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Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Xavier Neal

  “Triple D! I need you!” I sharply whisper watching the tow truck man stroll away with his keys.

  “Little busy,” his voice sings out of breath.

  Madden growls, “What's the problem now?”

  Staring at the sight in disbelief I sigh, “I'm blocked in.”

  “What?!” Echoes through my ears.

  Don't you scream too. I've got enough of it.

  “The tow truck is blocking the exit. The only fucking exit. I need it moved.”

  “Mad Man,” Drew calls to him.

  “Can't make it there in time. I'm headed for my assigned location as we speak.”

  The Devil is still watching and listening until I ditch this fucking hat. Soon. Very soon.

  “I'm on it,” Knox volunteers.

  Perplexed, my oldest brother questions, “You can hot wire a tow truck?”

  “I can hot wire a lot of shit, Madden,” she assures cockily.

  Now's not a good time to flirt. Just saying...And you're worried about me not being able to stay focused.

  Thankfully moments later, Knox is coming around the corner, giving me my cue to get in and ready. Quickly I rush across the lot to where the gorgeous black and red Bugatti Veyron is waiting for me.

  “Daddy's home,” I coo to her.

  “Ugh,” Knox gags in the earpiece. “Don't talk to her like that.”

  “Jealous no one talks to you like that?” Drew chuckles as I hit the alarm and slide inside the second most amazing thing I have in my entire life.

  Do you really have to ask what the first is?

  Stroking the wheel gently, I plead, “I need you to behave. We have a girl to save.” I start her up and the purr she gives in response let's me know she's on my side. Part of me hates having to take her to a dick like The Devil, but what's done is done.

  While waiting for Knox to get the tow truck started, I start picking at the false goatee.

  It's gotta go. I look like something out of a 1990s bad cop movie.

  As soon as Knox starts to pull the tow truck out of the way, Destin announces, “We've got the fire department on the scene. Knox box 'em in on your left then get the fuck out of there. Ghost take a right, hit another sharp right, and haul ass. I repeat, haul ass.”

  We do as we're told, pulling it off flawlessly. His directions bring me to an area I'm familiar with.

  Very familiar with considering the fact I had to ditch her here before.

  Pulling up alongside the private parking garage, I'm pleased to see Shelby waiting for me. Quickly I yank off the hat, use a little of the removal oil that's been in my pocket, and peal off all the added features. Once I'm done I toss them in the bag along with the button up cop shirt. She exchanges me a bullet proof vest to slip on, my signature hat, and a pair of shoes I can actually fucking drive in.

  More importantly run in. Believe me. I'm gonna be doing a lot of that.

  I don't take any more time than I need to make the exchange and peel off onto the access rode leaving her to dispose of the contents of the bag.

  With The Devil no longer in direct contact with the situation, I ask, “Triple D. You on location?”

  “In route,” Daniel replies quickly. “Turns out cops really do like donuts.”

  Drew sighs. “Do we wanna know?”

  “Probably not,” he laughs mischievously. “Is the call clear?”

  “Like a diamond,” Destin responds. “Told The Devil you were headed for him.”

  “Madden?” I question shifting gears as I ease onto the highway.

  “Minutes from location. I'm taking east. Triple D you take west.”

  “Got it,” Daniel confirms. “How we lookin' D?”

  “You two are in the clear. Red and Blue on your left Ghost.”

  Instantly I cut him a glance, which is when he spots me.

  Not. A. Good. Time.

  Flooring it, the engine growls fiercely launching me forward. With trust that Triple D is handling this situation, I weave around cars, his flashing lights so far in the distance I'm tempted to call it clear.

  I know better than that. I'm not a fucking idiot.

  “Drop back and slide,” Destin instructs.

  Immediately I cut over three lanes and ease down my speed. Side by side with an 18 wheeler I use it to hide me as the cop speeds ahead, cars moving out of his way. Once he's ahead, I cut over behind the 18 wheeler to stay out of sight.

  Slick right?

  “He's calling for back up,” Destin announces. “Says he can't identify the model of the vehicle, but it is black and red heading west. Use the next exit and we'll take the neighbor roads to get you onto the back highways.”

  I do as I'm told getting out of the heat of the situation before I can be spotted again. He leads me through the run down neighborhoods and down far roads while Drew gives us up to date information on the cops who are running around with their heads cut off because their computer systems are down at the station with no way of knowing where the car escaped too.

  “On location,” Madden states. “Triple D, you're gonna need to go in cold.”

  “How cold?” Daniel replies.


  “Fuck. I hate running,” he grumbles.

  “As many hot dogs as you downed yesterday, I think you're body needs it,” Knox's voice giggles.

  “Don't you have cops to be seducing?”

  “Done,” she hums back. “Do you need me on location?”

  “No,” Madden answers. “Get back to the shop.”


  “No fucking buts, Knox. I want you safe as fucking possible.”

  The moment of honesty from him takes us by surprise.

  Never heard him concerned about her before. Sure we've all seen the subtle ways, but he's never been that vocal. He's always been determined that she can take care of herself. That she's fine. Why isn't she this time? What is it about this situation that makes him have that kind of fear? Huh. Maybe you're right. Maybe he doesn't wanna have to go through what I am.

  “Fine,” she stubbornly answers. “Triple D I'm headed home.”

  “Bring her in quiet. We've got enough sirens passing by that we don't need any further attention.”

  “Got it.” After a brief pause she says, “Ghost?”

  “Yeah?” I answer spotting the start of The Devil's compound in the distance.

  “Bring her home.”

  “You're damn right I will...” A very long breath comes out of me. “Triple D, stop the scramble.”

  “Don't,” Madden argues.

  Why am I not surprised?

  “Stop it.”

  “No,” my brother fights. “Don't you fucking dare.”


  He whispers, most likely in movement towards his location to check. “You're not going to jail.”

  “If Destin doesn't turn it on, I've got a back up plan for Vinnie to. Why else do you think I wanted Hayli with him?” When Madden doesn't say anything I add, “If I don't turn that on and they don't come to arrest me or The Devil, we're all dead Madden. The Devil will keep hunting and toying with us like zoo projects and The Commissioner knows who I am, so there's no where I can run or hide. Besides, I don't wanna spend my life like that. I wanna say goodbye to my girl and at least end up somewhere that maybe 40 years from now I might get to see her again.” Swallowing the tears I've worked up I repeat, “Stop the scramble.”

  There's a heavy sigh, but Destin eventually says, “It's off.”

  I meant every word of that. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna spend my life running either. If the safest place for me is in police custody, if that's the only chance I have at seeing Jovi again, then I'll consider it the biggest blessing yet. In case I don't get to say it later...thanks for everything.


  Feeling a little light headed and woozy, I struggle to open my eyes through the pain of my throbbing skull.

  What have I been doing lately? Drinking with Hayli has never been this hard on m
e before. What is she slipping me? Shots of whiskey? Whiskey mixed with tequila?

  “Ah...” A man's face leans into mine. “You're waking up. Perfect. Just in time too.”

  I try to move my head around and observe where exactly I am or at least some clue to who he is.

  “Help her up,” he says to someone.

  Suddenly an arm jerks me up and panic sets in.

  What the hell is happening? Where the hell am I? How did I get here?

  As I'm dragged out of the bedroom behind the man's whose face isn't registering, I give the room that's covered in vintage décor another look, the bare basics of it not ringing any bells.

  Help! Help me remember!

  Down the long hallway I notice the photos on the wall trying to paint the picture to mind. Trying to force it to stick or at least ring a previous rung bell. We arrive in the living room where the guy manhandling me shoves me on the couch and removes a gun from it's holster. Immediately a sharp breath comes from me and the man wearing a suit turns my direction.

  “Don't worry. The bullets aren't for you. They're for your fiance.” Another gasp comes from me, which makes him smile. “If it makes you feel better. You're the reason he's about to die.”

  How does that make me feel better? How is that better at all? And why? What did I do to get here? Why can't I remember anything? Why...why are you looking at me?

  “You racking your brain is giving me a headache,” the man without the gun groans. “Let me fill in the blanks. You don't remember anything because of the combination of drugs I've been giving you. Sedatives to keep you asleep most of the time I've had you. Memory erasers to wipe out recent ones. Oh and of course a slight hallucinogen so you're never really sure if what you're seeing is actually happening or made up.”

  What kind of person does this? God I hope Merrick kills him. Wait, is that wrong? Is that wrong to wish someone as shitty as him were to be removed from this world? I think that's a damn good use of a wish.

  Suddenly from around the corner a face I'm not sure how long it's been since I've seen appears. Relief and hope floods through me even as the sound of the gun cocking tries to strike fear in my heart.

  “The infamous Ghost,” the man in the suit announces as Merrick strolls our way with his hands in the air, while another man with a gun pointed at him walks beside him."Pleasure for you to finally join me. Almost a week late.”

  “Tardy to the party. Shit happens.”

  Unimpressed by the comeback, the tie man says, “Hope your brothers weren't too disappointed when they discovered Jovi wasn't being kept in the other safe houses.”

  Wait. Wait. Wait! Merrick's Ghost? Like the Ghost? Like the one my father's been chasing? Holy shit! What? Well, I'm sorry you know, but this is new information to me! Yes it is! What do you mean I found this out four days ago? There's no way...Right....Drugs....Why do people take that stuff willingly?

  “Better safe than sorry,” Merrick answers with a shrug. His eyes land on me and he sighs, “Baby...”

  “Merrick...” I sniffle. “Are you okay?”

  He nods. “I'm okay. Are you?”

  Once I nod he offers me a smile, which seems to annoy the man in the suit. “She's alive and if you'd like to keep her that way you will give me my key now.”

  “Let Jovi go first,” Merrick instructs.

  “No,” the suit man states. “You don't get to make demands. You are in no fucking position. I could have them shoot you and take the key from your cold dead hands. I'm trying to be kind.”

  Merrick wets his lips and eyeballs me again. Slowly he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key. Preparing to hand it over, he says, “Let her go now.”

  The man tilts his head at the guard who yanks me up and starts escorting me out of the room. We pass by close enough to Merrick that I hear him whisper, “I love you Jovi.”

  Nodding I whisper it back, “I love you too.”

  I'm dragged a little further at the same time the man with the gun pointed at Merrick cocks it.

  He can't die! He just can't!

  Something inside of me snaps and I turn around. Thoughtlessly, I tackle the man holding the gun at Merrick, knocking him on his side, causing the skittering weapon to fire as it travels across the wooden floor. Suddenly there's gun shots ringing around the room, sounds of things breaking, and my body being pulled away. At first I struggle against the grip until I realize it's Merrick. Thankful, I let him lead me the direction he wants us to go. The two of us open the door in the hall I came through and end up in a dark space that can only be a closet.

  Merrick pulls me into his arms gripping me so tightly I'm not sure I can breathe.

  I'm not sure I wanna breathe. I'm not sure I need anything other than him.

  “God I missed you,” he whispers into my ear. “Fuck, I'm so sorry baby. So fucking sorry.”

  Digging my nails tightly into his back I softly sob, “Thank you for saving me. Oh my God. Thank you.”

  “Shhh,” he softly insists. “I'm gonna get you out of here I promise.”

  The gun shots seem to have faded, which is when Merrick pulls apart from me, moves around from the sound his pants make, and cracks the door open letting in the tiniest amount of light. Noticing the gun in his clutches causes my hand to fly over my mouth to keep the shock in.

  After a moment, he grabs my free hand with his, and cautiously leads us back into the hallway. He gently touches the gun to his lips telling me to stay quiet.

  No fucking problem here. You stay quiet too...

  “Good.” Pause. “Empty nest?” Another pause. “Thank fuck.”

  Do you see someone I don't?

  “Where do I go?” he whispers, but I'm not real sure to who.

  Seriously. Who is he talking to?

  “This way,” Merrick insists, crossing the hallway to the door opposite of the one we were just in.

  We lock the door behind us in the bedroom, go towards the back, and open a door that leads to a joining suite bathroom. Crossing to the adjacent room, Merrick opens the door carefully, prepared to fire if necessary.

  Not sure I can handle witnessing someone actually being killed. Being kidnapped is horrible enough. Geez, can you believe it? I've been kidnapped! And now rescued...well, almost rescued. Merrick's gonna save me. We both know it.

  In this bedroom, we immediately head for the bed. With a strong push Merrick moves it to the side revealing a handle on the floor. Pulling it up, reveals a staircase for us to take down.

  Curious I whisper, “Where are we headed?”

  “This leads to his garage,” Merrick replies.

  Taking the spiral steps towards the bottom, we move cautious as well as quickly. At the end of the stairs, we walk down a short hall, ending up on the other side of an elevator. The area has cars lined up on both sides, is slightly dim and as far as I can see, empty other than the two of us. After giving the room one final glance, Merrick finally turns around and pulls me into him again. My arms fly around him in return, holding him close, eyes shutting in gratitude.

  His lips find their way to mine as his gun free hand grips the back of my neck. Our tongues link together, desperate to never let go of one another again. Furiously they move around, fighting over who missed the other more. Breath after breath seems to disappear as we become submerged in emotions so dense, how either of us manage to move is a mystery.

  Our mouths part harshly and he demands, “I need you to listen to me Jovi and do exactly what I say.” Instantly I nod. “You're gonna get in one of these cars and drive off the property.”

  Baffled I barely manage to question, “What?”

  “Straight back. You're gonna get in it and drive straight back-”

  “I can't drive that well!”

  “It doesn't matter, baby.” Suddenly there's a sound like we're no longer alone. In a lower voice he says, “The cops will meet you before you get too far.”

  “Why can't I just run?”

  “It's faster and safer for you to
drive. Now stop arguing with me,” he demands. “Take the Aston Martin-”

  “The what?”

  “The black one on the end, on the left side.”


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