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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 8

by Tia Siren

  What I wouldn’t give to play with them with my tongue again.

  “Why did you leave yesterday?” I asked.

  “It was time for me to go home,” she said. “I worked late, remember?”

  “You know what I mean, Miss Marks.”

  She shrugged, and I felt something slowly light up within me. I wasn’t sure what the hell she thought she was shrugging off, but what we were doing should have been afforded at least some sort of verbal answer. My eyes bored into her as her sunglasses sat on her face, but the moment she slowly panned her gaze toward me, I knew I had her attention.

  “What?” she asked.

  “If you want to be treated like an adult, you’ll have to start taking accountability for your actions,” I said.

  “Does that mean you’ll own up to the fact that you’re fucking your best friend’s daughter?” she asked.

  “Depends. Are you going to stop acting like a spoiled brat?”

  “Depends. Are you going to stop acting like my father?”

  I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest. Already, she had my blood pressure skyrocketing. In a few basic sentences, I’d gone from a calm, pristine man to a hard-boiled shell of a creature who was tired of volleying a toddler throwing tantrums. I bit the inside of my cheek before I looked back over at the house again, and when I didn’t see any movement, I dropped my gaze back down to her.

  “The least you owe me is a conversation about yesterday,” I said.

  “Look, it’s my day off,” she said. “Tomorrow I planned on going in and finishing up shit with those files since it sort of, well, got put on the backburner and all. I don’t need to take your shit on my day off, Grant. So, if you’ll excuse me.”

  I watched her stand up, her thick legs flexing in all the right places. My cock was leaking into my pants as her tits wobbled with her every movement. Her hand grasped the chair to pick it up. I didn’t know why, but I wasn’t ready to let this go. I was going to make her accountable for the decisions she made, even if it meant I had to teach her another lesson in the process.

  “You don’t get to walk away from the hard stuff.” I reached out and grabbed her arm. I watched the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, and the sunglasses she was wearing fell down the bridge of her nose. My heart was hammering in my ears, and the veins of my forearm were bulging from beneath my skin. My eyes grazed her body, taking in every supple curve I hadn’t marked with my teeth yet, and the rubber band I had felt tightening due to her bratty attitude snapped.


  I turned my head toward their guest house and dragged her behind me. She stumbled and followed but never once tugged from my grasp. I stormed through the door and into the darkened room before I slammed it behind me, readying myself for a fight.

  She wasn’t leaving this room until we talked.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Grant?”

  “You didn’t get to walk away from me yesterday when you were frustrated with those files, and you don’t get to do it now,” I said. “First rule of the business world: Confrontation is never to be avoided.”

  “And you dragging me into the pool house is supposed to teach me this lesson?” she asked. “I fucking left because I felt like it. It was late, I was hungry, and you exhausted me. The fuck’s wrong with that answer?”

  “What’s wrong is that you left without giving it,” I said. “You’re my best friend’s daughter and my P.A. We crossed a line, and that line should be discussed.”

  “And what the hell am I supposed to say about it? ‘Thanks for fucking me really good. It’s the best I’ve ever had. Can we do it again, please?’”

  My cock throbbed at her words. My eyes darted down to her lips as my head spun with what she’d just said. Had she wanted to say those words? Did she want another encounter? Was that really the best she’d ever had?

  “Why do you keep coming at me when I keep pushing you away?” she asked.

  It was the first time I found myself in her shoes. She’d asked me a question, a question she was obviously embarrassed about asking, and I had no answer for her. My cock was pressing painfully against my pants, and her body looked so soft, bulging from the string bikini she had tied to her body. All I could think about was teaching her that she just couldn’t fucking run from the hard shit.

  “You can’t run from the hard stuff, Crissy,” I said.

  “You’re not hard,” she said.

  “Then what am I?” I asked. “Why did you leave before I came out of the bathroom?”

  “You’re strong,” she said. “And I’m weak to that.”

  Chapter 12


  Why the hell didn’t this man go away? We had a nice session, we got a little sweaty, and then I slipped out. I gave him what he obviously wanted, so what the fuck was the point? I was giving him what every man wanted! A good romp with a sexy girl like myself who enjoyed giving men attention when they needed it most.

  I felt anxious. I wanted to know why he wouldn’t back off. I wanted to know why he kept pursuing me. Prolonged male attention wasn’t something I got. It wasn’t something I enjoyed. It wasn’t something I fought for. Pull my hair, call me beautiful, make me come, then call it a night.

  That was what I wanted.


  His eyes held my stare, and something churned in the pit of my stomach. His cock was pressing against his pants, and his chest was heaving. I could see the outlines of the muscles around his chest and shoulders through his shirt, and my fingertips twitched with need. My hands began to tremble as he took a step towards me, and words I never thought I’d hear a man utter flew from his lips in a low rumble that vandalized the crevices of my body.

  “Why do I keep coming at you?” he asked, repeating my question. “Because you matter, Crissy.”

  I shuddered as my back hit the guest house door. I was trapped, caught between a man whose body was stalking me and a desire I’d never experienced before. One-night stands I was good with. Some teasing, some nibbling, maybe a bit of mediocre thrusting, then everyone was gone before morning. There were no conversations, no awkward lulls, no wondering if you needed to stick around for breakfast. It was easier to cover up mistakes that way. It was easier to feel needed in the moment without actually caving emotionally.

  It was easier to keep disappointment out that way.

  But the way Grant’s words cascaded over my ears fluttered my eyes closed. I could feel my body, magnetized to his, calling for his as he took another step. It was like he wasn’t fighting it anymore, like he knew the urges he was experiencing were wrong, but he was no longer willing to fend them off. I had to put a stop to this before it got too far, before I got dependent on a man designating my self-worth. Sex was just sex and nothing more. That was easy to process.

  “You know that, right?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked breathlessly.

  “That you matter.”

  No. No, I didn’t fucking know that. I mattered until my mom died. Then I didn’t mean shit until about halfway through college. I was used to not mattering. People didn’t get attached, so if they died, I didn’t have to give a fuck. No more funerals to plan because people were too devastated. No more people telling me I had her fucking eyes because I didn’t have a responsibility to be around them. No connections, no hurt.

  That was how this worked.

  Or at least, it was supposed to. With Grant around, it didn’t seem to work that way.

  “Mind your own fucking business, Grant Jacobs,” I said. “Quit attempting to boss me around. You think you know me. You think you have some kind of in with my family that convinces you that you understand me. You don’t know shit about me.”

  “Then let me get to know you,” he said.

  What the hell had he just said? This wasn’t how this was supposed to work. I was supposed to be a regret, a mistake. He was supposed to make me talk so we could talk about how much of a mistake it was and how no one could ever know about it
. We were supposed to make some sort of dastardly, grown-up pinky swear about how it was never going to happen again. He was supposed to tell me his friendship with my father meant everything to him and that a little brat like me wasn’t going to spoil that for him.

  He should be saying it wouldn’t ever happen again. But instead, he’d chased me down at home over the weekend, dragged me into our guest house, and told me he wanted to get to know me.

  Grant took one last step toward me before he reached his arm out for the door. He planted his hand on the heavy wood, his fingertips locking the door shut. My eyes slowly trailed up his arm, the sun-kissed skin of which throbbed with the blood pulsing through his muscles. My gaze took in his broad chest and how his body was leaned toward me. I raked my eyes to up his, so close at this point that I could feel his breath pulsating against my lips.

  Suddenly, I felt like I was underneath a microscope. I felt like all my layers were being exposed to the sun. His dark hair fell lightly upon his forehead, and his green eyes glowed with the intensity of the sun. I felt the moat I’d dug around myself receding, allowing him to cross the waters and get just a bit closer to my walls.

  The walls I’d erected after my mom died.

  “Grant,” I said, whispering.

  “You say I don’t know you,” he said. “Then let me get to know you. Let me rectify that.”

  “Grant. I…”

  My legs gave way to his strength. The sizzling heat from his body radiated against mine, beating down on me with its own intimidation tactics as I pressed myself into the door. He was all passion and intelligence and experience, and I was quivering in my bikini as my nipples stood at attention.

  For a split second, he flicked his gaze down to my tits.

  “You want to get to know me?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said, bringing his gaze back up to mine.

  “Then why don’t I get to know you first?”

  I dropped to my knees and began unbuckling his belt. I pulled his cock out, the massive pendulum throbbing with aching fury. The tip was already leaking as he planted his hand on the door, and soon I had him distracted the only way I knew how. Grant was a wonderful nuisance. He was tall and brooding, serious and strung way too tightly. I loved being able to unwind his panties from the bunch they were in. As I slid my lips around his dick, he groaned while his legs shook.

  “Holy fuck, Crissy.”

  I hummed around his dick in response, drawing from him a gasp that sounded like the desperate call of a lonely man. I recognized that gasp. It was the gasp I always gave after every wonderful masturbation session I had in the shower. Removable showerheads were my best friend when I needed the job done right, but there was always that twinge of loneliness that mixed with my last breath.

  And I heard it within the first of his.

  His intensity was intolerable, and I was ready to drive it away. I was ready to suck his asinine questions and his stupid desire to get to know me right through his dick. The last thing I needed was some man who thought he could boss me around, poking around in my sternum. I wasn’t about to rip myself back open for the likes of a man who worked with my father, but I sure as hell was about to shake his entire body with a mind-numbing blowjob.

  I hollowed out my cheeks as my jaw began to ache. Grant’s hand fisted my hair, pumping my lips up and down his throbbing cock. I felt a pulsing vein run along the side of his thick slice of dick, and my tongue trailed up it before I licked his strained cock head. His precum melted on the tip of my tongue as I pulled another groan from his throat. Just as his hand began to falter in its movements, I sucked him to the back of my throat.

  “Holy fucking shit, Crissy. Fuck.”

  I wrapped my arms around his legs and grasped his tight ass. His muscles shivered underneath my fingernails as I raked them down his thighs. I wanted to mark him the way I knew he wanted to mark me. I wanted black and blue stripes to ricochet down his skin by the time I was done gobbling his cock down. His hips began to roll into my face, swelling my lips as I hummed around his dick. He jumped every time he hit the back of my throat.

  I fluttered my eyes up to look at the East Coast’s up-and-coming CEO of the Year.

  He was going to be coming all right. And he was going to be moaning my name while doing it.

  “Shit, Crissy. That mouth. Holy fuck.”

  I hummed in approval as I dug my fingertips in again. He shook and swayed, losing himself in my warmth as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He leaned his forehead against the door, shoving his cock all the way down my throat, and I nuzzled his little patch of hair on his pelvis before I smiled. I could feel his heartbeat raging through his rock-hard cock. It pulsed against my lips as I held him at the back of my throat. I could hear him panting, heaving for air as his legs trembled, begging for mercy.

  But he wouldn’t get any mercy from me today.

  Today he would realize who really had all the control in this duo.

  Chapter 13


  Holy fuck. Crissy’s tongue was magic. Here I was at the home of my best friend and my cock was shoved between his daughter’s lips. I couldn’t believe my luck, but my eyes kept flickering toward the house. I kept peering through the small window of the door, making sure no one was looking or actively searching for either of us. The idea of having to keep all this a secret while muffling my sounds was too much for me to bear. I felt my balls pulling deep into my body, threatening to spray cum all down Crissy’s throat.

  I wanted to make it last as long as possible, but every time her tongue wrapped around my throbbing cock head, I had to bite back a groan. I felt her nose nuzzling into my curls as her mouth smiled around my dick. I laid my head against the door, my legs locking up just as my body threw me over the fucking edge. I stilled my hips, slicing her throat in two with my raging dick as my cock throbbed against her cheeks.

  Her cheeks hollowed out, pulling thick streams of come from my dick that she was all too eager to swallow. Her fingernails were like ice against my skin, scraping at me as if she were clinging on for dear life. I looked down at her and watched those swollen lips work for my pleasure, and for a split second, I thought my knees would collapse. Her tits looked so beautiful pressed against my legs, but it was her beautifully innocent stare that drove me absolutely wild.

  She swallowed every drop I offered, and my body still quivered as she cleaned my cock with her tongue. Her hands slid back around to my thighs, running up them both as she slowly stood to her feet. My dick growing limp, its energy stolen by the lips of the beautiful young woman rising up into my vision. She slid herself between my body and the door, a devilish grin apparent on her flushed cheeks.

  “We still need to talk,” I said breathlessly. “You haven’t gotten out of that.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “I’d love to do it now, but I’ve been gone too long. We’ll talk Monday, all right?”

  “Sounds good to me,” she said.

  I pulled my pants back up and tucked myself in before she swung the door open. She looked back at me, blowing me a small kiss with those pouty lips. I wanted to take her lower lip between my teeth and chew on it until she cried out for me. I wanted to run my hands up and down those supple curves, my fingertips sinking into the thickness of her body.

  But I had to go find Alex. If I didn’t find my way back to the house soon, he would grow suspicious.

  Crissy dove into the water as I walked from the guest house. No one had wandered outside yet looking for either of us, so I simply slipped back in through the sliding glass door. There was a bottle of scotch as well as two crystal glasses sitting on the kitchen table, so I called out into the house to see if I could locate Alex.

  “There’s a wonderful bottle of scotch on the table,” I called out. “I wonder who that could be for?”

  “About damn time you resurfaced,” he said. “I was wondering where you went.”

  “Sorry. I got to talking with Crissy about her first w

  “I peeked out back but didn’t see you guys there,” he said. “Did she try to get into the liquor cabinet in the guest house or something?”

  “Or something,” I said.

  “Well, if she’s trying to get you into trouble here, I can only imagine the type of trouble she’s causing at work,” he said as he poured us both a glass of scotch.

  “It’s been a challenge, as I’m sure we both assumed it would be. But it seems like things are finally getting on track. You know, she’s got some decent ideas.”

  “Really?” he asked.

  “You seemed shocked,” I said.

  “I don’t know. I just never really saw Crissy as the business kind of person. I figured she was sailing through college on extra credit or something.”

  I had no idea what that statement was supposed to mean, and I decided not to press it. If I wanted to get to know Crissy a bit better, then part of that meant analyzing her home situation. A young woman like Crissy didn’t turn out the way she did all by herself. She had help getting there.

  And the more I knew about that “help,” the more I would know how to truly help her.

  Whatever that meant.

  “Well, she’s pretty knowledgeable,” I said. “A little hard of hearing when it comes to details, but at the very least, she’s got the same information and facts rolling around in her head as our junior executives.”

  “No shit?” he asked. “Crissy? Man, that’s wonderful.”

  I watched him drink his scotch, and I slowly began to see Alex in a different light. There had never been a part of me that doubted his capabilities as a father. Hell, I was the last one to judge that, seeing as I had no kids myself. But I did grow up with wonderful parents. Supportive parents who took a liking to the things I enjoyed and followed my college career. Parents who cheered me on and, at the very least, had conversations with me and gave me chances to defend myself if they didn’t side with my decisions.


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