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High Sticking (Puck Battle)

Page 13

by Kristen Echo

  As much as she wanted to stay away, she didn’t feel safe staying downtown after dark. She grabbed a bite to eat at the mall and then took the bus back to his place. When she arrived, Mrs. Rollins had left, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You’re back,” April said, skipping towards her and giving her a big hug. She smelled like cinnamon and sunshine. Meagan breathed her in.

  “I am. What are you still doing up? Your bedtime was over thirty minutes ago.”

  “She insisted we wait for you. I couldn’t say no.” Cameron leaned on the wall and smiled. His shirt hugged his thick arms like a second skin. He wasn’t trying to look sexy, but he pulled it off.

  Meagan set her backpack down by the door and removed her jacket and shoes. “I’ll help tuck you in, but I’m not in the mood for a story tonight.”

  “We have a new book,” April said, grabbing her hand. “You have to see it. Daddy made it.”

  Cameron held up a book with a picture of her and April on the cover surrounded by stars. “It’s not a big deal, but I found this place that makes custom books. Figured it would be cool. April’s been pestering me to read it since she found it. Your delay has really caused some mayhem.” He laughed.

  Her heart melted into a puddle. “When did you do this?”

  “This afternoon while Dora and April played together. All right, everyone into bed.” He waved his arms, and her and April walked past him into the little girl’s room.

  They snuggled on the bed and Cameron opened the storybook. The book was filled with pictures of them from the trip and he’d turned it into a fairytale. The adventures of Princess April and Princess Meagan. April loved it and so did she. It was the most thoughtful and caring gesture. She was speechless.

  She kissed April goodnight and left while Cameron rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Meagan collected her bag and returned to her room. She left the door open and sat on the bed dumbfounded. He wouldn’t have made a book with pictures of her if he didn’t want her around; if he didn’t care. Those pages were filled with love.

  “Hey, can I come in?”

  Meagan patted the bed next to her and nodded. So many things rushed through her mind. The apology for her parents, questions about the Rollin’s family, but the most pressing was how he felt about her. That book had to mean something; she wanted it to mean something.

  “Did you like the story? I might be able to get April into fairytales after all.” His soft chuckle sent a rush of heat through her.

  She nodded, gripped his shirt and kissed him. All the insecurities disappeared when their lips pressed together. This man was too much for words. For once, she felt the best way to express herself would be to get physical. Leave the words and the rambling behind and tell him with her mouth how much she liked the book. Use her tongue to express her love.

  Her hands roamed the flat planes of his stomach as she lifted his shirt. He helped her by pulling it over his head. By the time he had his shirt off his jeans were around his ankles. She couldn’t get him naked fast enough.

  “What’s the rush?” He moved into the middle of the bed and laughed as she struggled with his socks. “I guess you liked… Fuck, yeah!” He stuttered as she swallowed the head of his penis. His hands gripped her head as he fed her more inches.

  She sucked on as much as she could and used her hand to stroke the rest. Her tongue wiggled from side to side as she bobbed on his cock. Slurping sounds filled the quiet room, and it wasn’t long before Cameron’s moans and grunts joined in. She loved watching him come undone. His eyes scrunched together the moment before he erupted.

  “I’m coming,” he announced, as if his flavor hadn’t already blasted her tongue.

  She swallowed and licked him clean, not stopping until he was hard again. Then she crawled on top of him and sank onto his cock. She had no idea what came over her, but she couldn’t stop. The stretch and the fullness he provided her was what she craved. Meagan rode him hard, bouncing up and down until they were both panting and dripping with sweat. She came the second he touched her clit, but they kept going all night. They didn’t stop until she passed out.

  When she woke up in the middle of the night, he was still there. His arms wrapped around her middle, holding her tight. She smiled. This was the most content she’d ever been. Being with him made her happy. Judging by the half-smile on his sleeping face, he was happy too. The difficult part would be finding a way to keep that going. To move them past the job, the secrets, and into something real.

  She’d taken the easy way out and she couldn’t continue doing that. That was falling back into an old pattern. The same routine she’d followed her whole life. When faced with a difficult choice, Meagan would let her parents decide. Rather than fight, she’d walk away. If she felt uncomfortable, she’d ramble and change the subject. It was time for change. She wanted a relationship with Cameron and she was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen.


  T he days blended together and Meagan lost track of time. Every day was filled with hockey, playing with April and sex with Cameron. Her nights were more of the same. It felt like the most intense relationship she’d ever been in yet they weren’t even in a relationship. Not really. When she finally put on her big girl panties, she’d asked him what they were. Cameron called it an exclusive, mutually agreeable companionship. That bothered her, but she tried to let it roll off. They didn’t need to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but she’d hoped to hear the word relationship. At least he’d called them exclusive.

  Besides all the sex, she’d wrapped up the last of the initial interviews and Cameron had met with both her top picks. He didn’t like either. He didn’t trust them and told her to go back to the drawing board. His trust issues were going to make it harder than she imagined. Not being able to use the largest agency, severely limited their candidate pool.

  Another dark cloud on an otherwise perfect week were the constant calls from her father. He demanded her attendance at Easter dinner. She’d never missed a family function. With Hailey home she wanted to go, but only if they apologized to Cameron. They weren’t prepared to do that, so she still wasn’t planning on attending. There was always so much food and laughter. She would have loved to have Cameron and April see how much love her parents had to share. She debated asking him if he’d consider going with her, but she’d chickened out.

  “What’s that look for?” Cameron sat across from her at the kitchen table. They were enjoying a post orgasm cup of coffee.

  “It’s Good Friday. The holidays are here and I was thinking about my folks.”

  “I’m not mad about what they said you know. Don’t stay mad at them on my account. They think like a lot of people, that I got Nicole caught up with drugs and gangs. I had no idea who she was chilling with until she was in too deep. Those close to her know the truth.”

  “So, you’re not waiting for her to get out of jail and restart your family?” Mrs. Rollin’s comment had taken up real-estate in her mind for too long.

  He choked on his sip and coughed. “Hell no. I will never forgive her for almost killing our child. She was always a bit selfish, but I had no idea how bad. We can blame the drugs, but Nick never wanted to be a mom. That’s why she signed away her rights. She hates my guts for not bailing her out. When she gets out, she’ll have no part of my life or April’s.”

  “Your mother-in-law begs to differ,” she said, leaning forward and reaching to touch his hand.

  He ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Dora’s a dreamer. Awesome lady and they are sweet with April, but she has a warped view of her daughter.”

  “Don’t you ever talk about her to April. I mean, she never mentions her mom.”

  “Intense morning talk,” he said and sipped his coffee. This time, it slid down smoothly. His eyes searched hers, while she pleaded for answers. “April wasn’t even talking when all that shit went down. She’s got no memory of Nick which is for the best. I’m not sure how much time they even spent to
gether to be honest. Nick mostly dumped her off on her folks to go get high and party with friends. Whenever she asks about her mommy, we tell her that Daddy wanted a baby so bad, he found a woman willing to make it happen. Kind of like a surrogate.”

  Meagan’s eyebrows touched her hairline at his explanation. “What about her grandparents?”

  “She’s never asked. We keep it simple. One day, I’ll give her all the facts, but all she needs to know is she’s loved.”

  “You do a really great job at showing her your love. You’re pretty amazing.” The words popped out, and she didn’t want to take them back.

  “I’ll show you how amazing later.” His naughty interlude was cut short by the pitter-patter of tiny feet. “Hello my love, how are you this morning?” Cameron let go of Meagan’s hand, and he held out his arms to April.

  She crawled on his lap and tucked her head under his chin. “You didn’t sleep with me?”

  He hugged her tight. “I can’t sleep with your every night, sweet pea. You don’t need Daddy to have good dreams. Tell me. Did you sleep good?”

  She shook her head from side to side. Cameron tickled her rib, turning her frown into giggles. “I did. I did,” she gasped. “But, I like when you’re there.”

  “I like being with you too.” He kissed the top of her head and looked around. “I want to make breakfast, but it’s a mess in here.”

  Since he’d fired Gail, the house wasn’t as clean. Meagan kept it tidy, but Cameron refused to let her do the dishes. It was silly, but she’d listened. Something she shouldn’t have done since the pile of dirty dishes was out of control.

  Meagan stood up and stretched. “April would you like to wash dishes with me while your dad cooks us breakfast?”

  She leapt off her dad’s lap and ran towards the sink. Meagan laughed. Anytime kids got the chance to play with water they usually jumped at it. Cameron’s phone rang, and he answered it, covering his ear to hear as April shouted pancakes repeatedly in the background.

  “Hi. Great. No, that’s wicked awesome. Thanks, Mom.” His smile widened with each sentence. “Love you too.” He hung up the phone and stood.

  Meagan made her way over to April and pulled out a stool. Cameron joined them at the sink and tapped her ass playfully. “What’s got you smiling so big?” She asked, wiggling her bum against him.

  “My mom’s flying here today. She’ll be here in a couple of hours. April, Nana is coming over.”

  “Yeah!” April tossed her hands in the air, knocking over a plate. It crashed to the floor but didn’t break.

  Cameron picked it up and placed it in the sink. “We need to get this place cleaned up.”

  “Um… I guess I’ll pack my stuff. So, your mom can have her room.”

  He thought about it and shook his head. “She can have my room. We made plans to spend the day together, and I’d like to keep them. You’ll love my mom, everybody does.”

  They spent the rest of the morning cleaning house and doing laundry. Meagan helped Cameron put clean sheets on his bed and stole a few kisses while April watched cartoons. By the time Mrs. Smith arrived, the house was clean and Meagan was exhausted.

  The introductions went well. His mother had the same green eyes and blonde hair color. She hugged Meagan and thanked her for taking care of April. They sat down on the couch for all of five minutes before the doorbell rang. Meagan answered and found Mr. and Mrs. Rollins glaring at her. She smiled and invited them in. April was in seventh heaven with her family all together.

  Cameron was a great host. He fetched drinks and snacks for everyone and kept the musical playlist going. The conversation centered on April and hockey. They sat next to each other, but there were no more playful touches. Meagan was too nervous to let something slip, so she chewed on her lip for most of the afternoon.

  Everyone was staying for dinner. Meagan had planned to make a vegetarian casserole. The extra mouths weren’t an issue. She excused herself to check on dinner, opened the fridge and stuck her head in to cool off.

  A large hand covered her ass, she spun around. “What are you doing?” She swatted his hand away.

  “Touching you. Am I not allowed all of a sudden?” He pulled her body flush with his.

  “Your family’s in the next room,” she whispered.

  His mouth covered hers as his hands squeezed her ass. She moved her hands over his and opened her mouth. Their tongues mingled until someone coughed close by. They separated and looked around. There was no one there.

  “I should get Dora that water.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. Cameron poured a glass of water and left.

  Meagan added the final ingredients to the dish. She was glad she’d prepped it earlier and had made enough to feed an army. “That should do it,” she said out loud as she plopped the casserole in the oven. She turned around and found Mrs. Rollin’s standing a foot away.

  “It looks like you’re more than comfortable here,” she said, planting her hands on her hips. “We saw you two kissing. Cameron is a good boy, but his heart belongs to my daughter. You seem like a sweet girl and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I’m sorry you saw us. We never planned to say anything yet,” Meagan said.

  “Or ever,” Mrs. Rollin’s added and walked out of the room.

  Meagan followed behind her and tried not to take offense. The woman wanted him with her daughter, but that would never happen. The next hour was awkward as both mothers stared at her every time she spoke. She had to watch her words carefully.

  An hour later she checked on dinner and pulled it from the oven. Mrs. Smith joined her and grabbed the plates. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop earlier, but I saw you and my son kissing. I also heard Dora spouting her non-sense.”

  She removed the oven mitts. Her arm grazed the side of the scalding, hot dish. “Ouch. I’m so sorry.” Meagan ran her arm under cold water and tried to calm her breathing. Their secret was out.

  “I know Cam hasn’t forgiven Nicole and he may never get past it. They were cute kids together, but he’s all grown up. I had hoped to see him with someone more established. A little older and wiser. No offense.”

  Meagan shut off the tap. “You’ve known me for only a few hours and I’ve barely said anything.” Her eyes burned worse than her arm as tears threatened.

  “True, but you’re sneaking around like a bunch of teenagers. I’m taking my cues from your actions. I’m not saying you’re a bad person, but my son needs a woman with a backbone. The hockey world is tough and for the women to survive, they need to be strong. Are you strong enough?” Cameron’s mom shrugged her shoulders as if the verdict had already come in and deemed Meagan unfit.

  She had no response and watched her carry the plates into the dining room. It took several minutes for her to calm down. She blinked back the tears and breathed deeply. Meagan never thought of herself as strong or weak. Her life was far from easy. She’d moved from school to school and had to endure being the new kid more than anyone should. Never once had she complained, she just rolled with the punches life offered. Then in high school, she’d lost her brother and had to be the glue for her family. Again, she did what needed to be done. Her character was strong but not dominant. She held her head high as April walked into the room.

  “Is it ready?” April waved a stack of napkins. “I’m hungry and it smells yummy.”

  Cameron trailed behind. “It does smell delish. I’ll bring the salad and dressings.”

  “There’s lots of cheese on it, so it will be extra yummy.” Meagan cut the casserole and brought it to the hungry house guests. “I hope you all brought your appetites.”

  They took their seats and Mr. Rollin’s said grace. April took her first bite and moaned. “I like this. A lot. Tim’s mommy made a casserole, and it didn’t taste this yummy. If you were my mommy, I’d ask for it every day.”

  The sentiment was beyond adorable and made Meagan’s heart swell. “That’s very nice and I’m so glad you like it.”

  By the
time the last plate was cleared, Meagan was ready to call it a night. That mommy comment spawned an avalanche of side conversations. Poor April didn’t understand the animosity or the reasons for the hushed voices. Everyone stayed to tuck her into bed and April loved the extra attention. Mrs. Smith offered to lie down with her until she fell asleep.

  Once back in the living room all hell broke loose. The grandparents voiced their opinions about her role in April’s life and she took the berating. They were entitled to their views, and she didn’t feel the need to defend herself. She’d learned a long time ago not to fight hate with hate. The entire time, Cameron listened, and she watched his cheeks flush.

  “Get out!” he snapped. “You’ve both lost your marbles if you think I’d ever trust your daughter near my kid. She’s never once called or reached out to us since she got locked up. Never once. Does she ask you for updates or do you tell her things she couldn’t care less about? It doesn’t matter. You have no right to come into my home and insult my… Meagan.

  Mrs. Smith entered the room at the end of the lashing. Everyone was standing, except Meagan. “Calm down, son.”

  “No, she’s too nice to stick up for herself, but I’m a dick and don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. You two should go. You’re always welcome to see April, but I’m done hearing crazy shit. Go see yourselves out.” He sat down next to Meagan and put his hand on her knee. A sign of possession and comfort. “I like you too much to let them treat you this way. I thought April’s comment was cute. Hell, if you were my mine, I’d ask you to cook that again too. Are you okay?”

  She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I’m fine. Better than great, actually. Thanks for sticking up for me.” She touched his face. “I really like you too.”

  Mrs. Smith escorted the grumbling pair to the door.


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