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King's Fancy

Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  King was justifiably mesmerized and astonished. He’d been on a starvation diet for so long, as far as sex was concerned, he felt like he’d just been invited to a holiday feast with all the trimmings. “I want you to do that for me as often as you will, but right now…” He held out his hand. “I have something else in mind.” Pulling the mop from her hand, he pushed it aside and let it land unceremoniously against the counter. “You see, all the time I was bathing, I couldn’t help but make a list of the things I want to do with you and the ways I want to do them.” Bringing her to his lap, he settled her sweet body across his thighs and branded her lips with a kiss. “Never in my life have I had someone like you. Knowing you’ll be sleeping in my bed every night and I can reach for you anytime I want has kept me constantly hard. Feel.” He placed her hand on his erection.

  Fancy loved the picture he painted. She gave his dick a little squeeze. “What do you want to do? Shall I get undressed?”

  “Not completely, it won’t be necessary for what I have in mind. Let me show you.” He pushed his half-eaten plate of food aside, more important things on his mind. Helping her to her feet, he turned her to face the table and he stood behind her.

  Fancy was so excited, she could feel that magical spot between her thighs begin to tingle and throb. Never had she expected her life to take such a turn. Gone was drudgery and loneliness. Now, she wasn’t alone, and every minute of every day was an adventure. When he pressed himself to her back, she rested her weight to his chest, loving how solid and strong he felt. As his lips found her neck, she shivered, tilting her head to one side to give him better access. She gasped when his hands came up to cup her breasts, massaging them through her clothes. “I’m glad Reno picked out dresses and shifts that button up. Easy access,” King murmured as he proceeded to undo her dress and shift to the waist, leaving the top of her garments open to his questing hands. All she could do was hold on to the edge of the table as his hips rhythmically worked, pushing his huge manhood into her backside.

  “There are many ways to make love. I want to show you something I’ve dreamed about.” He was a man of great imagination and little practical experience – unfortunately. As often as he’d imagined making love to his ex-fiancée, they’d never done more than kiss chastely in the presence of a chaperone. Now, with Fancy, he’d be able to indulge himself, fulfill all his fantasies. His poor cock thought they’d died and gone to heaven. All it was used to, was the dry, rough palm of his hand and now he could sink into the velvety wet softness of a beautiful woman as often as he pleased.

  Fancy gave herself over to him, loving how he filled his hands with her breasts. “I love how these are made,” he told her. “You have the prettiest pink areolas topped by these large nipples I dream about sucking.”

  Closing her eyes, Fancy leaned back into him as he placed his palms over the swollen peaks, spreading his fingers around the full globes. When she shivered in his embrace, he began kneading the soft mounds, squeezing and elongating, milking the nipples, repeating the caress until her head fell back on his shoulder and she moaned, arching her back to push her breasts harder into his hands. “Dear heavens.”

  “Feel good?” King really didn’t have to ask, he could tell she loved the way he worked her tender flesh, shaping them, molding, milking them until she was writhing in his arms, sensual sounds of bliss coming from her lips. Her pleasure spiked his and he needed more.

  Fancy trembled as he ran his hand up under her skirt to caress her leg. When he tugged on her pantaloons, she giggled. “I can see where this is headed.”

  “Oh, can you?” Unable to resist, he let his hand come up to cup her womanhood, finding it creamy and wet for him. “God, you’re a living doll. I feel like a child with a new toy.” As he kissed and nibbled where her neck met her shoulder, he reached down to free his cock from his pants.

  “How is this going to work?” she asked with delicious trepidation.

  He was so hard and swollen, his cock ached. “Bend over and hold on to the table.” When she did, he fit himself to her, guiding his cock to the tender well of her opening. Reaching around her waist, he found her clit, feeling her tense in anticipation. “Relax, you’ll like this, I promise.”

  Fancy surrendered with complete trust as he entered her slowly, rocking his hips until he was completely seated. “That’s it.” He nuzzled her neck. “So tight. So good.”

  She bent her head and closed her eyes as he forged deep, one hand cupping her breast, the other between her legs, rubbing the throbbing button in endless, burning circles. Euphoria clouded her senses and she almost passed out with the pleasure. Her whole body was humming as he forged in and out of her in a steady rhythm. Her fingers curled, and she clawed the table, pushing back against him. She was close. Hungry. “Harder, King,” she urged, her body flaming as he massaged her clit, tugging and pinching. “Please.” Fire seared deep, drawing up into a tight spiral, ready to spring, releasing lightning flashes of pure pleasure.

  King knew what she was begging for and he intended to grant her wish. As much as he wanted to prolong this ecstasy, he knew he couldn’t last, not with her tight walls fluttering and rippling around every inch of his cock. Slamming deep, he humped against her round, firm hips, keeping his hands busy, ravishing her breasts and the throbbing button between her legs. When she came, he knew it, he could feel the storm rise and take hold of her as she screamed his name, her body convulsing in his arms. Holding on, King continued to buck his hips, his cock jerking, thrusting deep, filling her with his seed as the raw explosion hit him, a tidal wave of ecstasy. “God, yes!” he bellowed, pressing his face to her back, his whole being drowning in pleasure.

  Fancy was too weak to stand. When King dropped back in his chair, she went along with him, sprawled in his lap, wanton in her satisfaction. “This is a most unusual morning, Mr. Ramsay. Broad daylight and we’ve just…”

  “We just fucked,” King chuckled, whispering in her ear. “Just wait and see what the rest of the day holds.” When she stood to her feet, he helped adjust her clothing, then gave her another surprise. “Let me do a few chores and we’ll go down by the river for a picnic. If we sit in the sun, I don’t think it will be too cold.”

  Fancy didn’t care whether it was cold or not. The idea of picnicking with King was irresistible. “All right. I’ll see what I can gather for us to eat.” Impulsively, she threw her arms around his neck. “You have made all the difference in my life. No longer is it dreary and hopeless, you’ve given it meaning. I look forward to a future with you, Kingston Ramsay.”

  King held her, even though her words caused him to mentally stagger backward. He hadn’t considered the future beyond the blissful days ahead when he’d have her in his bed or wherever else mood and opportunity struck. Almost tongue-tied, he searched for a proper response, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, Fancy seemed unaware of his inner turmoil.

  “I have a few things I want to do too.”

  “Fine.” He nodded and smiled, his feet heading to the door as fast as possible. She didn’t notice his shift in demeanor, for the look of absolute adoration in her eyes didn’t change. Raising a hand, he gave her a half-hearted salute as he made his escape.

  “I’ll be waiting,” she called to him sweetly.

  “Oh, Lord…” he mumbled as he fled to the barn. Women were the most complicated creatures on earth. Why couldn’t a woman be more like a man? At the absurd thought, he smiled. No, he didn’t want that – he liked Fancy to be a soft, alluring woman.

  He just didn’t want to make any promises he couldn’t keep.

  * * *

  When the sun was high in the sky, Fancy sat waiting on the porch with a basket filled with food. She’d been on make-shift picnics before, especially when she was living on the street. Every meal was a picnic then. This was the first time she’d done so with a man, a romantic outing. To say she was elated was an understatement.

  With hands folded, she swung her feet, the smile on her face big and beaming.
Her eyes scanned her surroundings, watching for King’s figure to appear. She didn’t know where he’d gone, but she’d expected him back by now.

  She waited a while longer, shielding her eyes, looking in every direction. Had he changed his mind? No, he’d be here, she told herself. Fancy felt a blush creep up her cheeks when she thought about what they’d done in the kitchen. A soft laugh slipped from her lips when she realized that she’d never be able to see that table without remembering. Would she be able to serve meals without giggling like a schoolgirl?

  With a sigh, she let her mind wander. The garden was coming along. She’d checked on the progress of her seeds and found tender green shoots breaking through the dark, rich soil. Like her, they were beginning a new life. Fancy shivered with sheer joy when she considered what the years ahead of her would be like. Would they have children? They would. She could just picture a little boy or girl, with blond hair and blue eyes. She wanted to give King beautiful children. Although, if they did look like her, she’d love them to distraction, and teach them they were perfect – the way King thought she was perfect. He’d said so. She hugged herself with happiness, recalling that he’d whispered how beautiful she was to him.

  As the minutes passed by, she began to wonder if something had happened to him. Her heart contracted at the thought. What if he were hurt? With concern for him her only thought, she jumped down and began to run toward the fields, yelling at the top of her lungs. “King? King? Are you all right?”

  Riding up from the south side of the property, King heard her calling him, her voice frantic. Dammit! He hadn’t meant to keep her waiting so long, he’d found a dead cow and stopped to ascertain what had happened to it. His first thought had been Indians, but he’d quickly changed his mind. What he’d found disturbed him. Her throat had been cut. Indians would’ve butchered it, taking the meat and the hide. This appeared to be a killing, just for killing’s sake. If Bohannon weren’t in jail, he would’ve suspected him.

  “Fancy! I’m here!” he called, galloping up. The relief on her face when she spotted him made his heart hurt. After her remark about the future this morning, he’d known he needed to do some thinking and they needed to talk. He wasn’t relishing the idea and he was in no hurry to do so. Primarily because he didn’t know what he wanted to say at this point. He might be wrong, but he wanted to enjoy this time with her, not worry about what the future might hold.

  “Oh, I’m so glad!” She hurried to meet him, launching herself into his arms the moment he dismounted. “I was imagining all sorts of things.”

  He allowed himself to kiss her, as drawn to the sweetness of her lips as a bee to clover. “I ran into a little problem.” Not wanting to put a damper on things, he chose not to tell her about the cow. “I’m here now.”

  “I’m relieved.” She kissed him again. “Let me fetch the picnic basket and the blanket, then we’ll be off.”

  King followed Fancy part way, waiting for her to rejoin him so they could head to the river, a short distance from the cabins. When she came to him, all smiles, he couldn’t help but smile back and marvel how different she looked now than when she’d first come. With the sun dancing off her gorgeous hair that flowed like a gold-red waterfall down her back, he thought she was the loveliest sight he’d ever seen. Yes, she’d gained weight, her color was healthy, her eyes were bright – but if he were honest, she’d been beautiful all along. Inside and out. When she held out her hand to grasp his, he took it, running his thumb over her knuckles. “Give me the basket to carry and tell me about your family, Fancy.” He really wanted to know, and this would keep the conversation away from any talk of the future – for the time being, anyway.

  She relinquished the basket silently. At first, he thought she wasn’t going to answer. As they strolled toward the river, passing cattle held in a fenced off section of pasture near the barn, her attention seemed to be occupied admiring the onset of fall on the hill country ranch. The leaves on the trees were changing color and there was the barest nip of chill in the air. King waited, wondering if he’d made a mistake in asking.

  “I lost my family a long time ago. My parents died of fever when I was barely three. We were put in an orphanage, but after a couple of years we ran away.”


  “My brother, Thomas, and I.”

  Her voice sounded flat and King glanced over to see that her smile had faded, and she looked lost. “Your brother?” Since she’d never mentioned him, he had to assume…

  “Thomas was my world. He took care of me in the orphanage. No one was mean to me until…he died.” She wiped her face. “He died when I was five and he was eight and it was all my fault.”

  For her to go from just speaking to sobbing her heart out threw King for a loop. He did what came naturally, drawing her into his arms. In no time, his shirt was soaking from her tears. “How could it have been your fault, you were five?”

  “He…he told me not to play in the street. But my…ball ran out there and I went after it.” She clutched King’s arms so tightly, he thought he might be bruised. Uncaring, he stroked her back, letting her talk. “I didn’t see the street car coming and the driver didn’t see me. When I looked up, the horses were almost on top of me. Thomas pushed me out of the way, but the streetcar ran him down.”

  “Oh, Fancy, I’m so sorry.” He held her close. “So sorry.” She stood in his arms and shook with grief. After all these years, the sorrow and loss she felt were so evident.

  Finally, she took one last shuddering breath and relaxed. “I got you all wet.” She petted his chest, indicating where she’d cried all over his shirt.

  “Never mind about that, do you want to go back?”

  “Back?” Initially, she thought he meant New York, then realized he meant to the cabin. “No, I want to be with you.” She grabbed his hand and they started off again, her continuing the story she’d begun. “Life changed for me after I lost Thomas.” She laughed sadly. “I became a wild child, of a sort. I found the streets a safer place than the orphanage. There were bullies there.” Shrugging, she nudged him with a shoulder, as if seeking contact. “I lived where I could and made out the best way I could. Foraging. Begging. Eventually, they found me, and I was put on one of the trains south. Since then, I’ve worked in many homes. Some good people, some very bad.”

  King was getting the picture, a picture he didn’t want to see fully. He began to see how hard her life had been. How she’d stayed so gentle and caring was a mystery to him. “I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time.”

  Fancy laughed softly. “All of that’s over now.” She squeezed his hand. “Being here with you is my great reward.” Not waiting for his response, she pointed to a shady place by the river. “How about over there?”

  Great reward. King didn’t know how he felt about being someone’s reward. “Looks good.” He set the basket down and took the blanket to spread on the ground.

  “This is so beautiful,” Fancy said as she sat down to unpack their food. The water rushing over the rocks made beautiful music to harmonize with the gentle breeze and the calls of birds flitting in the trees. “You have a wonderful home. I am so lucky.”

  King sat down across from her, accepting the bread and thinly sliced beef she gave him to eat. “You have taken very good care of us, Fancy. I don’t think I’ve told you that often enough.”

  She waved her hand nonchalantly. “Compared to some places I’ve been, the work on King’s Ransom is a pleasure. You’re my family now,” she said simply.

  They ate in companionable silence, only broken by occasional small talk – him talking about the herd, them wondering about Gentry, and her asking him the date of his birthday. “I think I should know something so important about you, don’t you?”

  “I’m not sure why, it’s not important, but it’s the day after Christmas, December 26th. With the holiday celebrations, not much was ever made about the day. Mattie, the woman who raised me, she always remembered.”

  This bothere
d Fancy. “How about your mother?”

  “She was always busy with parties and such.” He took a bite of a syrup cake she’d brought along. “She died right before the war.”

  “I’m sorry.” Easing close, she covered her hand with his. “Your birthday won’t be forgotten this year.”

  Again, he didn’t commit to anything, he was beginning to feel deceptive. “How about yours?”

  “I don’t know.” Fancy dipped her head. “Thomas and I couldn’t remember the date. I think it was in summer.”

  This struck King as so sad. A protective instinct rose within him. Turning his hand over to clasp hers, he drew her close to join their lips. Kissing her gently, he offered her comfort. She responded so sweetly, weaving her fingers through his hair and slipping her tongue into his mouth, that the moment quickly turned into more. Pulling her down on the blanket, King deepened the kiss, running his hands over her body, wishing she weren’t wearing so many clothes.

  Fancy felt love well up inside of her like a mountain spring. She wanted to give King anything he wanted, everything he deserved. Feeling his arousal, she moved her hands to undo his trousers.

  When he became aware of what she was doing, he helped her. “Oh, God, Fancy, yes,” he hissed as she took him in her hand and began to stroke. At her gentle, insistent touch, his cock swelled, and he threw his head back and groaned. “Amazing.” As good as the searing heat of her lips felt on his throbbing organ, what really rocked him was her eager desire to give him pleasure. In his past encounters, he’d been the one who gave and gave. Not even women he paid gave to him so selflessly.

  Feeling triumphant, she kept up her efforts, bending over to kiss the tip. When she did, his hips jerked, and she smiled as her lips slipped over the head. Having this big man at her mercy, responding to her loving, made her heart soar.


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