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Cowboy Most Wanted (Copper Creek Book 1)

Page 10

by Stina Lindenblatt

  She groans a sound of sweet satisfaction.

  “Are you as wet for me as I think you are?” I ask.

  “Maybe.” Her voice is raspy with desire—just the way I imagined it would be if fantasy ever became reality.

  “Sounds like a challenge to me.”

  Her lips curve into a teasing smile. “Maybe.”

  Taking that as permission for what I long to do next, I slide my finger under the fabric and run it along the promised land. It’s slippery and feels just as I dreamed it would.

  “Christ, Violet, I need to taste you so badly.” I hook my thumbs on the waistband of her panties and slowly drag them down her legs. Her breath comes in ragged pants.

  Once the fabric rests on the top of her cowgirl boots, I lift one ankle and remove her footwear, guide her panties off, and replace the boot. I repeat this with the other leg.

  I shove the small scrap of material into my jeans pocket and smirk at her. “I’ll just keep that for now. Sit on the boulder and spread your legs for me.”

  She does, lifting the hem of her skirt and giving me a tantalizing view. A tantalizing view of what I’ve fantasized about while jerking off in the shower.

  It’s just as I imagined, which says a lot.

  My cock presses painfully against the zipper of my jeans, desperate to burst free, like the shirt-ripping Hulk.

  I ignore it for now and crouch between her legs. I lift one then the other onto my shoulders.

  “Shouldn’t we be getting back now?” Violet asks, though her tone suggests the opposite. “They might start wondering what happened to you. Or more likely, Camilla will question where you vanished to.”

  “I’m sure Jake’s doing a great job distracting her.” I owe him big time—and I can guarantee he won’t let me forget.

  But whatever he has me do to make up for it will be worth it.

  I lower my head between her legs and give her clit a single lick. Her answering moan leaves me grinning. “Like that, do you?”

  “Very much.”

  “Then I guess I should do it again.” My tongue teases her core, and I’m rewarded with a moan that gets my cock even more excited—a feat I didn’t think was possible.

  The faint snap of a twig registers somewhere in the back of my mind. I ignore it. It’s just an animal passing through the forest.

  I continue giving Violet’s clit the lavish attention it deserves, then I press a finger against her entrance. Violet writhes at my touch. I plunge the finger in, letting her soft heat engulf me.

  My cock demands some of that for itself; it’s out of luck for now.

  I push in another finger and scissor them, stretching her, driving her crazy.

  “Oh, God, TJ,” she says on a groan. The words are low, not much more than a whisper, but it’s clear she’s struggling to keep the entire town from knowing what we’re up to.

  Needing to taste her pussy, I remove my fingers from inside her and replace them with my tongue. I shift my hand, and my thumb takes over the fun that my tongue enjoyed with her clit.

  It doesn’t take much more before her muscles clamp down on me and she comes hard against my face. Luckily, we’re too far away for anyone to overhear us; only the wildlife in the vicinity get to appreciate the free entertainment.

  I lower Violet’s legs to the ground and straighten to my feet. “I guess by now everyone is wondering where I disappeared to. We should go back,” I say after giving her a moment to recover.

  Violet’s gaze drops to my package, and a sensual smile stretches on her lips. She reaches for my zipper. “You can’t go back to the bar like that. Let me help you.”

  Yes! screams my cock.

  I ignore it because I meant what I said about getting Violet back to her car. I don’t want Camilla to become suspicious. For one, if Violet’s job finds out she was screwing with a contestant during the filming of the show, she might get in trouble. That’s the last thing she needs, especially being a single mother.

  And neither of us needs for what we did to hit the tabloids, which is always a possibility if word of it leaks out. If that should occur, Copper Creek will witness its first showdown since the town was founded—only I’ll be the man toting a water pistol.

  Austin will be the one with the real gun.

  “I can wait until tomorrow night.” I pull her to her feet and kiss her long and hard. It doesn’t do much to solve the dilemma between my legs, but hopefully things will die down while we walk back to the parking lot.

  “Are you sure?” she asks. “Because I’m not so sure I can wait that long before I have my mouth on your cock.” Her eyes hold an impish gleam that matches the curve of her lips.

  My cock cheers at her suggestion—clearly not understanding the seriousness of the situation if Violet and I are caught. “I’m sure.”

  And maybe after I’ve fucked her, things will be like my usual one-night stands. I’ll be able to move past my lust for her.

  The know-it-all voice in my head wishes me luck with that delusion—because a one-night stand and Violet aren’t the same thing.

  Not even close.

  We traipse through the dark woods to the parking lot. The light from my phone leads the way. Violet stumbles a few times, but otherwise we make it back looking pretty much the same as when we entered. Maybe a little more disheveled than before, but nothing too noteworthy.

  Before we step into the parking lot, I check to make sure no one is there. Then I escort Violet to her car. I ignore the urge to kiss her once more, and I watch her drive away before heading into the bar.

  Camilla is on the dance floor again, except this time with Chase Scottsdale. She’s laughing as he effortlessly guides her around the semi-crowded space.

  “So, how long’s that been going on?” I indicate at the pair.

  “For three songs now,” Jake replies. “And where the hell have you been? I wasn’t expecting you to fly to the moon and back.”

  “It’s not like I’ve been gone that long.”

  What are the odds of lightning striking me inside the building?

  “Does she suspect anything?” I nod at the “she” I’m referring to.

  “What—that you’re screwing around with your best friend’s sister when you’re supposed to remain single until the final episode is aired?”

  Yep, we’re definitely talking you’re-royally-fucked fodder for the tabloids if anyone else figures things out.

  “That’s only if I make it past the first round,” I say.

  The skeptical, bullshit bat signal? It’s back on his face.

  “All right, it counts now, too,” I say. “But if I don’t get picked to continue, then I won’t have to worry about it. I can fuck whomever I want.”

  Except Violet will no longer be here.

  “You’re playing with fire, bro.”

  “You only get burned if you touch the flames.”

  I just have to make sure that I don’t.

  Or at least have a fire extinguisher handy.


  The next morning, Noah parks the bowl of scrambled eggs in the middle of the kitchen table. “Can’t believe today’s your last day here,” he says to Wilson and Craig. Violet hasn’t arrived yet, and Camilla is still in her room.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask Noah, then turn to the two men in question. “I thought you’re here two more days.”

  And why didn’t anyone tell me about the change of plans?

  “We were, but now we have to return to LA tomorrow.” Wilson helps himself to the eggs. “Our flight’s in the morning.…Bet you’ll be happy to get us out of your hair. For a few weeks, anyway.”

  Before I can point out that there’s—hopefully—no guarantee they’ll be back, Craig waves a slice of bacon at me. “You better have some more of this great stuff when we return. I swear you guys serve the best bacon I’ve ever tasted.”

  “When did this all go down?” I ask, ignoring the part about the food.

  “Last night. When we w
ere at Joe’s. I’m surprised Camilla didn’t tell you.”

  Or Violet.

  She must have known.


  “Is Violet returning to LA tomorrow, too?”

  Craig bites into his bacon. “That would be my guess,” he says around the mouthful.


  “Deacon’s grandmother will be disappointed.” I somehow manage to sound nonchalant, as if I don’t give a damn one way or another about her leaving tomorrow.

  Which, of course, is a lie.

  “I can imagine,” Craig says. “He’s a cute kid.”

  “He is.” And surprisingly I’m going to miss him, even if he’s only been in my life for a few days.

  Camilla enters the kitchen and heads straight for the coffeemaker. She fills her mug and draws a long, fortifying sip. “So, cowboy, since it’s our last day here, what are our plans for today?” In other words, what else can I do to pimp myself for the show and the viewers’ benefit?

  “One of the mares is ready to be bred.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means today’s the day Thor attempts to impregnate her.”

  Craig throws his head back in laughter. “You mean we’re shooting horse porn?”

  Camilla gives him a pointed look. I’ll give it to her; she’s unflappable when it comes to some of the things that motor from his mouth. “I can guarantee the network will thankfully not go for that.”

  The front doorbell chimes. Unfortunately, Noah is already bailing to get to his morning chores, which means he’ll be at the front door before me. I could sprint there, but that might raise suspicion.

  Violet enters the kitchen. I grip the edge of the table, gluing myself to my seat. It’s that or give in to the urge to pull her into my arms.

  “Violet, did you get the email my administrative assistant sent you last night?” Camilla asks.

  “The one with the flight information?”

  “Yes, that’s the one. She really is a miracle worker, especially since she was able to get a plane ticket for your son, too.” A miracle worker who works late at night, it would seem.

  “You’re right—she is a miracle worker. Especially since she was able to change the date he’s flying back to LA.”

  Camilla’s pale eyebrows pinch together in confusion. “Why would you want to change his return date? Isn’t he going home with you?”

  “Yes, but not this time. I emailed my boss last night and put in for vacation time. I’ll be returning to LA tomorrow for a few days, just to finish off work I need to do. Then I’ll fly back here for the week.”

  I can’t help the upward tug on my mouth at her news. Not only will Violet be returning for a week, there will be no TV crew with her this time.

  Which means as long as Austin and the town gossips don’t figure things out, I can hang out with her like I want to…as well as delve deeper and discover Violet’s dirty side.

  “But you’re still joining us when we go to the different ranches with Natalie, right?” Camilla asks her.

  Violet nods. “Definitely. That’s when the social media campaign will be going full force. Plus I’ll still be working on it while I’m here, to help further build hype for the show.”

  I take the remaining piece of bacon from the plate, ignoring the puppy dog eyes I can feel Asgard directing my way. “Even though you’ll be on vacation?”

  “Yes, even though I’ll be on vacation. But that part doesn’t take long to do at this point in the season. Nothing like it will be once the cowboys have been selected for the next round. And I can easily schedule a lot of the posts and tweets ahead of time.

  “And since I’m staying for the week. I can help you with your website and shoot photos of the ranch and the horses.”

  Then we can christen those locations with incredible, the-ground-is-trembling-under-us sex.

  Works for me.

  “Thanks. That would be great.” I give her a brief nod. “Now, I’ve got a mare to get knocked up. But before I can do that, I need to finish my morning chores.”

  “Can we watch?” Craig’s voice is a little too enthusiastic to be referring to my regular chores. Although if you ask me, it’s also a little too enthusiastic for watching Thor go at it with Freida. But to each his own, I guess.

  “Sure, if you want,” I say to the two guys. “Are you ladies going to watch, too?”

  Violet and I don’t have a chance to talk while I do my morning chores. At least not the way I want to talk to her.




  Thank Christ for the hard, physical labor required when running a ranch. It’s enough to distract me from my thoughts of what my tongue and fingers were doing to Violet last night.

  The same thoughts that visited me in the shower after I returned home from Joe’s.

  When it was only me and my hand.

  “Why don’t you just let the horses have a good fuck in the pasture?” Craig asks as we stride toward the paddock where Thor is waiting. Because Camilla doesn’t wish Thor’s mating to be caught on camera, all the equipment is stowed back at the house.

  Since Violet is walking next to me—with only an inch or two separating us—I briefly stroke the back of her hand with my index finger. “You can do that. It’s called pasture breeding. But you don’t want to do it with a stallion who’s considered valuable.”

  Everyone is looking ahead. No one notices what I’m doing to Violet.

  From my periphery, I catch Craig turning his head toward me. I drop my hand away.

  “Why’s that?” he asks.

  “Because if the mare freaks out, she can cause him serious damage.”

  “You mean like kick him in the nuts?” There’s a wince to his tone, like someone just gave him a wedgie.

  “Yeah, something like that. If we weren’t looking to breed high-caliber rodeo horses, we could use pasture breeding. Our other options would be artificial insemination or sending our mares to be impregnated at another ranch. We breed quarter horses, but if we were breeding thoroughbreds, the mares would have to be bred the old-fashioned way.”

  “What’s that?” Wilson asks.

  Craig snorts a laugh. “Has it really been that long since you last got laid?” He demonstrates with hand actions exactly what I mean.

  Wilson rolls his eyes. “My cousin had to use artificial insemination to get his wife pregnant. So how does it work with horses? You show them the horse’s version of Playboy and give them a plastic cup to jack off in?”

  “Yep, exactly like that,” I say.

  The men laugh but neither pushes further for details.

  At the paddock, I open the wide metal gate far enough so Violet and I can easily slip past. We enter the grassy enclosure as I shut the gate behind us.

  Because Violet’s experienced around horses, I use that as my excuse for why she can join me. Camilla and the guys wait for us on the other side of the fence.

  “You remember the old swing by the river?” I ask once we’re out of the crew’s hearing range.

  She smiles in the way that always gets my heart thumping a little faster. “Of course.”

  “I thought maybe we could go there this evening…and reminisce about old times.”

  Minus those involving her brother.

  “I’d like that. But I need to go to Granny’s first to spend time with Deacon since I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  “Will he be okay with you leaving him in Copper Creek?”

  Thor recognizes the halter I’m holding: his breeding halter. The halter that signals he’s about to be one very happy stallion.

  He approaches us, nickers, and nudges my arm with his head.

  Violet strokes his nose. “He should be fine. He really likes Granny.”

  I chuckle. “As if it’s possible for anyone to not like her? I bet she’s got him wrapped around her fingers.” Her chocolate chip cookies will do that to you.

  Thor nudges my arm again.
r />   “All right. I get it. You want to get laid. Who doesn’t?” Especially since it’s been a lot longer for me than it’s been for him.

  Violet giggles. I fake a frown. “Hey, don’t laugh. I haven’t had sex in a while. I miss it.”

  Those gorgeous brown eyes of hers travel up my body, rest on my package for a second, and continue northward to meet my gaze. “I guess we’ll have to do something about that. God knows I’m more than ready to have someone fuck me.”

  She says the last two syllables in a voice that’s equally low and equivalent to eight-packs-a-day husky. I’m surprised I didn’t come hard in my jeans just at the sound of it.

  “If it’s me we’re talking about thrusting deep inside you,” I say in an equally sex-deprived voice, “then I’m all for it.”

  A whimper slips from her lips at “thrusting,” and I can’t help but inwardly grin.

  I fasten Thor’s halter on him and lead him to the gate. Not that I really have to lead him. He’ll drag me there if he must.

  I open the gate, and we walk to the teasing chute, where Jake is waiting with Frieda. It’s nothing fancy, just two parallel fences set a little more than a horse-width apart.

  Camilla looks back and forth from Frieda, who is standing between the fences, to Thor. “So what happens now?”

  “Now we double check Frieda is in heat. She and Thor will let us know.”

  “How do they do that?”

  The two men don’t say anything—and I have a feeling Camilla is the reason behind that.

  But while I would love to know what she said to them while Violet and I were in the paddock, I’ve got a more important job to do.

  “Basically, if Thor flirts with her, she’s ready to breed.”

  “That’s it?” Camilla says.

  I nod. “That’s it.”

  “Thank God it doesn’t work that way with humans. I’d hate to think that a man will only flirt with me when I’m primed to get knocked up. And what happens if you’re on the pill? Does that mean no men will be interested in you?”

  I’m not sure if I’m supposed to answer or laugh.

  Violet doesn’t have the same qualms. She laughs again. “That’s one way to look at it.”

  I let Thor do his thing to confirm Frieda is ready.


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