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Hotstreak: A Bad Boy New Adult Romance (Chaos, Nevada Book 2)

Page 69

by Liz K. Lorde

  Pulling out a chair for myself, all of us became seated. The four of us exchanged woefully awkward looks, each of us performing our own nervous little ticks. I shifted in my chair, Madeline picked at her nails with her head down; Cedric must have thought that there was some fine print of which he could read, written on my forehead, seeing how he couldn’t help but stare. Mads’s momma just plastered on a big smile, it was hard to tell if this was genuine or forced – but for some reason, I wanted to believe that it was real.

  Madeline ended the tense quiet, “Gabriel’s great with cars, dad. He’s a mechanic.”

  Cedric didn’t bat an eye, he just looked right at me, “What kind of man gets a girl he hardly knows pregnant,” he said derisively.

  “Excuse me?” I said, raising a brow and leaning forward against the table.

  “Sorry,” Cedric said, “but I’m not trusting someone that took advantage of my little girl. You’re as bad as the other one,” he grumbled.

  I put my hand up before Madeline could interject, and said: “With all due respect sir,” it was proving difficult to control those crackling emotions just beneath me, “I’ve been nothing but honest with your daughter. I helped to get her clean,” I said with some emphasis, “not to get her pregnant. I advocate safety.”

  Cedric looked to Madeline, and then to his wife.

  Madeline put a hand to her mouth, and I could tell that there was something she wasn’t telling me. Before anyone could get another word in, she brought her hand from her mouth, “Dad,” she said, “I’m sorry. I just. It was already so embarrassing. Going forward, I want Gabriel to be my child’s father,” she explained. Madeline nervously bunched up in her chair, and I sent a hand to her arm to comfort her. “Damien… he got me pregnant. He, he poked holes in the condoms that we used.”

  Madeline’s mother promptly scooted her chair over to MJ and put a hand to her back, “Oh, sweetheart…”

  Cedric’s jaw went slack and his eyes rounded, “That son of a bitch,” he seethed. “I’ll kill the bastard,” I could feel the rage coming off of the man; he jumped from his chair, the wood forcibly sliding against the tile floor.

  “Don’t bother,” I said, “I gave him a good, hard talk.” My eyes were cold as ice, as I looked up at MJ’s father. From what I could gleam, he understood what I meant. Still, he looked at me for what felt like forever, his chest rising like a mountain moving; in that instant, I knew that we shared one bond. That we would kill anything that threatened MJ’s happiness. Don’t worry your head old man, these bones may be getting older, but I’ll be kicking ass well past your age.

  Cedric’s lips tightened together, and his chest relaxed – a long breath pushing from his nose, from this angle he looked more of an old dragon than a man. Finally, he slowly sat back down and said simply: “Tell me more in private.”

  Madeline shook her head, “Dad, don’t—“

  Her mother interrupted, looking between me and her husband, “I always hated that creep, what did you do?” She asked with trepidation in her voice.

  “I did what needed to be done,” I explained, tilting my head to look at Madeline and her mother, “I’d do it again, but it’ll never happen a second time.” That was a promise that I made to my girl, more so with my eyes than with my words.

  Cedric subtly nodded his head in agreement. “Is there anything else we need to know, MJ?” His tone was hard, but there was some sadness in it too – like he didn’t dare to push MJ too hard.

  “Well, since you’re asking…”

  I made sure to stop her from explaining, “I’m part of a motorcycle club,” I said flatly, “and yeah, I do fix cars. Come on down whenever and we’ll hook you up with family rates. But, you two seem like smart suburban folks; sure that you’ve heard some stories both around town and elsewhere in the country, not to mention on TV.” Taking in a breath, I gave a long, telling look to her father. “I want to assure both of y’all. The club that I roll with, New Knights, we’re enthusiast at heart – and if you want to see us for what we are, you do us the courtesy of hearing it from us first hand. No second hand BS.”

  MJ’s mom seemed more alarmed by the discussion than Cedric. “I’m not going to ask right now,” she said, “I’ve been told enough today, I think I’m going to have to make a bucket sized margarita for later tonight at this rate. We just want what’s best for our girl…”

  Throwing my elbows onto the table, I turned to face MJ’s mom. I could hear MJ whispering something to her, no doubt trying to help ease me into this difficult situation. “Look, I get that.”

  Cedric bumped in, “I don’t think that she should have this baby,” he shook his head repeatedly.

  “Not your choice,” I clipped, “she’s well aware she doesn’t have to keep it.”

  “She shouldn’t,” the stubborn ox of a man affirmed.

  I just laughed, “You and my pops would get along well.”

  “Hmm,” Cedric hummed.

  “Like I was saying. We all want what’s best for her, but at the end of the day, she’s a woman grown.” In my head I corrected myself to ‘only just grown’ because damn that body and mind were in their prime. “Life’s not always about what’s best, it’s about what we want. I’m not expecting you guys to fall head over heels for me, no matter how good I look.”

  The table shared a quiet, amused laugh. Thank the gods.

  “Just give him a chance,” Madeline pleaded, “when’s the last time I’ve ever wanted you guys to meet the dudes that I bone?” Cedric cleared his throat at that, meanwhile I couldn’t help but inwardly chuckle. “We’ll have him over for dinner this week, the boys can grill and mom, we’ll do sides and stuff.” I didn’t bother to mention how busy I might end up being.

  “Really?” mom asked, “honey you never want to do that kind of stuff.”

  MJ just smiled, and then looked at me, “I do now.”

  Her mother looked to me as well, “I don’t know what exactly you did.” Highly inappropriate things. “But if my daughter is happy… then I am too.”

  Maybe winning them over wouldn’t be impossible after all.



  The sun was inching its way towards its final resting place, and the last dying breaths of orange washed over the building that Gabriel told me was his club home. The building stood mighty, but it was no doubt rough around the edges. It was no more than two stories in height, and a great set of red metal letters spelled out Hammond. It looked like there was room enough for more, but they were stripped off of the building’s face. Just outside the perimeter was a long row of barbed fence and a gate, which was manned by two Prospects – Gabriel explained that those were men who wished to be patched one day. The newbies of the MC, but above hangarounds, or clubfriends. Directly to the side of the New Knight’s HQ, was their small repair shop, about half as big as their clubhouse.

  Gabriel had his arm entwined with mine, and a subtle, yet entrancing smile, on his face. “Don’t let the boys scare you, most of them aren’t as hard as they look.”

  “I’m not sure I believe that.”

  Gabriel tilted his head, “Just trust me. The scarier they look, the softer they are on the inside – think teddy bears wielding knives. They’re all fuzz on the inside.”

  I laughed sharply, “Please just stop with the images, you really do suck at them.”

  “Ah, I do, but only half as much at what you’re so good at sucking,” Gabriel whispered, sending a hand to my butt and squeezing hard. Warmth flooded me, and I let a soft, private giggle escape me. Just that simple act, and those salacious words were enough to make me yearn all over again for his erotic touch. We walked through the front door, and my ears were instantly greeted with the sounds of mellow rock playing from a stereo.

  My shoes tapped softly against the hard, paved concrete floor. There were a number of club members in the room, and all of them either turned on their heel or craned their head to glance at me. Somehow I felt naked, suddenly. There was a wo
man, too; beautiful with a head full of blonde hair. She was standing by this handcrafted looking bar. Not a very large one, mind you. Enough to seat maybe three people at its counter. The counter itself looked like it was made from some finely polished, rich, dark colored cherry wood. There were little LED, Christmas type lights that were strung along it. The woman that stood behind it, with those pretty eyes, smiled at me. Behind her was a large mirror, and in front of it, was a great wooden shelf of sorts that held numerous, multi-colored bottles of various liquors.

  I waved to her casually, and smiled back at her.

  Gabriel brought a hand out towards the woman, “Mads, this is Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Madeline.”

  “So cool to meet you,” Chelsea said.

  “Thanks, I love your hair,” I told her truthfully as we walked onwards to the middle of this lounge type room. There was a big couch that looked like it could sit 6 people, and a wide screen TV showcasing some basketball game. One man in particular was looking at me with fierce purple colored eyes. He had a wild beard and a crazy aura about him, but his lips curled into a smirk.

  Beyond the crazy one, there was a man with black hair and multi-colored eyes. He was gorgeous, but more rugged than Gabriel – less man pretty, overall. At this man’s side was someone that I did recognize; Jasmine Giuseppe. She gave me that same smile that she had long before, and I quickly waved at her.

  Gabriel chuckled to himself, and before he could get a word out, some man in the corner of the room sipping on a bottle of beer made a loud whooping noise: “Tell me that is up for grabs, VP.”

  I hollered back at the man, amused, “Not a chance.”

  Gabriel added, “Strictly off limits, unless you want to get your face retooled. Might do you some good though, Sex. Everyone, this is Madeline.” Before I could inquire, he leaned to my ear and whispered, “that ass over there is Sexton. He’s all bark and bite.”

  The people on the couch got up from their seats and moved over to greet me; namely the President of the club, he extended a hand, “Good to meet you. I’m Luke, and this one here,” Luke nodded his head to the bearded one. “This is Jethro.”

  “Same to you, and to you too, Jeth.”

  Jethro grabbed my hand next, much, much stronger than Luke’s grip. “Your skin looks soft as churned butter.” He gave me a toothy smile, and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be creeped out or flattered.

  “Thanks, I think? Never heard… that one… before.”

  Jethro looked to Gabriel then, with a knowing smirk. “Every part of her that soft?” Now my face was quickly turning red.

  Gabriel punched at the man’s chest and snorted, “Cut it,” he said, and then mouthed ‘hell yes’.

  Jasmine sidled over to me and embraced me with a tight hug, “You look good,” she said.

  “Thanks,” I told her, “I owe it to you and Gabriel.”

  “No,” Jasmine shook her head and squeezed my hand, “you owe it to you.”

  I didn’t say anything then. Just smiled as warmth pressed against my chest.

  Luke looked past us and over to the bar, and then brought his arms out and his brows up, “Drinks? I want to get to know this pretty little thing Gabriel’s been so clearly smitten over.” Sexton came out from the corner he was hanging out in and was the first to hit the bar. Jethro laughed in amusement and chanted ‘drinks’.

  Gabriel brushed back his brown hair and chuckled, turning over to me and giving me a quick look before scooping me up, making me squeal. He carried me over to the bar and called for me to get up on his shoulders, so that I was sitting on top of him with Sexton and Luke flanking us on either side; Jasmine stood beside Luke and Jethro leaned against the counter by Sexton.

  Chelsea hastily filled up a pitcher of beer and got us each a glass. While this was going on, Jasmine called out: “Phoenix!” She gave me a wry smile, putting a hand on her baby bump, and then craning her head back towards the TV. A man popped out from a door close to that wide TV and Jasmine continued, “turn that up loud and put on some music.”

  This man, Phoenix, whose hair was a dark, dark black, gave no show of humor or recognition. He only strolled over to the couch and picked up the remote, setting the station to some rock broadcasting channel.

  Jasmine raised her chin, “Good man.”

  Chelsea dipped beneath the counter and pulled out a bottle of beer from a cold chest. She then put the cap to the end of the counter and smacked the seal off, making a satisfying sound. Chelsea poured it in Jasmine’s glass and winked, “Non-alcoholic.”

  “Thanks,” she replied.

  Gabriel picked up his glass of beer and raised it up to me, looking up at me with those eyes, “One for you?”

  “One’s enough,” I smirked, grabbing it from his hands and sipping down the cold wheat that washed down my throat and delightfully sank into my stomach.

  Sexton downed his drink in something close to three gulps, and then grabbed the pitcher and poured himself another. “So how’s Gabriel in the sack?”

  I looked over to the man and grinned, “Not telling.”

  “Oh come on,” he groaned, “that’s no fun.”

  “Still not telling.”

  Gabriel just drank his drink and Jethro chimed in, “I really dig your hair. You gonna come over here and give us greasy bastards something pretty to look at on the daily?”

  Gabriel snorted, “You check out her ass for more than a second and I’ll bury you, Madwild.” Was that his nickname, I guess?

  Luke threw his head back in laughter and wrapped an arm around Jasmine, smushing her against his person, “Too afraid to check out the Prez’s woman, but you’ll lay eyes on the VP? Guess the crown does have its perks.”

  Chelsea cleaned up some dirty glass with a white cloth and spied at Luke, “Yeah, like not being to cut him off at night when you’ve thought he’s had enough.”

  Sexton cleared his throat, “We prefer to think of Luke as a… connoisseur of the finer beverages that this world—“

  Chelsea interrupted, “He’s a bloody alcoholic,” she shook her head.

  Luke brought up a finger and gave her, from what I could gather, a stern, if not playful look, “It gives me courage and it keeps my spirits spritely, so that I don’t have to yoke any of you fools around here. You know that, Chels.”

  I chimed in, “That, that does sound like alcoholism.”

  The gang had a mixed, laughing response. Maybe I’ll fit in after all.

  Sometime later, Gabriel escorted me to one of the spare bedrooms – the one that he used when he wasn’t at his place. We’d had a long night of hanging out and playing pool with the boys, and Chelsea promised to teach me how to bartend so that I could have a shot at getting better paid work. I had to admit, it was super exciting to think about getting to spend some time bonding with her, and on top of that, learning a skill I’d wanted to know about off and on through life.

  Gabriel asked, “What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing in particular,” I cinched an arm around his waist and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “Now I’m definitely convinced you’re planning something,” he scooped me up again and plopped me down on the bed, crawling on top of me and flashing that beautiful smile just before pressing his lips against mine. My whole body became filled with warmth, and we shared a sexy moment of a little laugh. Together, we were just better. Stronger. Everything just felt right.

  It wasn’t a feeling that I was used to. And it scared me that this might be my new forever.

  Gabriel planted a long, hard kiss on my lips, and ran his hand through the softness of my hair. He pulled back for a moment and whispered, “I love you, baby.”

  I just yanked at the collar of his shirt and kissed him back, “I love you too, rockstar.”

  Our Happy Ending

  Sometime Down the Long, Winding Road…

  Flopping down onto the comforting splendor of my bed, I sank down into the mattress and let out a long sigh of relief; having dinne
r with Mom, Dad and Gabriel was great. Fantastic, even. Things had come along so well between all of us, that I hardly would have believed it if someone had told me things would be this way. But, even still, it was draining. I still tried as hard as I did on that first day that they met him, to make sure that they still liked and were impressed with him.

  Meeting Gabriel’s father, Daniel Wilson, well, he was harder to get to come around than even my folks. Turns out, that he didn’t approve of me not being grown up from or around the MC life. That didn’t stop Gabriel from arguing nearly every week that we were right for each other. In my heart, I knew that one day he’d come around; when he see’s the grandchild that we’re going to give him, his heart’ll come back to him.

  Placing my hand on my swollen belly, I smiled and felt a finger of joy press against my heart. I kept my hand there, waiting, hoping for our little girl to kick. Still, I knew in the back of my mind that I didn’t need to try quite so hard – I knew that things would be okay, that for once, almost everything was well in the land of me and mine.

  Crazy to consider, really.

  When I felt little Josie kick, a smile walked along the lines of my face. She and Gabriel were the shining lights of my life, the burning candles in the darkness that cut all of that bad away. Never once did I hear back from Damien, and all of his goons and friends and fiends that he sold to agreed that he skipped town. Some part of me, for the child’s sake, wished that he would become a better person. Maybe one day he would, but for now and ever, there was only one true father to this child.

  As if I had silently called to him, that was when Gabriel came through the partially opened door.

  He was dressed in a dark blue Henley and black jeans, and a smile was etched on that beautiful face I couldn’t turn away from. “Tired?”

  I nodded my head, “Mhm. Sit.”

  He dipped his head, “As you wish.” Gabriel then strode over to me, got onto the bed and crawled beside me. He put his large hand over mine, so that both of our hands were resting on my belly. “Have you been thinking of a name?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted shyly. “Do you like the sound of Josie?”


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