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Hunted by Them: Witches of Rose Lake, Book Three

Page 9

by Lia Davis

  I conjured a sword. “May your soul find peace.” I swung, hitting his neck and cutting through until his head fell to ground and rolled a few feet away. My stomach lurched but I swallowed the bile and turned to see how my guys were doing.

  When my gaze landed on Von, my heart rate increased. “Von!” I screamed his name and ran to him. He was engaged in a fight with a Hunter standing behind him with a dagger raised. I was too late.

  Von stood and whirled round. The movement put him too close to the blade. The hunter thrust the dagger forward, stabbing Von in the stomach and yanked it sideways. “No!” Sharp, stabbing pain burned through me. I cried out and stumbled as I advanced to Von. Rage rolled inside me and I focused on the Hunter who stabbed Von. I used all my magick, reaching inside him with my mind. “You will stab your own heart”

  The Hunter stared at me, his eyes growing large, then he stabbed himself in the heart.

  With the hunter taken care of, I raced forward. Dare reached Von first.

  I fell to my knees in front of Von and framed his face. “Breathe slow.”

  Eli and Gunner joined us, and I glanced at Gunner, noting the burns on his skin. He’d been out in the sun too long. “Get out of the sun.”

  I touched his arm, over the burn, but he brushed my hand away and pointed to Von. “Heal him. I’ll be okay after I feed tonight. Please, heal him.”

  Focusing on Von, I tore his shirt open using my wolf claws. An odor drifted up and tingled my nose and soured my stomach. It was a mix of death and vinegar. It reminded me of something but I couldn’t remember what. “Von.”

  He grunted. “It burns. Stop it.”

  “I’ll stop it.” I hovered my hand over the wound. It was a four-inch slice. The smell was making me gag and I held my breath for as long as I could as I worked.

  Eli grabbed my hand. “Stop. He’s been poisoned with lupenum.”

  Wolf poison. I wasn’t sure why they call it that. It affected all shifters. “I can’t let him die!”

  “We can’t let you die.” Eli, Gunner, and Dare said at the same time. Although Dare focused on Von with pain in his eyes.

  I had to fix Von no matter what the risk was. “When I draw the poison out of him, you have to get me to Reese as fast as you can. She’s a hedge witch and a demon. She’ll be able to help me heal. Hedge are the Healers of the witches.”

  The guys stared at me like I was crazy. Eli shook his head and pursed his lips. Dare placed his hands on my shoulders and gently squeezed. Gunner nodded and said, “I’ll teleport you to the coven.”

  Eli growled. “I’ll call Zane to let him know we’re coming.”

  I sagged in relief. Sure, I was putting a lot on them, but I was the one taking the biggest risk. The only way to heal Von was to extract the poison from him into me. Taking a deep breath, I pressed my palms on Von’s wound, pushing my healing power into him while pulling the poison out.

  I felt the effects as soon as the poison reached my bloodstream. My vision blurred, then the fever started. Still I continued to push magick into Von. I couldn’t connect to his tiger and I hoped I wasn’t too late. “Come on. I need you to wake up.”

  Nausea churned my stomach. Sweat broke out on my forehead even though I was freezing. I vaguely heard the guys talking. I wasn’t sure if they were speaking to me or to Von.

  “We’re losing her.”

  “We have to take her now.”

  Who was that? Eli? My surroundings went dim and everything was too blurry for me to see. Then the fire began to burn me from the inside out. I screamed out and I started to fall before death claimed me.


  “She did what?” I stared at Zane. He didn’t joke about things. At least about someone poisoning themselves to save their loved one. “And who is Gunner?”

  “A vampire Hunter.” Zane stopped in mid step on the way to the door. “That sounded wrong. He was one of Harrsion’s Hunters and he’s a vampire. He hunts hybrids not vampires.”

  Dimitri rolled his eyes. “Leave the jokes to Wade. You’re bad at them.”

  Zane flipped D the bird then grabbed my hand. “To the gatehouse.”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. “I’m not your personal teleporter.” I took D’s hand with my free one and teleported us to the entrance of Rose Lake Coven. It was faster to than running. If Cassia did take the wolf poison, she’d need help fast.

  We materialized a few seconds before a vampire, carrying Cassia appeared. The vamp cradled her to him with the care of mate. I stepped forward and met his gaze. “The house is a block that way. If you want, I can take her.”

  He tightened his hold on Cassia, who was moaning softly, and snarled. I raised my hands and backed off. I wasn’t offended. She was his mate and dying. he was a little on edge. I would be too. “We need to hurry.”

  We were back at the house and in my room, since it was the only one on the first floor. Good thing it was laundry day and the sheets were clean. My mom entered the room and took solid form next to me as I tried to get in touch with the healing part of my witchy side. I’d never known I had the ability to heal others until Mom and D confirmed it.

  “I’m not sure how to do this.” My hands shook. Cassia healed D when we brought him back from the abandoned council house. I owed her.

  “One way is what Cassia did. But we’re not sure what the poison would do to you since you are mated to a wolf.” Mom took my hands, drawing my focus on her. “We need to draw the poison from her system. D and I will go make the potion. You can stabilize her by connecting to her soul.”

  That I could do. I glanced over at Gunner. His blond hair was a mess and he had blotches of burns covering his arms. I’d seen worse ones on Wade the time he got caught outside during sunrise. “You need to feed.”

  “I will after she wakes up.” He moved closer to Cassia. He reached down and caressed her cheek. She sighed even though she was still asleep.

  Instantly her body relaxed. I tested her pulse and noticed her heart rate had slowed a little. “Remove your hand and step back.”

  Gunner narrowed his gaze at me. “Why? She’s my mate.”

  Zane stepped forward and I pressed my palm to his chest. I pointed at Gunner with my other one. “I know she is and I have a theory. Humor me.”

  Glancing to Zane then back to me, Gunner did as I asked. As I expected, Cassia’s pulse spiked and her expression turned to pain. Her skin also heated. “Where are her other mates? Zane said there were four of you.”

  “They’re on their way. I couldn’t teleport them all.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you the short draft and explain when they get here.” I motioned for him to touch her again. “When you touched her a moment ago, she calmed. She recognized you and a spark of her strength returned. I think the four of you can help her heal along with the potion my mom and D make.”

  He sat on the bed next to Cassia and held her hand. “It’s her wolf.”

  “That is part of it.” Hope bloomed in my gut. But the longer Gunner went without feeding, the weaker he was getting. “Wade!”

  My undead mate materialized at my side. “Yes, my demon?”

  I pressed my lips together to hold in the laugh. No matter where we were, what the situation was, Wade would joke. It was how he dealt with stress. “Can you get Gunner a couple of bags of blood? Maybe four.”

  Wade turned his attention to the vampire and froze. “You’re a vampire.”

  Gunner raised a brow at me. I shrugged. “Don’t mind him. He was a human in a former life.” I pushed at Wade. “Go.”

  He left. Gunner watched him go. “I’ve never met an undead before.” He winced. “I hate that term.”

  “That’s what he is. My father killed him when he was seventeen. Then a few months ago, Salrus reanimated Wade’s ghost, making him an undead.” I sensed three people approaching the house. “I think they are here.”

  “Eli must have grown wings and flew everyone here.” Gunner stood and hesitated. He glanced from the Cassia to th
e bedroom door.

  “Stay with her. I’ll bring the others in.”

  When I reached the door, Gunner said, “Thank you.”

  I gave him a smile then exited the room. The front door was directly across the foyer from my bedroom. Zane was pulled into a hug by a dark-haired male a few inches taller. I guessed that was Eli. My guess was confirmed when I got closer and smelled the Carter Moon Pack. There were two other males with him, both were shifters. I wasn’t good at recognizing which animal each shifter was. I knew wolves because I was mated to one.

  Zane stepped out of the hug and drew me to his side with an arm around my shoulders. “Reese, this is Eli. He was my Sentry before I got marked and kicked out of the pack.”

  I held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Eli nodded but didn’t take my hand. I glanced at Zane and wondered why. Then I brushed it aside. Harrison believed I was dead. Or at least that was the rumor floating around a month ago. That was why I hadn’t gone to the Pack as the Alpha Heir’s mate. So Eli wouldn’t address me as such. Plus I was Zane’s mate. It was rude to touch another’s mate.

  I sighed and address the other two. “Hi.”

  They glanced at each other and to me. The one with the shaved head asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”

  “Yep. And I’d like to keep it that way.” I smiled.

  The bald guy shook my hand. “I’m Dare. This is Von.”

  Von shifted from foot to foot. He turned his hazel stare to me and threaded a hand through his black hair. “How is she?”

  His anxiety was on the borderline of panic. He must have been the one Cassia healed. I pointed to the bedroom. “She is with Gunner. Come. I have a theory that the four of you need to discuss.”

  I turned to the bedroom just as Wade exited the kitchen with a small cooler. I assumed it had the bagged blood in it. I took it from him. “It’s going to get crowded in there.”

  Wade pulled me to him and kissed me. “I know. I’ll be around if you need me.” He kissed my forehead before nodding to the others and bouncing off toward the living room.

  I met Zane’s gaze, then the other three men. They stared at me in curiosity. I’d gotten used to being in my family that I forgot what it might look like to others. Then again Eli, Von, and Dare needed to get used to it as well. I waved them onto the room. “I noticed earlier that when Gunner touched Cassia, her vitals calmed. It was like her wolf was trying to reach out but couldn’t.” I handed Gunner the cooler then took my placed on the other side of the bed. “I also sensed that Gunner is not fully bonded to her. Are any of you?”

  Eli answered. “Dare and I are. Von might be because he’s bound to Dare.”

  “Good.” I glanced up when Mom and Dimitri entered the already crowded room.

  Dimitri frowned and hung back in the door way, his anxiety flowed through our bond. “Do you need me?”

  “No. Wade is pacing in the living room, waiting for the sun to set.” His features relaxed and he left. I glanced to Zane, then shook my head. I wasn’t going to bother to ask him. He’d stay. “Mom, these are Cassia’s mates.”

  Mom placed the small glass jar in my hand. “It’s great you are all here.”

  I agreed, but knew from personal experience the guys were not going anywhere without their mate. “Mom made a potion to help neutralize the poison. As I was saying a moment ago, Cassia reacted to Gunner’s touch. My theory, and Mom can confirm, is if the four of you complete the mating bond with Cassia, it will also bond your all together as a family. That will give her wolf the strength to heal while the potion works on the poison.”

  Gods, I hope all that made sense.

  Mom nodded beside me. “That will work. I will take some effort on your part. First, Reese and I will give her the potion, then we’ll need each of you to make skin on skin contact with her. You can hold her hand, touch her face, or where ever there is exposed skin. Once the physical contact is made, you will need to call out to her wolf.”

  Gunner scooted up the mattress to give Von room to sit, facing him. Eli and Dare walked around to the side of the bed Mom and I were on. I glanced at Mom. “How do we do this?”

  “The potion can be absorbed through the skin. Place some on her forehead then some over her heart.”

  Easy enough. I sent Zane a telepathic thought because it was going to be an issue for Cassia’s mates when I lift her shirt. “Might want to step out. I’ll be out in a few.”

  “I’ll be outside the door.”

  That was my overprotective Alpha wolf. I waved him off. Once he left the room the tension around me eased. It wasn’t mine. No, it was the three Hunters who didn’t know Zane. Men.

  Dipping two fingers into the jar, I started to speak to Cassia. “It’s not your time. We all need you here.” I touched her forehead. “Fight with every part of your soul.”

  I lifted her shirt, noting movement from three of her guys. I ignored them and placed a few drops of the potion on her chest over her heart. Instinct kicked in. It was like a hidden part of my abilities unlocked. A side effect from the meds I took in the mental hospital that damped my magick for the two years I was there. My hands heated and an internal fire flared to life. I held my hand over the drops of potion on Cassia’s chest and I pushed that hot magick into her.

  Mom waved at the guys. “Now. Connect with her wolf and claim her, strengthen the mating bond.”

  One by one the guys placed their hands on Cassia, Mom had moved closer to the door to give Eli and Dare room to settled on the bed on either side of where I stood. When I felt them forming the bond, I removed my hand and stepped back. Instantly, Cassia’s complexion returned to normal and her breathing was no longer labored from the pain. It was working.

  Mom drifted to me and hugged me. “You did it.”

  “We did it, then they will heal her.” My heart swelled.

  Mom tugged me out of the room. “Give them some time alone with her.”

  Outside the room, Zane wrapped me in a tight hug and buried his nose into my neck. “I love you.”

  “Love you too.” I looped m arms around his neck. Feelings of relief and happiness flowed through our mating bond. Cassia was his packmate. She was family in a way. Losing her would be like losing a close relative.

  Zane lifted his head and pressed his forehead to mine. “Let’s make dinner while we wait for Cassia to heal.”

  “Sounds like a great plan.” I knew it wouldn’t be a long process because the bond I felt growing in the bedroom was strong. “Cassia’s wolf chose each of them.”

  “I know.” Zane linked our fingers and lead the way to the kitchen. “Just like you did with us when you arrived.”

  So true. I might not have known it at the time, but that’s what I did. I claimed them. But they were already mine before I met them.



  The voices were back. So many thoughts swarmed my mind. Why? Oh, my shields were down. Memories flooded in of the pain and being burned alive. The poison. I gasped and sat up, my eyes wide open.

  “Cassia.” Eli appeared in front of me. Then Von, Dare, and Gunner.

  “Where am I?” I glanced around the room with purple walls and lavender trim. The dresser was black with white knobs.

  Gunner hugged me to him. “We’re in Reese’s bedroom.”

  “Oh.” It was so different than when I was here to heal Dimitri. I locked gazes with Gunner and noted he wasn’t in my mind, but my soul. I searched within and found mating links to each of my guys. “We’re all connected.”

  Von eased on the bed and curled into my side with arm around my waist. “Don’t save my life again if it means risking yours.”

  “I can’t make any promises. I am a Healer.”

  Dare reached out and cupped my cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  I breathed in then exhaled in a rush. “I feel wonderful. So you all had to complete the bond to heal me?”

  “Reese’s mom and Dimitri made a neutralizing potion that hel
ped. Once the bond was in place your wolf pulled on all our energies to heal you.” Eli watched me carefully like I would disappear.

  My heart ached. I didn’t think of the stress I’d put on all my guys by taking the poison from Von. I felt the sadness and worry in the mating link from each of them even though they tried to hide it. “I want to see Reese. Where is she?”

  Gunner and Von stood. Dare took my hand as I climbed off the bed and said, “She’s in the living room with her mates.”

  And that was where I was going. When I reached the door thoughts of the candle popped in my mind. I whirled around. “The candle.”

  Gunner smiled. “I got it.”

  “Let’s go talk with Reese. We need a plan to get it to my dad.” I darted out the door before my guys could try to talk me into staying.

  In the foyer, I heard the low rumble of voices coming from my right. Guessing that was the living room, I went that way. I stopped in the archway that opened to the large living room and locked gazes with Zane. A sense of home, of Pack, washed over me. Until that moment I was handling being away from the Pack just fine. But seeing Zane, smelling his scent unlocked the home sickness I tried to bury.

  Reese glanced at me and I nodded to her. “Thanks for helping me.”

  Her violet eyes brightened and she crossed the room to me, holding out her hands. “You healed Dimitri when you could have just told me I had the power all along.”

  I took her hands and squeezed gently. A sense of kinship sparked between us. I wasn’t sure if it was from her bond to Zane, which bonds her to the Pack or that we are both hybrids fighting for the same cause. I was betting it was all the above. “I wasn’t sure at the time. Besides, I was curious and wanted to meet you.”

  Reese crinkled her nose up. “I wish it was on better terms. Same with this visit.”


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