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Hunted by Them: Witches of Rose Lake, Book Three

Page 10

by Lia Davis

  I held up the candle for Reese to see. “This is the candle Harrison is looking for.”

  “Great.” Reese frowned. “The sleeping stone was destroyed.”

  “But it saved your life. Plus it’s one less thing to worry about falling into Harrison’s hands.”

  Reese pointed to the candle. “What are we supposed to do with that?”

  “Dad wants it. He wants all the relics located and brought to him.” I glanced behind her when Zane moved to joined us.

  He held out his hand to me, palm up. I glanced to Reese then to the Alpha Heir before slowly placing my hand on his. He closed his hand around mind and pulled me into a hug. I sank into him and inhaled his wolf’s scent. He smelled of sandalwood, like David.

  From behind me I heard Gunner ask with a growl in his tone, “What’s going on?”

  Reese waved him to the couch. “Zane is her Alpha Heir. She’s been away from the pack for a couple of days and almost died.”

  Eli added, “Cassia is drawing strength from the Pack through Zane. Go sit.”

  Suddenly Reese bounced on her feet and let out a squeak of excitement, then rushed out of the room. I stepped out of Zane’s hug and lift my gaze to his. “What’s going on?”

  “Wyatt and Trevor are home from a week-long business trip.” Zane smiled and motioned to where my guys were. “Go sit with your mates. Reese and Dimitri have witch and council business to discuss with us all.”

  I gave short nod and crossed the room to the sofa where I sat down between Von and Dare. Both of them leaned their shoulders into mine. My whole body warmed from the inside out feeling their connection.

  Moment later Reese came back into the room with Wyatt and Trevor. The trio set on the couch across from us. Reese didn’t waste any time jumping into the topic of the council and Harrison. “What do you know about The Original Three?”

  I shrugged. “They are they original paras, demi-gods who created all paranormal beings.”

  “Did you know they knew there would be a day when the purity of our bloodlines would be no more. That by cross breeding with humans and other paras, we would evolve with diseases and defects? Paras would no long be able to self-heal?” Reese met my stare. There wasn’t mistrust in her depths, but there was something else. Like she was testing me to see if I would be truthful. I wondered if she knew my father started the Hybrid Project.

  I lifted my chin and held her gaze. “I had theories. So did my father. He believed the Hybrid Project was the answer. It gave him the information and opportunity to study our genetics and see which paras were better paired up. He was looking for a cure for a para cancer that was far more fatal than and of the human cancers. My grandmother died from it.”

  I sagged into Von and Dare and linked our hands together. “I think Dad is sick. He hasn’t confirmed it with me and refuses to talk about it. Right before Harrison shut down the program, I overheard Dad and Harrison arguing. Harrison was yelling. He’d said the tri-species had murdered his family and all hybrids were at risk of going rogue and needed to be destroyed. Dad pleaded with him that wasn’t the case. That Dad was so close to having the cure. Not only to the cancer, but all para borne illnesses and defects.” Pausing, I took a breath and pushed back the anger Harrison raised in me. “I think Harrison is building an army and making his own breed of hybrids. When we were attacked getting the candle, I fought and killed a vampire/demon hybrid. His humanity was gone. I couldn’t tell if he was under a spell or raised to be evil.”

  Reese drew her brows together. “That was more info than I was expecting.”

  “I don’t have a reason to lie to you, Reese.”

  “No. Sorry. I have issues with trusting people. Your father didn’t tell me the whole truth.” Reese crossed her arms which made her sleeves ride up, exposing the scar on her right arm. “Starting over. I had a hunch the council was building an army. Now I know it is Harrison being a power greedy dickhead. I also found out that The Original Three created a spell that would cleanse and purify the para bloodlines. Carlyn saw the extinction of the paras. She made sure we would have would we needed to fight in a war or stop it before it happens.”

  Studying the candle in my hand, I said. “So I was right. There is no immorality spell.”

  “No,” Reese said with a soft laugh. “Harrison is an idiot if he believes that. Or should I say he thinks we are stupid for believing it. He very well may be spreading that lie to keep us from discovering the truth. I tried to contact Lewis but haven’t heard anything.”

  “Dad is trapped at the mansion. Harrison has bound him to it.” I pressed my lips together. Anger and annoyance swirled inside me.

  “Then we take the candle to Lewis. I have something else that needs to go with it.” Reese pulled a leather corded necklace she wore from inside her shirt. On the end of it was a small amber-colored vial. “Carlyn led me to her Book of Shadows. Inside was the full list of items needed to complete the cleansing spell. Hers and her brothers’ blood. This vile holds Carlyn’s. She gave to Dimitri’s family to hide it in the Coven. The wolf’s blood was given to Zane’s family. I’m not sure where the vampire blood is. The book only said the secret keeper. Whoever that is. But the blood needs to be used in with the spell or it becomes a curse.”

  A gasp escaped me. “What kind of curse?”

  Reese shook her head. “Carlyn’s notes didn’t say.”

  It didn’t matter. All curses were bad in my book. “Dad sent me files of information. We haven’t gone through it all. He did stress to get the candle and bring it to him. So we need to go to the mansion.”

  Dare dug in his jeans pocket and handed me the flash drive. “I brought it just in case.”

  “Oh good. Thank you.” I handed it to Reese, but Dimitri stepped forward and took it. “Dare can help you with breaking the code.”

  Dimitri nodded. “Then Dare and I can hang here and comb through the files. See if we can locate the wolf’s and the vampire’s blood.”

  Dare straightened. “Stay here?” he stared at me. “You’re staying.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I’m the only one who knows how to get into the mansion unseen. At least I hope I can.”

  Zane laughed. “Cassia is as stubborn as Reese. We should all be able to mind link together since Cassia has telepathy and Reese is bonded to me. Communication is important.” He glanced to his mate. “So is listening to your Alpha.”

  Reese rolled her eyes. “I’ll listen when I believe you are right.”

  A giggle bubbled up in me at Reese and Zane’s exchange. I rested my head on Dare’s shoulder and looked up at him. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, then kissed my forehead. “I’ll be fine staying here with Dimitri. We’ll hack into the mansion’s security cameras and be your eagle eyes.”

  “Perfect. If I need you, I’ll let you know.” I glanced at Reese. “When can we leave?”

  Motioning to the archway of the living room, she stood. “Right after we eat.”



  I stood outside the portal in an empty field where an abandoned farmhouse used to be. The only thing left was the huge barn the council turned into a garage when they created the portal that lead to the mansion. The whole property was warded to keep noisy humans and threatening paras away.

  Glancing to Reese and Zane on my right, I said, “The house is never in the same place in the same year. I’m not even sure the locations are in this realm.”

  Reese nodded. “Knowing that Carlyn created the spell on the mansion, it wouldn’t surprise me. We’re ready.”

  I wasn’t so sure I was. It’d been year since I’d been in the mansion. I met Eli’s gaze and linked our fingers together. Reese and I agreed it would be easier to slip in and out if there were only four of us. Of course Zane and Eli put down their alpha feet and said they would be going with Reese and I. They others would hang at the coven.

  With a nod, I stepped forward, entering the portal with Eli at my side. We exited in a jungle.
Or was it a rainforest? “This is different.”

  Eli chuckled. “Different good or bad?”

  “Good, I think. I wasn’t expecting a rainforest.”

  Reese and Zane stepped out of the portal and Reese instantly started laughing. “The last time we were on a beach. I like the beach better.”

  “Me too. Brooke would love the rainforest.” My chest tightened. I missed my sister so much. Eli wrapped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me to him. I hugged him back for a moment then released him and pointed to the path in front of us. “The house should be close.”

  We walked along the trail for several yards before seeing a clearing. When we emerged from the thick trees and brush of the jungle, the mansion came into view. The large, three-story stone building with vines growing up the sides blended in with the backdrop of the rainforest. It appeared abandoned. Then again that was the point.

  “There is a hidden door around the side.” I motioned Reese and Zane to follow Eli and I around the mansion.

  Even though the house changed shapes, the secret passages and hidden entrance didn’t change too much. At least I hoped not. When we reached the side of the mansion, I sent a telepathic message to my father. “Dad. I’m at the side entrance and have the candle.”

  Eli watched me and I traced a finger down his T-shirt and waited. I released a breath I didn’t realize I was holding when I heard Dad’s voice in my mind. “Cas. Gods, it’s great to hear your voice. Come in and wait for me in my room. Be careful of the Enforcers.”

  I fisted Eli’s shirt and tugged. He stepped forward and enveloped me in his embrace. A tear rolled down my cheek. It’d been too long since I heard Dad’s voice. I wasn’t prepared for the emotions to flood me all at once.

  Taking a deep breath and exhaling it in a rush, I stepped back and faced the exterior of the mansion. Then I flattened my palm to the cool stone. A door appeared and opened. “Follow me. Dad said there were Enforcers inside.”

  Reese frowned. “Are they living here?”

  I shrugged stepped through the door into a narrow corridor. “It’s possible. Gunner said Dad had a lot of the Hunters on his side. Dad’s warning tells me there might be some here that are loyal to Harrison.”

  Once we were inside with the door shut, darkness filled the space. Reese formed a magickal orb of light to hover over our heads as we walked through the tunnels—secret passages that led to several rooms throughout the mansion.

  Dad’s room was on the second level on the same side as the entrance we came in through. It didn’t take us long to reach his door, which opened to his walk-in closet. I pressed my ear to the wood door of the closet and listened for sounds in his room. When I didn’t hear any, I opened the door. My heart pounded and my palms sweated as we emerged in my dad’s bedroom. His scent slammed into me and I choked back a sob.

  Reese reached out and squeezed my hand. I let out a breathy laugh. “I didn’t realize how much I missed him until now.”

  “I know what you mean.” Reese let go of my hand and hugged Zane by the waist. “I was in flight or fight mode for so long then self-medicating at the mental hospital didn’t help me deal with my mom’s death. Now that she back as a ghost, I’ll have to deal with losing her all over again when she leaves for good.”

  My heart ached for Reese. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like.

  Just then the bedroom door opened. The four of us whirled around, ready for a fight. Relief flooded me as I stared at my dad. I flew at him and wrapped him in a tight hug. He held me to him and kissed my temple. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Me too.” I pulled back and studied him. His green eyes were clouded with fatigue and there were dark circles under them. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  The two words didn’t ease my concern. I glanced at Eli and frowned. Dad noticed the exchange and patted my hand to draw my attention back to him. “I’ll be fine. Just tired. You have the candle.”

  I nodded and conjured the candle in my hand and handed it to him. He took and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll put this somewhere Harrison can’t get to.”

  Reese stepped forward and handed Dad a small vial that had Carlyn’s blood in it. “I was told you would need this as well.”

  Dad’s eyes rounded as he stared at the vial in Reese’s palm. “Is that Carlyn’s blood?”

  Reese and I both nodded. Reese was the one to explain. “Carlyn led me to her Book of Shadows. In there she said her blood was given to the coven. The wolf’s blood was given to Zane’s family. The vampire’s blood was given to a secret keeper.”

  Dad bunched his brows together. Then a smile formed, brightening his features. “Yes. The Original Three left their blood behind. The blood is what is missing from the spell. Once we get the missing page from the Grimoire with the complete spell written on it, we’ll know what the spell actually is. I’ll get a message to Brooke to find the page.”

  Reese glanced at me then spoke. “We know what the spell is. It’s a cleansing spell for the para bloodlines.”

  “And a curse if the spell is performed without The Original Three’s blood.” I added.

  “Fuck.” Dad scrubbed a hand down his face. “Zane, can you get the wolf’s blood from your Pack? At least see if your father remembers where it was hidden. I hope he does.”

  Dad took the candle and the vial with Carlyn’s blood and carried it to his dresser. He conjured a wood box, placed the items inside, and then the box vanished. When he turned he must have seen my confusion because he said, “I sent it to a safe place.”

  The sound of footsteps outside my dad’s room made us all freeze in place for a few moments. Dad shooed us to the walk-in closet. Once we were in there with the door cracked enough for me to look out, he picked up a book from his night stand and sat in his armchair.

  Seconds later a knock sounded. Dad said, “It’s open.”

  I recognized the man who entered immediately. Benson McMillian, Harrison’s right-hand minion. I saw those two together all the time when I was little. Benson always gave me the creeps.

  “What do you want, Benson?” Dad set his book down and scowled at the other man.

  Benson sniffed the air, which made my heart beat wildly and dread settle in my gut. “You have visitors.”

  Dad laughed. “I didn’t hear the doorbell ring, did you?”

  “Cut the shit Lewis. I know good and well your daughters know the secret passages.” Benson’s features took on a wicked, almost demonic look. His eyes glowed and his mouth pressed in a thin line.

  Benson held up a small black remote-looking thing. Dad jumped to his feet. “Get out of my room. I will not put up with you coming in here with your crazy bullshit.”

  “Go Cassia.” Dad’s voice entered my mind and I shook my head.

  “Come with us.” I didn’t want to leave without him.

  “Just go. Now.”

  Blowing out frustrated breath, I pushed Reese, Zane, and Eli to the back of the closet. The candle and blood were safe. “Don’t die.”

  On the heels of that thought to Dad I heard a gunshot. My heart dropped to my feet and without realizing I was moving, I exited the closet into Dad’s room. Benson and Dad were wrestling over a gun.

  Noise out in the hallway drew my attention to the door as Hunters came in. Reese, Zane, Eli, and I went into motion, each taking on a Hunter. I kicked out, connecting with my opponent’s knee. He screamed and fell to the floor. I kicked him again, knocking him on his side.

  A low growl escaped him as he pushed to a stand. I wasn’t prepared for him to heal that fast. Time to amp up the magick. With my telekinesis, I lifted him in the air and tossed him over my head. I twisted to see he landed on another Hunter.

  Glancing over, I saw Zane and Eli both in half shift, holding their own with a few Hunters. Reese looked like she was playing with hers. Then she jumped up and landed on her opponent’s back, gripped his head in her hands and jerked, breaking his neck. I cringed.

was a Healer. It went against my nature to kill. But I would to protect my family. Turning to head back to check on Dad, I stopped in the middle of the hallway. Four more Hunters charged toward me. I called to my magic from deep inside me. It came willingly and ready for the fight.

  Electrical currents arced off my fingers while I telepathically called for backup. “Gunner, bring the Calvary.”

  Instead of attacking the Hunters stopped a few feet from me and stared. “You need to leave.”

  Shaking my head, I lifted the magickally charged hand and pointed at the blond who spoke. “I’m not going anywhere without my father.”

  Just then Benson exited Dad’s room. “Seize her. She’s a rogue hybrid.” He looked from me to Reese, and he snarled and paled a little.

  Interesting. He was afraid of Reese. Was because she was half demon? Really? When I glanced behind me I saw what he made him pale. Our guys were all here. Reese’s and mine. And Reese glowed.

  Dad rushed out of his room. He had a bloody lip and black eyes. He also held his ribs. I glanced from him to Benson, then I conjured a gun. Benson froze, his eyes widened. “I don’t think so, Ben. Harrison is the Rogue and anyone who follows him. Do you know what happens if my Dad dies?”

  Benson narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew. I continued. “The Walker family has been and will always be the true leaders of the council. Where is Harrison now?”

  “Gone to collect the relics.” Benson worked his jaw. “He already has the phoenix feather and a duplicate sleeping stone.”

  Reese stepped up beside me. “That’s impossible. I destroyed the stone.”

  Benson laughed. “Do you think Harrison would hand it over to the demon without making another one?”

  A transfer of power from one stone to another would be the only way Harrison would have a copy. However, the copy wouldn’t be as powerful. Maybe the bastard didn’t need it at full power.

  Benson turned to the Hunters still standing behind him. “I said arrest them.”


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