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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 7

by Tia Siren

  Her cheeks heated up, and for a split second, I thought she was going to continue crying. Her hands pressed into the files, her fingertips curling, and I was ready to send her home. I could stay behind and finish this work if need be. The only thing her emotion showed me was that she wasn’t ready. She had ideas and suggestions, but she didn’t understand how to take simple commands.

  But when she slowly turned her angry gaze to me, I knew I was about to get a glimpse of the Crissy I’d just admitted to missing this morning.

  “Not everyone can be perfect like you, Grant,” she said.

  “I’m not asking you to be perfect,” I said. “I’m asking you listen.”

  “You want listening? Well, then open your ears, Mr. Jacobs. I didn’t want this job, not by a longshot. I came home and my stepmother couldn’t stand to be around me, so my dad sent me here, out of her hair and out of his life so he could keep playing with his little trophy wife. I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek out this job. Hell, I put in applications to other places that would’ve paid me twice the money you’re paying me now. And I would’ve gotten those positions, too, had my father not been fielding those fucking interview phone calls and telling them I already had a job. He goes from not giving a shit about me to meddling in all my shit, and now you want me to organize your files in some shit way that doesn’t accomplish anything just so you can see my ass bounce to some music? Are you insane? Listen to this, Mr. Jacobs: If I suck so much, then why the hell haven’t you fired me yet?”

  I clenched my jaw and held her gaze. Hot tears streamed down her face as her words hit me hard. I wasn’t firing her because I saw potential. I saw the intelligence she had wrapped up in the body of a hurt, vulnerable, neglected young girl. She had all the potential to take on this world and win if she could put her fucking pride aside long enough to figure any of it out.

  But apparently she wasn’t doing that today.

  “And another thing—since you say my voice should he heard: You’re going about this meeting all wrong. If you want to talk with them about the acquisition, then you need figures on your precious little PowerPoint. You don’t need to remind them of the money they’ve entrusted with you in the past. Don’t insult their intelligence. Just give them the overall figures on your PowerPoint, then press a few buttons and have an arrow that skyrockets into the heavens. Smooth talk them. Tell them about the money they’ll make. Show them proof: case files, areas where you took their money and grew it. You don’t need original sums. You need the growth percentages, the interest rates, the fees they paid you and how that doesn’t make a fucking dent in the money they’re swimming in down in their basements.”

  Her chest heaved as I listened to every word pouring from her lips. I couldn’t help but smirk at her and the way passion was pouring from her body. Never in my life had I seen a woman devour business the way she was, but I needed her to know she was still learning.

  She still didn’t have the upper hand, though she so desperately wanted it.

  “Miss Marks, let me ask you this: Have you bothered to flip past the first page of these files?”

  She froze. The confidence drained from her face, paling the color of her skin. I reached beside her and flipped open a file, then turned the page, revealing to her all the information she was correct about me needing. I flipped through page after page of statistics and accurate growth charts for each individual sum of money donated by the men I was meeting with on Monday, and I watched the frustration of defeat simmer behind her eyes.

  “Whatever.” She rounded her desk and grabbed her purse and shoved her phone in it. She put her earbuds in her purse before she stepped out from behind her station, but I reached out to grab her arm. The last thing Crissy needed to do was run away from this situation. Whether she realized it or not, this would be good for her.

  “You can’t run away from confrontation, Crissy,” I said.

  Her arm flexed beneath my hold, and the hairs on my skin stood on end. The sunset began to stream through the windows of my office, casting a warm glow upon Crissy’s body. She slowly turned her head, the sunlight reflecting in her eyes as her gaze held mine, and all of a sudden, the air around us crackled with energy.

  I held her gaze and she held mine, and for a brief moment, nothing else existed. The fire behind her eyes raged to a burning, volcanic explosion, and it sucked the breath from my lungs.

  She’d never looked more appetizing to me than she did in that moment, bathed in the light of the sun as it descended over Baton Rouge. The moment she threw herself at me and grabbed my collar, I knew I was done for.

  I was about to snap.

  Chapter 10


  I could no longer hold back the urges my body was feeling. His demanding touch upon my skin rooted me to my spot and spun my head in ways I’d never felt before. I lunged for his collar, grasping it in my hands before I crashed my lips up to his. My mind reeled with the familiarity of it as we stumbled back into his office. I heard the door slam behind me before his arms cloaked my back, his teeth raking over my bottom lip as I moaned out in pleasure. Our tongues battled for dominance as he marched me over to his desk, his hands pressing my hips painfully into the edge of it. He wanted me still and silent, at his every beck and call as his lips ravaged down my neck.

  And oh, how my body sang out for him.

  His hands ripped my pants down, and I pulled my blouse over my head. His lips sucked patches of my skin between his teeth, biting and nibbling as my hands worked their way underneath his suit coat. He leaned me back, my skin inches above his desk, but then I heard a crash as everything went falling to the floor. By the time we were done ripping each other’s clothes off, we were clad in nothing but our own skin, and he was laying me down onto his desk.

  His body shone in the glistening sun, radiating a sun-kissed youth that shocked even me. His muscles bulged as his lips wrapped around my nipples, teasing and nibbling them as my juices spilled out onto his desk. My legs hung off the sides, and his swollen lips made their way down my body, but every single time, he returned to my tits. His hands massaged the insides of my thighs, pulling moans and groans from me as my juices dripped down my ass crack.

  I wanted him more than I could stand, and my back arched into his lips to try to get him to move down again.

  I felt his tongue twist around the barbells. I gasped and jumped with every flick of his tongue. He grinned into my skin while the little disco balls partied on his tongue, but I moaned out with satisfaction as he slowly began to travel lower. He slid to his knees, his nose nuzzling the trimmed curls of my pussy. His hands pressed my knees open, spreading my body out for him as the sun set beyond the trees.

  Then his tongue dove into my depths.

  “Holy shit, Grant. Fuck. Yes. Holy…holy shit.”

  It flicked and sucked the exact thing I wanted. My clit was swollen out from underneath its confines, and his lips puckered for those sweet kisses that drove me wild. My hands wound tightly in his hair, pulling him closer to me as I began to buck into his face. I could hear his tongue lapping at my wetness, swallowing me down audibly as he drank up what I had to offer him.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my toes began to curl. My back arched off his desk as my body shook, and all of a sudden, stars burst within my vision. I moaned and whimpered in his office, spilling streams of juices onto his desk as he rode out my orgasm. His tongue flicked and pressed, shaking me on his desk before my back finally dropped in exhaustion.

  Never in my life had I come that hard.

  “Holy fuck, Grant.”

  His hands clutched my hips and turned me over on his desk. My feet slid to the floor, my legs trembling as his cock throbbed against my skin. He slid the head of his thick dick between my pussy lips, soaking his skin before he pressed the head of his cock up to the entrance of my pussy.

  “Do we need a condom?” he asked.

  “No. I’m on the pill,” I said.

  “Good, because
I’ve been thinking about fucking you on this desk since the first day you walked in with that fucking lacy bra of yours showing.”

  He shoved himself deep into me, and my head arched back in ecstasy. It felt like I was losing my virginity again. He spread me painfully, my walls crying out for mercy as he bottomed out into me. I clawed at his desk as his hand wrapped itself within the tendrils of my hair, wrenching my neck back as my pussy clenched around his cock. He bent over, licking the shell of my ear as I shivered for him.

  The little boys in college had nothing on the expertise of Grant Jacobs.

  Slowly, his hips began to roll. My tits pressed heavily into his desk as my ass bounced for him. The faster he thrust, the more I lurched. Grunts punctuated the slapping of skin as his balls knocked against my clit, and with every touch of them, my body jumped. His hand tightened in my hair, and my hands curled around the edges of his desk. His hips snapped into mine as my pussy fluttered around him, and the only thing I could think about was how good it felt. I was fucking my boss on his desk after hours, and it obliterated any fantasy I could’ve ever conjured about him.

  It was forbidden, sensual, and mysterious. It was secretive, lustful, and passionate. It was easily the best fuck I’d ever received, and he wasn’t even done yet.

  “Have you been thinking about this cock?” he asked.

  “Holy fuck, yes.”

  “Have you been dreaming about it?”

  “Oh, you’ve got no idea,” I said, moaning.

  “You like your pussy gobbling down my cock?” he asked.

  I couldn’t take his words. They ricocheted off the corners of my mind as he throbbed against my walls, and suddenly, my vision began to tunnel. I wrapped my hands around his strong forearms as I slowly rose from his desk. I planted my feet on the floor as his lips came down to my ear, peppering the side of my face with kisses as my pussy clamped down on his cock. I could feel myself spilling over the edge again, coming around his dick as my entire body quaked at his mercy.

  But he had no mercy on me. He pounded me through my orgasm until I collapsed onto his desk.

  He picked up my hips, lifting my feet off the ground, before he continued his assault. His cock throbbed within me, screaming for release as his sweat dripped onto my back. My pussy juices dripped down his balls, coating him in my scent as he turned into a wild animal. He was grunting and groaning and moving his desk with his thrusts. Then all of a sudden, I felt him thrust into me and stop.

  “Yes. Fuck. Crissy, holy shit. Perfect. Just perfect.”

  His cock spilled into me, marking me as his own before his juices began to spray out from between my legs. It all trickled down my thighs, rendering me speechless as my cheek pressed into his desk. Grant slowly removed himself from me before he peeled me from the wooden surface. Then he carried me over to a chair before placing me in it.

  I was heaving for air, and his arms shook as he held me close. I curled into his chest, wanting to feel his warmth one last time before I descend onto the smooth fabric of the chair in his office.

  He went into his private restroom before he came out with a wet washcloth. I watched as his flushed, strong body wiped down my legs, being careful with my sensitive pussy lips as he cleaned me up. He leaned me forward, wiping my back down with the cool water, and I sighed into his skin before he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

  But once he went to clean himself up, I realized what was happening.

  He would want to talk afterward. They always did. He’d want to come out and hold me or some shit, and I didn’t know what to do with that. We’d just had mind-blowing sex, the best I’d ever had in my entire life. The last thing I needed to be doing was staying for pillow talk with my fucking boss.

  So, I gathered my clothes while the faucet ran in the bathroom, and I put them back on. I listened to him brushing his teeth, smiling lightly to myself before I slipped my shoes on. I tiptoed out of his office and grabbed my things, then made my way to the staircase. The dinging of the elevator would catch his ears, but if I took the stairs, I could buy myself a bit more time.

  I wasn’t ready to have a conversation about what had just happened.

  Not just yet.

  Chapter 11


  Things had degenerated so quickly between Crissy and me, and it boggled my mind. How the hell could I actually fuck my best friend’s daughter? She was supposed to be safe by my side, away from all the prying eyes of the junior executives. I was supposed to be the safest option, and yet I’d thrown her over my desk before her first week of work was done. I had no idea how this turn of events was going to affect my friendship with Alex, but I knew it would fuck things up. I’d crossed a line I could never come back from, and I had no idea how to address it.

  But I didn’t regret it. Not for one fucking second. Her pussy had been so tight, and it had tasted of salted honey. I hadn’t eaten a pussy that delectable in years, but I hadn’t lost myself in a woman’s body since my wife died, either. When I buried her, I told myself I’d never open up again. I’d never gaze into the eyes of a woman before I bent her over and fucked her hard. I’d never moan her name the way I did my wife’s. I’d never throw her around the way I did my wife. That was solely for the two of us, for the way we loved one another and cherished each other’s bodies.

  Holy hell, I missed that woman.

  I’d broken all those rules with Crissy. I’d looked right into her eyes before she crashed into my body. I’d held her tight, close to my body, before I felt her come all over my tongue. I had allowed myself to lose it, to crave coming inside a woman. I hadn’t painted the walls of any pussy without a condom until Crissy.

  Until she uttered those beautiful words I’d wanted to hear before I plunged into her depths.

  The way she was so willing to take me in was remarkable. The way her pussy clamped down around my intrusion before her body gave way to my command was nothing short of breathtaking. The sunset had painted colors all along her back that I could still see, even in my dreams. I woke up that next morning with the biggest raging cock I’d ever experienced, and it hurt to fucking move. Crissy had bathed me in her juices and marked me as her own, even though I’d bitten every part of her body to make sure she knew exactly who was the boss.

  She was a brat, but deep down, she was an intelligent young woman, full of life and vivaciousness. Her body called to me in the most primal of ways, but her eyes pulled me into the depths of her soul. There was more to her than met the eye, more to that attitude she put forth at work. It infuriated me, sure, but she didn’t get like that on her own.

  I wanted to peel back her layers so I could taste her further, make her better and support her in this journey we were traveling together. I wanted to help her, coach her like someone had coached me.

  I tried to take my mind off things with a cold shower, but I still couldn’t get the encounter out of my mind. When I’d come out of the bathroom, she’d been gone, and I had to admit that a part of me was angry about that. I knew I hadn’t scared her, but the least she could’ve done was stuck around to talk. If she was going to make all these fun little adult decisions with her life, she needed to learn to take accountability.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to wait until Monday morning to corner her and talk, so I decided to make a trip over to the Marks’s house. I grabbed a golf club from the garage that Alex had loaned me awhile back. Then I ventured over to their place. Pulling up into his driveway, I felt guilty. I’d have to look into the eyes of a man I’d trusted for years, knowing I was holding back the biggest secret of his life. I’d have to look at him and reconcile keeping my mouth shut about the fact that I was salivating over his daughter.

  “Grant!” he said when he saw me. “What’s up, man?”

  “Hey there, Alex,” I said. “Just coming to return this golf club finally.”

  “It’s about time,” he said. “You’ve had it for a couple months. Don’t worry, though. Haven’t had much time for golf lately.”
  “He’s been spending it with me, Grant,” Mel said. “I’m so sorry for bogarting Alex.”

  “It’s quite all right, Mel,” I said. “If I had a beautiful wife like you, I wouldn’t mind her bogarting my time, either.”

  “Oh, you’re such a flatterer, Grant,” she said. “Come on in. Alex could use the guy time.”

  “Yeah. Just come in and hang out for a second,” Alex said. “Mel and I have some things we’re getting on our social calendar. Then I’ll make us up a glass of scotch and we can chat.”

  “And maybe if you’d like, you could stay for lunch or something!” Mel exclaimed.

  “We’ll see where the scotch takes us,” I said, smiling.

  Alex ushered me into the house before the two of them ventured down the hallway. I looked around for any sign of Crissy, then raised my gaze and looked out back. I saw a lounge chair with someone sitting in it, and I felt my cock instantly grow hard. Her luscious legs were curled around the bends of the chair, allowing her soft skin to get a bit of sun. She shifted, and the strings of her bikini fluttered in the wind, catching my gaze as I made my way outside.

  With every step I took, more of her body came into view. I smirked when I saw the light red marks I’d left behind, but I silently chastised myself. They weren’t nearly as visible as I wanted them to be, but they would have to do for now. The last thing we needed was proof of what we were doing, even if it had been just a one-time encounter.

  “Sunbathing, I see.”

  “Yup,” Crissy said.

  “That bikini looks comfortable,” I said.

  “Not my fault you can’t stop staring,” she said.

  She was right. Her body looked sexy as hell in that thing. I turned my gaze toward the house to see if there was any movement, but after I saw none, I crouched down next to Crissy. My cock was throbbing against my pants as my eyes took in her massive tits. I could clearly see the outlines of the barbells that sank into her beautiful nipples.


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