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Warrior of My Own

Page 18

by Knightley, Diana

  “Are you in the car? Are you...?”

  All I could hear was the sound of Ben crying and I thought I might have a full blown hyperventilation attack right there. Finally she said, “Okay, I’m driving away. I’m out of the driveway. Okay, I’m done, I’m gone. Can you guys call Zach?”

  Tears streamed down my face. “Quentin is already calling him. Where will you be?”

  “Tell him I’m taking Ben to Micheal’s. To meet us there.”

  “I will, thank you Emma. Thank you for listening and getting yourself to safety and I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry about this. Don’t be scared. Magnus and I will figure out what to do.”

  I hung up, terrified.

  Magnus sat on the edge of the passenger seat. I sat in the recliner in the back. Quentin drove. We were in silence except for the occasional question or vague statement. Mine: “What do you think she wants?”

  Magnus’s: “Are you carrying a weapon?” directed at Quentin.

  Quentin’s: “Should we drop Kaitlyn off at Micheal's too?”

  “Nae, she will need tae be at the house. I have a conversation tae have with Lady Mairead, Kaitlyn may need tae be present for it.”

  He turned to me. “But I need ye tae be verra quiet. Tae nae say a word, only tae me if I ask ye a question. She will want tae draw ye intae a negotiation, but I winna stand for it. I need ye tae follow my orders in this Kaitlyn.”

  I looked at him for a moment. “Yes. Of course. That makes sense. What did Zach say?”

  Quentin said, “He’s on his way to Micheal’s, but he said he would come if he was needed.”

  “Okay,” I said and then we all drove in silence to the house.

  Finally I said, “I thought she said she wasn’t going to mess with us for six months?”

  To which Magnus grunted. And began to strap his sword belt across his wide chest.

  Chapter 49

  When we arrived at the house Quentin pulled the RV into the driveway. Magnus stalked through the RV to the back and slid his sword out from under the bed. I watched through the window as Quentin and Magnus climbed to the pavement. When Quentin was performing his duties as a security guard he usually had a gun strapped to a shoulder holster, nestled near his ribs. But today he didn’t. He hadn’t been on official business, just driving, his gun was upstairs. He and Magnus stood outside of the RV and discussed quietly. I made out words as they murmured the strategies.

  Magnus said, “...I’ll go directly to the deck...”

  Quentin said, “...I need to get to the cabinet for my piece....”

  I sat there like I had been told. I was feeling better though the nausea had been replaced by cold icy fright, and I really wanted to go lie down again. But what? Something big was about to happen. The kind of thing I feared would change my life. And it wasn’t just hyperbole, every conversation I ever had with Lady Mairead had changed my life drastically.

  Magnus stuck his head in through the door. “Kaitlyn, we need ye tae come up with us. I canna leave ye here.” I clambered out of the RV and stood in between Magnus and Quentin and we ascended the stairs to our house.

  * * *

  The kitchen looked like Emma dropped everything to leave. There were dishes in the sink, a yogurt tub open with a spoon sticking out of the top. A chill crawled down my spine. Emma had been serving some yogurt and had emergency evacuated with her baby. I would need to pay her extra for that somehow.

  Through the sliding door on the back deck was Lady Mairead, her stiff back sitting erect in one of my chairs. At my table. Under my goddamned umbrella. It was past dinner time but still hot as hell. I was glad she was in her wool garb. She was probably about to faint from the heat. Matthew, one of the new security hires we brought on while Magnus was home, was standing on the back deck with his arms folded. He was older, in his forties, and I felt like an ass giving him orders, and now I would need to give him combat pay for my mother-in-law. How long had he been standing there guarding her, over an hour? I’d have to double his pay.

  As if she could hear us through the door Lady Mairead stood and smoothed out her skirt without turning. Magnus said, “Kaitlyn, follow Quentin please, to our room.”


  And Magnus walked straight for the back deck of our house. I watched him nod at Matthew, who relaxed a bit.

  Then Magnus stood beside Lady Mairead and they began to talk. A breeze had picked up the curl of his hair and the edge of his kilt fabric fluttered a bit in a contrast to the stiff, unmoving, furiously solid body of my husband.

  Quentin led me to the bedroom door using his body to block the sight of me. He opened the door. “Stay here until he calls for you.”

  “You’re going to be out there with him?”

  “I’m going to stand right beside him. Don’t worry Kaitlyn, we’ll figure this out.”

  “Don’t let him touch her, she might jump with him and then—”

  “I won’t. Just stay here.”

  Chapter 50

  I sat on the edge of my bed watching Quentin’s shoulder through the sliding glass door. This sucked. Boring, but yet my adrenaline was pumping. After a few minutes I walked around the bed and slid the door open a crack. I felt Quentin tense, but I wasn’t coming out to the deck. I stood inside my room hidden behind Quentin, my ear pressed to the opening in the door.

  Occasionally I made out small bits from Lady Mairead. “...You would attend me on the journey...”

  Heat seeped in through the crack. It was blazing hot outside. I felt sorry for Magnus and Quentin and Matthew, all sweltering. I hoped Lady Mairead might pass out. A little heat exhaustion for the drama she was putting me through.

  “...I am glad you are more amenable tae the idea...”

  My husband’s voice was indistinct, though I pressed closer trying to hear. He kept his voice measured and low. I glanced at the clock, it had been twenty minutes.

  “...I do apologize for the treatment of your Kaitlyn...”

  “...I am sure we can come tae a better agreement...”

  Quentin whispered over his shoulder. “He’s inviting her into the house.”

  I said, “shit.” For lack of a better thing.

  * * *

  Magnus came to Quentin and said, “Have Kaitlyn call Zach, ask him tae come and bring food to serve. I have asked Lady Mairead to dinner.”

  I asked through the crack in the door, “What kind of food?”

  Magnus said, “He may bring whatever he likes.”

  I lowered my voice. “No poison?”

  “Tis nae the time for it.” Then he was gone. I had kind of been joking but his voice didn’t seem to be.

  Chapter 51

  I called Zach. He asked what kind of food he should bring, and I told him Magnus said to bring whatever he wanted. Then I sat on the bed and stared at the wall. I could hear Magnus’s voice outside on the deck and then in the living room. I still couldn’t hear well enough — blasted air conditioning hum. Their voices sounded like they were being pleasant. Then I heard Zach enter the house and the rustling of bags. I was super impressed he came considering how furious he must be for the fright Lady Mairead gave Emma. I would have to pay him extra too. Everybody would need a raise.

  After so long it was getting quite dark outside plus inside because I didn’t turn on lights, Magnus came into our room. He sat on the edge of our bed.

  I swung my feet off the side and sat beside him. “How’s it going?”

  His pause was long. He looked at my face and brushed hair from my cheek and his fingertips traced down my jawline to my neck. “Tis goin’ as would be expected. I want tae kill her. And she would deserve it. But I am tryin’ tae control my anger and come tae an agreement with your interest in mind. But och, she is shifty. She has agreed tae take the neckpiece from ye.”

  “What did you give up in return?”

  He looked down at his hands. “I have given her my word that I will come when she calls.”

  My heart sank. “Today? Not today r
ight? Not right now?”

  “Not right now.” He sighed. “She meant it tae be right now, but she has given me a reprieve because of the bairn ye be carryin’.”

  “Oh. Well that’s good, right?”

  “Aye.” He rubbed his hand up and down on his thighs. “My question for you is would ye be able tae sit across from her at the dinner table considerin’ your long history of troubles? I winna blame ye if you wanted tae sit here in the room but I would consider it a great favor if ye could come.”

  I put my hand on his. And rested my head on his shoulder. “Of course I’ll come, what kind of food did Zach bring?”

  “He has brought Mexican.” He smiled a little. “He told me twill be verra spicy.”

  * * *

  Magnus led me into the room and held a chair out for me at the table. He sat between me and Lady Mairead, allowing her to have the seat at the head of the table. Where she used to sit when she lived here. Everyone was quiet, tense, and nervous. Quentin stood against the wall behind me. Zach worked in the kitchen, completely quiet. He was wearing a dirk at his hip, one he used when he was sparring with Magnus. He kept glancing up at us occasionally. Awkwardly.

  Lady Mairead said, “You are looking well Kaitlyn. You are carrying a bairn?”

  I glanced at Magnus from the corner of my eye. He nodded. I answered, “Yes. I’m about a month along.”

  Her eyes twinkled, much like a look I had seen in her son’s eyes, but where his were mischievous, her eyes were malevolent.

  “I have said this before but it remains true, you have surprised me with your abilities, Kaitlyn Campbell. I believed ye to be capable, but you are devious in your art.”

  I didn’t look at Magnus. I didn’t need to. Answering that would throw me into a frenzy so better to remain quiet. I gulped down a small bite of burrito and stared at the chair back across from my seat.

  “You made a deal with me, but now ye are carryin’ a bairn, and I am tae let ye from your deal else I am made tae be a tyrant.”

  I chewed slowly. Wiped my mouth on my napkin.

  Magnus said, “Lady Mairead, I expect ye tae refrain from insultin’ Kaitlyn further.”

  She slowly watched me and then nodded. Her eyebrow arched carefully. “I see Magnus. You have curtailed her wild spirt. She asks your permission tae speak. She knows her place. You have handled it all very well.”

  Magnus growled.

  “But then she has altered ye as well. You werena willing before tae speak tae me on these matters and here you are, pleading for my compassion. Bargaining and negotiating with me. I find ye both remarkably changed.”

  She ate a bite of her pinto beans with cheese. “I greatly admire a young woman who can accomplish taming a warrior such as yourself Magnus. Though I of course need you tae do battle for me, as we spoke of, daena let Kaitlyn make ye soft.”

  I glanced at Magnus.

  It hadn’t been that long ago that he argued I was making him soft. With vitamins. God, I hated my mother-in-law.

  He stared straight ahead. Chewing. I wondered if anyone in the history of the world had ever had such an awkward dinner party as this?

  Lady Mairead ate another bite of beans, leaving the very spicy burrito sitting untouched. “I will need tae depart soon.”

  Magnus said, “You need tae remove the shackle first.”

  “True.” She drew the syllable out long. “But I am nae amenable tae taking it off here. You are within a suitable distance tae cause me a great deal of harm. Your security guard is just there. Another on the back deck. As soon as the hold is off Kaitlyn’s neck I will be in grave danger I would think.”

  “If you think I am lettin’ ye take Kaitlyn anywhere else ye are gravely mistaken.”

  “You daena trust your mother, Magnus?” A chill ran up my spine.


  “See you are verra confused on this matter. My word is absolutely tae be trusted. I have meant every single word I uttered here today.”

  Without knowing I was going to speak I said, “You told us you would leave us alone for six months, yet here you are, six weeks later.”

  “Ah.” Her malevolent smile widened. “She does speak without permission. There’s the Kaitlyn I remember. Kaitlyn, I have also brought you a peace offerin’. Tis over there against the wall.”

  A linen bag leaned in the corner of the living room stuffed bulging full of a lot of things. “I don’t believe it does any harm tae come visit my family. My daughter is about tae give me another grandchild. I have come bearing gifts. I wasna expecting a renegotiation of our deal, yet here we are. Is your word tae be trusted Magnus?” She paused, staring at his stoic face, his jaw clenching and unclenching. I watched from my periphery. I swear to god the gold plating around my neck felt tighter.

  She continued, “I believe ye mean tae be. You have a bairn on the way. You have come tae me with a vow. I trust ye tae do what ye have promised, so I will take the shackle off of Kaitlyn’s neck. I will do it though, without ye shadowing over me.”

  She pulled the napkin from her lap and put it beside her plate. “Kaitlyn, we will walk to the end of the deck.”

  I glanced at Magnus, he nodded stiffly. I stood from my chair. He gestured to Quentin who stepped behind me. I glanced at Zach who was watching from the kitchen.

  Magnus said, “If I’m not tae come with ye, I would like Zach tae attend Kaitlyn tae the beach.”

  “Ah, Chef Zach are ye a guard of our castle now?”

  He came around the kitchen island. “I know my way around a knife.”

  Lady Mairead laughed appreciatively. She stood. “Follow me, Kaitlyn.”

  I walked behind her. My hands were shaking and I felt like crumpling into a ball. But instead I had to walk out into the night following someone who wished me a great deal of harm. Magnus had warned me about the danger of being married to him but though I had tried to imagine it I couldn’t have known this. I wasn’t sure I had the strength this required. I wished I had my knife, but I lost it back in 1702 and hadn’t come up with a reason to buy another.

  We walked single file to the end of the deck. Our footsteps thudding down the planks. It was dark yet still sweltering hot. Very hot. Sweat bloomed from my skin. I took a bit of joy that Lady Mairead must be desperately hot. Of course that would make her pretty pissy too.

  Zach walked behind me. Magnus and Quentin remained on the back deck beside the sliding glass doors. I watched them gesture and make eye contact exchanging signals about a plan. A plan that probably involved the gun Quentin had strapped to his chest, but now they were behind me and I was blocking Lady Mairead so I had little hope that it would work. Plus the last thing Quentin needed to do was shoot someone on our deck. He would be in so much trouble.

  At the end of the deck Lady Mairead descended the steps to the sand and led me across the dune in the dark. To the right were three stakes with caution tape strung around a sea turtle nest. I hadn’t realized it was there. The turtle must have laid the eggs while we were on our vacation.

  The sea turtles were protected. Like I was being protected. I just had to do this one thing — follow Lady Mairead out to the beach and allow her to take the shackle off my neck. Then I could go back to being with Magnus. Waiting for the baby.

  What had he promised her?

  Lady Mairead pulled to a stop. She arched her brow and commanded. “Step forward, Kaitlyn.”

  I raised my chin while she adjusted the hair off my shoulders.

  She said, “Despite your suspicions, Magnus needs my protection in the coming months. Just as I need his. I really do have his best interests at heart.”

  Her hands went around my throat and peeled the gold leaf from my neck. It felt satisfying, like pulling Elmer’s glue off my skin, but also sent chills down my back. The proximity of her breath, the sweat rolling down my skin, the darkness all around. I knew Zach was just behind me, but I had no idea where —

  I asked, “What deal did he make?”

  She stepped back wi
th the neck piece in her hand, now returned to a small circular piece much like a bracelet. “You will need tae ask Magnus for the details. They daena include ye so I winna inform ye of them.” She reached into her sporran and retrieved the time vessel. “You may return to the house now. It was a pleasure seeing you again Chef Zach, give my regards tae Emma.”

  I walked across the dunes fast, hearing my mother-in-law muttering numbers behind me.

  Zach pulled in and jogged behind me, close. My feet hit the steps as the storm began to churn, wind and electricity and a roaring noise. I jogged down the boardwalk with Magnus jogging toward me. We met in the middle and I fell into his arms crying.

  He held me fast. “Tis okay now Kaitlyn, tis over.” He faced the beach, but I couldn’t watch. I held my head in his shirt waiting for someone to give me the all clear. To tell me she was finally gone.

  * * *

  We got into the living room and Zach started it, “What the fuck was that? That was seriously fucked up! Did you see me though? I was eyeing her, had my hand on my sword. I would have done it too if I needed to, but man, that was—”

  Magnus said, “Chef Zach, you were a true warrior standing out there in the sand. I was sure ye would rescue Kaitlyn if twas necessary.”

  Zach said, “I have to go call Emma. We’re cool now, right? She can come home?”

  Magnus said, “Aye, she can come home.”

  Chapter 52

  Magnus wouldn’t tell me about the deal.

  When I asked him that night in bed, he said, “You ken about it if ye think on it. Tis nae different really from the deal we had afore...” His hand stroked up and down on my arm. “Tis nae that I want tae keep it from ye, but I daena want tae speak it.”

  “I need to hear it.”


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