back in place once I'm inside. Groaning through the disgusting dust I'm covered in, I announce, “On the move. Light 5 and prepare to D and D. Triple D, talk to me.”

  “Hang a left,” Destin directs. Scooting quickly down the tight space, I follow his instructions. “First right.” Moving quickly I listen intently for the next part. “Take it to the end and follow it around. It'll put you right over the impound box. Closer to the door in the far back corner.”

  “We have a problem,” Daniel's voice chimes in out of nowhere.

  Fuck that's never good.

  I question as I move faster. “What is it?”

  “Tow truck has arrived earlier than expected.”

  “Fuck. Me.” I mutter under my breath almost to the location I'm supposed to drop down. “Can you stall?”

  “Maybe,” he says in an unsure voice. “Kind of dealing with another problem.”

  “Which is?”

  “I uh...was running a D and D and got spotted.”

  D and D. Dangle and Distract. You can probably figure out what that entails.

  “Damn it!” Drew shouts. “We can't handle another problem.”

  “Then you might wanna plug you ears,” Destin sighs.

  Whatever you do please don't use that old saying when it rains it pours. It's definitely one of my least favorites.

  “Commissioner is on location. Looks like he's there to over see the entire process.”

  Not a part of the plan. Not at all. You don't think he's trying to fuck me over do you?

  “Guys,” I whisper arriving at the vent. “I'm gonna need a little help here.”

  “Pull the fire alarm,” Knox says confidently. “Force everyone out of the building. It'll force The Commissioner and the tow truck dude to back off long enough for you get that bitch out of there.”

  Madden questions. “Can you rip up a skirt that tight?”

  “No need,” I reply. “Spare key is under the seat.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “You really think I'd take a lady that sexy out and not feel her up just a bit?”

  So, fuck me, I'm lying. I had The Commissioner slip me the spare key he found on it when we met in his office. All the paperwork had been filed to have the car moved today, giving me the easiest opening to steal it. The timing is off, but he held up his part. He gave me the key.

  The fire alarm sounds sharply and I've never been more thankful to have on fake ears.
br />   We're not gonna make a habit of this. Don't worry.

  With the noise working as a perfect cover, I kick the vent screen, and drop to my feet. Swiftly I maneuver my way around the room, taking directions from Destin who leads me out a side door that leaks right to the impound lot. Relieved there's still hope on the horizon I make a move for the car that has yet to be hooked up, but am forced to trap myself back against the wall.


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