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High Sticking (Puck Battle)

Page 12

by Kristen Echo

  Their absence hadn’t impacted the results of the game. The guys were on fire and leading by two goals. Whatever adjustments the coaches and management had made had worked. They finished strong with a three to nothing victory. The hockey game was a hit and everyone was in great spirits.

  The flight home went fast. It wasn’t too late when they arrived. Past April’s bedtime, but still a decent hour. Cameron carried a sleeping April to bed. After they brought in the bags, Meagan excused herself to shower and wash the hours of travel off her skin.

  The long, hot shower was exactly what she needed. She took her time, washed her hair and shaved. When she returned to her room wearing only a towel, she wasn’t alone. Cameron had showered and was sprawled naked across the bed.

  “I’m in the mood to celebrate. Drop the towel and let me see you.” He licked his lips.

  She let go of the terrycloth and spun around, giving him a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view. “Like what you see, sir?”

  He growled and sat up. “Very much. I’ll like it even more when you’re bent over with my dick inside you. Bring that luscious ass over here.”

  He made her feel like the most gorgeous creature on the planet. Her confidence was at an all-time high as she sashayed her hips, slowly making her way towards him. When she got within arm’s reach, she stopped and pulled the wooden chair over. She gripped the top and bent over, wiggling her ass at him in the process.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” She glanced over her shoulder and his dimples greeted her.

  An instant later, he stood behind her. His hands roamed the soft contours of her ass and dipped between her open legs. She soaked his fingers; so wet and ready for him.

  “Do you like it when I touch you?” He rubbed along her slit, pressing his erection between her legs. “Bend all the way over. Get your ass up nice and high.”

  Cameron replaced his hand with his cock, teasing her. He brushed his length along her entrance but didn’t penetrate. He squeezed her ass, spreading her cheeks apart.

  “I love it,” she said, getting into the position he wanted. His lips pressed between her shoulder blades and followed down her spine. “I love the way you touch me and how you make me feel… Ahhh!” Meagan groaned when his tongue lashed out across her rosebud hole.

  It surprised her how much she enjoyed those naughty kisses. She moaned as he lavished attention to the area. His fingers kneaded her softness as he licked her, introducing her to a wild new form of ecstasy. A flood of arousal spilled down her leg as he moved one hand over her sex. The tiny amount of pressure against her clit was all she needed for an orgasm to shake through her body like an earthquake of pleasure.

  “Oh… Cameron,” she panted. Her back arched, and she gripped the chair to prevent from falling over.

  “Hmmm. I love the way you feel too.” He angled his cock at her entrance and pressed her legs together.

  No other words were said as he thrust in deep. His balls smacked against her wet thighs at breakneck speed. The next orgasm built. She expected it to be even more stupendous than the last.

  The doorbell rang, cutting short their celebration.

  “Shit,” he said and pulled out. “I’ll get rid of them.”

  Meagan’s face reddened from being bent over and from her climax. She stood up and wobbled, feeling light-headed. Cameron grabbed the towel she’d dropped on the floor and wrapped it around his waist. From the look in his eyes, whoever was at the door would not be staying.

  He left, and she traipsed to her closet and grabbed her robe. A moment later she heard voices. She tied the sash and poked her head out of her room. Her spine stiffened. Her parents stood next to Cameron, and they weren’t smiling.

  Unexpected visitors were one thing, but her parents were another.

  “I see you, Meagan. Come out here.” Her father’s voice carried down the hall even though he wasn’t yelling. Authority followed him around like a cloak.

  She scurried out of her room, clutching her robe closed. Her mother’s eyes widened when she took in her attire and her flushed face. Meagan touched her cheek, and the heat was unmistakable. “Hello. What… why are you here?”

  Her mother’s nostrils flared as she looked from Meagan to Cameron and back again. “Spencer was kind enough to inform us when your flight arrived. We expected a call from you, but it never came. I haven’t seen you since you took this assignment.” Her voice dripped contempt as if the word assignment was evil. “We wanted to see the conditions you are being subjected to. Make sure you’re all right. We worry about you.”

  “I’m fine,” she answered, though no one listened. They worried about everything it seemed.

  The Colonel stepped next to Cameron. The men were close to the same height. If her father was trying to use his size to intimidate the hockey player, he failed. “Is this how you always answer the door? Half-naked and dripping with sweat.”

  Cameron smiled. “Not usually. You caught me in the middle of a workout. I assume you’re here to shoot the breeze with Meagan. So, I’ll leave you to it. Feel free to look around and check out the conditions. I have nothing to hide.”

  “Not so fast. We came to speak with both of you,” her father said, pointing at the couch.

  “Please,” her mother added. “It will only take a moment.”

  Meagan sank down onto the soft leather. This was the same routine her father performed with every man she’d dared to date. Only they didn’t know she was secretly dating Cameron. For all they knew, he was her boss. She was mortified that they’d over step their role like this.

  “Cameron, you don’t have to stay. Mom and Dad this isn’t necessary.” She shook her head.

  “It’s okay, I’m interested to hear whatever they have to say. Must be important since you drove across the city at this late hour.” He leaned against the recliner but didn’t sit. “I’m all ears. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

  Her father remained standing and her mother stood by his side. “We’ve never been formally introduced. I’m Colonel Rylen.”

  Cameron extended his hand, and they shook. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir. And Mrs. Rylen, I see where your daughter gets her beauty.” He shook her mother’s hand and then leaned back again.

  “I’ll be honest with you Mr. Smith, it’s not appropriate for Meagan to work for you. She’s young and impressionable. With your track record, we—”

  “Meagan is a grown woman capable of making her own decisions,” Cameron interjected.

  “With all due respect, you don’t know our daughter like we do,” her mother chimed in. “From where we stand, you should concentrate your efforts on your daughter. Keeping her safe. Something you’ve failed to do in the past.”

  Cameron stiffened, but he stayed quiet.

  “I don’t want my daughter around drugs. Are you still affiliated with gangs?”

  Until this assignment, she hadn’t been the captain of her own ship. Every move she made, other than not enlisting, was their decision. From the toothpaste she used to the color of her underwear, she’d let them dictate her life. Even her job with Connie Northcote had been their choice. It was easier to go with the flow than to fight with them. They’d been through so much, losing a son and having another child in harm’s way. She wasn’t meek or scared of them, she did it out of love. After Denis died, they needed control and she let them control her decisions, but she couldn’t sit by and let them do it any longer.

  “Enough. Cameron, can you please leave us alone? You don’t deserve the third degree.”

  He nodded and left without saying anything. She couldn’t believe her parents could be so mean and ignorant.

  Her father looked at her and let out an exasperated sigh. “Meagan, you—”

  “No. You two know nothing.” She stood and tossed her hands in the air. “He’s not a gang banger for crying out loud. Cam’s a good man and an amazing father. Loving and everything he does is for his little girl. One look at her and you’d love her to piece
s like I do. If you saw them together, you’d take your words back.”

  “I don’t appreciate your tone,” her father said, crossing his arms over his chest. The only thing missing was his jacket of medals. They didn’t think she was smart enough to make good decisions, but that was their issue.

  It pissed her off. “I don’t need or want you here. I love you both, but I am capable of running my own life. Believe it or not, I have a head on my shoulders with a brain full of knowledge. You’ve taught me how to decide what’s right for me. Being here with Cameron and April is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “This will be over in a matter of weeks. Don’t let him get you hooked on anything. That man is bad news.”

  They were so wrong. Meagan walked to the front door and opened it. “I’ll decide what to do. Not you. I’d like you both to leave. And I won’t be coming over for Easter. That’s a time for families and right now the only family I want to be around is in this house.”


  C ameron had crawled into bed with April, making it impossible to talk with him. Meagan had wanted to apologize for her parent’s rude behavior. There was no excuse for the things they’d said, but she hoped he wouldn’t hold it against her. Their beef wasn’t with Cameron, but with her. She’d been pulling away more and more, asserting her independence. Something most teenagers do long before nineteen.

  The morning came within the blink of an eye. It had taken her forever to fall asleep and the small amount she received wasn’t restful. Meagan rubbed her tired eyes and stretched. It was early, but Cameron was an early riser. She climbed out of bed, expecting to catch him before April got up. The house was quiet. After a quick search, she realized her apology would have to wait. He had gone for a run.

  No coffee had been made, and she desperately needed a caffeine injection. She filled the pot and added the beans. A few minutes later, she sat at the kitchen table and held onto a steamy cup. She blew on the hot liquid as April pranced into the room. Her blonde curls were matted on one side where the pillow creases lingered against her cheek.

  “Morning. I’m hungry, she said while rubbing her belly.

  Meagan stood up before the first sip hit her lips. “Do you want me to cook something or is cereal good?”

  “Cereal, please.” She settled in at the table and placed her face in her hands.

  “You seem glum. What’s up?” Meagan asked heading into the pantry for the box of cereal.

  “What does glum mean?”

  She grabbed the milk from the fridge and set it on the counter. “A mix between sad and deep in thought. Do you have something on your mind?”

  April pointed at her chin while she considered her answer. “If Daddy’s team wins the playoffs, do we get to keep the big cup?”

  Meagan laughed as she brought over the breakfast. “I don’t think each player gets to bring it home, but I don’t know. We can ask your dad when he returns from his run.”

  “Okay.” April picked a spoon from the caddy on the table and attacked the bowl. Milk spilled over the edges, but most of it ended up in her mouth.

  The cup of coffee sat within reach, but a knock at the door prevented her sip. “I’ll go see who it is. Wait here.” She walked to the door and opened it. “Hello, can I help you?”

  An older woman in her early fifties with silver highlights through her dark hair took a step back. “Good morning. I’m here to see my granddaughter. Is April home?”

  The woman looked nothing like Cameron. She was much shorter, had a round face and dark features. She looked familiar and Meagan suspected she’d seen her picture with April somewhere. “I’m sorry. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Theodora Rollins and you are?” She walked past Meagan in to the house.

  “I’m Meagan Rylen. I didn’t see your visit on the schedule. Are they expecting you?”

  “Ah yes. The nanny. Cameron mentioned he’d found someone to help while we were on vacation. I don’t need an appointment, dear. I’m family.” Her eyes roamed Meagan’s body, and she wished she’d worn something other than a tattered tank top and sweatpants. At some point she had to make shopping a priority.

  April came running into the room and hugged her grandmother. “Hi. Did you bring me something from Mexico? Where’s grandpa?”

  “I’d never come empty handed. Grandpa’s tired, but he sends his love. I couldn’t stay away from my favorite grandbaby. He’ll be by to visit soon. I want to hear everything you’ve been up to this past month.” Mrs. Rollins clutched her large purse and took April’s hand, leading her over to the couch. She removed her coat, and they settled in.

  “What did you get me? Is it a hat or a dolphin?” April’s excitement made both women laugh.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee? It’s freshly brewed,” Meagan offered.

  “I’d love a cup. Two milk and two sugars,” she replied, digging into her bag. Mrs. Rollins pulled out three wrapped presents. “The big two are yours and the other one’s for your Daddy. Where is he? I figured he had the day off.”

  “You got that right, he’s off today. Cameron will be back soon.” The hopeful tone of her voice was impossible to mask. Mrs. Rollins narrowed her eyes and Meagan turned towards the kitchen. “I’ll be right back.” As she walked away, it felt as if eyes were burning holes in her backside.

  She raced to her room and changed into a baggy sweater and jeans. When she returned to the kitchen, she poured the coffee and added the milk and sugar. Meagan peered up as Mrs. Rollins entered the room. Her eyes did not look friendly which made no sense.

  “We need a pair of scissors to open the package.” She opened the correct drawer and pulled out the sharp object. “You’re here for a short time, is that correct?”

  “Um, I suppose. Yes, I’m looking for a full-time caregiver for April,” Meagan replied, leaning against the counter.

  “Good. You seem too fond of my son-in-law. Your eyes lit up when you said his name. For your information, the position is only temporary until my daughter returns. Nicole will be back to take care of her daughter and her man. Don’t get too comfortable here.”

  “I… what?”

  “You heard me. You may have my daughter’s figure, but you’re not her. This is her family and the sooner you find a replacement the better. You’ll never be April’s mom.” She gripped the scissors tighter. “Take the morning off, I’ll be with April.”

  “Here’s your coffee.” Meagan pushed the cup towards the woman and backed away. “I… enjoy your visit.”

  There were so many things she could have said but bit her tongue. Arguing with angry people always ended up in a loss. Being around hot-headed military men all her life had taught her when to keep her mouth shut and walk away. Meagan double checked the approved visitor list and Mr. and Mrs. Rollins were on it. Sticking around like a chaperon was out of the question. The way she’d left things with her parents meant she couldn’t go there. She pulled on her coat and hat then laced up her sneakers. After that conversation, she needed a good long walk more than she needed a coffee.

  The cold air did little to cool her down. Each block she walked got her more heated. She wasn’t trying to replace Nicole. A woman who’d abandoned her child. She wasn’t sure what she was doing, but it wasn’t for anyone to decide, except for her and Cameron. Everyone else could butt the heck out. Her blood pressure continued to rise and there was no sign of Cameron. She had no clue what his running path included, but she figured she’d have bumped into him after an hour. It never happened.

  The chip on her shoulder had grown into the size of a boulder by the time she returned home. She entered through the back door and took off her coat and shoes. Cameron had beat her home. They needed to talk and clear the air, but that wouldn’t happen with April and Mrs. Rollins around. She smiled and waved as she entered the living room.

  “Dora told me you took the day off,” he said, as he tickled April on the floor.

  “I went for a walk. I wasn’t s
ure if you need me.” Her voice sounded so needy; she hated that. She squared her shoulders, waiting for his response.

  He looked at Mrs. Rollins who shook her head and then back at her. “We’re all good. Enjoy your time off.”

  Meagan left before she said something she’d regret. There was no place she’d rather be than with them, but they didn’t want her. She had plenty of things to do even if nothing specific jumped into her mind. The dismissal cut deep, but she had no intention of sitting around licking her wounds. She wasn’t a dog waiting for scraps of his time, or some pathetic girl who couldn’t take the hint and get lost. She packed a bag for the day and left.

  Being without a car sucked, but it’s not like she was in a rush. The service in his sub-division was garbage, and she waited for over an hour for the first bus. Meagan didn’t even care where it was headed as long as it took her away. That turned out to be a mistake, and she ended up downtown. Late morning on a weekday shouldn’t have been a big deal, but within minutes of getting off the bus she saw two drug deals go down. She clung to the straps of her bag and jogged to the library.

  She played with her phone, checked emails and returned calls. Three friends offered to meet her for lunch, but she turned them all down. Meagan wasn’t in the mood to gush about the hockey star and his daughter. Her friends would ask too many questions and she didn’t have any answers, or none she could share. Telling them she loved Cameron Smith would be a mistake. Part of her wondered if giving her heart to him had been the same.

  The day ended up being productive. She held four interviews for her replacement. The sooner she found someone to take her job the sooner she’d find out where she stood with Cameron. Three of four weren’t suitable, but the last one was really nice. Meagan liked her background in caring for children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The woman was in her mid-forties and had no children. Her husband worked in the oil fields and only came home a few times a year. She was an excellent option and the top contender at that point. Meagan still had a few more interviews scheduled before she presented her top picks to Cameron.


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