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Cowboy Most Wanted (Copper Creek Book 1)

Page 9

by Stina Lindenblatt

  I might have just suffered whiplash from the abrupt change of topic.

  I test my neck, turning my head from side to side. Nope, it’s all good. “Does Thor need to kick Deacon’s father’s ass?”

  Violet let’s out a long, Can-we-just-drop-this? sigh. “I already told you I don’t want to talk about his father. He’s not in the picture and that’s all there is to it. Now about your website’s underlying message…”

  “I’m a cowboy, Violet, not a freaking designer. I didn’t understand a single thing you just said.” Letting her have her way for now, I bump her with my hip. Like I used to do back when I teased her. Back before I got hard-ons at the sight of her.

  Except unlike then, my body feels like it’s been zapped. The electricity zinging through it leaves me even more hyperaware of her. Aware of her sweet scent, of the light splattering of freckles on her nose, of her begging-to-be-kissed lips.

  I touch her cheek as if to wipe away a stray tear that isn’t there. Her skin is as soft as I’d imagined it would be. She doesn’t move. She just stares up at me, her eyes dark and heated. Like earlier by the barn, her breath comes in faster, shallower than normal.

  I start to move my hand away from her face. She places her hand gently over mine, turns her head, and kisses my palm.

  Heat radiates from the spot. If this is what it feels like with her just kissing my hand, what would it be like if we actually kissed?

  Would it be everything I’ve ever imagined it would be?

  “I’m really hoping you’re going to kiss me now.” Her voice is low, breathy. “Because that’s all I can think about.”

  I don’t wait for another invitation. I lower my head to hers. The touch of our lips is teasing. Questioning. Tender.

  My heart beats loudly in my chest, Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.

  Half listening to it, I pull back ever so slightly. “I probably shouldn’t be doing this,” I murmur.

  “Why not?” The sound of her voice has shifted. It’s now rough, a sliver more than a whisper.

  “ ’Cause your brother will kill me.”

  “Why would he kill you? You’re his friend. He knows you and he trusts you.”

  I snort a quiet laugh. “That’s probably why he wouldn’t trust me. He knows me too well.”

  “Well, for the record, despite what my brother believes, he doesn’t get a say in who I date or kiss or have hot, dirty sex with.” She moves her head back and locks her gaze with mine. “And also, for the record, I’m all for kissing you and having hot, dirty sex with you.”

  I stroke the pad of my thumb across her lip. She nips my thumb between her teeth and my entire body hums for joy. I can’t remember a time when it’s reacted this way to a simple kiss—not even with my ex-girlfriend.

  A voice in my head tells me to go ahead and kiss the girl again.

  So I do.

  I press my lips against Violet’s once more. A stuttering sigh releases from her, then she opens her mouth and welcomes me in.

  I thread the fingers of one hand through the soft strands of her hair and cradle her head. The other hand presses against her lower back, bringing her closer.

  Our tongues slide together, tasting, teasing, getting acquainted. I could spend a lifetime doing this with her and never grow tired of it.

  Heaven? This is it.

  Unfortunately, I don’t get to enjoy even a minute of it, never mind a lifetime. A knock on the office door brings our kiss to an abrupt, I’m-going-to-kill-whoever-that-is end.

  We separate, our breaths ragged and not sounding too innocent.

  “Yes?” I call out. Violet goes back to studying the computer screen.

  The door clicks open and I turn around to see who it is.

  Camilla walks into the office, smiling like she has discovered buried treasure. “There you are, TJ. Your brothers said you weren’t going to the bar with them, so I was wondering where you had disappeared to.”

  “Violet and I were just discussing the ranch’s website.”

  “Good idea. You might want to add something about being on the show when it airs in three weeks. Violet can assist with that if you need help.”

  As if being on the show wasn’t bad enough, now I have to announce it to the people who wouldn’t have otherwise known?


  Naturally, that doesn’t count anyone in Copper Creek. Thanks to Tilly, everyone who follows her Facebook page is aware of it.

  And for those who don’t follow her page…the old-fashioned gossip mill is always hard at work.

  “I can do that,” Violet says, sounding less breathless than she did a moment ago. Enthusiasm is a pale ghost in her tone—and I’m not referring to Casper the Friendly Ghost.

  Hopefully her reaction is because Camilla interrupted our kiss and not because of her request.

  Camilla joins us and peers at the computer screen. I half expect her to suggest shirtless photos of me on the site. She doesn’t.

  Well, there’s a first.

  “You should also include a page about you and your brothers,” Violet says, as if our original conversation hadn’t been intruded on by either the kiss or Camilla. “Make it personal, but not too personal. Potential buyers will develop an emotional connection to you, especially if one of you shares a similar interest to them.”

  “That’s a good idea.” I might have said that, but what I really want is to touch Violet again.

  Touching does happen, only it’s not my fingers tracing along the tantalizing skin on Violet’s neck and shoulder. And if Camilla hadn’t interrupted us, that’s exactly where my lips would be right now.

  No, this touch is Camilla’s hand on my shoulder, like we’re business partners. “I was thinking that you and I should discuss the plans for the next few days,” Camilla says, fortunately oblivious to my thoughts about my best friend’s sister.

  I’m about to say okay, since the moment between Violet and me is now over, when my cell phone pings. I read the text from Aubrey.

  Get your ass down here and bring my girl with you or else there will be hell to pay. :)

  I mentally chuckled at Aubrey’s text. “Actually, Violet and I are supposed to join my brothers at the bar. But you’re more than welcome to discuss the plans with me there.”

  Violet looks slightly confused, a wrinkle sitting adorably between her eyes. I show her my phone. She picks up hers from the desk and walks away while tapping on it.

  “I’m going with Violet in her car,” I tell Camilla. I can always get a ride back with my brothers. “Did you want to follow us in your vehicle? We’ll be leaving in a minute.”

  And if the Norse gods are shining down on me, I might be able to finagle a slow dance with Violet.

  Because after the kiss that rocked the ranch’s foundations, I can’t wait to get her in my arms again.

  As it is, it will be a little trickier than I’d like.

  And I’m not talking about Austin.

  I’m talking about the contract I signed that prevents me from being involved with another woman while I’m part of the show.

  It’s a good thing I had lots of experience sneaking around as a teen.

  That skill is about to come in handy.


  For a Wednesday night, Joe’s is busy. Well, busy for this town. The local country band currently playing might have something to do with it.

  Violet, Camilla, and I weave our way through the crowd. Empty peanut shells crunch underfoot. A protective need surges through me to settle my hand on Violet’s lower back, to make sure the guys eyeing her know they’re entering dangerous, you’re-about-to-be-torn-apart territory. But that’s not exactly feasible with Camilla tagging along.

  Especially since she’s also gaining the same attention from the men.

  We join my brothers at our regular table near the dance floor. Jake is busy watching Sophie and Aubrey line dance.

  Or more specifically, he’s busy scowling at them.

  Sophie is lau
ghing and smiling at Chase Scottsdale. He’s the grandson of Walter Scottsdale…the owner of Scottsdale Ranch. Our rivals.

  Jake’s scowl deepens.

  “She’s just dancing with him,” I helpfully point out. “She’s not running off to marry him.”

  That gets my brother’s attention. He levels his ticked-off gaze at me. Ouch. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “And even if she is,” I say, ignoring his question, “that’s her choice. She can do whatever she wants. But I doubt she’s into him that way. She doesn’t stumble over her words with him.”

  I forgot to mention that Sophie has an issue when it comes to talking to men she’s crushing on. The issue? Her ability to form coherent sentences. It vanishes every time. It’s always a riot watching her flirt.

  Or attempt to.

  Jake’s scowl upgrades to a level four hurricane. The kind of hurricane that could wipe out islands. And it’s all directed at me.

  Double ouch.

  “Besides, the last I heard, you weren’t interested in her that way. Because she’s our horse trainer and therefore our employee…and dating her is against company policy.”

  Because apparently we have company policies.

  That was news to both Noah and me when Jake sprung it on us over a year ago. Shortly after Sophie began working for us.

  My voice is nonchalant, but there’s no hiding the full-out smirk in my tone. “Christ, do yourself a favor, and get laid tonight.” I slap him on the back.

  “What the fuck are you doing here anyway? I thought you weren’t joining us.” He then notices Violet and Camilla and nods at them.

  “Aubrey texted and told me to bring Violet. So here we are.” I spread my arms wide open.

  He dips his head slightly, eyebrows raised. It’s his signal. Like Batman’s signal. Only in this case, it means he’s calling me on my bullshit.

  But really, what is he expecting? I’m hardly admitting to my brother that I’m here to spend time with my best friend’s sister because it’s impossible to do that at home with Camilla there.

  A new song starts. Jake stands. “Ever line dance before?” he asks Camilla before she has a chance to sit.

  “Country music isn’t my thing.” The comment is echoed in her clothing. She’s wearing a knee-length skirt, stilettos, and a sleeveless silk top. “So I haven’t had a chance to try it.”

  “Well, you are about to have your first lesson.”

  She barely has a chance to agree before he’s leading her to the dance floor.

  Violet starts talking to Sophie and Aubrey. I talk shop with Noah about one of the colts…while he surveys the area to figure out which girl to go home with tonight.

  The fast-paced song ends and a slower one takes its place. Jake and Camilla are returning from the dance floor.

  “Can I steal Violet for a few minutes?” I ask her two friends. “I’m in the mood to dance.”

  More like in the mood to touch Violet, but since I can’t exactly do that here with Camilla watching me, dancing is the only excuse I can come up with that allows me to touch her.

  Is Camilla the only person I have to worry about here?

  Not at all. Let’s just say that Tilly isn’t the only gossip in Copper Creek. The last thing I need is for a friend of a friend of the police station’s secretary to be here. Experience is a bitch, and that bitch has slapped me in the face at least once.

  It’s one thing to have Austin find out about what almost turned into a bar brawl—the start of which was completely not my fault, mind you. It’s yet another to discover that I’m touching his sister in a way he won’t approve of.

  I lead Violet to the dance floor and take her in my arms. Hers go around my neck and we sway to the beat.

  “What are the chances of us escaping without Camilla and the TV crew wondering where we’ve disappeared to?” I ask.

  “I doubt the guys will care. They’re just here to do their job. It’s Camilla who won’t be so understanding if she puts two and two together.”

  “That’s too bad.” My voice is low and gravelly against Violet’s cheek. “ ’Cause I want to taste your pussy. It’s all I can think about. I want to taste you when you come against my mouth. I want to hear your sweet moans as you fall apart in my arms.”

  It’s a good thing I’m holding her. Her body dips slightly, as if her knees buckled under the erotic weight of my words. Her swallowed whimper also gives away that she craves for me to follow through on my promise.

  We finish dancing to the song and return to the table. Luckily, my cock realizes being hard after dancing with Violet isn’t the wisest course of action.

  It behaves—for now.

  My beer is on the table when we arrive. I pick up the glass and chug back the cold liquid.

  Jake leans closer to me. “You need me to distract Camilla, so you and Violet can go fuck somewhere?” He says it low enough to be heard over the music, but not loud enough for anyone else to overhear him.

  Shit. Are we that obvious?

  On instinct, I glance around, searching for Austin.

  When I don’t see him, I swivel back to my brother. “No idea what you’re talking about, man.” I gulp back more beer.

  “No? Is that why you’re heading toward hangover-ville? Which, I might add, won’t look too great on video tomorrow.”

  “Nothing’s going on between Violet and me. She’s my best friend’s sister. She and I are just friends. You know that.”

  “Right. You keep telling yourself that. But for the record, from the way I’ve seen her look at you, the woman definitely wants you, brother be damned.”

  Since nothing I say will make him believe otherwise, I ask, “And how exactly do you plan to distract Camilla? Throw yourself at her? Take one for the team like I’m doing with this dumbass show?”

  He smirks the infuriating smile of his that always leaves me grinding my unlucky teeth. “You wanted to breed horses. I wanted to keep breeding cattle. So suck it up, Buttercup.”

  Grind. Grind. Grind.

  Forty minutes later, Violet breaks away from her conversation with Aubrey and Sophie. She’s been talking to them since we left the dance floor. Noah is teaching Camilla the fine art of line dancing.

  Violet walks over to where I’m standing with Jake. “I’m heading back to Granny’s now.”

  Jake checks his phone. “Already? But it’s not even ten.”

  “Welcome to being a mother.”

  “In that case, remind me to never become one.” He winks at her and she laughs.

  “Let me walk you to your car.” My tone is casual. Or at least it sounds casual in my head. Although from the way Jake is clearly snickering in his head, I’m not so sure I pulled it off. “My parents raised me to be a gentleman,” I say to her, “and that involves walking a woman to her vehicle. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them after they worked so hard to instill those values in me, would you?”

  Jake laughs out loud this time—mostly because he knows everything I just said is bullshit.

  He grabs my arm as we walk past. “Do I need to distract Camilla?” he asks under his breath. “Or are you really planning to be back in a few minutes?”

  I just shrug—because I have no idea which one is true. “I might go for a walk to clear my mind.”

  Outside, the night air has cooled a few degrees since we entered the bar. I scan the parking lot. No one’s here, but it doesn’t mean someone won’t exit the bar at any moment. And it doesn’t mean Austin won’t drive past in his squad car while I’m making out with his sister.

  I wrap my hands around her hips and draw her close. Then I trace my lips along her jaw to her earlobe, relishing the feel of her silky skin. “Do you have to leave right away?” My voice is husky with need and pent-up desire. Desire for this woman and only this woman.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “This.” I gently grab her wrist and lead her across the parking lot.

  Joe’s is located near the e
dge of the forest that sweeps down in this section of town. We disappear into the tree line and walk along the winding trail, the light from my cell phone making it easy to see where we’re going. The world around us is quiet other than the soft sounds of nature. The occasional chirping of an evening bird. The rustle of leaves. The muted crunch from the layer of dead pine needles and twigs under our feet.

  Several minutes later, we step into a small grassy clearing far from prying eyes. A large boulder, perfect for what I wish to do, sits near the outskirts of the area.

  Before Violet has a chance to say anything, I pull her against me, and my mouth takes hers in an all-consuming kiss. I don’t have much time before I have to return to the bar, and I plan to give Violet something to remember me by while she sleeps.

  As my tongue continues enjoying the minty taste of her mouth, my fingertips glide along the edge of her strapless sundress. I’ve been fantasizing for the better part of the evening about pulling down the top and revealing those gorgeous tits that I know are waiting for me.

  I cupped one of her breasts and almost groan at the way it fills my hand. I move away from her lips, slightly swollen from my kisses, and watch her face as I brush the pad of my thumb against her nipple. Even with the dress and bra in the way, I feel it tighten.

  I gaze into her eyes, dark with want. “I need to taste you. Can I do that?”

  Her answer is a single nod.

  I lower the fabric of her dress and bra and take a moment to worship the view. Then my lips are around one nipple and I suck on it hard.

  Violet moans.

  My hat disappears from my head, to be relocated onto hers. Her fingers knot in my hair, keeping my head in position.

  While my mouth is busy, I skim my fingers along her silky inner thighs and under her skirt, the heat of her pussy beckoning me. I continue my exploration until my fingers graze the elastic of her panties.


  Violet releases a needy gasp that makes me even harder.

  I give her nipple one final flick with my tongue and pull away. Gazing at her through half-closed eyes, I trace my finger against her cotton-covered pussy.


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