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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

Page 13

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

There was movement on the bed, and a second later Claudia was being dragged from the headboard to the bed’s edge. Claudia tossed a glance over her shoulder in time to see Jaden ripped a foiled package with his teeth. Seconds later, a profound intrusion stretched her wide plummeting to perilous depths.

  Her mouth fell open as a wounded wail left her vocal cords. She attempted to move, and Jaden laid a rough hand around her waist.

  “Nah,” he said, his voice laced with venom. “You don’t get to run.” He buried himself inside her. Claudia’s ass now at the base of his pelvis. She didn’t move for fear her death would come quickly. She barely even breathed. Jaden reached forward bending slightly over her making his intrusion even more detrimental. His powerful hand tightened around her throat pulling her back on her knees. Claudia’s breath was labored, and her pulse beat out of control. With her back now against his chest, Jaden placed his lips to her ear trailing the lobe with his tongue.

  “Are you scared, chérie?”

  Gathering her strength, Claudia drew in a shuddered breath. Instead of giving him a direct answer, she opted to play with her life.

  “Why should I be, Jaden? It’s not like you’re going to murder meeeee!”

  Stars were dancing around her vision as Jaden pulled out of her slippery folds only to drive back inside her with barely restrained barbarism. His grip tightened around her neck and with his other hand he smacked her bottom and Claudia tumbled forward.

  She moaned, and her toes curled as he tunneled in and out of her; their momentum increasing by the second. Before long, Claudia’s moans turned into shouts. Sounds of skin slapping against skin penetrated the room. The hold on her throat became dangerous, but the sensation coupled with Jaden’s savagery felt so incredible Claudia didn’t care if she passed out.

  Recognizing his strength, Jaden loosened his grip just a bit, but it didn’t stop the headboard from knocking against the wall.

  “Is this what you wanted, Claudia?”

  Claudia couldn’t put together a word let alone a complete sentence. A whimper fell from her lips, and Jaden’s temerarious speed increased.

  “Aaaaaah! Jaden! Jaden!”

  He released her neck, and his fingers dug into her waist. While Claudia tried to scurry, he held on firm lifting the bottom half of her in the air giving her every wicked inch she’d asked for.

  “Do you want me to stop, chérie?”

  More whimpering fell from Claudia’s lips as she became more delirious by the second. When his question went without a response, Jaden crawled onto the bed while pumping into her shaken body. Claudia’s knees never touched the bed as he hoisted them around his waist. Jaden’s mouth kissed up her back as he dug into her vagina sending an orgasm shooting through Claudia’s core. She screamed and mumbled something unintelligible as her head sunk into the bed. His teeth bore into her shoulder, and a rumble left his throat.

  “See what you did?” he said. “I wanted to show you, Claudia. Show you that you mean more to me than just a summer fling. I tried to show you, that our connection goes beyond a sexual encounter. But you wouldn’t hear it, would you?”

  Jaden continued to rock into her sending spasms on a sprint that shook them both.

  “Fuck!” he yelled. “You wanted the monster inside of me; you got it.”

  Rising to his knees, Jaden’s notorious hands gripped Claudia’s ass spreading her cheeks even further. Claudia shrieked and came again, convulsions racking her body violently. She was unable to warn him. She was unable to do anything but take the beat down she’d asked for. Jaden dipped and dug his stringent erection; knocking down her walls demolition style. A choked sob, left Claudia and she shut her eyes tight as tears streamed down her face.

  Mistaken her tears as a sign of pain, Jaden removed himself instantly and coupled her in his arms.

  “Come here,” he whispered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He kissed her closed lids then her cheeks. “Talk to me, baby.” With a hand, Jaden massaged her inner thigh and Claudia trembled in his embrace.

  Her tears didn’t derive from pain but the beautiful ravishing of his love making united with the words he’d spoken.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Jaden was confused by her question. “Elaborate, chérie.”

  “You said what we have goes past a sexual encounter. Why would you want more than that with me?”

  Baffled, Jaden continued to stroke her thighs. “Open your eyes.”

  But Claudia didn’t want to look at him and see the disgrace that would surely show on his face. She turned away and buried her face in the down feathered pillow. “I don’t deserve you, Jaden, not in any way except this one.”

  Stunned by her confession, Jaden quickly turned her to face him lifting her chin. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?”

  Claudia sighed, her insecurities and sour attitude had ruined the mood. “I’m sorry, just forget everything I said,” Claudia attempted to straddle him, “Let me return the favor.” She pulled to her knees.

  Jaden placed a firm hand over hers. “You can’t say something like that and ask me to forget about it. I need to know, what is this about?”

  “Please, Jaden don’t let me ruin the mood further, I just want to make you feel as good as you’ve made me feel.”

  Claudia struggled to mount him, but Jaden held firm.


  Claudia’s movements stilled, and her eyes met his.

  “Talk to me. What is this about?”

  Claudia sighed and sank to the side of him. Her heart beat fast, and she covered her face with her hands. Gently, Jaden removed them, and again her eyes met his.

  “I grew up on the opposite side of the tracks, Jaden. I was always in trouble, sometimes in and out of juvenile. With the solid reputation your family has, I just don’t fit. I guess what I’m trying to say is, a man of your stature doesn’t date women like me. Sex, sure, but a relationship?” Claudia twisted her lips.

  Jaden pulled Claudia closer. “You need to know, first, that I am not superior to you.” Claudia turned her face away, and Jaden turned it back. “Do you understand me? I don’t ever want to hear you speak like you’re beneath me just because your path in life was different than mine or anyone else’s. You are beneath no one.” His gaze bore into her. “Secondly, I don’t give a damn what men of my stature, as you put it, tend to do. I am my own man, Claudia. Anyone would be lucky to claim you as their own. And it’s a shame that I beat them to the punch because you’re mine now.”

  Jaden dragged her on top of him; cloaking his mouth with hers. Claudia moaned into his lips as tingles spread up her spine. She’d heard everything he said, and now Claudia wanted more than ever to reconnect with him. More tears ran down her face, and Jaden kissed them all away. Effortlessly, Claudia slid on top of him easing down on his semi erect shaft as a mix of love and euphoria took over her. Jaden cursed as the warmth of her juices showered him and his fingers crawled up her neck into her curly tendrils. Claudia moved slowly at first, but her flow became bolder, and she braced her palms against his rugged chest.

  Her mouth fell open as he grew harder, longer, and his girth widened inside her, “Oh my God, you feel so good,” she panted.

  Jaden pulled her down to meet his lips, and he devoured her mouth. His hands dug into her waist moving her hips faster, plunging in and out of her tight vagina.

  Claudia’s head fell back, and her nails dug into his flesh. Her moans turned into jumbled mumbles, and although she was on top, it was he that rocked her boat. In a smooth flip, Jaden was on top of her with Claudia’s legs stretched against his biceps.

  “Aaaah my God,” she moaned. “You are so incredible…”

  Jaden’s lips kissed along her belly; his teeth, digging into her skin. Claudia had never had sex like this before. Usually, teeth were a turn off for her. But Jaden only made her feel divine and every time his pearly white fangs gripped her, the wetter she became. A dizzy spell fell over her and Claudia knew this next or
gasm would be her undoing.

  Jaden’s proficient tongue pulled against her bruised lips, and she opened her mouth to him in a scolding kiss.

  “Mmmmm,” Claudia moaned.

  Jaden’s mouth was abrasive and elaborate; combing back down her body with worship like it was his religious duty. Claudia’s body vibrated, and Jaden roped his muscled arms around her possessively.

  “Come with me, chérie.”

  A strangled scream left Claudia as they soared together; pants and moans, murmurs of gratitude and praise falling from their lips. The convulsions were plenty, leaving their bodies flanked with tingles. Jaden rolled to the side of her turning Claudia with him. They were still connected since neither of them wanted to part just yet.

  “That was,” Claudia panted, “Sensational. Where have you been all of my life?”

  A husky laugh cajoled from his lips. “I could ask you the same, chérie.”

  Claudia snuggled closer although they were practically wall to wall. I love you. She gasped and covered her mouth, thinking she’d spoken the words out loud.

  Jaden eyed her carefully, his brows furrowed. “What is it?”

  Claudia sighed a huge relief after realizing she had indeed thought the words and not spoken them. “Oh nothing, I was mistaken.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, trust me, everything is fine.”

  He kissed her forehead and Claudia thought about what a colossal mistake it would’ve been to say those forbidden words. Yes, Jaden said she was all his, but that didn’t mean love.

  Claudia had questions that needed answers but now was not the time to go into a conversation about them. So she shut her eyes to drown out her thoughts, hoping that tomorrow morning he would still be lying next to her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The rise of the early morning sun pulled Jaden out of his slumber. Bare smooth shoulders rested against his lips and warmth curled within his abdomen from Claudia’s heated skin. He was naked and so was she, lying cocooned in his arms. The covers were draped across their waist as the rest of them lay on full display. Soft snores rang out like saccharine tones and a plush bottom arched into Jaden’s pelvis causing his manhood to leap. Jaden moved his lips slightly down Claudia’s shoulders to the back of her neck. A soft moan escaped her before her snores returned.

  Last night, their lovemaking had gone particularly unusual. For Jaden, sex had always been the means to a sweet release, and he’d reciprocated that to his lover. But what he’d experienced last night with Claudia was something more. He’d told her she was his and those words he meant, but he almost didn’t know how to go about making that a fact.

  It had never been in his interest to claim anyone. That woman would come before anything or anyone in his life; much like his father did his mother. Looking down at Claudia now, a solid tug pulled at his heartstrings. She was the humblest person he knew. It still shocked him that she felt unworthy. Of what, he was still trying to figure out. Jaden intended to show her otherwise every moment they were together.

  The many late nights of telephone conversations had revealed that Claudia’s relationships with men were rocky in the past. And she never spoke of her father. Jaden was determined to get down to the bottom of her lowly thoughts, and if Adeline or Desiree had anything to do with it, he would set them straight. Especially, if they would become future family. Jaden’s head jerked back, that last thought dinging like an alarm inside his head. Family? He pondered on the idea for a moment when Claudia shifted and turned to face him with her eyes still closed.

  Love, adoration, a sense of peace fell over him. Damn, he thought. He loved her. His mind whirled at the heaviness of what that meant. Not only did he love her, he wanted her, forever. But could he do it? Take the actual plunge into marriage? He almost wanted to shake off the heavy-laden thoughts. But then Claudia opened her eyes and a world of images of what could be, snapped through Jaden’s mind before he could reject the idea. Her lips curved into a beautiful smile as the afterglow of love settled on her face.

  “You’re still here…”

  “Where would you rather me be, chérie?”

  Claudia loved the sound of his deep voice.

  “The last time, you were gone.”

  Jaden offered her a lazy grin. “The last time, I was trying to keep my hands to myself.”

  Claudia’s fingers playing with his chin. “And now?”

  “Good luck with getting me to keep away from you.”

  Claudia giggled and kissed the side of his jaw.

  “Would you like to shower with me, I can call up room service, and we’ll have breakfast within the hour,” he offered.

  “I would love that.”

  Jaden’s lips touched her forehead, the bridge of her nose, and finally her mouth. Warm tingles sparked when they touched, making it difficult for either of them to pull away.

  “What would you like to do today?”

  If left up to Claudia they would spend the entire next few days in this bed. She wanted to be totally spent by the time they went back to Chicago.

  “Nothing would please me more than to spend more time in bed with you.”

  A debonair smile cruised across his lips. “Mmmm, I was thinking the same thing.” Claudia giggled, stuffing her head in the nape of his neck.

  Jaden’s hands fiddled up and down her bare back, leaving trails of tingles, sparks, and flames to ravish her completely.

  “You know if we shower, it may take us a minute to get out.”

  “Are you saying you would seduce me in the shower, Claudia?”

  More giggles left her. “Hey, this is what happens when I’m happy and with a man that I adore.”

  Jaden pulled back to gaze at her. “You adore me, Claudia?”

  Lord, she loved when he spoke her name like that. Claudia paused half emboldened and half afraid to tell him how she really felt.


  Her voice was just below a whisper. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” he said.

  Claudia let out a resigned sigh, “Yes, Jaden. I adore you.” She watched him carefully trying to gauge his visual response. His gaze exposed nothing and then, another glorious smile curved up his sexy masculine lips.

  “Does being with me make you happy, chérie?”

  Claudia’s heartbeat sped up, maybe she’d said too much. It wasn’t ideal for her to share her emotions with anyone. Especially him. Her tongue slid across her lips before she spoke, “Yes.” Her head fell from his gaze, and her insecurities were back on display.

  He lifted her chin like he always did when Claudia looked away.

  “There’s no need to be nervous around me, but it’s quite normal to feel cautious.”

  That was easy for him to say, she thought.

  “What about you, Jaden. Are you happy when you’re with me?”

  Jaden squeezed her tighter. “The happiest I’ve been in a long while.”

  Claudia’s heart raced.

  “I’ve never wanted to be with someone so bad, Claudia. What do you think that means?”

  Claudia knew what she wanted it to mean, but still, she wouldn’t speak it.

  “You tell me,” she said wanting to put him on as much of a display as he’d done to her.

  Jaden smirked. “Means I might never let you go.” They eyed one another. “What do you think about that?”

  Claudia put a defiant hand on her hips. “Might?” She huffed and rolled away from him jokingly, and he pulled her back into his arms. Claudia squealed as she continued her getaway but was locked firmly against his chest.

  “You know what I mean woman; there’s no getting away from me now.”

  His mouth kissed behind her lobe and danced down her neck, one graze after the other. Claudia’s getaway paused, and she relaxed, mesmerized by the unadulterated lava that consumed her with his touch.

  “If you keep this up we may not make it to the shower,” Claudia purred.

  “Oh, we’ll make it,” Jaden said. �
�Might not be now, but we will make it.”

  They settled back into each other with Jaden lifting her leg and entering her from the side.

  “Aaaaah,” Claudia moaned arching her back into him.

  Jaden’s teeth bared down on her neck sending a fire exploding through her nerves.

  “Mmmm, that feels so good,” she purred as he thrust in and out of her wet heat.

  “Tell me how good, chérie.”

  Jaden’s hand crept up her bare belly, his fingers circling a hardened nipple.

  “Feels incredible, babe. I want you all the time.”

  “Then you’ll have me,” he promised, tightening his hold on her. Jaden’s thrusts became more volatile as he stroked long and hard. Claudia felt deliciously saturated by his love. The throb between her legs making her tighten her vaginal walls around his hardness.

  “Shit,” he cursed as a ripple of heat covered him. His fingers slid into her hair, and he kissed down the back of her neck. Claudia shivered, opening her legs wider. Jaden bluntly pushed inside her, and a moan clawed from her throat. His even thrusts turned into a full-on plow.

  “Oh my God, baby, baby, baby…”

  “Yes love, tell me what you want.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m going to come.”

  A low, dark laugh left him, and his speed increased.

  “Come for me, chérie.”

  Claudia’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her heart thundered in her chest. Jaden removed himself and dropped down between her legs, lapping her creamy sweetness until there was none left. Claudia had lost her mind. Her body shook so violently; a heart attack was surely on the horizon.

  After Jaden had licked her dry, Claudia lay spent, convulsions still racking her soul.

  “Oh my God, I can’t stop,” she said.

  Jaden rose back to her, enveloping Claudia tightly in his arms. His mouth touched her lips, then neck as Claudia’s trembles slowed. She pulled her eyes to him in awe. A blissful haze washing over her.

  “I can have sex with you for the rest of my life and never regret one second of it,” she said, surprised her lips were moving. “Did I just speak English” she asked, and Jaden roared.


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