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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  More weeks went by with Claudia ducking and dodging Jaden’s phone calls. There weren’t many of them, but when they came in, her nerves would stand on edge, and she’d talk herself into not answering.

  “You’re a strong woman. You don’t need a man to complete you. Don’t let him break through. You’ve got this. Just let it go. Move on.”

  This was her daily mantra depending on how many times Jaden called her in a day. However, Claudia had thrown herself into work. Coming in as early as six in the morning and leaving as late as eight o’clock at night. She’d taken her sister’s advice and hired a part time caregiver for Adeline since Claudia wasn’t there most of the time.

  Stepping over the threshold of their home, Claudia could smell food cooking. Lifting her nose to the air, Claudia frowned. She knew Adeline wasn’t cooking this late, so who was? Making her way around the corner to the kitchen came with a surprising sight. London, her part time caregiver, stood next to the counter, and Adeline sat across from her. Both of them watched Jaden as he chopped vegetables like a skilled chef. Whatever he was cooking smelled delightful and it reminded Claudia that she hadn’t eaten since lunch.

  Lingering in the doorway, watching them, felt like invading on their personal lives. They appeared to be a mini family with Adeline gushing at Jaden’s fast chopping skills and London smitten with his charm. Claudia rolled her eyes. Who could blame the girl? Jaden had that effect on most women. It didn’t take longer than thirty seconds before he glanced up, his eyes meeting hers. A smile spread across his lips.

  “Good evening, chérie.” He glanced over at the clock on the wall noting the late time. “Long day at the office?”

  Everyone turned to Claudia.

  “Ms. Stevens,” London said traipsing over to her. “I hope you don’t mind, Jaden wanted to wait for you about something important, so I figured…”

  “That you’d let a complete stranger into my house?”

  Jaden bristled, and his jaw clenched.

  “Your house?” Adeline squawked. “I thought this was our home and I let Jaden in, not London. He’s no stranger, what’s gotten into you?”

  “He’s a stranger to London, and since she’s in charge when I’m not here, then she’s responsible for letting him in.”

  “You’re right, I apologize. I didn’t think you would have a problem with it,” London said.


  London blubbered out a response. “Well, at first I was going to tell him, no, but Adeline said it was okay, so…”

  “Get your things. Your service is no longer needed here.”

  London gasped.

  “Claudia!” Adeline screeched.

  “Leave now,” Claudia continued.

  “Yes, ma’am.” London flew past Claudia in a rush to relieve herself from the embarrassment she felt.

  “You can’t do that! She didn’t do anything wrong!” Adeline fussed.

  “I just did.”

  “You know your attitude lately has been pretty nasty. What? Are you on your period or something!?!”

  Jaden laid a gentle hand on Adeline’s shoulder and removed his apron. Adeline set her sights on him just as she went to fuss at Claudia more.

  “Let me talk to her.”

  Adeline huffed, pulling herself to her feet and grabbing her walker. She trudged past Claudia with a glare on her face mumbling underneath her breath. When Jaden and Claudia were the only ones in the room, his penetrating gaze soaked her up. Claudia, determined to be strong, didn’t squirm visibly under his intense scrutiny, willing herself to hold firm.

  “I seem to have upset you unwillingly.”

  He took a few steps toward her and Claudia wanted like all hell to retreat. But she held steady and said nothing. With him standing mere inches in front of her, Jaden went on. “You don’t have to fire London, she’s good with Adeline, and Adeline likes her company.” He reached out to Claudia, and she flinched.

  “How would you know? Are you and London involved, too?”

  Jaden’s brows furrowed. “Involved, too?”

  He rubbed his chin; a questionable look on his face.

  “I don’t know her, but I’ve seen her with your mom tonight, and they get along well.” He reached out for her again, and this time she allowed him to pull her in. “The only person I’m supposed to be involved with, is you, chérie. But lately I’m not sure if that’s the case since you’ve been ignoring my calls.” He held her with a steady gaze. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

  Claudia was losing her resolve, and she needed to get his hands off of her before he could melt the iceberg that stood in front of them.

  “You should cut your losses now, Jaden. There’s no need for you to stick around and pretend you’re interested in dating me. I’m giving you an out. Now, you and Cassie can date without me finding out through paparazzi.” She took a step out of his arms.

  Jaden’s brows rose, and he cursed. “It’s not what it looks like. Paparazzi take pictures of me with anyone.”

  “Then they must be selective because I’ve only seen you and her in the newspaper, coming out of Jaspers when we were supposed to have a lunch date. Then there was that picture of you two at the studio dancing in front of a crowd. I think the headline said,” Claudia held her head in thought, “Oh yes,” she snapped her fingers, “Love on the horizon. That’s it. Not to mention one of you leaving her home after you’d told me you’d had a long day.”

  “You have valid points. If you’ll just let me explain.”

  Claudia waved him off. “I don’t need an explanation. I get it. Relationships aren’t your thing, so I’ll let you off the hook. At this point in my life, it doesn’t matter. It seems every man I’ve ever loved abandons me anyway. Why would you be any different?”

  A fresh mist of tears blurred Claudia’s vision, and she backed away, fleeing down the hall desperately trying to get away from him. When she stepped inside her room, immediately she realized her mistake.

  Strong arms enveloped her as a sob escaped her throat. Damn, she didn’t want to cry in front of him. The last thing she wanted was him feeling sorry for her. His lips found her ears, and he spoke.

  “There is no way I’m letting you run away from this relationship. I am not seeing Cassie. She is a client. Me being at her studio had everything to do with helping the neighborhood kids and nothing to do with a romantic involvement with her. I would never cheat on my woman. You have to believe me.”

  Claudia fought to get away from him, denying herself the reassurance that he gave. Jaden knew the subject of Cassie was an issue and he was sure Claudia’s comment about men she loved abandoning her was more so about her father. He felt entirely responsible for not digging into the conversation sooner, and he hated to know her tears stemmed from something he’d done.

  “I can’t do this, Jaden,” Claudia whispered hoarsely.

  “Yes, you can.” He turned her to face him. “You love me?”

  Claudia’s tear stained eyes widen. “Wha-what?

  “You said, the men that you love… Do you love me, Claudia?”

  Claudia’s heart melted. She had slipped and said that.

  “Forget I said it, I didn’t mean… I…”

  “You didn’t mean it?”

  Claudia darted her attention away from him, “Jaden, please just go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You know why? Because I’ve done nothing wrong. So, we’ve gone days without seeing each other. Sometimes both of our schedules are busy, but I’m with you. No one else. I don’t want to be with anyone else. I can change my schedule, it’s not a problem, and I won’t see Cassie anymore. It is my fault for letting things get as bad as they have and for that, I apologize.”

  He placed a soft kiss on her face, nose, and closed eyelids. Claudia thawed under his warmth. “I can’t, Jaden.” She shook her head as sadness weighed her down. “I’m no good for you or anyone else. I’m damaged beyond repair. I won’t stop you from going about your life. I’m sorry we ev
er got involved.”

  Jaden’s jaw tightened. “You don’t mean that.”

  Claudia shook her head vehemently. “Yes I do.” She struggled to get out of his arms.

  “Claudia,” he said holding on to her as if his life depended on it.

  “Let me go, Jaden.”


  She pushed herself through his barrier, and he released her. Her feet back pedaled, and he stalked her with each step she took. When her back hit the wall next to a dresser she held her arms out to stop his advancement.


  “Please, Jaden, just go. It was fun while it lasted, right? Maybe sometime in the future, we can be friends.”

  Jaden’s gaze flowed over her as he stood there brooding. Frustration and agitation rolled off him in waves. Suddenly, he moved, so fast that Claudia didn’t have a chance to fight him before his mouth liquefied into hers. With his hands, Jaden gripped her shirt and sank his fingers into her waist molding her frame against his massive chest. He spread her lips apart with his tongue and invaded her hot wet mouth. An inferno covered Claudia from head to toe, and she moaned against his lips.

  Desire hummed through Jaden, and his manhood bobbled against her throbbing sex. The flavor of his mouth caused Claudia to suck his tongue, and Jaden ripped her blouse to shreds causing her body to jerk against the wall. A tremble vibrated down her skin as Jaden’s kiss led a blaze of heat down her throat to her rock-hard nipples. He sucked in one of the beautiful brown areolas and Claudia sucked in a breath. Removing her skintight bottoms would’ve proved difficult from an inexperienced lover, but Jaden had no problem where that area was concerned, as he forcefully drug the pants off and tossed them to the side. With his mouth, Jaden placed passionate kisses up her legs to her thighs, the vibration from Claudia’s body unmistaken as his lips landed on every part of her.

  Claudia fought to gain some sense of control, but she was beyond sanity. When Jaden’s tongue lapped at her clitoris, a whimper fell from her mouth, and she dropped. Jaden’s arms clasped a stronghold on her, and he rose to his feet lifting her off the ground with ease. Claudia’s legs wrapped around his waist while Jaden simultaneously unzipped his pants with his other hand and plunged inside of her.

  “Aaaaah!” Claudia yelled.

  “Does this feel like we can be friends, Claudia?”

  Burying himself within her, Claudia’s mouth fell open, and with his mouth, he took her lips in whole. They dissolved into one another as his powerful thrust tore into her desperately.

  They knocked against the wall and Claudia’s screams were swallowed by his masterful tongue. Claudia’s heart thundered as Jaden slapped against her walls trying with pleasure to disassemble the barricade she refused to take down.

  “We can’t be friends, chérie,” he growled against her mouth. “I don’t fuck my friends this way.”

  She whimpered again; her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

  “I won’t be reduced to a friend. I don’t want to be your friend. I want to be your man.” A torched burned through his veins as he made his declarations and his distributed unlawful agility to his thrusts that sent an orgasm ripping through them both. Thoughtfully, Jaden kept her mouth covered with his to drown out her moans as they both soared to a new height of desire.

  Claudia’s heart rammed against her chest, and her head rolled seconds before she passed out. With her slumped forward in his arms Jaden walked them to her bed and laid her down. Alarmed, he placed two fingers over her neck to feel for a pulse. It thumped strong against his fingers and Jaden blew out a breath. Slowly, he removed himself from her.

  Shit, he thought. They hadn’t used a condom. In his haste to be inside of her, he’d foolishly forgotten to put one on. His gaze darted to her belly, and he imagined it swollen with his babies. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and a comfortable heat passed over him. Crawling onto the bed, Jaden pulled Claudia against him and held her thinking about the words she’d spoken.

  Jaden had gone about this relationship all wrong. Instead of putting Claudia first, he’d put her last allowing his career to come before her. The days and nights he hadn’t spoken with her had been painfully lonely. And Jaden never thought he’d ever feel that way. Women he’d dealt with in the past called and stopped by his condo more often than he cared to admit, but turning them away was easy when before he’d given them admittance. In truth, Jaden had been a loyal boyfriend but not a very good one. He vowed to rectify that.

  Claudia was who he desired more than he’d ever needed anyone. He didn’t even get a chance to tell her the real reason he was pictured leaving Cassie’s house. Cassie knew how to pull Jaden’s heart strings. She’d called him with alarm in her voice saying her son was having a seizure and she needed a ride to the hospital. By the time he’d arrived, her son was fine sitting on the couch drinking a glass of water. When he questioned her, she told him it wasn’t as bad as she’d initially thought; apologizing profusely about interrupting his night.

  Jaden wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Surely, Cassie wouldn’t use her son as a scapegoat to get to him. But none of that mattered now. If Cassie wanted to keep her funds invested in Rose Bank and Trust, he’d give her account to someone else. He wouldn’t risk losing Claudia again. Jaden laid with his thoughts for the better part of an hour before he drifted off to sleep. When he rose, it was 5 am, and he needed to get his day started. Quietly Jaden pulled his arms away from up under Claudia and eased out of bed. His eyes fell on her tempting body, and his manhood sprang to life.

  “Down boy,” he whispered, “unfortunately, we’ll have to take a raincheck.”

  He walked through the house quietly like a ghost disappearing within seconds.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  A soft hand grazed Claudia’s face rocking her gently. Opening her eyes, Claudia squinted and smiled at her mother.

  “Good morning baby,” Adeline said. “Are you taking the day off?”

  Claudia’s eyes widened as she propped herself up on her elbows.

  “What time is it?”


  Claudia groaned and rolled to her back with arms splayed at her sides. Last night she’d had a blissful dream about Jaden rocking her world and apparently it had made her oversleep. Just after having that thought the ache between Claudia’s thighs told her otherwise. Pulling back to her elbows Claudia glanced at her mother. Had she heard her and Jaden last night? Memories of her wails and yelps came slamming to the forefront.

  “I didn’t see Jaden leave. I guess you two kissed and made up?”

  A flush of embarrassment fell over Claudia, and she rolled her face back into the pillows with another groan. It was then that she realized her bottom was bare. Frantically, Claudia reached down and pulled the covers over her nakedness.

  “Too late for that, I used to wipe that little butt remember.”

  Claudia groaned again. “Ma!”

  “Well, I did.”

  “Do you mind leaving the room so I can get myself together, please?”

  “As soon as you get on the phone and rehire London.”

  London. Claudia remembered firing her. Claudia had been so upset and disappointed with herself for letting Jaden get up under her skin that she’d fired London for letting him in. Jaden. There was no way she could get him out of her heart within a few days or even weeks. Last night, he’d spoken like she meant everything to him, but she told the truth about her current status. Claudia was damaged goods. And she didn’t want to bring a man down who had his stuff together.

  “I’ll call London when I get to my office, but I’m already late. Now can you please step out so I can change?”

  Adeline was good for putting up a fight, but this morning she didn’t feel like it. “Don’t come home without calling her.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me,” Adeline wiggled her butt off the bed, bracing her weight on the walker.

  After she left, Claudia scurri
ed out of bed and shut the door turning her back against it.

  “Get it together girl, you’ve got a busy day.”

  Claudia went about the business of showering, moisturizing and dressing. She pulled her hair off her face today and paid extra attention to applying her foundation. When she stepped in S & M Financial Advisory, Samiyah, Octavia, and Selena all had clients in their offices, which was fine by Claudia since she didn’t feel like talking anyway. She was still trying to sort out what she should do about Jaden.

  Closing her door, Claudia rounded the desk. She hit the speaker and dialed a number.

  “Ms. Stevens?”

  “Good morning, London.” Claudia paused. “Listen, last night I was tired and upset. There was no reason for my behavior. I need you. Can you pick up where you left off?”

  Claudia heard a sigh on the other line. “Of course, I am terribly sorry. You won’t have to worry about me doing that again.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear. I’ll try not to overreact like that again.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Stevens.”

  “Just call me Claudia. We’re both around the same age, there’s no need for the formality.”

  “Alright, I’ll head over there now.”

  “Thanks, have a good day, bye now.”

  Claudia disconnected the line and sat down in her seat. Her benefit was a couple of weeks away, and her nerves were frazzled about how well it would go. Would she meet the goals she set? Five hundred thousand dollars is what she wanted to raise. But was it too much? Claudia rested against her chair and twirled in the swivel seat.

  Her cell rang that familiar tune and where she wanted to smile and be complaisant, she felt obstinate.

  “Good morning,” she answered.

  “And what a good morning it is.”

  Claudia couldn’t stop the smiled that tugged at her lips.

  “About last night,” she started, her insecurities creeping back in. “It was a mistake.” Jaden was quiet, so Claudia continued. “I can’t be in a relationship with you Jaden, I’m sorry.”


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