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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “No habla Española,” he said, pretending she had indeed spoken another language.

  Claudia gasped, and Jaden fell out laughing again. She swatted him when she remembered she didn’t speak Spanish, either. That didn’t mean his love didn’t make her want to speak another language.

  “I’m just messing with you, chérie.” Jaden pulled himself to his knees and held a hand out to her. “Come, let’s shower.”

  “I can’t feel my legs.”

  Jaden pulled back a sexy grin. Leaning in, he massaged her legs and thighs with his callused hands.

  “How about now?”

  Claudia moaned. “Yessss, just like that.” Her head rolled side to side. Claudia felt spineless under Jaden’s touch. “This is not making me want to get up,” she said.

  “How about, we take a bubble bath instead?”

  “Oh yes, that sounds nice.”

  “I thought you might like that.”

  Moving to his feet, Jaden disappeared into the bathroom but not before Claudia got an eyeful of his tush. She heard the water turn on, and she relaxed further in the sheets. This moment was so blissful it pained her to think of its end. But if her life continued like it always had, all good things came to an end.

  The bubble bath had taken Claudia out. She and Jaden lounged in it for more than an hour with the suds soaking their bones in the calming, heated, claw foot tub. While she slept against Jaden’s chest. He planned the day out in his head. Claudia would love Le Reve, a popular show in Las Vegas. He could see her eyes popping out right now, and it caused him to chuckle.

  Easing out of the tub and gently laying Claudia’s head against the back of it, Jaden strolled to the bedroom and called for room service then set a time for a car service to pick them up from the hotel. When Claudia awakened, Jaden sat to her side with a towel draped over his shoulder.

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “About an hour, give or take.”

  “Feels like half the day.”

  Jaden chuckled. “Almost.”

  Claudia gasped horrified. “Are you kidding?”

  Jaden bent to kiss her lips. “We’re on vacation. You can sleep as long as you want. Surely you need it.”

  “Yeah, but the last thing I want to do is sleep when I’m with you.” Claudia tucked her head and covered her mouth. She was speaking her mind more every minute that passed.

  Jaden smiled. “You talk as if you’ll never spend time with me again, chérie.”

  Claudia decided not to respond. There was no telling what would come out of her mouth next. I love you, she thought. That definitely couldn’t come out. How embarrassed would she be when he would most likely respond with something like thanks?

  “Did you order room service?”

  Jaden took note that she ignored his question. “Yes, if you’re ready to get out of that tub, I’ll feed you, after I dry you off.”

  Claudia lifted a brow. “You mean, figuratively right?”

  Jaden shook his head slowly. “No, I don’t.”

  This was another first for Claudia. If a boyfriend had asked her if he could dry her off before, she would’ve reared her head and shooed him away. But somehow, the thought of Jaden’s forceful hands all over her skin indirectly or otherwise hardened her nipples and sent a thread of heat to her now throbbing sex. Lord have mercy. This man is going to be the death of me, she thought as she pulled herself to a stand.

  Claudia watched him, as he watched the water spill from her shoulders and hips. His eyes trailed along her bare belly, and he licked his lips unknowingly. When his gaze landed on her smooth-shaven mound, Jaden moved, powerless to resist her pink clitoris that stuck out beckoning to be sucked. His mouth covered her pussy, and his tongue dug into her lips.

  Claudia shrieked and buckled, but Jaden caught her before she could descend. She didn’t think she could take another whipping from his talented tongue, but she did. Moaning on the verge of hysteria. Claudia called out to God and begged Jaden for mercy. He’d lifted her, hoisting her on his shoulders as he polished off what had become his regular nourishment.

  “Oh. My. God. I’m coming!”

  And boy did she come, hard and fast. Her brain short circuited, and she was speaking in tongues again. After washing her with a warm towelette, Jaden carried her into the room and laid her on the bed.

  Inside, the room service trays were already present and covered. Claudia closed her eyes for a moment to gain her bearings.

  “Do you need anything?”

  Claudia opened an eye. “Trust me; you’ve given me everything I need at the moment.”

  Jaden chuckled. “Maybe you should put something on your stomach.”

  Claudia sat up seductively. “Mmmm, perhaps you’re right.”

  She moved to sit in front of him pulling his boxer briefs over his toned hips. Jaden eyed her as she took the length of his arousal in her mouth.

  His voice grew gruff. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind but…”

  His words were cut off at the suction of her lips.


  His muscles clenched as Claudia worked up and down his shaft opening her throat to take in the most of him. Jaden gritted his teeth, and his hand dug into her mane. With ease, he directed her and Claudia never gagged once. Her fierce but tender assault had him marveling at her hastiness. And her mouth rained a warm wetness that made him growl like an estranged animal.

  Claudia was enjoying her meal, and she wondered why it had taken her so long to make it to this portion of dinner.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned, sliding her tongue on the firm, slickness of his bone. Her momentum sped up, and more moans left her.

  “Fuck!” Jaden swore. He threw his head back his jaw locking. Claudia sucked him whole, and Jaden’s orgasm fled through his shaft. He attempted to pull away, but Claudia held firm refusing to allow him the bereft he hadn’t given her.

  “Chérie, if you don’t stop I’m going to…” Claudia sucked him deeper, harder, holding him stronger. Jaden could wait no longer. Claudia set off an explosion that coated her mouth in layers.

  “Fuuuuccck!” he yelled stumbling backward. But Claudia was right with him, moving her jaws until he’d weakened and fell to one knee effectively pulling his dick from her mouth. Finally, she moved, her eyes soaking him up.

  He took in a deep breath, his gaze now wildly untamed. “That’s how you want to play it, huh?”

  Jaden reached down and grabbed her roughly, hauling Claudia against a wall pinning her there with his abdomen. Claudia’s heart slammed as he took in her mouth, his hands discovering her all over again. They made love and enjoyed rough nefarious sex for the duration of the day going from one landing to the other. They’d become completely undone, and with each time they came together, their experience heightened into unknown territories.

  They did take a moment to eat and even have light conversation. But for the length of time spent in the room together, their mouths were busy exploring other intricate details that left them both spent.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Over the next few days, Claudia and Jaden had their hands full of each other. Literally, going from one tantalizing show to another. On the gondola ride at the Venetian Shoppes, Claudia had once again fallen asleep in Jaden’s arms. She’d seen ten minutes of the scenery before her eyes closed and she was off in dreamland.

  When it was over, Jaden woke her with a smooth kiss to her lips. Claudia had never felt better. Minutes later, they made it to The Dream live show. Claudia was in awe of the talented actors. They’d put on a wistful presentation of choreography with fire and ice, high dives, and underwater tangos. That part specifically had drawn in Claudia’s attention, and she’d caught Jaden staring at her with a smirk and a wink.

  “I know those hips of yours can tango like that,” he’d whispered in her ear. “I’ve seen first-hand so don’t you dare deny it.”

  Claudia giggled to the moon and back and Jaden had sent nibbles down her ear
lobe and neck. He was driving her insane and every moment being with him was like living a dream.

  Their days had been filled with so much sexual chemistry and fun, sometimes they forgot to eat. As they lay on the blanket stretched across the green grass at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park, the stars shone brightly overhead. Claudia took up space in the place she’d come to love which was right on Jaden’s chest. Reaching over, she plucked a grape out of the bowl she’d packed for their picnic, and turned to lean into him, feeding Jaden the sweet treat. With pleasure, Jaden opened to receive the fruit.

  “This could be my life,” he said.

  “What, me feeding you grapes?”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said.

  Claudia snickered. “Mine, too.”

  She rolled back to her back and sighed, knowing their time in Vegas had come to an end. Tomorrow morning, they were set to go back to the reality of Chicago, where her business, and family awaited. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want to get back to those things. She did, but there was always something that needed immediate attention, especially the benefit she was putting together.

  “What’s on your mind, chérie?”

  Claudia glanced at him then back to the starlit sky. “I went to the bank for a loan for my benefit I’m putting together.”

  “Oh yeah, how’d that go?”

  “They denied me.”

  Jaden frowned. “What was their reason for denying you?”

  “It seems I don’t have the assets to gain a substantial loan from them. However, they told me I could use my part of S&M financial advisory as collateral, but I would never do that. So, they told me I was on my own. It’s a real shame, too. There are so many caregivers in the city of Chicago alone that go without the resources they need.”

  Claudia frowned. “I almost told the bank manager to kiss my ass.”

  This brought on a heavy chortle from Jaden. Claudia looked at him. “I did.” She shrugged.

  “Don’t worry about it, chérie, I’d be more than happy to help you out.”

  Claudia’s eyes bugged, and she rose to her elbows. “How could you? You don’t even know how much I need to make this thing come to fruition.”

  “Whatever it is, I’ve got you.”

  “Why because I put it on you like this?” Claudia did a little wiggle with her hips.

  Jaden rolled to the side and howled. Claudia laughed as she continued to shake her hips. Jaden’s laughter slowly subsided, and he threw his arms around her.

  “That’s not the reason,” he said with humor still in his voice.

  “Mmhmm, then what’s the reason?”

  Jaden’s hold tightened. “Because you’re a beautiful person. Here…” he pointed to her heart. “Inside and out. I’ve watched you handle your business, care for your mother, help out others, all while neglecting yourself. Even now, this benefit you’re putting together is selfless. So I’m taking a page from your book. My selfless act, giving you the funds needed to secure the spot for your benefit and anything else. I also have a few clients to reach out to that wouldn’t mind donating. It would be my honor to help you, chérie. If you’ll allow it.”

  “Under one condition,” she said giggling at the wry look on his face. “You’ll let me pay you back.”


  Claudia gasped. “What do you mean no? That’s the terms or all bets are off.”

  Jaden held her with a pensive stare.

  “What?” she said.

  “You’re not paying me back, AND, you’re taking my money. Now hush woman. I’ll hear nothing else about it.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable taking your money, Jaden.”

  Jaden was almost at a loss for words. “I think that’s the first time I’ve heard that coming from a woman.”

  Claudia snickered. “Well I’m sure I’m not the type of woman you’re accustomed to.”

  That much was true, he thought.

  “I can’t take your money. We’re friends, and friends pay each other back.”

  “What if we were more than friends, then would you need to pay me back?”

  Claudia peered at him her heart racing. “We’re not, so what’s the point in imagining?”

  “Chérie,” Jaden gave her complete eye contact. “We are more than friends.”

  Claudia’s gaze fell from his eyes to his moist lips and back up again.

  “I’m making you my girlfriend. Now you can’t give the money back.”

  Claudia gasped a sultry laughing escaping her. “Excuse me,” she feigned offense. “You can’t just make me your girlfriend. You have to ask, and besides, who says I’m not seeing someone already?”

  Jaden’s jaw clenched, and his pupils darkened. Surely, she wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone the way they’d made love the last few days. Images of Claudia with someone else attacked Jaden’s mind and steam poured from his ears. Claudia watched him intently, and if she didn’t know any better, she would’ve sworn she’d seen him transform right in front of her eyes.


  “Are you seeing anyone, Claudia?”

  A few seconds ticked by. “I have other male friends, but no, I’m not seeing anyone exclusively.”

  “We’ll you are now, and we’ll make sure to get rid of those friends.”

  Claudia’s eyes widened, at the same time her heart soared. Before she could respond Jaden spoke again. “Will you be my girlfriend, Claudia?”

  Claudia folded her arms regardless of the fact she was secretly in love with him. She needed to put up a tough front. If there was anything she learned growing up in Chicago, it was not to give in too quickly.

  “You look like you want to put up a fight,” Jaden said. “Maybe I should rephrase my words. Would you be interested in being in a relationship with me, chérie?”

  Claudia’s heart warmed, and she forced herself not to shout hell yeah. Instead, she thought about her life and still considered herself a nobody when compared to the women he’d dated before.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Of course, I am.” He pulled her closer. “I want to be with you. Tell me you want to be with me, too.”

  Claudia was apprehensive. Things like this didn’t happen to her. She wasn’t the girl that got the guy at the end of the day. She held back from pinching herself to save herself the embarrassment.

  Her unresponsiveness twisted Jaden’s gut. “There’s someone else, isn’t there?”

  “No,” she quickly spoke up. “It’s not that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  A smile crossed her lips, “Nothing,” she dipped her head low then looked back into his eyes. “I’d love to be your,” she paused, “girlfriend, Jaden.”

  His eyes twinkled, and a smile laced with mischief graced his masculine face. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  “No, what?”

  “We have to celebrate.” He drew her in. His gruff voice whispered, “All… night… long…”

  When Jaden and Claudia made it back to Chicago, Claudia had him drop her off at S&M Financial Advisory.

  “Can I bother you for lunch?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  Jaden leaned in for a kiss and Claudia met him halfway.

  “Your lips are always a delicious treat for me,” he said.

  Claudia blushed. “That’s good to know,” she winked.

  His cell phone buzzed, and they both glanced down to the middle console where it sat. Cassie’s face covered the screen, and Jaden silenced the phone.

  “Do you need to get that?”

  “It’s not important.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you at one, then.”

  Jaden exited his vehicle, and Claudia watched his long strides carry him around to the passenger door. Upon opening, he held out his hand, and she delightfully took it. “I’ll see you at one, chérie.”

  He left a kiss on her cheek and waited until she disappeared inside the building before reclaiming his seat and pulling away.
  Claudia was on cloud nine. She pretty much skipped her way inside the building. The way she was feeling, Claudia could’ve taken the stairs two at a time. But she waited patiently with a smile on her face for the elevator doors to open.

  It was nine a.m., and Claudia had gotten a little nap on their flight from Vegas to Chicago. When the doors opened, she stepped in.

  “Hold the doors, please!”

  Octavia ran down the hallway and glided into the elevator just as the doors shut. “Right on time,” Claudia said.

  Octavia blew out a breath. “Barely. It seemed as if it was one thing after another this morning.”

  “What happened?”

  “For starters, my toilet clogged and it wasn’t something I could fix with a simple plunger. I had to call a plumber. What’s worst is, you know that early morning pee is a must, girl I had to run to my neighbor’s house. You should’ve seen the way she scowled at me when I asked to use her bathroom. Like I’d woke her up… standing there with rollers in her head and a crooked nightgown. Maybe if she got a job like regular folks, she wouldn’t be so bothered with getting up so early.”

  Claudia laughed.

  “I’m standing there bouncing up and down. Damn near had piss running down my leg.”

  “Oh my God! That’s too much information!”

  “Well,” Octavia said shrugging, “It might be, but I had to give you that tidbit so you could feel my whole story.”

  The elevator doors dinged and parted. The ladies strutted into the office building headed straight for the café machine.

  “That ain’t even the half of it; then my car didn’t start,” Octavia shook her head. “I had to take an Uber to work. That’s why I’m running through the doors late.”

  “Hey, I know something about that,” Claudia added. “My car is in the shop right now, but I need to go pick it up. Should be fixed by now, but the mechanic hasn’t called.”

  “Maybe someone could call if you’d had your phone on,” came a voice behind Claudia.

  A smile fell across her face as she turned to Samiyah.

  “But I’m not mad at you though, we all can’t be out falling in love like somebody I know.”

  Claudia tossed her head back and laughed. “Maybe that’s because you’ve already done that.”


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