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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

Page 17

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Claudia shut her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

  “I have issues. I can’t very well be in a healthy relationship with anyone when I don’t know what that entails. I’ve never been in one before. I wasn’t raised in a family that set good examples. Maybe that’s why I always settle for losers, but I don’t want to hold you back. You deserve a woman who’s put together, and unfortunately, that’s not me.”


  “I’m sorry Jaden, I really am. I’m sincere when I say, I hope you find the woman of your dreams.”


  “I have to go.”

  “Don’t hang up.” There was a desperate cry in his voice.

  Claudia hesitated. “I’m sorry,” she said disconnecting the line.

  Jaden slammed the cell phone against the wall effectively shattering the smartphone. A wolfish growl seeped from him, and he balled his fists tight causing veins to populate across his forearms. Claudia seemed hell-bent on moving forward in a relationship without him, so why should he even bother? There was no shortage of women in Chicago or elsewhere. He should just move on and let her be.

  But no other woman could replace Claudia. She was effectively in his system, cording around his heart like red blood cells. Jaden squeezed his temples. What do you do when the woman you want doesn’t want to be with you? His door swung open, and Jonas stepped in taking in the streak against the wall and shattered phone laying on the floor.

  Jaden’s head snapped up; his mouth set, ready to go off on whoever dared to enter without an invitation. Seeing Jonas, Jaden swallowed the expletive on his tongue.

  “Claudia?” Jonas asked.

  Jaden agreed without words, shaking his head up and down. Jonas sighed. “Did you tell her?”

  Jaden shook his head no.

  “Why not? I thought we agreed you would.”

  Frustration boiled over. “She didn’t give me a chance. She just…” Jaden sighed, “Ended our relationship.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  Jaden held him with a lethal glare. “I’m not doing a damn thing. She doesn’t want to be with me.”

  “You don’t believe that no more than I do.”

  “She told me she didn’t.”

  “In those exact words?”

  Jaden dithered. “She said something to the effect of, I deserved better or some shit. I don’t know why she assumes she’s not enough for me, it’s driving me crazy.”

  “So, are you giving up?”

  “Yeah, I’m done.”

  Jonas walked towards the window propping his hands behind his back.

  “So then, you don’t mind if Derek asks her out?” Jonas was referring to one of Jonathon’s frat brothers. “He saw her at the wedding and has been asking about her ever since. But because you guys were together, I’ve been holding him off.”

  When Jonas turned to Jaden, the savage glare Jaden shot his way was enough to say it all. “What? If you’re not going after her, maybe Derek will have better luck, eh?”

  “Are you trying to mess with me, Jonas, because I’m not in a playing mood?”

  “You’re right; it’s too soon. I’ll wait until you get over her then introduce them.”

  Jaden grunted. “Derek won’t be alive long enough to get the chance,” Jaden barked with a venom potent enough that Jonas believed him.

  Jonas slid his hands into his pockets. “That’s what I thought.” He strolled to the door with a whistle on his tongue.

  “You said all that to mean what exactly?” Jaden said from behind him.

  Jonas glanced over his shoulder. “Simple; you’re in love with her. You didn’t get a chance to tell her and anybody else won’t suffice. Go get her, before someone else does.” Jonas strolled out the door, his whistle haunting Jaden.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  When Claudia swung the door open, she didn’t expect to see Desiree standing on the other side.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I am welcomed, right?”

  Claudia took a step back and pursed her lips. “Of course you are but what are you doing here today?”

  “I came to support my little sister’s fundraising event.”

  Claudia’s brows rose in surprise. It was official. Today her benefit would go off without a hitch. At least Claudia hoped it would.

  “It’s a semi-formal event, what are you wearing?”

  Desiree pulled her hand from behind her back holding a garment bag.

  “You really did come for my event, didn’t you?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  Claudia traipsed back to her bedroom where Desiree followed her.

  “Why? You’ve never shown any interest in anything I did before.”

  “Yeah, I’d like to change that.”

  Claudia turned to her, confused.

  “I’ve been thinking about moving back to Chicago. I miss mom and I,” Desiree paused. “I miss the relationship we used to have.”

  Claudia didn’t know what to say.

  “I know it seems sudden, but maybe we can start from the beginning.”

  By the tortured look on Claudia’s face, Desiree snickered.

  “I don’t mean beginning, beginning, I mean, maybe we could get to really know each other. I don’t want to live the rest of my life separated from you guys. Life is short, and I hate my job.”

  This time Claudia snickered. “Okay, but I have to warn you, I’m not much fun.”

  “Mom told me what happened.”

  Claudia rolled her eyes. “Of course she did.”

  “I hope I’m not overstepping my boundaries when I say this Claudia, but I don’t want to see you live in regret.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “If you don’t pursue a relationship with Jaden, you’ll always wonder what would’ve happened if you did. How your life would be different.”

  Claudia sighed. “Don’t you think I know that,” she snapped. “It’s too late anyway, I haven’t heard from him since I broke it off.”

  Desiree peered at her.

  “Are you that surprised?” Claudia asked. “It’s not like I don’t mess up any good thing I have going anyway.”

  “Sis,” Desiree stepped to her laying an affectionate hand on her back to calm Claudia’s nerves. “Don’t allow our father to have power over you.” Claudia whipped her head up. “Don’t deny it, I have these same issues myself, and I should probably practice what I preach. But it’s easier to give advice than it is to take it.”

  Claudia put her hands on her hips glaring at Desiree with a scowl.

  “What? At least I’m honest. I want to be happy with someone I can live with forever. If I don’t get over my abandonment issues, I’ll never be able to be in a stable relationship. Let it go, sis, for your sake and Jaden’s.”

  Desiree walked towards the door. “I’m going to get ready so we can leave together, think about what I said.”

  Claudia teared up. “Damn you, Desiree,” she whispered, knowing her sister was right.

  “This is beautiful,” Desiree cast an eye around Morgan’s. “Wow, Claudia, you really pulled this together. I’m so proud of you.”

  Claudia smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thanks.”

  Morgan’s was already abuzz when Claudia, Desiree, and Adeline graced the door. From Servers strolling the room with silver trays that held champagne flutes, to the carved crystal angels that sat around the room holding different hors d’oeuvres, Claudia should’ve been proud of herself. But the tightness in her belly told a different story. She missed Jaden, terribly, and she couldn’t get over herself long enough to call and apologize. Claudia thought about it a million times, and it always went something like, I’m sorry, I’m a dufus, forgive me, I love you.’ But of course, that never happened. Claudia’s eyes settled on the place when she spotted Cassie speaking with a handsome middle-aged gentleman.

r a brief moment, Claudia wondered who he was, but she’d be remiss if she said she wasn’t a bit happy Jaden wasn’t her date. Don’t get too excited, he won’t be on the market for long, that little unforgiving voice whispered.

  As if she’d summoned him up, the doors opened, and Jaden strolled in, dressed down in a Brioni tuxedo tailored to his muscled physique just enough to kiss his skin and settle around his sculpted figure. Mmmm, Claudia thought. Desiree leaned to her and whispered.

  “You just moaned out loud.”

  A gasped left Claudia and Desiree snickered.

  “That is not funny!” Claudia whispered back.

  “Yeah,” Desiree said, “it kinda is.”

  Claudia glared at Desiree.


  A surge of heat fled across Claudia’s skin as she took her vision from Desiree to the gorgeous man in front of her. Jaden’s gaze tore through Claudia’s flesh making sure to assault every part of her body before making his way back up. Jaden’s Adam’s apple bobbled then he spoke.

  “You look… divine.”

  Claudia blushed. “Thank you, so do you.”

  With admiration in his eyes, his lips curved into a wolfish smile. Claudia’s nipples hardened, and she didn’t know how she would make it out of this event with her panties intact.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Samuel Jenkins, Mayor of Chicago.” Jaden held his hand out to the man standing next to him that Claudia had yet to take notice of.

  “Mayor Jenkins,” she reached out to shake his hand. “Thank you for coming. Your attendance is appreciated.”

  “When I received word of what you were doing for the caregivers of Chicago, I had to come. My mother too had a caregiver before she passed away and I’ll do anything to help out where I can.”

  “Thank you. All donations tonight go to the startup of Caregivers Organization which I plan to open Monday morning.”

  “Do you have a building in mind?”

  “Are you aware of S & M Financial Advisory?”

  “Downtown Chicago, I drive by it every morning.”

  “I co-own that business with Samiyah Manhattan. I was lucky enough to grab another office space in the building so that Caregivers Organization will be our neighbors.”

  “Excellent,” the mayor said. “You’re quite a business woman, aren’t you?”

  “I try,” she said with a laugh.

  “You’re doing a good job. I may be able to send some business your way. We can always use a sound financial advisor or two.” Mayor Jenkins turned to Jaden, “I love beautiful, intelligent women, don’t you?”

  Jaden hadn’t taken his gaze off of Claudia. “Indeed, Mr. Mayor, Indeed.”

  An attendee approached the Mayor pulling him off to the side.

  “Excuse me.”

  Claudia turned to the familiar voice. “Marcus?”

  Marcus smiled and held out his hand for a shake. “You remembered my name.”

  “Yeah, I’m good with those. How did you hear about this event?”

  Marcus’ smile held steady. “Through the grapevine. I couldn’t hear it from you since you never gave me that call to let me know how your car repairs went.”

  Claudia laughed. Marcus dressed up nicely, considering the last time she saw him, he was in overalls that he’d been working in all day. The guy standing before her was well groomed, dressed in a Tom Ford suit and suede shoes.

  “That’s probably because Claudia only has time for one man in her life,” Jaden challenged with hostility and rancor oozing from his persona.

  Marcus glanced from Jaden to Claudia. “And here I thought you weren’t looking for a man.”

  Jaden interrupted Marcus again. “No, she wasn’t looking for you.” Jaden took a step forward, and Claudia placed her hands on his broad chest successfully halting his advance.

  “Hey, look at me,” she said staring into his eyes. Jaden dropped his gaze to Claudia and softened immediately. “He heard you.”

  “Yeah, but did you hear me, chérie?”

  Claudia drew in a quick breath. “I couldn’t miss it.” A small smile danced at the corners of her mouth, and she turned back to Marcus.

  “Thanks, Marcus but I’m okay. My cars fine, I’ve been,” she looked back at Jaden, “tied up.”

  Jaden slowly pulled his gaze away from Claudia back to Marcus. “Step off,” he growled.

  Marcus made himself scarce, and Claudia smirked up at Jaden.

  “Let me find out, you’ve got a little hood in you.

  A devilish smile curved his moist mouth. “We’ve all got a little hood in us,” he winked, “chérie.”

  A blush fell over Claudia. “Hmmm, I think I like that.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but first, when did your car have repairs?”

  “Oh, I um, it’s embarrassing. Unfortunately, ole Betsy broke down on the side of the highway and Marcus is a tow truck driver.” She glanced over to him in his Tom Ford suit knowing the ensemble could easily cost a few thousand. “Well at least that’s what he was at the time. He towed Betsy to my mechanic’s shop.”

  “And what else?”

  Claudia was taken slightly aback by Jaden’s questioning.

  She folded her arms. “He gave me his number and asked me out, but as you’ve witnessed, I told him I wasn’t looking for a man. Why do you care, Jaden?”

  Jaden tensed, and his nostrils flared. He took a step closer further closing the small gap between them.

  “You should know, that nothing is going to stop me from having you as my woman.” His eyes roamed across the features of her face. “Nothing, chérie. I am as invested in making you understand that we belong together as I am invested in making you scream my name when you come.”

  A set of chills fled down Claudia’s spine, and she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  “For some reason, you have this idea that you’re not good enough for me. But you’re mistaken. You’re everything I need and more. Do you hear me, Claudia?”

  Swallowing hard Claudia responded. “I hear you.”

  “But do you understand what that means?”

  “I’ve got a feeling you’re going to tell me.”

  Jaden gifted Claudia a half of grin that further set her loins on fire.

  “That means, you and I will be together come hell or high water. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to—”

  Before Jaden could finish someone glided to stand next to them. Jaden and Claudia looked to their guest, and a smile broke out on Jaden’s face. He reached out and slapped hands with his brother.

  “Glad you could make it,” Jaden said.

  “My plane touched down thirty minutes ago. I was already dressed for the occasion.” Julian looked to Claudia. “Hey beautiful lady, this is an excellent event you have on your hands. You could use some music or something though. Tell me what you need, I can grace the audience with these vocals if you want. What’s your pleasure?”

  Julian was just as suave as Jaden but as different as night and day. Where he was constantly on the go because of his international male modeling agency, Julian lived for the attention he received on a regular basis. Having a woman in his life was an afterthought, but he couldn’t deny that today he’d taken the opportunity to see Desiree again at Claudia’s event. He had no idea Desiree would even be in attendance, but he’d hoped for the best.

  “Whatever Claudia needs, I’ll be the one making sure she’s equipped,” Jaden said, “You feel me.”

  Jaden slid Julian a perilous smile.

  “My bad brother, I definitely didn’t come to step on your toes,” Julian retorted.

  “Not if you want to leave with those toes intact.”

  Julian chuckled the gleam in his eyes making their rounds to Desiree. Desiree stood next to Claudia sipping from a glass of champagne. She’d tried to suppress the smile on her lips, but Julian could see right through her.

Excuse me,” Julian said stepping between Claudia and Jaden to stand in front of Desiree.

  “You know I agree with your friend here,” a voice off to the side said. Jaden, Claudia, Desiree, and Julian looked to the voice. The middle-aged man eased into their circle and Cassie lingered at his side; the gray strands in his black hair seemingly put together on purpose. The accent he spoke with gave Claudia the impression that he was of Spanish descent but she couldn’t be certain. The man held his hand out for a shake.

  “Ms. Stevens, besides the cover charge, how do you propose to make money off this event? Is there a live auction slated for later or?”

  “No there isn’t a live auction, the cover charge and the price per plate is how I plan to gain donations. Unless of course, you’d like to make a generous offer out of the kindness of your heart.” Claudia batted her eyes, and the man smirked. “You are?”

  “Angelo Garcia,” he said introducing himself, “and I’d like to make a proposition.”

  He’d officially peaked everyone’s interest.

  “Do you dance, Ms. Stevens?”

  Claudia’s mouth fell open then closed. “Um, yes, I do.”

  Angelo chuckled at her hesitation. He cast a look at Jaden who was standing so close to Claudia you’d think they were one person. Looking back at Claudia, Angelo said, “I’d like to challenge you to a duel. You can choose any partner that you wish and so can I. I’ll donate one hundred thousand dollars if you can spin the wheels off this crowd better than me.” Angelo smiled elated with himself. “What say you?”

  “I’ll match his one hundred thousand,” came a voice standing next to him. Angelo’s smiled brightened.

  “So will I, came another.”

  “I’ll double it,” Mayor Jenkins said, now tuned back into their conversation.

  Claudia was on pins and needles. Sure, she could dance, but she had a feeling her moves were slightly different than his and in front of this crowd she was growing stiffer by the minute.

  “What do you say, Ms. Stevens? There’s currently five hundred thousand dollars on the table. Will you leave it there, or show us what you got?” Angelo turned and pulled Cassie in by her hand. “You’re not scared, are you?” He asked.


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