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The Broken Souls

Page 14

by Rivka Spicer

  Where before their love-making had been desperate and intense, driven with burning desire, this time it was soft and gentle like the rain kissing the earth on a misty summer morning and it awoke in them both a tenderness that had not been there before. Afterwards, Mark splayed his hand across Jen’s stomach and she smiled at the startling contrast between the colours of their skins, along with how tiny she looked in comparison to him.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked fondly, shifting closer for a cuddle.

  “I was just thinking how tiny I feel.” Jen laughed softly, snuggling into his arms. “I must be at least quarter your size.” Mark chuckled, the sound making his skin vibrate against Jen’s back.

  “I like it. Makes me feel able to protect you.” He told her and Jen frowned.

  “Protect me from what?” she asked and he shrugged.

  “No idea.” He said cheerfully. “I’ll know when I see it.” Jen wrinkled her nose in amusement, but even she couldn’t deny it was nice to be wrapped up in his arms feeling a million miles away from the outside world.

  Unfortunately the outside world wasn’t prepared to slow down for her and it was with a great deal of sadness that he put her in a taxi back to her office.

  “I’ll see you Saturday.” He said, kissing her forehead one last time. “Take care of yourself.” As she nodded, he slipped a piece of paper in her pocket. “That’s my number if you need me.” Jen smiled at him and blew a kiss as he slammed the door and the cab carried her back into the real world again.

  When she arrived back at the office, everyone stared at her with burning curiosity, but she floated right past them with a dreamy look on her face and went to sketch, humming softly.

  “Do you know who he is?” Tessa asked Nkara, who shrugged mysteriously.

  “Not my place to say.” She replied diplomatically and Tessa sighed.

  “At least tell me if he’s available. He’s gorgeous!” Nkara chuckled ruefully.

  “I hate to disappoint you and all, but he’s definitely not single.”

  “Shame.” Tessa went back to collecting up all the designs she was going to take back to her studios while Nkara made up the fabric portfolios she’d been working on for Tessa to look at.

  “How does it feel to be working with someone else?” She asked Tessa curiously and Tessa grinned.

  “Apart from blissful relief? It’s nice actually. When you’re out there on your own, if you screw up then you take the fall. At least working with someone else your success doesn’t depend entirely on you. It’s like a weight being lifted. Jen is probably the most gifted designer I know too, so it’s a huge honour to be trusted with designing a line that’ll have her name on it. I like the idea of themes too – it’s so nice to be able to think outside the box. When Jen called last summer to say her Autumn theme was going to be squash as in the vegetables I thought she was crazy but when I actually saw all those gorgeous umber and forest fabrics with all those beautiful curves I realised that she looks at the world in a way completely different to the rest of us. I’m more excited about this summer than I have been about anything for a very long time.”

  “Well long may it last!” Nkara helped her out the door and settled back into the graft with a sigh. It had been a long week and she couldn’t wait for the weekend to have a break. Fashion would just have to cope without her for two days.

  As it happened, Saturday arrived all in a rush and Jen awoke early Saturday morning with a hungry sense of anticipation. Tom had left the evening before on a business engagement and he was going to meet her at his parents the following day, so Jen had twenty-four hours to herself. The idea was bliss. The match started at half-two and she’d arranged for a driver to take her to the stadium in time to meet up with Mark and have a drink beforehand. She was really looking forward to it. She didn’t understand rugby as well as she probably should, but she loved going to live matches and it had been a long time since she’d seen one. Climbing out of bed she spent at least an hour longer on her appearance than she usually would, shaping her eyebrows and going for the whole facial make-up, before going through her entire wardrobe trying to find something appropriate. It was a crisp morning with a biting wind, although it was warm in the morning sunshine, so she eventually settled on a black scoop-necked cashmere top and slim-fit jeans that emphasised her curves, with a bright scarf to set off the blush in her cheeks. It was with a start that she realised her driver was waiting outside and she hadn’t managed to have breakfast yet. With a wry grin at her own vanity, Jen grabbed a couple of biscuits and an apple on her way out the door and rushed down to the car shrugging into her coat as she went.

  When she got to the stadium, the area around it was already heaving and she suddenly realised she had absolutely no idea where she was supposed to go. Pulling her mobile out of her bag, she dialled Mark’s number and was so surprised at the way her stomach flipped as it rang that she almost forgot to respond when he answered.

  “Jen is that you?” He sounded amused and Jen cleared her throat.

  “Yes, sorry. Hi Mark.”

  “Hey, where are you?” Jen looked around.

  “Haven’t got a clue.” She replied cheerfully. “I’m standing next to a large gate though, with a number two painted on it. Does that help?” He chuckled.

  “Give me ten minutes and I’ll come get you.” He hung up before she could respond, so she stood and kicked her heels absently while she waited. He came up on her from behind so suddenly she startled into jumping and he caught her before she tripped.

  “Well that was graceful.” She muttered, flushing scarlet and Mark grinned easily.

  “It gave me an excuse to hold you so I’m not really bothered.” He winked wickedly at her and Jen forgot her embarrassment enough to laugh. “Come on.” He tucked her under his arm as though it was perfectly natural and steered her through a side-gate, briefly flashing a pass at one of the ground security team.

  “I hope you’re not feeling overly patriotic.” He remarked leading her into the stadium complex and up some steps. “I’ve got access to the visitors lounge and we’ll be watching from the VIP section with the other kiwis.” Jen grinned.

  “Why would I have a problem spending the afternoon surrounded by large, fit, tanned men?” She teased and Mark growled.

  “Don’t start!” He warned. “Otherwise we may not get to see the match.” Jen burst out laughing again and let him lead her up into the VIP section in good humour.

  When they arrived, she felt like a midget in the land of the giants. The room was filled with both current and ex-rugby players and the few people there of normal size were looking just as ridiculously tiny as she herself did.

  Mark was greeted cheerfully by several men all at once, but even Jen could see the flash of pity in their eyes as each one clapped him on the back or pulled him into titanic bear hugs and it made her sad. Stepping back a little to allow him to greet his friends, she was acutely conscious of when they all stopped to inspect her.

  “Who is this little gem?” one of the guys asked and Mark grinned.

  “This is Jennifer.” He introduced, placing a reassuring hand in the small of her back. “Jen, these are some of the guys I’ve played with.” He went through to list their names although Jen was sure she’d never remember any of them and politely she said hello to all of them.

  “You’ve fallen for a Brit?” One of them demanded in mock horror, winking at Jen to let her know it was a joke and to everyone’s surprise Mark flushed rosy beneath his olive skin.

  “How could I not?” He retorted amiably. “Look at her – she’s exquisite.” It was Jen’s turn to blush, but it broke the ice and they absorbed her into the group without difficulty.

  When the game started, they all took it in turns to explain what was happening and why to Jen and after a while she began to lose herself in the sheer joy of watching it. She’d never realised before what a beautiful game it was, even in its raw ferocity and her eyes shone as she shouted encouragement with the
best of them.

  Unsurprisingly the All-Blacks won and although Jen was a little disappointed to see England so roundly crushed, she couldn’t help but smile at the delight in the room as all the New-Zealanders raised glasses and celebrated.

  “We’ve been invited to dinner if you want to go?” Mark told her when he’d managed to steer her into a quiet corner away from the others. “We don’t have to but I thought I’d better ask. It’s just a few of us.” Jen grinned.

  “Sounds like fun – do I need to go home and dress up?”

  “Not at all. You look glamorous in anything you wear.” A sudden twinkle appeared in his eye. “Even in your bare naked skin…”

  “Mark!” Jen went scarlet as involuntary images flooded her thoughts and he laughed, placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

  “Wait here, I’ll go tell them we’ll join them for dinner.” Kissing her again, he wandered off and Jen leaned back into the wall to stop her knees going from underneath her. Bare naked skin indeed…

  They ended up having one of those insanely wonderful evenings that only comes about when the right group of people come together with just the right buzz. They’d gone to an upscale Italian restaurant and consumed vast amounts of pasta with red wine, hurling jokes at each other around the table and they were still chuckling as they left the restaurant to find a taxi.

  “Are you coming back to mine?” Mark asked, eyes dark with need under the streetlights and Jen swallowed.

  “If you want me to.” She replied in a small voice, feeling suddenly shy.

  “I want you to.” His tone implied no messing about at all and Jen went a little giddy at the promise behind it. It didn’t take them long to find a cab and they were at the hotel in under half an hour. They had travelled in companionable silence, holding hands and enjoying the way their thighs slid together each time the car moved. When they arrived they still didn’t speak, even when they got in the lift and Mark pulled Jen into a long, hungry kiss, sliding his hands up inside the back of her top to caress her soft skin. When they got to their floor, he took her hands and pulled her across to his door, letting them in and silencing anything she was going to say with a gentle finger.

  “Shut up and let me love you.” He whispered against her ear, kicking the door closed behind them and Jen yet again had that giddy feeling as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. Sitting beside her, he carefully untied her scarf, setting it beside her and started on her top – slowly pulling it up and over her head, kissing each inch of skin as it appeared. Once that was done with, he removed her shoes and socks and then slowly undid the button on her jeans. As he lowered his face to trail burning kisses after the denim Jen felt her skin heat with desire and forgot all her embarrassment at her nakedness. When the jeans were on the floor he moved up to her bra, lifting her with one giant hand while he undid it with the other before laying her down gently and lifting it away, kissing each soft mound beneath. Jen sighed softly as his tongue flicked out to tease each nipple into hardening and felt him smile against her skin. He didn’t say anything though and after a few moments he moved on to her panties. She’d subconsciously gone for black lace and was glad she had as he took a moment for amused admiration.

  “Very pretty.” He murmured, running a finger beneath the top and giving her a darkly wicked smile. Jen tried to find something witty to say, but somehow her brain had dribbled out of her ears and all she could think about was how it felt as his fingers drifted lower. Hooking a finger in each side, he pulled them down as he had done her jeans and kissed beneath her navel as she lifted her hips to let him slide them off. “We’re going to play a game.” He whispered as he dropped the filmy item over the edge of the bed. “I’m going to do unspeakable things to you and you are not to make a sound okay? Because the instant you do I’ll stop.” Jen nodded, having totally lost the ability to speak in any case and he grinned. “Good girl.” Shrugging out of his shirt, he pushed her knees apart and lay between them, hooking an elbow under each of her soft thighs so he could lower his face between them. Jen jerked in his hold as a strong tongue delved into her and gripped the sheets until her knuckles went white in an effort not to cry out. It was the most exquisite torture she’d ever experienced and her breath came in hard fast gulps as she struggled to keep herself under control. When his exploring tongue drifted upwards towards the most sensitive spot, she actually resorted to biting the edge of the quilt to keep quiet and from the way he took a moment to tickle her side, he knew it. Strong hands kept her still as she bucked against the sensation building deep in her core and Mark slowly brought her to climax. She came in silence, shuddering beneath his fingers and his tongue and he chuckled as he pulled himself upright to look down at her.

  “Damn woman, you are one tough cookie!” Jen grinned fiercely up at him, refusing to say anything that might make him stop and he shrugged. “Have it your way.” He said easily and reached into the drawer in the night stand to retrieve, of all things, a pot of something that looked very blue. “Don’t worry, this’ll all peel off easily in the morning.” He assured her and dipped his fingers into the substance before trailing swirling patterns across her pale skin. “I bought it in memory of our night at the Manse.” He explained, concentrating on his living canvas.

  As peculiar as it felt, it was strangely seductive to have her skin painted so and Jen watched with curiosity as he filled in tribal designs and swirls. He didn’t leave anywhere unmarked, even her legs and arms – painting right up onto her hands and feet. When the front was dry, he made her roll over so he could paint her back. It didn’t take long and the paint dried remarkably fast into a rubbery substance that flexed with her skin and within fifteen minutes she was back looking up at him. Lifting her chin he painted one last design on her neck and then leaned down to kiss her.

  “Now you’re all mine.” He joked, putting the pot back into the drawer and peeling the rest off his fingers. It was difficult to explain but in some deep spiritual way it actually felt to Jen as though he really had marked her for his own. She made a mental note to ask him what the designs were for later, but for the present it felt almost as though he’d drawn an enchanted web across her skin and the sensation was deeply arousing. Taking her scarf from where he’d left it earlier, he loosely tied her hands together and fastened them to the headboard. Jen remembered at the last moment to stifle a giggle and he stopped in the process of pulling his jeans off.

  “Was that a sound?” He questioned teasingly and Jen did her best to look innocent as she shook her head. It wasn’t easy – looking innocent when you’re flagrantly naked and tied to a bed covered in what she presumed was liquid latex is something of a challenge, but he accepted her denial and continued removing his clothes.

  They made love in silence, moving together in easy rhythm as Mark kissed her face and neck tenderly, running his hands across her skin possessively as it trembled beneath his touch. When that still failed to break her silence he grinned down at her.

  “What does a man have to do huh?” He asked, not really expecting an answer. Picking up the pace he thrust into her harder and faster until she squeezed her eyes shut in ecstasy. “Look at me.” He told her hoarsely and her eyes fluttered open to gaze up at him, right into his eyes, as he slammed into her one last time and spilled his seed into her body. Riding the orgasm, Jen didn’t drop his gaze once and it felt like his intensity was searing into her soul.

  “Oh my god!” He breathed once he’d recovered. “Woman, you are going to break me!” Jen shrugged as best she could with her hands tied above her head and gestured with her chin towards the courtesy pad and paper the hotel left out for guests. Wearily, Mark held the paper as she gripped the pen in her teeth and wrote a very lop-sided but straight to the point message that read ‘Keep going or beg for mercy…’.

  When he read it, Mark began to chuckle and then laugh and before long he was howling with mirth, clutching his sides.

  “Okay you win.” He conceded, when he’d calmed down enough to speak. �
��I give up. But we’ll play this game again okay? When I’ve thought up some extremely dirty and depraved things to do to you.” Jen nodded and then she began to laugh too.

  “You came close.” She admitted. “Your poor quilt has taken a serious chewing. Can’t wait to see what you come up with…” Her smile was wicked and Mark felt himself stirring again so he pulled away from her before he was tempted to do something about it.

  “Damn it woman I already asked for mercy!” He was trying not to laugh at her clearly mischievous expression and she sighed.

  “Well then untie me and let’s rest for a while.” She chuckled huskily. “Wouldn’t want to wear you out with so many hours left before morning…”

  “Oh God…” Mark groaned as he did as she requested and Jen couldn’t resist.

  “Yes, my child?”

  It turned into a long and crazy night and when Jen turned up at Tom’s family home on Sunday she was weary but elated. Tom’s parents welcomed her warmly and she followed them through to what had become her second family, feeling guilt stab in her stomach.

  “Everyone! Jen’s here!” Jennifer grinned as Tom’s dad announced her arrival and then stepped back so she could be swarmed by siblings and various nieces and nephews.

  “Hi guys!” She was genuinely pleased to see them. She loved them all dearly. The thought of leaving them behind to run away to New Zealand filled her heart with anguish and for a moment she decided she just couldn’t do it. Walking away from Tom was one thing, but leaving all of these people behind as well didn’t bear thinking about. And despite the things she had done and the feelings she had experienced, the naked truth of it was that she had known Mark only two weeks. How could she trust that this wasn’t some honeymoon period and that three weeks into her time with him he wouldn’t suddenly turn into a tyrant? Her memories may have shown her the devastating events that may occur if she stayed, but at no point did they show her the outcome of her following her heart either.


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