Book Read Free

Own It

Page 7

by M Dauphin

  “Oh fuck!” His finger slides in me and he pushes the shirt up enough for his hand to reach my nipples and softly swipe over them, causing them to pebble at his touch.

  “I fucking crave this,” he whispers, locking his gaze on mine and bringing his mouth around my clit.

  “Fuck!” I scream again, pushing up into his face. He takes his time, stroking me with his tongue until I’m about ready to combust, then crawls up my body, slipping off the oversized shirt and latching onto my nipples. One hand bracing himself over me and the other with fingers still playing me, he softly and slowly attacks every single one of my senses when he pushes his lips to mine and lets me taste my juices on his lips.

  “I need to be inside you, Lo,” he whispers, his lips fluttering across my skin and letting his teeth nibble on my neck.

  “Please,” I gasp. “Please, Jett.”

  He kneels on the bed and growls, “turn over.”

  I grin at him and roll over, laughing when he grabs my hips and pulls them up to him.

  “I like this sweet ass, Lo,” he hums, caressing my ass.

  When his hand comes down on it I want to cry out in pain, but the only noise that comes out of me is some type of muttered purr, and I find myself wiggling my ass begging for the next hit.

  “You like that?” He leans down and whispers, wrapping his hand around me and feeling how wet he’s made me. “We’re just getting started, kid.”

  His hand comes down on my ass, again and again, and just when I think I can’t take the pain and want to crawl away, he slams into me, causing me to scream out in pure ecstasy.

  “That’s a good girl,” he growls, dominating me like I’ve never been before.

  “God, Jett,” I gasp. “Fuck it feels so good.” I push back in to him, meeting every thrust. The feeling of him hitting me so deep is pure pleasure, edging on delicious pain.

  I never thought I’d be able to get off on pain. Apparently I was wrong.

  He leans down and grabs me by the neck, still pounding into me, and pulls me up, his hand firm on my throat.

  “You like my dick in that sweet pussy, Lo?” He whispers, grunting when I clench my walls around him. I grin and close my eyes.

  “Mmm I do,” I gasp. His free hand snakes around me and soon he’s rubbing very calculated circles around my clit.

  “Oh fuck, Jett!” I gasp, his hand tightening on my throat as he makes his fingers play me to the edge of orgasm. “I’m going to come!” I wail, the assault on my body too much to hold off any longer. My moans get louder, my body goes stiff as he flicks my clit. His hand tightens and the lack of oxygen sets me off.

  “That’s it, come on me, Lo,” he growls, slamming into me harder and harder. “Come, damnit!!”

  “Fuuuuck!” I scream, my entire body quivering. “Je—aaah!”

  I completely shatter. Every part of my being feels like it’s freefalling and I vaguely remember the expletives I screamed while coming apart under his control.

  “Yes, fuck that’s it,” he huffs, then growls and pushes me back down the bed and grips my hips hard, slamming his release into me.

  I’m completely done.

  “Fuck, babe,” he huffs, falling on the bed next to me. I mutter something incoherent and my eyes flutter open, I find myself smiling deliriously at the man that just absolutely rocked my world. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” His eyes search me, full or worry.

  “No,” I whisper. “Jett that… holy fuck that was more than words can say.” I sit up on my elbow and sigh. “I’ve never experienced something like that before.”

  “You’ve fucked the best, babe. I’ve officially ruined you for any other man.” He winks, pressing his lips to mine.

  I should run. Right? What man, after two days, says that to someone?

  I’m not running, though. I’m curling into his arms, completely filled with post orgasmic bliss, and I’m going to enjoy this for whatever it is.

  It’s been too long since something good happened to me. Maybe Jett Voss is my ‘good.’

  A noise from outside jolts me awake, and I’m met with a room I don’t immediately remember.

  “Stay here,” Jett murmurs, tossing the covers back and disappearing into the dark as night house. It takes me a moment to gain my bearings but when I do I realize I probably shouldn’t have let him run into the danger like that alone.

  “Jett?” I whisper as I make my way through the house. I see the side porch light flick on and move to the door, stepping outside and looking around. “Jett?” I whisper louder this time.

  It all happens so fast- one second I’m staring into the dark, trying to make sure a killer or burglar isn’t trying to kill Jett, and the next a screeching noise is flying at me and I’m met with the sharp paws of a killer raccoon attempting to claw off my face.

  I’m fairly certain I scream. I mean… who the fuck wouldn’t? I hear Jett yell for me but I’m too busy wailing while this devil being is attempting to murder me.

  “STOP!” I wail, trying to pull him off me but the grip this thing has on my rats-nest on top of my head is horrendous! I can only imagine what the newspapers will say tomorrow. ‘Naked Girl Dies Attempting to Fight off Rabid Raccoon.’ Ha! FUCK this thing is out to kill!


  One second I’m attempting to fight to my death and the next the animal is gone and I’m being pushed back in the house, the door slamming behind us.

  “Jesus Christ, Lo! What part of ‘stay here’ didn’t you understand?” Jett paces to the kitchen and I hear the water running before he returns.

  “I thought you were dead,” I mumble, taking the wet rag from him and pressing it to my lip, letting out a hiss when it hits the cuts.

  “I mean, thanks for trying to save me, but now it looks like you’re the one that might die.”

  I whip my head around to glare at him and he smiles wide.


  “I mean… rabies… ya know.” He shrugs and nods to his bedroom. “Come on. I have shit to clean you up with.”

  “I’m not getting rabies,” I mumble, but I follow him because at this point I’d do anything to get the germs off me. I’m not down with rabies.

  “Sit,” he demands, pointing to the toilet. I close the lid and plop down, attempting to roll my eyes in annoyance but cringe when I realize how badly my head hurts.

  “This may sting a little,” he mumbles, not giving me time to prepare for the burn before pressing a cold cotton ball to my cheek.

  “Shit,” I hiss, pulling away from him and covering my face.

  “You want it clean or not, kid?” He huffs. I pout but move back in to position, uncovering my face.

  It takes him a good ten minutes to clean me up, adding ointment to my clean cuts and a Band-Aid to my cheek then grins.

  “I only have Disney princess Band-Aids,” he says, trying not to laugh.

  “Do I want to know why?” I murmur, taking the water and aspirin he hands me.

  “My nieces. If I don’t have them I get yelled at. Keeping them in stock is just easier.”

  “How old are they?” There’s something about men and kids that always makes me swoon. It’s weird, but I can’t help it.

  He smiles and starts putting away all the medical supplies. “Well one’s just a baby, the other’s three.” He pauses mid reach, closing his eyes and I watch him attempt not to say anything about my loss. Please don’t. “She’s a diva,” he murmurs. “Just like her daddy was.”

  I laugh and follow him out of the bathroom. I feel like I should console him about his brother, but he doesn’t seem like the type that needs consoling. Plus my face is killing me.

  “Come on, let’s get some sleep. You’re gonna be sore in the morning.”

  “Mmm sleep,” I mutter, falling into bed. My eyes flutter closed and I sigh… then I hear the telltale sound of his phone camera clicking and my eyes shoot open.

  “What’re you doing?” I shriek.

  “I mean, you got mauled by a raccoon. And
you have bright pink and yellow princess Band-Aids on your face. This needs to be archived forever.” He smiles and waves his phone, snapping one more picture before putting it away and pulling me into his body.

  “You’re cruel,” I grumble, too exhausted to complain too much.

  “I know. You’ll get used to it.”

  When I wake in the morning it only takes a moment to remember where I am. Two mornings in a row now I’ve woken up in this bed. Some people may call me crazy… hell I probably am. There’s just something about this man that’s getting to me. I get him… and weirdly he gets me. Our life experiences differ so much, but he gets me and he doesn’t pity me.

  That means a ton in my book.

  It’s so weird… when I read books that have that insta-love connection I find myself not finishing the book. That shit really doesn’t happen… but here I am. I won’t call this love, simply because it’s so early, but there’s definitely a connection here.

  That’s undeniable.

  “Morning.” His half asleep, groggy voice, is even sexier than his wide awake smartass one.

  “Hey,” I smile… that is, until I realize how much my face hurts.

  “You look like shit,” he says, laughing when he sees the reaction on my face. “I mean you look like you feel like shit. Because… you know... you went all superwoman and tried protecting me last night.”

  Jett’s not like any other guy- most guys wouldn’t say that to a girl, right? I mean, not on day three of… well whatever this is.

  “Thanks for not sugar-coating it.” I crawl out of bed, going for my clothes that he finished washing and drying for me last night.

  I think it’s time to spend the day by myself. My feelings for this man are way too strong… and way too scary. I don’t like feelings. I’ve worked so hard this year to turn off all feelings… but Jett brings them out whether or not I want them.

  “Where ya headed so fast?” He says, standing completely nude in the hallway, leaning against the doorframe while I pull on my shirt.

  Fuck he’s gorgeous.

  “I need to head home. I have plans this afternoon,” I lie.

  He grins like he knows the truth and nods.

  “Alright. Let me throw some clothes on and I’ll take ya.”

  “It’s still raining outside and I don’t feel like getting soaked again.” I scrunch my face, praying I just didn’t offend him.

  “That’s fine. I have a car too, you know.” He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

  There’s something about this man that’s way too comfortable. Romance doesn’t happen like this. Relationships don’t take off this easily.


  He walks out shortly after getting changed with keys in hand.

  “Ready?” He raises an eyebrow and I hop off the couch from where I was reading and grab my bag, thankful he’s not giving me a hard time about wanting to head out so early. I guess he bought my ‘I have plans’ ruse.

  We lock up and as we walk out to the garage I cringe at the memories of last night. Good thing Jett doesn’t have neighbors or else they’d have probably reported me for that naked stint on the deck.

  “So where am I heading?”

  “504 east Main. The Aspire building. You can’t really miss it,” I mumble.

  He turns and looks at me from his seat in the car.

  “You live in the same building as your brother?” He pushes his brows together. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I’m not embarrassed by it, but it’s just another one of those things I don’t like to talk about.

  “Yep. I live with him, actually.” I stare out the window so I don’t have to see his judging eyes.

  He’s silent as he starts the car and pulls out of the long driveway. He doesn’t say anything as we head into town. He doesn’t mention anything about it being weird that I’m a grown woman who needs to live with her brother because she can’t support herself or keep a job. He doesn’t say anything about any of that. He just takes my hand in his and holds on to it tightly. His thumb starts rubbing the side of my hand as we get closer to my brother’s building and by the time we’re pulling into the parking garage I can’t stand it. An entire drive of silence and I’m certain he’s been silently judging me the whole time.

  “I needed help getting back on my feet after everything happened.” I blurt and he glances over at me and smiles, pulling into a spot and putting the car in park.

  “I believe it. I couldn’t imagine what you went through, Lo.”

  “I just… I don’t care anymore.” I shrug. “Nothing’s good anymore,” I say, pausing and looking down at where our hands are still connected. “I mean nothing used to be good. For the longest time I couldn’t even get out of bed. I lost my job, my car, and eventually my home. My brother took me in and that’s where I’ve been.” I shrug. “One day maybe I’ll get back on my feet. Until then, this is where I am and I’m sorry if it bothers you.” I huff, feeling better it’s all off my chest.

  I look over at Jett and find him smiling at me, shaking his head.

  “You think you living with your brother bothers me?” He raises an eyebrow in question.

  “What grown adult lives with her brother because she can’t control her life?” I mumble. I used to not care who I lived with. I didn’t care that I was feeding off my brother… suddenly I feel very guilty about it.

  “One who’s been dealt a shit hand, Lo. That’s who.” He sighs and shakes his head. “It’s not the event that makes you, Lo. The loss of your son? You don’t have to let that loss devastate and destroy the amazing woman you are. Own it, but own it in a way that makes you a better person. I believe you’ll do it. It just may take time.”

  “Yea,” I mumble, trying to let his words sink in.

  Is he telling me to get over it? Or is he telling me it’s ok that I don’t care?

  “I need to get upstairs and get ready for today. I’ll text you, okay?”

  “Absolutely,” he whispers, leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. “Have a fantastic day, Lo.”

  I was certain I was never going to hear from her again, but the next day I got a ‘good morning’ text with a picture of very bare legs that I missed insanely. To say the text made me smile is an understatement. It made me ecstatic. I had pretty much told the girl she needs to learn to move on from the devastating loss of her child, one I will hopefully never fully understand, and she still wants to talk to me. She doesn’t have to. We don’t have any ties, we just met a few days ago, but she still wants me around.

  It’s been the longest week in the history of my fucking life. Each day we text, but my schedule’s been so fucking insane I haven’t seen her in four days and I feel like I’m losing my goddamned mind. I’m currently attempting to reconstruct this bike that some dumbass skidded across a four lane highway without fucking up the original design that I created mere months ago but the thing’s shit. He crunched too many important parts of this fucking bike for it to come out being the same thing.

  Fucking idiot.

  “How’s it going?” Marla’s voice croons from the front counter. I roll my eyes and stop working, grabbing a rag as I head to the front of the shop.

  “What do you want, Marla?” I try my hardest not to growl at her but she’s so fucking annoying. I can’t believe at one point in my life I thought she was it for me.

  Jesus I was young and stupid.

  “I need some help,” she whines, smacking her gum. Her tits are practically falling out of her shirt and I can’t tell if she’s wearing shorts or if those are underwear. Either way, the bone thin woman with huge tits in front of me isn’t the type of woman I want to be looking at right now.

  “What type of help?” I narrow my eyes at her, skeptical of her ‘needs.’

  “I just…” she pauses and huffs, walking around the counter and stands way too fucking close to me. “I’m lonely, J.” She pouts her bottom, pierced, lip out and looks at me with her big puppy dog eyes. That’s one thing she was always
good for – that ‘I’m so pitiful please feel sorry for me’ look.

  “I don’t have time for this,” I huff, starting to walk away but her body stops me from plowing her over.

  “J it’s been so long. I miss us.” She pushes her tits against me and her hand trails down my arm. A growl starts deep inside me but I swallow it down. She’s just here to see what she can get from me and I have nothing to give anymore.

  Apparently my mind only likes one type… hell one specific woman. And it’s only been a fucking week.

  Damn I’m fucked.

  “I have nothing for you, Mar.”

  “We’re so good together, J. Come on, you know that,” she whispers, her hand moving for my crotch. I grab her wrist, stopping her and her eyes fly up to mine.

  “I told you I have nothing for you, Marla. Take a hint, I’m not fucking interested anymore.”

  I walk around the other side of the counter and head back to the shop.

  “What?! You go and find some other whore that likes it rough?”

  That’s. Fucking. It.

  No one calls Lo a whore.

  “Get out, Marla!” I bellow. “Out, and don’t step foot back in this place until you need my business.” I shove my finger towards the door and she just laughs.

  “Damn you got it hard, J. Watch out for those girls. Those are the ones that break your heart.” She adjusts her tits and I don’t even have to stop myself from staring at them. I know what she’s doing but I simply don’t want any, I just want her gone.

  “Out, Mar.” I sigh, glaring at her and holding my arm up towards the door. She scoffs and makes sure to slam the door as she leaves.

  Fucking bitch.

  I crank up the music, a playlist full of shit from my teenage years ranging from blink 182 to My Chemical Romance, and get to work. This bike isn’t going to fix itself.

  This is my zone. I enjoy doing this. The welding, the bending, the shaping into something as beautifully intricate as I can? I fucking love it. I don’t want to have to stop doing this because my brother was in a bad mood when he wrote out his will. I haven’t heard from Chris yet about the legality of it all, which tells me I’m fucked in that department. The longer he takes the less chance I have of being able to easily put a fix to all this nonsense.


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