Book Read Free

Own It

Page 8

by M Dauphin

  Hell, if I have to go back to work full time at that hell hole soul sucking business I can kiss the shop goodbye. Sure, right now I have a couple mechanics that I trust to work when I take off for a bit, but having to leave this place up to them? No. Nope.

  I couldn’t fucking do that. Maybe if I had someone smart with the business side of things that could run it for me until I can get back here then yea, but Dan… hell he’s great with his hands but not so much with the money.

  I have another meeting with Stan in a couple hours and I was hoping by then I’d be able to tell him something about the legality of a bribe in a will. I guess it’s time to call Chris.

  I wait until a few more songs play through, giving me time to at least form a plan as to how I’m going to fix this bike and compile a list of how much it would cost total and shoot it over to Blake, the dumbass that wrecked it. After washing up and turning down the music, I lock the front door and pull out my cellphone where a new text awaits me.

  Lo: Bored and horny ;)

  Attached to it? Her mother fucking tits.

  I groan and take a deep breath. I have work to do, but hell if she isn’t fun to play with.

  Me: I miss those tits. And the body they’re attached to.

  LO: They miss your mouth. I guess I miss you too… you’re not too bad.

  Me: Dinner tonight?

  Lo: Sure. What time?

  I think about the phone call with Chris I still have to make and the meeting with Shuer and take a look at the clock and groan inwardly.

  Me: Is seven too late?

  I feel like an anxious teenager waiting for her to text back. My foot’s bouncing in my chair and as much as I want to start getting things ready for my meeting today all I can do it stare at the phone and pray she messages back soon.

  When my phone dings I almost jump out of my fucking chair.

  Lo: Perfect. Chinese? I’m craving Chinese. Good.

  Me:Anything you want. I’ll pick you up. Can’t wait to see you.

  I find myself smiling like a madman but the fact that I get to see her tonight has me feeling a fuck ton better about the rest of the day. Something’s wrong with me, I shouldn’t be pining after a girl, especially Chris’ sister, but I can’t fucking stop!

  I find his number in my phone and hit send.

  “What’s up Jett?” He’s all business already, not even answering like a normal person, and I’m ok with that. He’s to the point but he’s fucking brilliant.

  “You got anything for me yet, man? I can’t walk in there today and tell them I’m ok with what my brother did.”

  “I’m close. I know it’s legal to put contingencies in wills but when it comes to the kids, they’re covered being beneficiaries of him, and he had that all setup for them to get the money no matter what, so that extra clause in there just doesn’t make sense.”

  “I’m going in to start to clean out Brandon’s office today, Chris. What the hell do I tell them?”

  “You tell them you have your legal team taking a look into the will and as soon as you hear something you’ll let them know. They have no ground to force you into a decision, there’s no date on this will, and it’s been a fucking week since your brother died.” He pauses and the silence on the line says it all.

  This is too much to have to deal with right now.

  “Yea, thanks man.”

  “No problem,” he says, pausing like he wants to say something else. It’s the first awkward moment between us and I briefly wonder if what I’m doing with his sister is wrong. I mean, not that it would make me change my mind about being with her. He’s not my best friend, and she’s too much to let go of.

  He’ll just have to get over it.

  “Listen I gotta go,” I say, standing and shoving the papers in the file. “Call me as soon as you know something.”

  I hang up and huff. Why does this type of shit have to take so long? I just want to be clear and keep my sister in law and the girls protected. And God knows I’m not about to burden her with this mess. She has enough on her plate right now.

  I make my way downtown and head to the headquarters for Shuer. Don’t ask me why we named it this. It’s my mother’s maiden name and I always knew Brandon was up her ass so far he couldn’t see straight, but to name a company she has no stake in after her just seems weird to me.

  I walk straight past the empty front desk and through the glass doors. On my way to my brother’s office, Stan calls down the hall for me.

  “Ah, Jett. Just the man I wanted to see.” He holds his hand out for me and I take note of the frazzled expression on his face. He waves me in and I huff. I fucking know this man had something to do with the will. He’s not smart enough to run this place, I know this and my brother knew it but my fucking brother would never have put his kids on the line like that.

  “Sorry it’s taken all week to start to get his things in order, Stan,” I sigh, sitting down in the chair.

  “It’s all good. I’m just glad you’re here. Finally back where you’re useful.” He smiles a fake ass smile at me and I grit my teeth.

  Where I’m fucking useful. Fucker.

  “I wish I had better news for you, Stan, but I took the papers to my legal team and they’re bogged down this week so until everything is final I won’t be in.”

  His face falls and I watch him contemplate his next move.

  “I wish you wouldn’t have done that, Jett,” he grits out.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me, Stan?” I raise an eyebrow in amusement at his sudden red face. Stan... Satan… they both look about the same right now in my mind.

  “Nothing. It’s just those types of things take time. Time we don’t have.” Oh he’s definitely frantic.

  “I hoped you would understand, Stan. I want nothing but the best for this company, but in order for me to come back would mean everything else in my life has to come to a halt. The shop… it’d probably have to close.” I lie but he doesn’t know this.

  “I understand,” he huffs, clearing his throat.

  I turn and look down the hall. “I’m going to start going through the things in Brandon’s office. See what I can clear out and not.”

  The brief blip of panic on his face is masked quickly but is all I need to know. Something’s going on. Let’s just hope Chris is good enough to figure it out legally before I have to find a different route.

  “Of course,” he says. “You know where it is.”

  He doesn’t stand when I exit the room and I call back on my way down the hall, “I’ll be in contact with you soon, Stan!”

  He doesn’t reply and I laugh to myself. Fucking asshole.

  My brother’s office is the most ‘lived in’ office I’ve ever seen. For having a family, he sure spent a lot of time here and it doesn’t look like anyone’s touched his shit since … well since him.


  Losing a brother hurts. Like, really fucking hurts, and I haven’t given myself time to get over it. We were at odds when I got the news. He was still pissed that I left the company like I did, and though it had been years he was still harboring feelings towards me that I couldn’t understand.

  I sit in his seat and take a deep breath. His jacket still hangs by the door. His briefcase is still sitting on his desk. I crack it open and the contents are spare, boring work shit. Maybe I really should look through his things to see what’s been going on in the company since I left. I know there were some big projects happening when I left… but I don’t want to. I don’t want to be reminded of how he worked himself into the grave. I don’t want the same fate… but I won’t have this company fail either. I don’t give a damn if my name is on or off the title for the company. I just don’t want something my brother lived and died for to be run into the ground, but I can’t come back here. I can’t do this daily. Hell, just being in this office this long is making me feel claustrophobic. I can’t imagine spending day in and day out in here.

  I head out, closing the door behi
nd me after taking his jacket off the hook and carrying it with me. I should come back soon to really empty this place out but I can’t do that now. I thought I could, but I can’t. I don’t want anyone else touching his shit, though, so I need to get it done before Stan gets in here.

  I head out to my motorcycle, the sun already setting, and make my way to Lo’s. I don’t call or text, even though I’m a couple hours early. The bellman knows who I’m here for and after attempting to contact him with no use, he lets me head on up.

  When the doors open I hear the reason we weren’t ever responded to.

  “He’s not good for you, Lo! You’re just going to end up getting your heart smashed and I can’t watch my sister go through that again!” Chris bellows. I freeze just outside the elevator doors and listen.

  “He is good for me,” she hisses back, bringing a grin to my face. “He’s the best thing that’s happened to me since Sam, Chris! He makes me feel something!”

  “You don’t know him like I do, Lauren.”

  Oh well that’s just perfect. He doesn’t fucking know me like he thinks he does!

  “Please, tell me what’s so bad about him, big almighty brother.”

  “He leaves, Lo. He has no issues walking away from things. He needs his space and open road and freedom… none of those are the best thing to need in a relationship!”

  “I know this! I’m… fuck Chris, just let me fucking be!”

  I slowly walk into the room, yelling out “Hello?” as I walk. I hear Chris curse, followed by his footsteps retreating further into the condo.

  “In here,” I hear Lo call out. Following her voice, I walk into an office and see her sitting in the chair.

  “What’s up?” I ask, walking in.

  “My fucking brother.” She huffs. “Just thinking he can run the entire world, apparently.”

  “Well, he does own most of the city,” I counter, grinning. She pouts and stands up, picking at her nails and not looking at me.

  “How much did you hear?”

  “Enough.” She looks at me with the saddest eyes so I walk over to the wall of books and start reading some of the boring ass titles to distract her from her brother being an asshole. “He read this shit?”

  “Yep,” she pops her ‘P’ and walks to the door. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “Hey,” I stop her before she leaves the room. Walking over to her, I pause and try to form the words correctly before I make an ass out of myself.

  “Thank you for sticking up for me,” I whisper, my hand going to her cheek. She starts to respond but I shake my head. “I’m not done. Thank you for standing up for me, Lo. No one’s ever really done that before. Your brother is right, though. I like freedom and I can’t stand typical jobs. I hate being tied down,” I pause when the look on her face falls. “I used to, at least. I’m losing my mind over you, kid.” I let out this half nervous laugh and she smiles. “I thought about heading out the other day, getting out of here for a bit… but I couldn’t. I can’t leave you… Fuck,” I laugh, backing away. “Talk about a fucking pansy ass thing to say a week after meeting you.”

  The grin on her face slowly spreads into a full on smile and she moves to her tip toes, pressing her lips to mine.

  “That was a pretty pansy move, Jett.” She winks and walks away, leaving me feeling like a tool. A completely smitten, light hearted tool that apparently wears his goddamn heart on his sleeve.

  I make it to the elevator just in time for the doors to start to close.

  “Geesh, I thought I was going alone!” She scoffs, grinning.

  “And where exactly are we going?” She looks so fucking cute today. Pitiful, yes… but a sexy cute type of pitiful.

  “Chinese food,” she shrugs. “I need some crab Rangoon in my life.”

  I fucking hate Chinese food. I was really hoping she’d change her mind.

  “Whatever you want, kid,” I smile and grab her hand as we walk out to my motorcycle. She sees it and grins back at me.

  “A ride. I want a ride, too.” She bites her lip and slides on the helmet.

  Oh I’m fucked with this one.

  “Glad to see you woke up here today,” my brother grumbles from over his bowl of cereal. A grown businessman still obsessed with Lucky Charms like he’s five. Some things he’ll never grow out of I guess.

  “I’ve woken up here a lot this week,” I say, walking to the pantry and ignoring his scowl. He’s going to have to start to be okay with Jett sooner or later. I’m starving, my ovaries hate me, and all we have left is boring unflavored oatmeal. “Do we have any bread?” I search the pantry and drawers but come up empty. Chris sits at the counter and stares at me, watching until I give up.

  “Haven’t grocery shopped lately?” He takes another bite of food and quirks an eyebrow up at me.

  “I’ve been job hunting and trying not to spend money I don’t currently have.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Did you hide food from me?”

  “I wouldn’t ever do that to you, Lo,” he scoffs. “Just haven’t had time to go shopping. Here, have some oatmeal!” He walks to the pantry and tosses a packet of instant oatmeal at me.

  “Gross,” I mumble, throwing it back at him. He laughs and grabs a cup of coffee.

  “Any plans today?”

  “Just waiting to hear back from the three interviews I’ve went on so far. Searching the internet and papers for more job openings. Something’s gotta give, Chris.”

  “I told you, you can work-”

  “I’m not working for you,” I cut him off and he holds his hand up.

  “Okay, okay. Just let me know if I can help in any other way.” He stand there, grinning at me and sipping on his coffee.

  “I will,” I grumble, angry at the world today. “My ovaries hate me today, Chris.” I moan and lean on his shoulder and he pushes me off.

  “You’re almost thirty, Lo. I’d think you’d be used to this by now.” He shakes his head and laughs when I slug him in the arm.

  “Let me be pitiful today!” I scream at him as he walks off.

  “Get a job, Lo!”

  I flip him the bird and head to grab my shit.

  If only it were as easy to get a job as it were to lose one. I mean… I shouldn’t have lost that job waitressing. I was actually starting to enjoy it. I had friends, a social life… then BAM. Grabby hands ruined it all.

  Whatever. I’ll find another money maker.

  There are days I think ‘hey, maybe I’ll get back into veterinary work’… I loved it when I was doing it. It gave me a sense of pride and purpose… but God I don’t think I’m ready for that. I’m not certain I’ll ever be ready for it.

  I sigh and walk over to the oatmeal, begrudgingly opening it and preparing it. Maybe my body will stop trying to kill me today if I feed it something. Right on time, ol’ aunt flow decided to start her cycle and I’m not being a massive baby when I say it feels like someone’s trying to dig out my lower back with a pitch fork.

  I take my coffee and oatmeal to the couch and plant myself down with a blanket and my newest book download, secretly praying no one calls for a follow up interview for a couple days so I don’t have to move.

  I sip on my coffee and after choking down the oatmeal I open this book everyone’s been talking about. Typically I don’t get excited about the ‘popular’ books. Just because someone knows your name and you’ve made a big list doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the best out there.

  Ten minutes into the same storyline I’ve read a thousand different ways, Chris walks back into the room.

  “Mom wants dinner soon.” He stands there, all ready for work and buttoning the cufflinks on his shirt.

  “I don’t want dinner with mom.”

  “She wants to see both of us, Lo. You’re coming.”

  “I have plans,” I mumble, staring at my phone.

  “We’ll schedule around them.”

  “Ugh fine!” I belt, tossing my phone in my lap. “You two win. I’ll go, but I�
��m not happy about it.”

  My mother was nothing short of nasty to me when I got pregnant, telling me she feels sorry for all my poor choices and not once did she offer help when Sam got sick. I’m the selfish one. I’m the one that everyone talks bad about. I’m the one that’s always in the wrong.

  Why would I want to be around that?

  “Thank you. I’ll let you know when we plan it.”

  My phone blaring in my ear wakes me from a deep sleep and I groan, not answering it until it starts singing again, making the headache worse. I must have given up on the book and passed out.

  “What?” I answer without looking at the screen.

  “Jesus, are you okay?” Jett’s smooth, deep voice is sexy as hell but it’s doing nothing for my headache.

  “Dying. Ovaries.” I grumble, pulling the blanket over me. “What time is it?”

  “Five. Babe, did you sleep all day?”


  “You hungry?”

  “Uuuugh nooo.” I pause and sigh. “Yes. I’m dying starving.”

  “Can I bring you something?”

  “I’m dying. You don’t want to be around me.”

  He barks out a laugh and I wish I could smile but I feel like shit and I’m letting the death monster own me right now.

  “What you have isn’t contagious, Lo. You get some rest, okay?”

  “I’m cold. I need blankets.” I grunt getting up, making a mental note to grab some Midol next time I’m in the bathroom. I pull some blankets from the ottoman and move back to the couch.

  “Rest, Lo.” Jett’s voice is soothing but all I can focus on is the blankets. “I’ll talk to you in a little bit.”

  “Mhmm,” I mumble, ending the call and curling back into my blanket fortress.


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