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King's Fancy

Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  King stretched his hard body on top of Fancy, pushing her legs apart with his knee. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out, he was just about to combust with need. Every fiber of his being screamed for release. “Are you ready for me, love?” He gazed into the face of the woman who’d awakened desire in him, who made him crave things he’d denied himself for too long.

  “I think so. I don’t know what to do. You’ll have to show me.” Fancy arched her back, straining to connect with him, to touch all his body with all of hers. She could feel his hot, iron-hard shaft throbbing against her thigh and her femininity pulsed when he touched her. While he petted and rubbed her, she whimpered, her secret place growing damp in a way she didn’t understand. Clinging to him, she felt shaken and desperate. “I feel funny, I think something’s wrong,” she told him softly.

  King raised up, holding himself off her. “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

  Mortified, she closed her eyes. “I’m wet between my legs.”

  Emotion – tender and powerful – swept over him. “You’re supposed to be, that’s your body wanting mine, that’s how you prepare yourself for me.”

  “Good.” She blushed. “I was so embarrassed.”

  “You’re so sweet.” King trembled as he was filled with an overwhelming hunger for what she so sweetly offered. How did he ever get so fortunate? She was so loving and generous. He wasn’t worthy of her, she deserved a man who was whole and able to love in return. If he were as noble as he purported to be, King would get up and walk away, leave her innocence intact for some better man.

  “Come back, I want you.”

  “I’m so thankful you do.” Drawing in a ragged breath, he positioned himself to enter her. “Spread your legs wide, baby. I’m a big man.”

  Fancy did as he asked, opening her thighs, and making room for him. She waited in dazed rapture as he guided the head of his cock to the place in her body created for just such a miracle.

  King held his breath as he entered her, waves of intense pleasure swamping him as her tight warmth accepted him, enveloping the wide head of his starving manhood. He bowed his head and groaned, wondering how in the hell he’d done without this. “Oh, fuck, baby, this is amazing. Perfect.”

  Fancy tensed, her eyes wide, her palms on his strong forearms. She felt full and she knew they’d barely started. Even in her innocence, she knew there would be pain, but it was a pain she craved. For with that pain came a gift so precious, she couldn’t even conceive it. King would belong to her and she would belong to him. “Don’t hold back, take me, King. Please.”

  Her sweet entreaty gave him permission to do what he needed to do – or die. Holding himself up on his forearms, he held her gaze, and pushed in, encountering the thin membrane of her innocence. King stilled himself as he felt her stiffen. “Hold on to me, I’ll make this fast.”

  Trusting him, she dug her fingers into the rock-hard muscles of his upper arms. When he thrust deep she buried her face in his chest and held on.

  “Oh, God.” Pure unadulterated bliss shot through him. He growled his pleasure as he sank deep within her. “Are you all right?”

  Fancy nodded, kissing him over his heart. She hurt, the pain was sharp, but she refused to let on, afraid he would pull away and she would lose this chance to be with him. It was her hope, her desire, to be just what he needed. “I’m good.” As he held himself still, so her body could adjust to accommodate his, Fancy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As the discomfort subsided, she let herself get used to the overwhelming full, intrusive feeling.

  “I’m going to move now.” He growled out the words, his voice tight, his body reacting to pleasure so intense he thought he might pass out.

  “I’m ready, I want this,” she said with more conviction than she felt.

  King pulled back with excruciating, exquisite slowness. Again, he shut his eyes and moaned. How had he existed without this? He felt like a dry, dying desert, enjoying the first drops of life-giving rain. “God, Fancy, this is so good.”

  Fancy took a deep breath and surrendered as he began to move – plunging in and out – over and over again. She couldn’t keep quiet, the cries poured out of her. Not cries of pain, but of growing pleasure. Lost in a euphoric haze, she raked her nails over his back, her legs coming up to clasp him close.

  “More?” he whispered, his voice harsh and raw.


  Shifting so he could kiss her as he thrust, Fancy gloried in his weight, holding her down. The feel of him was more than exciting, it was reassuring. She felt safer than ever before in her life. As her pleasure grew, she found her hips wanting to lift, to move to meet his. This sign of eagerness led him to speed up. “Oh, King, I want…”


  She nodded against him and he grunted his approval, and he began to thrust harder, a relentless, merciless pounding. Grasping her head between his palms, he joined their mouth, kissing her, sucking on her tongue and her lower lip.

  A quivering wonder began to rise from deep within her. A growing hunger. An ache for more. She stiffened, her body bowing as untold pleasure burst within her. “I didn’t know, I never dreamed…” Her thoughts dissipated as sensation built. A sheen of perspiration bloomed on her body as ecstasy broke over her like an incoming wave.

  King felt her find a release, but he held back. He didn’t want this to end, he wanted to give her another release and another. If it was up to him, he’d do this forever. Doubling his efforts, he made love to her in a fiery frenzy, his hips pumping, working to satisfy a burning passion. “Nothing has ever been this good.” He grunted the words. “Nothing.” Fucking her deep, he ground against her. He was nearly out of his mind with the need to come, but still he held ecstasy at bay.

  As he took her, she loved on him – slow, hot touches and passionate kisses, licking and sucking on his skin wherever she could reach. In his arms, Fancy was climbing another shuddering wave, arching higher and higher, with nothing to cling to but King himself.

  “Fuck!” He could feel his control slipping away. “Come with me, Fancy.” Bright images exploded in front of his eyes like cannon fire as all the tension mounting was suddenly set free when a white-hot burst of pleasure hit him like a bolt of lightning. Covering her mouth with his, he captured her sweet cries, cherishing the woman who’d given of herself so sweetly and freely. They reached a shuddering climax together as he emptied himself deep within her, her body contracting around him so tightly he thought he’d lose his mind.

  It was the most amazing thing he’d ever felt in his life.

  For long moments, King was too spent to move. He rolled to his side and carried her with him. “Stay with me,” he whispered. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  Fancy was too happy and satisfied to move. She curled around him and slept better than she’d ever slept before.

  * * *

  When Fancy first opened her eyes, it took her a few moments to decide what was happening. Normally, she woke up cold, but not this morning. She felt cocooned, protected. After she blinked the sleep from her eyes, she realized she was wrapped in a pair of strong arms. King held her close, her back to his front. She could feel his breath on her neck. The sun would be peeking over the horizon in a little while, but for a few heartbeats she luxuriated in the way it felt to wake up in King’s arms.

  This was a whole new experience for Fancy, in more ways than one. After last night, she was a new woman, King’s woman. A smile played on her lips when she recalled the ecstasy he’d given her. If he were awake and she had time before breakfast, Fancy thought she might try to coax him into an encore.

  She also wasn’t used to sharing a bed with anyone. King was big, the bed wasn’t huge, and he slept in the middle. Turns out, he liked to cuddle. Not that she was complaining. Him wanting to hold her was wonderful. With a sigh of regret, she began to wiggle her way out of his embrace. She hadn’t fed the men yesterday and she knew they’d be hungry today. For a split second, she wondere
d how her new relationship with King would affect her position in the household. She wanted to keep helping. If she and King married, she would certainly keep doing what she was doing. After all, that’s what family did for one another – whatever it takes.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  Fancy was just about to slip out of King’s bed when he snared her.

  “Going to the kitchen, I get up this time…every morning.” Speaking wasn’t the easiest thing to do when one’s neck was being kissed…and nipped. She giggled happily. “Everybody will be hungry.”

  “I’m hungry now,” he growled as he turned her over and began eating at her lips.

  Thinking he was serious about food, she struggled further, thinking he wanted to play. “Let me up and I’ll feed you.”

  King began to kiss a trail from her lips, down the cleavage of her breasts, then on farther south. “I have what I want, right here. You.”

  He spread her legs and Fancy gasped when he settled his wide shoulders between her thighs, then lowered his head to kiss her in a place she didn’t even know was eligible to be kissed. “King! I don’t think…ah…oh…”

  He lifted his head and licked his lips. “That’s right, don’t think.”

  She couldn’t, not when he was using lips, teeth, and tongue to give her more pleasure than she knew was possible. Gripping the sheet, Fancy’s head tossed from side to side as he kissed and licked her pink folds. Tingles and thrilling sensations warmed her sex as he buried his face there to give her a gift she’d never anticipated. Closing her eyes, she just basked in the amazing euphoria. And when he sucked her small, sensitive button between his lips, she arced from the bed, crying out his name as a shock of intense pleasure rocked through her. “King!”

  Shaking and shivering, she lay there thoroughly astounded. Stunned. Her breathing harsh, her brain muddled by an act so generous, so intimate that she couldn’t conceive why he would do it for her. As he kissed a path back up her body, to end at her lips, she held him tenderly. “I’ve never felt anything so wonderful. I wish there was something I could do for you.”

  King chuckled. “Well…now that you mention it…”


  “Well…now that you mention it.”

  Fancy smiled and fanned herself at the memory of what she’d learned how to do this morning. As she worked, she couldn’t stop thinking how King had shown her how to please him.

  “So, I can kiss you in the same way you kissed me?”

  “Yea, if you…want to.” King stammered a bit, heat rising on his face.

  “I want to, tell me what to do.” Nothing builds up a woman’s self-confidence more than a man’s desire. After the night she’d shared with Kingston Ramsay, Fancy was flying high. Going to her knees, she’d eyed the tented covers. “This is interesting.” Giving him a mischievous grin, she’d chewed on her lower lips and yanked the covers back. “I didn’t get to look at you last night.”

  She could remember King groaning when she’d wiggled down next to his side to examine him closely. In her time of service, she’d changed a multitude of diapers and washed countless small baby boy bodies. She’d even seen older men whip out their peter in alleyways to take a piss – but she’d never seen a man like this. In awe, she’d closed her palm around him, marveling at his girth. “No wonder I had a hard time. You’re so big.” Her thumb had caressed him, and she’d smiled as he’d swelled even larger in her hand. “It responds to me.” She was fascinated with this part of him that had given her so much pleasure.

  “Put your mouth on me,” he’d whispered urgently.

  Feeling shy and excited, she moved even closer, propping up on his strong thighs. Bending near, she’d kissed the side of his shaft, running her lips up and down his length. After he’d hissed his approval, she used her tongue to trace the same path, tickling and licking him up and down.

  “So good. Now, put your mouth over the tip and slide your lips down. Take as much of me in your mouth as you can.”

  Fancy gave him a look. “Really?” When she saw King’s face fall, she could tell he was serious. “No, I want to, I just never thought about…” She shrugged her shoulders, then leaned in to give it a go. Placing her mouth over the bulbous crest, she slid her lips down, using her tongue to bathe the head. Hearing his breathing escalate, she figured she was on the right track.

  “Now suck…” He moaned the words as he tangled his fingers in her hair to hold her head in place.

  Anxious to please, she did as he asked, hollowing her cheeks and drawing on the end of his cock with gentle suction.

  “God, yes. Touch me,” he begged.

  Pride soared in Fancy as she pleasured him, following his directions as he taught her how to stroke him as she sucked, how to take him deeper, and how to play with his balls. She worked at it enthusiastically until she could do all three at the same time. If his reaction was any gauge of her performance, she was wildly successful.

  To Fancy’s surprise, loving on King in this way made her feel very needy. Achy. As she sucked on him, she couldn’t keep her own lower body still. King had sensed her distress and paused her only long enough to rearrange her body on top of his. While she pleasured him, he made her feel good and by the time they were through, she lay supine on top of him, doubly amazed by the joy two people could give one another. In her bliss, she’d scattered kisses all over his body, telling him how much she enjoyed everything they’d done together.

  And now…here she was in the kitchen, burning the bacon because she couldn’t keep her mind on the task at hand.


  Hearing Boone call her name, Fancy jumped a foot off the ground. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Yea, you certainly were wool-gathering.”

  Woolgathering. Good term for it. She grinned. “Yes, I guess I was.”

  “Are you doing well?” he asked with a look of concern on his face.

  “Never better,” she assured him as she fried eggs and put a pan of biscuits in the oven.

  “Well, good. I was wondering if you could send some extra biscuits and bacon with us. We won’t be coming in at noon, we’re bringing the herd down from the hills. We need to make use of our new bull.”

  “Sure, I’ll prepare extra,” she promised, and proceeded to do so.

  “Where’s King?” Jericho asked when he came in with Ace to join Boone.

  Fancy couldn’t control her blush and she knew the two men didn’t miss it. “He’s…detained. He’ll be in soon.” After their passionate bout, she’d dressed quickly to put breakfast on the table and he’d run down to the creek for a quick dip. They were fortunate enough to have a hot spring on the property, so there was an alternative to filling the tub when they wanted to take a bath.

  “Detained.” Jericho repeated as if he was trying to read between the lines.

  She nodded. “I think he went to the springs for a bath.”

  “Ah… Well, when he comes back, tell him we’re heading out and taking Ace with us.” Boone muttered. “Domino and Reno should be back this afternoon, so you two should have plenty of time to do…whatever.”

  Fancy wished her emotions didn’t show so easily on her face. She’d never be good at poker. “We’re not going to do anything particular. I’m going to check my garden spot, that’s all.”

  “Sounds good.” Jericho grabbed a few cookies for the trail. “You two will have the place to yourself.”

  When he winked at her, she realized he hadn’t been so easily fooled. Fancy was a little self-conscious, but she was so happy, so it didn’t seem to matter very much. Soon, they’d marry and there’d be no reason for her to be embarrassed.

  After the men left, she took the opportunity to mop the floor. Leaving the back door open so the portion she’d already gone over could air dry, Fancy wasn’t aware he’d come in until he cleared his throat.

  “Oh, you scared me!” She whirled around, only to find him standing there looking sheepish with his hands
behind his back. “Boone told me to tell you they’ve gone to bring the herd down from the high country. They won’t be home until late.”


  He was obviously up to something, so she backed up a step. “What do you have behind your back?” Remembering one of Ace’s pranks, her eyes widened. “It’s not a garter snake, is it?”

  “No.” He looked offended that she’d think so. “I picked you some flowers.”

  Fancy smiled and gasped when he handed her some yellow cone flowers with black centers. “How beautiful!” She clasped her hands to her breast and beamed. “Thank you. No one’s ever given me flowers before.”

  “You should have flowers every day.” He presented them to her, then gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed last night and this morning. I feel like the sun has finally risen after a long, dark night. You’ve put a smile on my face that just won’t quit.”

  His words thrilled her. She’d never been anyone’s reason to smile before. “I love them so much.” She raced to find something to put them in. “Sit down, I saved you a plate of food.”

  He ambled over to the long wooden table and pulled out the chair at the head and sat down, never taking his eyes off Fancy. “So, we’re here by ourselves. Alone, you say?”

  “Yes. It seems strange with everyone gone off the place but us.” She set his breakfast before him, her eyes twinkling.

  He chuckled. “Like an old married couple who finally get all the kids out of the house for once.” Taking his fork, he began to eat. “What do you suggest we do with all of this solitude?”

  Picking up her mop, she leaned on it, giving his question some thought. “Well, I want to go out and see if any of my vegetables are up.”

  King looked a bit disappointed. “Is that the best thing you can think to do, check on your turnip patch?”

  Sensing he had something on his mind, she smiled. This new boldness she felt was heady. The way his eyes moved over her body gave Fancy great courage to say and do whatever came to mind. “Did you want me to practice my new skills?” She came to him, ready to go to her knees at his feet.


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