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King's Fancy

Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  King laid back and reveled in Fancy’s touch. The rush of wet heat over the eager head of his cock was an experience he wouldn’t trade for love or money. Heavenly, intense suction tightened around him as her velvety tongue swirled and massaged his most sensitive spot. In a pleasure enhanced daze, he gazed up at the sky, his breathing coming faster, pleasure radiating all over his body.

  Fancy loved this, she took him deep, using tongue and teeth to tantalize him. Slipping a hand between his thighs, she took his sac in hand and rubbed his balls. His breath caught as she nestled the wide crest against the back of her tongue and sucked.

  “Jesus, Fancy!” he muttered loudly. His reaction made her smile. She loved him so much, she thought he was perfect. So strong, so male, everything female within her cried out for him. If they hadn’t been outside, she would have stripped off her clothing and rubbed herself all over him. Almost delirious with excitement, she sucked him faster, moaning around his shaft. He was so big, so hard, it thrilled her that he was shaking. “God, yes!” he growled as his entire body jerked with force and the contractions began, his hips lifting rhythmically, his cock throbbing. Wanting to make King happy and show him what he meant to her, she tried even harder, focusing her mouth and tongue to give him pleasure. When the explosion came, Fancy felt a rush of euphoria. She accepted his come, swallowing around him, loving how he moaned and shuddered his approval.

  Once he was spent, he collapsed on the blanket and Fancy raised up, lovingly stroking his thighs. She loved looking at him. His face was so perfect, with sated pleasure etched on his masculine features. Rising to her knees, she kissed his mouth, his bottom lip was swollen from him biting it, and his golden hair was damp with exertion, clinging to his forehead. “I love you so much.” When he didn’t respond, she studied him closely, realizing he was fast asleep.

  Her happiness complete, she gathered their leftover food together, and repacked the basket. Once she was through, she sat back on her heels to enjoy a quiet moment of complete contentment.

  A strange sound drew her attention.

  An ominous rattling.

  Her eyes were immediately drawn to the area just behind King’s head. To her horror, she saw a huge rattlesnake, undulating and coiled tight. Ready to strike. So afraid he would move and startle the big reptile into action, she began to whisper. “King, sweetheart, open your eyes, but don’t move a muscle. Please, baby, listen to me.”

  To her relief, she saw his eyes open. Seeing his hand move slightly, she cautioned again. “Don’t move, darling. Just give me a minute. I’ll distract him and get him away from you.”

  King started to protest, but everything happened too fast. He could hear the tell-tale rattling, and he could see the look of determination on her face. Knowing how much she hated snakes, he couldn’t reconcile her actions with what he knew to be her greatest fear.

  Gritting her teeth, she sought for wisdom, knowing she had to do something. There was no way she was going to let that damn snake bite King. Easing slowly to the side, she took the top of the basket in her hand. To her relief, her slight movement caused the snake’s head to move. Now, instead of King, he was focused right on her. “That’s right, you devil, come after me.” With one lunge, she flung herself just right of the snake, the basket top in her hand. “Leave him alone!” she cried as the snake struck, extending its full length to hit the basket, trying to get to Fancy.

  King was absolutely stunned. His reaction, however, was swift and sure. As soon as she moved, he moved, rolling over and pulling his gun. As the snake went after Fancy, he pulled the trigger, shooting the reptile just as it sank its fangs into the wicker.

  Fancy was absolutely weak with relief. She turned her back on the dead snake, trembling with emotion. “That was so close.”

  “And so damn reckless.” King holstered his gun, then stood to adjust his clothing. “Caught me with my damn pants down around my ankles.” With a snarl, he went over to pick up the reptile with a stick, walking over to a clump of bushes, to toss it out of sight. His hand was shaking, knowing what almost happened. And not just to him. To Fancy. Wheeling around, he stomped back to the blanket and took her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. “Don’t you ever take another chance like that!”

  Fancy frowned, narrowing her eyes. “What was I supposed to do, let him strike you? A bite in the face might kill you, I’ve heard of it happening.” Crossing her arms over her breasts, she stood her ground. “I’m not sorry. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”

  His chest heaving, weak from adrenaline, King stared at her. There was something so damn familiar about her determined stance, her adamant defense of him. He was torn between wanting to fall on his knees and kiss her feet or pulling her over his knee and spanking her sweet ass. Since neither seemed like the best plan at the moment, he yanked her to him and kissed the dickens out of her. Fancy struggled at first, but when his kiss grew heated, she melted against him, throwing her arms around his neck.

  Both were so caught up in the kiss, that neither heard the clip-clop of approaching hooves. A few feet away, Reno and Domino surveyed the scene with bugged out eyes and a dropped jaw.

  “Well, what have we here?” Domino drawled.

  Reno looked on with fascination as King and Fancy jumped apart.

  “Oh, my goodness,” she muttered, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

  King put a hand on his hip and stared at his companions. “What’s a person have to do for some privacy around here?”

  Domino pulled his hat down over his eyes. “Well, excuse the hell out of me, Cap. I hate to interrupt your little tryst, but the sheriff needs you to come to town. Bohannon’s hired him a hot-shot lawyer from back east and if you want to put him behind bars, you’re going to have to go testify.”

  Fancy straightened her dress and picked up the basket and blanket.

  “Would you like a ride, Miss Fancy?” Reno held out his hand.

  “Thank you, Reno.” She allowed him to help her astride behind him.

  As King watched them ride off, Domino snickered. “I wish you could see the look on your face.”

  “What look?” King snarled.

  “Jealousy. Infatuation.”


  Domino laughed. “I don’t think so, I think you’ve fallen like a load of bricks for the mail-order bride.”


  Fallen for the mail-order bride?

  King just shook his head. “Nobody’s fallen for anybody, we’re just…” Hell, he couldn’t even find words to explain what they were doing. “Not that it’s any of your business what I do.”

  Domino dismounted and fell into step with King. They walked a few steps, before the doctor broke the awkward silence. “You’ve taken her to bed, haven’t you?”

  King made some grumbling noises, then answered. “We’re both adults and we’re not hurting anyone.”

  “Are you planning on marrying her?”

  Domino’s stark question caused King to misstep, and he almost tripped. Righting himself, he glared at his friend. “You know how I feel about marriage.”

  “Does Fancy know you’re taking advantage of her?”

  “I’m not taking advantage of her! She’s a very willing participant!”

  “She’s in love with you. It’s as obvious as the nose on your face. She came here ready to love you, took one look at your ugly mug, and offered you her heart.” Domino took off his hat and slapped his thigh with it. “If you’re just playing with her, one of us ought to take you out behind the barn.”

  “I guess which ever one of you is brave enough, can give it a try.”

  Their voices were even, but emotions were running high.

  “You know how women are treated over such matters. We live in a very unforgiving world. Women who are used like this are shunned by society. Is that what you want?”

  King waved his hand, indicating the ranch. “We’re isolated out here. Seldom get a visitor. I don’t expect my own men to g
ossip about my affairs. So, who the hell is going to know?” Domino started to say something, but he didn’t give him a chance. “You know how alone I’ve been. In fact, your concern is what brought her here! It wasn’t any doing of mine!”

  “Don’t try and blame us for your decision. Things like this have a tendency to become known. You know this isn’t what we had in mind. If we wanted to bring you a whore, we would have.”

  King stopped and faced Domino, hands on hips, jaw set. “Don’t ever use that word in connection with Fancy, I forbid it!”

  Domino stepped closer to King, getting right in his face. “Well, don’t treat her like one!”

  Before Domino’s eyes, King seemed to deflate. His shoulders drooped. “I didn’t intend to. I just got caught up in…” He dry-scrubbed his face. “I’ve missed feeling like a man.”

  “I understand, Cap. That’s why we were concerned in the first place.”

  “I just need a little time to sort things out in my head.” He laughed dryly. “The woman swept me off my feet.”

  Ever the physician, Domino addressed a concern. “Are you doing anything to prevent pregnancy?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t have any of those French preventatives, those rubber sleeves.” King frowned. “I’ve never liked using them to tell you the truth.”

  “Common complaint.” Domino sighed. “I’ll talk to Fancy, give her something.”

  King grimaced. “Shit, Domino. I don’t like this at all.” He should just promise to stay away from her, but he didn’t think he could. “Whatever you were going to give her, give it to me, I’ll talk to her. I don’t want her to know we talked. I don’t want to embarrass her.”

  “I was right about what I read on your face, you do feel something for her.” Domino sounded somewhat triumphant.

  “Of course, I feel something. I’m not a monster.” King began walking toward the ranch. “Before you arrived, she risked her own safety to save me from a damn rattlesnake.” He huffed out a harsh breath. “I don’t know what I feel, to tell you the truth. I’ve been too caught up in the…”

  “Our Fancy is a brave one, no one can dispute that.” King didn’t have to say anything else for Domino to know what he was feeling. “As far as women and sex are concerned, you’ve been closed off ever since…”

  “Caroline.” King finished for him. “Yes, I know. I’ve let her betrayal affect me far more than I should have.” He could thank Fancy for bringing him back to life. “There’s one thing you should know before I leave.” King changed the subject. “I found a cow with its throat cut. You and Reno need to keep your eyes open.”

  “Do you mean the cow was intact, no butchered for the meat?” This was strange.

  “No, it was just killed. Murdered. I doubt anyone could claim self-defense.”

  “Vandalism, maybe.” Domino’s mind was spinning. “Somebody may be trying to get our attention.”

  “Well, they’ve got it and they’re not going to like the consequences.”

  …Inside, Fancy put away the remnants of their picnic. Reno had escorted her home, then went to his own cabin to change clothes and rid himself of trail dust. He hadn’t mentioned the kiss he and Domino had witnessed, and she was grateful for the reprieve. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she sat down a moment to collect her thoughts before beginning supper. Things were happening so fast, she didn’t know which end was up.

  The memory of King’s near-miss with the snake made her shiver, then she blushed remembering what she’d done to him right before. In some ways, Fancy was having trouble recognizing herself. Having Reno and Domino ride up to find them kissing, made her realize they were going to have to be more careful. They could have easily shown up a little while before and caught her… “Oh, my word!” She covered her cheeks as her mind imagined how embarrassing that would’ve been. If the men knew they were a couple or if they were engaged, she might not feel so exposed and vulnerable. Taking a sip of coffee, Fancy tried to reassure herself. King would soon make everything right.

  A noise at the door caused her to stand to her feet. King entered with hat in hand. “I wanted to tell you that I’m heading into town to make a statement to the Sheriff about Bohannon’s crime.”

  “All right.” She nodded, wondering why he was standing across the room and looking decidedly uncomfortable. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, no.” King reassured her. He wasn’t about to bring up Domino’s concern, not until he had the device in hand and time to talk about their situation. “Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to tell you goodbye and find out if there was anything you needed for me to pick up in town.”

  “No.” Fancy shook her head. “We’re still good on supplies.” At the moment, she was more interested in the strange look on his face. Unwilling for them to part with doubts on her mind, she put aside her fears and walked up to him.

  King drew in a hard breath when she cupped his cheek. “I’m sorry your friends saw us kissing. I know you wanted a chance to tell them first.”

  Tell them what? This was King’s question. “Don’t worry about it, this will work itself out.” His words seemed inconsequential compared to how he was feeling when he was this close to her. Every part of his body was drawn to her, he couldn’t keep his hands from reaching for her. There was no way he could ever resist this woman. “Come here, I need to hold you.”

  With absolute relief, she went into his arms, lifting her face for a kiss. He didn’t disappoint, fitting his mouth to hers, and threading his fingers through her hair. She clutched his shoulders, anchoring herself to him, wishing she could keep him this close forever. When he was away, she had doubts, but when they were touching, all misgivings fled.

  King’s cock went hard in a rush and his skin burned with the need to feel her against him, soft and unclothed. She was so sweet, her response to him so genuine and caring. The tiny quiver of her lips made his heart lurch in his chest and the feel of chill bumps rising on her arms as he caressed her, let him know how much she felt when he touched her. He deepened the kiss, drawing her even closer to him, his hand moving down to cup her bottom. Fancy made a purring sound in her throat and her tongue brushed his lip. Fire shot from King’s mouth to his cock, he growled, moving his chest across hers so he could feel the hardness of her nipples pressing through the layers of clothing.

  “Hey, King!”

  Ace’s voice suddenly sounding in the room drove the couple apart as if dynamite had been set off.

  King wiped his mouth, his eyes darting away from Fancy whose head was ducked as she sought to regain her composure.

  “Ace, what’s up buddy?”

  Ace looked at them suspiciously. “What were you two doing?”

  “Nothing, just telling Miss Fancy goodbye. I’m going into town.”

  “Yea, I know!” He brightened, the kiss forgotten. “Boone said you might let me go with you. I’ve done all my chores. It’s been a long time since I got to go. Would you like some company?”

  Fancy grinned at King’s discomfiture. Taking the boy wasn’t part of the plan, but he didn’t have the heart to tell him no. This was just one of the reasons she loved this man. “Let me pack you two some jerky and biscuits for the trail.”

  “Go get your bedroll and put it in the back of the buckboard. Hook up the horses too, while you’re at it. We’ll be gone overnight, but I don’t plan on paying for a hotel room.”

  “Heck, no. I want to camp out. We can tell ghost stories!”

  As he ran off, Fancy ventured a glance at King. “Ghost stories, I almost want to go with you. Sounds fun.”

  His earlier concerns abandoned, King could only think about what he was missing. “Staying here with you would be a helluva lot more fun.”

  Fancy rushed to him to hug his neck. “Well, hurry home. I’ll be waiting and lonely without you.”

  * * *

  Having Ace tagging along was probably a good thing, for King didn’t spend any time worrying about Fancy or the problems on the ranc
h. The boy talked nonstop. From the time they left until they reached Kingsland, the boy chattered like a magpie. The only thing that seemed to quiet him was the spooky stories King had whispered around the campfire – tales of ghostly soldiers, and big-footed beasts that roamed the woods. Affection for the waif rose in King’s heart, he couldn’t help it, he’d become attached to the young man and any thought of him leaving was unacceptable.

  As they drove the wagon into town, he gave Ace a few coins and told him to head to the mercantile for some licorice. “I’ll go speak to the sheriff and then meet you there. I want to pick up a few things for Miss Fancy.”

  “Oh, boy! Licorice!” He tied the wagon to a hitching post, then scampered off, leaving King to venture into the lawman’s office alone. As he was stepping onto the boardwalk, he caught sight of a man peering at him from around a corner, some distance away. King stopped and stared back. “Hell, no.” Taking off at a run, he tried to apprehend the individual. Not that he’d done anything wrong, looking wasn’t a crime, but if he wasn’t mistaken, this particular onlooker was none other than Jubal Pierce. “What’s he doing in town?”

  Try though he might, when King reached the point where he’d seen the skunk, there was no one in sight. He must’ve ducked into some doorway. “Oh, well, perhaps it was my imagination.” Maybe – but he didn’t think so. He had this gut feeling he was being followed. After searching for a few more seconds, he returned to the Sheriff’s office to file the official complaint against his neighbor.

  “Kingston Ramsay, good to see you.” Sheriff Jeb Porter rose from his desk to shake hands with King.

  “Jeb, good to see you too.” He didn’t know the lawman as well as he liked, although he’d been the one to bring him to Kingsland, even paying his salary until the town could grow sufficiently enough to support him. Despite the role he’d played, King expected no special treatment. “I see our prisoner is still doing well.” He pointed at the cell where Bohannon waited.


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